The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 05, 1898, Image 2

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sessed against tliem. The question on her lieroinc, but she might have been for years. The council commit-
ljas been taken into court and it made the villain justify more exactly, tee has proceeded very wisely in mak-
should be decided there. In the mean- The ICetli Book is about the size of ing its investigations. It is composed
time, opposition to the comnanv be- The Heavenly Twins. It takes Mrs. of those who have fought for an eeu-
M'" 1 .. , , , .. -.-.. ...., ..." ... .,. , ......i .:..i ...i.i... ....." .. ..
uuusv it n;i reierreu me manor ionic uniou , mo pages w iuii uursiurj, uuu hvhuc.u imniiiiLi.iiiuu, aim uie result.
courts, is inconsistent. There is not the story does not grow tiresome, of its work', unless the obstacles to
E.VTESED in the postoffice at ljncoln as :1 member of the council liowever tliereforc it is not too long. Novelists discovery are insurmountable, will be
SECOND CLASS MATTtE. . , . . . , , ,..,, ,.. .1. I . .. ,
given to patriotic posing and sophc- arc in the habit of beginning with a gratifying to the people.
nn,,cnmTnvc.TMn.v morical speeches, there is not a citizen Minerva and Apollo at least eighteen j
of Lincoln, or of Utopia, for that mat- years old. Modern story-tellers recog- The mayor wrote the following nofu
mPnilDUD MIIITIMp"' INI1 DIIHIIMIIiP M ter' wh0 wollId noi do exact,v as tl,e nize t,lc nc,ssity of explaining the to the council and it was read at the
uUUnlin rrtlnllSu ml) rUDLIonlnu bU directors of the street car company conditions surrounding the childhood meeting on Monday night:
have done. This being so. and 1 have of their characters and respond to it To the City Council Gentlemen:
Office 11.T2 N street. Up Stairs. yet to hear of anyone willing to pay more or less. But Mrs.Grand devotes Owing to the pending investigation or
, , ' 0 . taxes wliich he was not legally com- two-thirds of her pages to the child- the water department 1 have deemed
Telephone 84. J)elled t0 p:1Vi Iet 1Btnaittllcslrect hociofBetn. The account is so vivid fStStmn:ZSiSlSS
sarah n. HARUIS. - Editor car company without prejudice. and, in a sense, autobiographical of Mooed by the resignation of L..J. By-
uoua baciieller Uusincss Jianacer & tlie lives of all sensitive and imagina- ers. In view of the situat on I deem
. The Beth Book by Madam Sarah tive children, that when the storv 5t ,,ost' lo pk.'fe the department for
Subscription Kates-In Advance. Grand is the last of a trilogy which reaches the mature icriod. when it SiMirmMiwi'u .m!m '! Sr; .. '
Per annum 100 began with Ideala and was followed begins to deal with the everlasting :ue him "for tl.;i" miKi UMiiSor-
Six months 75 by The Heavenly Twins. It treat?, dilute concerning the rights of arily, and only until such time as it
Three months 50 : they do, of the evils consequent women and the immunities or men, it ,nay &-'-'1 advisable to make a per-
One month 20 upon having two moral codes, one for is les interest in" manent nomination. I trust you will
yjuo muuiu.... u 1 0 , in ica" iiiiuiiuiit,. a,Tree with me on the i(lvts'itiilitiiir
Single copies 05 men and one for women. Beth is a Mrs. Gnind is a brilliant and logical pursuing this plan, ami coi'iHriii the
precocious youngster and an uncon- woman. She has a message to deliver appointment herebv made. Respect-
mjmAmo'",rm ntlonal younjr woman who marries as imperative as Joan of Arc's, and fully .submitted, F. A.Gkaham,
rwwmrww' w J a cad because he asks her to and be- she delivers it quite as bravely and mi ... Mayor.
o nRCFRVATinNQ o cause her people are poor. Her choice effectually. She has been told a ppar- The conidence the council basin
O UBbfcKVA j U1NS) of lusband ducs ,l0t jl!itifyf as print. cntly lhat nien do n(jt ,.ke Jier ,M)()ks the mayor istarthngly illustrated by
J f erssay. She is a young woman who to which she replies ir. this one, that ,ts :.0M(lurt .aftpr reading the com-
4'CO' has never allowed her judgment to be 8j,e is not writing for men but for """ " ""niediately appoint
The question in'dispute between the biased by custom or convention. She women. She thinks if tlfb'Women can '"&,Mr- WoodwanI and Mr. Webster to
Lincoln Street Car company and tho judges the rich and the poor, peer and be induced to expect more of men, the confeT wjtn tne "ayor and discover jf
city as to the former's liability fcr peasant with a singular accuracy and men will respond. She siys that when IMIs,ole whether the apixiintmcnt
paving taxes between the tracks is justice. Like the scales in a pin sical women loved knights, true knights was to be temporary or permanent,
soon to be settled in 'the courts. In laboratory kept under glass that the there were, when she loved trouba-
the meanwhile there is no reason why specks in the air may not disturb (i0lirs the men turned troubadours. The Jirt number of The Kiote, a
'the company should not go on with their delicate and true adjustment, Whatever the standard be. woman has new magazine published bythcEng
thc repairs necessary to keep the Beth's intuitions are exact and her made it and only woman can change li.shclub of the state university, has
plant in working order. If the com- conclusions flawless, humanly speak- jt, so in truth, it makes very little appeared. It is small, neat and the
pany wishes to spend forty thomand ing. Yet she married the first man difference whether men, except for contents are interesting. It contains
dgllars in improvements and repairs "who aked her. He happened to be a their rcllexhe influence on women, three short stories, two short poems
there is no reason why they should mercenary, dandified, brutal, ignorant, approve of Mrs.Grand'sbooksor not. and an editor's drawer under the head
not proceed to do it. The council will doctor, and daily association with him jj ing, Yelps. The first storv in the book
not agree to keep the paving between became vivi-scction without an amies- Much is expected of the investi- is written br Miss I'ound It concerns
the tracks in repair. The franchise tlietic. Yet she will not admit there gating committee now at work on the the courtship and marriage of a maid
that the company has been granted is any relief, and not until lie himself water, police and tire departments or of all work and bears photographic
gives it the exclusive right to the wishes a separation does she leave this city. It is composed of men of signs of realism, ir it. were not for
middle of the road, a right which in- him. Association with a being whose the same party to which the officials the tone of patronage, obscuring the
conveniences and frequently endan- standards and tastes arc superior is as it investigates belong. Thusthcpco- evident sympathy of the writer with
gers the life-of pedestrians. The painful to one as to the" other. The pie are beginning to hope that the thesubject, the .sketch would be alto
cheap transportation and access to inevitable comparison and just as in- rumors which have been afloat ever gether admirable. This paragraph
distantparts of the city recompenses evitable loss or seir respect is uneonx- since the beginning of the present shows the story-tellers attitude
the citizens for surrendering the best fortablccvcn for a degenerate Though mayor's administration as to the sell- "Lottehen was married in the church
part or the highway, but the company in the case or Dr. Maclure, Beth's ing of positions in the fire and police with Father Kersenbender the priest'
should keep that part or the road or husband, it is complimenting him departments, may be confirmed by officiating, and had probably in the
wliich it lias been granted the cxclu- more than lie deserves to call him a facts. They hope for the worst be- chroniclings or her circle the most
sive use. in repair. On the other hand degenerate That word presupposes cause a punishment or such offenses elegant wedding of the vear." We
the property has not paid satisfactory former excellence, and Dr. Maclure now will make the election of any of cnt liera preseift and though we did
returns on the investment, and it is shows no survival of breeding, char- the old crew very difficult if not im- not. of course, attend ourselves we
T idle to expect the owners of the prop- actcr or intellect. He is a beast with- possible. The republican party is were told by our new servant the de
erty to pay anything -that the law out a beast's refinement and reserve striving to rid itself of the rubbish tails or the events ' We on our part
does not exact from them. There is To be convinced or his incurable viil- which has weighted it down and ob- immediately reel the arctic distance
not a taxpayer in Lincoln who would garity requires no discriminating scurcd its principles. It is a measure between the story-teller and her
voluntarily pay more taxes on. a prop- judgment like Beth's. Yet she mar of self-preservation, and ir those who humble heroine. In passing we
crtythan the law required. Same or riesliim and does are guilty do not succeed in conceal- might note that it is the custom ef
the best lawyers have expressed their is impossible for several -.ears. This ing the evidences or their robberies her majesty, Queen Victoria, and Un
professional opinion to the effect that is the weak point or the book. With- from the people they have robbed members of the royal family to attend
thestreet car company i's not obliged out an unhappy marriage Mrs.Grand there is more encouragement in tlie the funerals and weddings ofturn-
,.bylawvto pay the paving vtaxes as-, could not, or course, secure the ctlects 'the prcsenfltuation than there has snltamf scullions and of all faithful
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