X THE COURIER H to Steveasoa's "A Child's Garden of Verse." la viator I get vp at sight Aitf dressy yellow caadk-fatfat. h iniiir suite tic offer way, I lave to go to fed by day." As cbcotm she rang "There, Little Girl, Doc't Cry!- and "Little Boy Blue." You remember how delightfully Mrs. Katharine Fiake sang them down at Crete several summers ago? Then Mr. Rogera tang 'Deep in a Rose's Glowiog Heart," and "One Spring If oraiag ," and closed tie program with that wonderful eereoade tbat we all know, "Good Night, Good Night Beloved, I Cone to be Near Thee." Thia man ikbs to bare written most of the songs i cares for. t ; A little of bis history. . JIo comrs of a good stock. The Sswk&ley Valley i fall of Nevins. bankets,- merchants, edi tors, all men who have made their mark aad all big fallows who coald carry this frolicsome youth, about like a biby. Taey ca'l him "tha Boy." Ho sarg f ram the time he c iuld talk and pla)ed from J ha time be could reach i he key beard. In school ha was p-eternatjr-ally stupid, out of Echool be was as happy aa a young acitrnl. Ho bad no sister, so he was a girl-boy. lie wroto bh ic when he as thirteen. When h9 was fifteen Le went to Bos'on and Bon jimnF Lange told him he bad geniu?. His father sect him abroad to ttudy under Von Bomhe. When bo felt tbat the boy waa losing his head he called him bom-. It was time to take life seriously; a Nevin could not waste bis life "Ver the piano. Then followed tho3e three miserable years at the Western uaivenity of Pennsylvania; years of failare and irioome duties and hope de ferred. But it was during those months o! ysaraiag that he wro'e "One Spring Horsing," -A Lovo Song," "O. Tbat We Two Were Ma) inj," and "Dirir." The songs were on everyone's lips and his f hr Tiifld. The boy went abroad agaw to study under Von Buelor. Bis ' history staca that time belcngs to it biographies. HU home coming was a bit droll, the descent of this irrepressible youth with his wife and two children and his dogs aad aa Italian valet upon thia aolid, substantia!, well-reputed family. It was a little like Magda's home-coming. Jt was there I mot him. The first hour waa take up with talks of bis life abroad; o! bis home in Florence, his con certs ia Paris, Berlin, Vienna; of the scores of unpublished compositions,Bomo of which will be brought out thia year; of his sammer up among the Tuscan bills when he shipped a grand piano up to MeatepiaBO and wrote most of Magglo in Txmo in the don'iey s'abb In sail for a music room; of all that freo aad glorious life of production and art. Aad ho who told me of these triumph?, of these ecstasies of creation was a sasUiog boy perched upon the arm of a leather read leg chair: Finally I asked him what it felt like to be a child of genius in Pitt3burg. 0 thosi were great old days, except for the faUare at school. I never come back without feeling the chagrin of them aaew. I picked up language quick eiaeagh abroad, bat here it was hopeless. Ihavdcaught upa little ia history and literature of kte yearr, but its all supor icial. Ia reality I kaow very little. But as to the old days. The greatrst pleas ure ia thorn was singing. 1 had a voica tksa. Eight of my uncle?, tte big fel low, yea know, formed aa octett J and they used t j go aronad the littlo towns givtag ceneerla for charity aad they starred me. O yes, I waa a star whea 1 was eight aad used to bo billed ia b'g Ssttsrs from Altoona to Morgmtowa. O the alias of Boeing my name oa the biHe! the letters were sever bigencugh. I was as careful of my throat as a bud ding tenor. They used to Bland me on a table on the atage and sing my accom paniment. And the applause! No prima donna's heart ever beat fastsr. Ab, there ia nothing like it now! I was a convenient prima donna, for I could tirg either contralto or soprano and my repertoire included all the pliintiff dit ties you ever heard. I can feel it all now.r The sprightly youth sprang from the arm ot the chair and catching up a newspaper crumpled it up like a ftn and holding it modestly in front of him, struck the apologetic prima donca atti tude and dolefully warbled forth "But A-A-Alice where art thou?" A laugh, and the newspaper was sent whirrling acres the room and the youth threw himself at full length in the arm chair. "Well, it never occurred to me that I couldn't go on singing 'Marguerite' for ever; or that I shouldn't grow up to ba a full-fledged prima docna. When I was thirteen my voice chunked. Changed? O feeble word! it evaporated, went com pletely, leaving me only the sorry snucal with which I have just hojored you. I wts inconsolabta. My means of musical expression was gone. I was a cad cr -baoy of a boy, and I used to weep for hours. And then I wro elhut serenade, you know, G--od Night, Good Night, Be loved." Ye?, good fi lends, ho wio'e it when ha web thirteen, tbat tendor, adolescent melody xLich Borneo might bavesun? to Juliet. It waa the morning sorgot genius, the song in which he wooed Our High Ladycf Att: This eyes are stars of morning, Thy lips are blood-red flowers!" - Is it any wonder thit even that mot haughty Lady was cot cold to such youth and rapture, that she smi'cd and came? As I was trying to mako him under stand that even in the far west, which te seemed to rrgird with a shiver much as the Ancients rrgirJed Britain, his songs werekcoarn and had brought joy into the lives of meo, I incidentilly told him of how I used to singa little boy to sieep with his "Little Boy Blue" when the summer s'arj were peeping, and how tho laddie cried for it when I wa3 gone. Perhaps I spoke sadly without meaning to, for thero aro lakes ard rivers and many a leazue of frozen prai rie between me and that little boy i on. Very quietly and gravely he io;eand went to the piano. Without -a word of reply he Bang it tLrough softly in the twi.ight. And tcere I shall lavo Ethelber'; Nevin. I can toll you nothing more characteristic of him a3 an artist and a man than tbat simp'e action. Someone he bad rever seen beforo, would never s?e again, waa sad for a momtn1; and he knew tnd cared. That is the essential essence of his geriue; that exquisito sensitiveness, that fins susceptibility to the moods of others, to every external thin? Thtt is why he can interpret a poet's song better than the poet him self; tbat i wby he can put the glory and melancholy of a Tuscan summer into sound; that is the all div ning in tuition. so The rain is but two-and thirty; b afore hiei is the vast unachieved, the infinite ucconqaered. He may Bever write sym phonies; b.9 may never contribute any thing of vital importance to tha litera ture of the piano. But as long as tbe heart in him bat, it will sing. He is merely a troubadour. Since Goring Thomas' death and cothirvr will ever compensate the world for that uoiim.-ly tragedy we have hid no man s thor oughly possessed of lyr'c inspiration. Before htm there i3 song foig sorg. Perhaps fifty glorious 8:nging yearn. But I cannot realize that he is a great man. I shall always seo bim as 1 caw him last, bowiBg bis goodnight, th's joyom troubadour with the smile of a boy aad the slender should rs of agiil; "uatil we meet again." "it was Hadsfssa, HarisauiB, Harlequin, Ssm of the Fsmhow, fel" Pittsburg, Pa. !)9wSL?i,9wovoswwwwwvwwwSw9w9v?9SwSSw f ( I r t t i rv i ii5M2). Aumn L. Milder, Editoil Notice Will secretaries correspond ing with The Courier pleaee forward a copy of their year book for file iu this o3ice. Editor. At the last meeting ot the Fortnightly Mrs. E. H. Barbour presented the result of a search for the drama and music of Holland. Mrs. Barbour said in part that since she. bad learned of the supre mv y of the Dutch in engineering, dyke building, aB -statesmen, reformerv, war riors, citizens, artists and educators it is Eoniewhat disappointing to find that in the fine arts of minic and the drama they are almost without expression. A Dutch school of music does not exist; and with the exception "of -a short time in tho mid dlo agop, when in tha dry' beginning of mueic they showed some ability in the development r f counterpoint, the Dutch have not ontr.bated to the mueical knowledge of th j world. Three month's d.ligent search has failed to dif cover even a national air, though we read tbat "all tht? Etecplss of Holland hare chimes of bells which give an aerial conceit every hocr of the day and night tbe tun:s being national airs or from Ger man, or Italian operas.' Tbe airs from almost every other nation are familiar to us, but who can recall a Dutch air? Eiren amorg the characteristic lullabies of the various cations we can find noth ing to represent the Net terlander's. Yet when one. reflects on the awful un pronounceable wonder3 of the Dutch language with all its misplaced and superfluous conconants, we are enclined to grant them full absolution for having no national ahs and lullabies. Many writers cliim an early supremacy for music among the Dutch but I cannot make it 82em worthy of much mention. It was simply an intellectual compre hension of the mathematical rudiments of music. .It requires more of an effort to be grateful to one who has furnished us with the necessary principles for the development of an art, than it does to recognizs an obligation to ona who, in charming our ears with an exquisite strain, ehovves U3 tbe possibilities of the art in its fullest perfection. These Nctherlapd masters were entirely ab sorbed in developing the technical con struction and left out the emotional possibilities. Tha Dutch school cf music is generally divided into four epochs which extend over nearly 2(0 years which are cistioguisbed by the name of the foremost musician in each epoch. Thus tho epoch of Dufay, of Okegh;rn, cf Josquin des Pres and Wil laert. As early as 895 Huckbald, a Benedictine monk, was the first to for mulato rules for harmony. But bis ideas were crude and th result disagree, able to the modern ear. His chief trait wa3 the use of parallel fourths and fifths. Harmony was not positively in vented by him, but he was tbe writsr of the first treatise on the subject This field, thus opened up wss icdustriously cultivated and by the time tbe era of tbe Netherland school began, was pro ductive of a ri h harvest. The employ ment of four lin s and spaces in the staff WiB the invention of Guidoof Arezzo who died in 1C50. With lh9 formation of roles for me. sure by Franco of Cologne who nourished 1200 A. D. with harmony and measure governed by rules, syctjmatic composition becamo for the first time a possibility. Naturally tbe development of this art was the work of tho monks and their vehicle was the plain chant of tho church. Guido trained bis choris ters so successfully that they began ad ding ornaments to their melodies which soon grew so ornate tbat it was neces sary for one singer to entone the melody while another added the ornamental part. These parts were called discants and in them was found the beginning of counterpart and such it was termed cliily in the 14th century. In the bands of the great master of the Netberlaod school this counterpoint was deve'oped to its highest perfection. In fact count erpoint is a synonym for tho Nether land school, and if you retain that fact you have tha sum and substancs of this paoer and the rest is simply arabesque. It is sufficient to assert of the first period, tbat of Dufiy, that it was an era of pure mechanics in mmi:. Dufay . was atecorsingerin the Sistine chapel al though hailing from Uainault. According to the authorities he lived in so vera i centuries and died in several piaco?, so that his works are spoken of as remaik able monuments of tlie'compoeit'oa of those early times, and with the memory of several remarkable monuments fresh in my mind I am willing to admit tbat it is a very fitting terun. Biographies of the various composers wculJ only vary by charges-ot names their lives were all the Barae. They we:e all chapel mas ters composing ca-ons, motets and masses, but towards the end of tbe fourth period, secular music began to bs developed. Of course folk Bongs had existed in the Netherlands as elsewhere frcm time immemoriil, and their melo dies were frequently employed in the messes. Okeghern, who gave his name to the second period, has been called tbe patriarch of music, being the inventor of the canon and in general of artificial count-rpoinr. Indeed their music was overloaded with arlificialities. They had borrowed from tbe French the prac tice of employing folk songs and even profane chansons in their massep, and of cour-otbey made use of them without any idea of profanity. The masses were named by the title of the melodies of the tenor, bo that we read of tbe mase of "The Red Noses," or "He Has a Pale Face." Josquin des Pres of ths 3rd epoch really posseted some artistic abilit. Luther was very fond of his music and his reputation while living was unsur passed. Willaert, the leader of the 4th peritd, was the founder of the cele brated Venetian tebcol of music from which sprang so many distinguished composers, theorists acd singers. Ho is also the father of the Madrigal. Or li'nio di Las3o is tho mightiest of all tie Netherland masters, and considered by good judges as groat a genius as Palestrina. In his you'.li be was kid napped three times on account of bia fine voice, but survived to compose 2,000 wotks, a number of which have bean published in modern form. Lud wi, the mad king of Bavaria, Wagner's patron, erected a bronze Btatuo of Lasso in Munich. After his death the bril liancy of the Netherland school was at an end and its glory transferred to Italy, but during this period covering nearly two centuries, the Netherlands furnished all tho courts ot Europe not only wiih eingers but with composers and per formers of instrument music. They founded the Mrst musical cocservatory of the world in Naples, also another in Venice, and tbe renowned echool of Borne owed it3 existence to their infiu onco and example. But with the lfe formatiou all this cornea to so end, and ft "& S"ia& M -w