The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 05, 1898, Page 10, Image 19

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Nell Martin, Who is fund of (he
game Jessica Morgan
Mrs. Martin, also fond of the game
Katberino Warfel
Continued from Page 5.
march. Mrs. Campbell 3ung the women wh were given tickets, which
Schwann Lied from Lohengrin and Mrs. were free. The social promised great
Campbell sung a selection from Meyer- success, the idea being a very pretty
beer's Prophete. These numbers were one,
: tt ,....,,, .r -li .:i. ......I. no anri faniincr sn-pra nw mmm uees were uiuuu-
Lm.-jii,. larger premises m iiuutc-(uoiB, " BUBuu;uuuiuimiu "' "- "" .... -
Dr. George Brow of Mnu Bap its popularity with persons of strait- and were a pleasing diversion to the ized the past week, the members of
t , Ti ;" wi'Vi w- - cned means, time will show. It was literary program. Mrs. Hinman then which have manifested great enthusi-
Ned Biddle, from Philadelphia, a CDe" . ' iU ,i.,:umo, r ,, ,i, ,mn nf nolln.J m.
.i..n...fui;n;nrPcnn preuicieu iunv how . lcau p. vu .uu .. ,
B B aIi.V.9 n-milil 1-oclllt in rfYtn nrcra rlld ineriliahorl pHVlfr mlltlC-
.John Boose puioi- uuiDUD ..... - - " " "" "--- '7,
in the demise ol ino Amemarie ana iuo any, artistically or as wruers. duo miu
Grosvenor, in both of which institutions the Dutch women we all knew were
men and women are qualified for mem- those whom the genre painters had
bcrship So far, however, these pre- made U3 familiar with. Rembrandt's
nhecies have not been fulfilled. Man, Van Eyck's atd Franz Hal's maidens,
Mike Dolan, a policeman.. Geo; Bartlctt
Nora, tho maid Lielo Wilkinson
Rmnn Parlor of the Martin houEe at
Cambrige, Mae.
The regular meetiug of the toaru or
directors will be held Tuesday evening
at 7:30 o'clock. Each member is urged
to be present at that hour.
Many girls are visiting the association
who have never been there before. The
The concert by Maximilian Dick,
probably one or tho greatest living violin
virtuosos, is an event which is interest
ing musical circles. Not only is Dick
accounted a thorough artist, but he is
eminently popular. He has a mastery
of his instrument and draws every sound
in nature from its strings, from the
although shorn of his power, still retains matrons, and old women pointed in the rooms are mado as comfortable ana
a measure of his attractiveness." A club costume worn in the painter's locality, homelike as passible, lounges, easy
with deidedly practical benefits for t3 designate the different districts of the chair?, papers, magazines, piano, games
members, ib the Writers Club for wo- Netherlands.
Nine-tenths of the writers are Next week the club will meet with
struggling women, and the other tenth
is made up of ladies whose intluecce
and rank are used to help the other
nine-tenths. It now has a membership
of about three hundred.
The English woman is alwajs interest
ed in philanthropy and politics, but as
etc, all adding to the comfort and pleas-
of thoso who call. The secret try,
Mrs. C. H. Gere and Mrs. J. L. McCon
nell will present a critique of the
softeet warbling of birds to the roar of . , ' . , , Mrs. Elvira Birkncr. secretary L. L.
' oi about mree nunurea. - -
the ocean. The English woman is alwajs interest- oI S""r T rH
There..s something in tho man, hHaBDth and ,ilic8t but aB Sutton, Nebraska, gave a reception and
distinct rom h,s violin, winch to J conSeration tothosubjecte exhibit Friday evening January 21.
oughly pleases an audience. There is fc t j tance t0 the at the homo of Mrs. J.J. Bonekemper.
'h ornman nf thi country-education ine panors were uerui.. 'J.
s WtBt
m. vSiv
v4 V.
Miss TomktnEon, and tho reception com
mittee are anxious to meet all women,
old and young, of the city, and strangers
are especially invited to make tho asso
ciation a home at any time between 9
a. m.and 9 p. m.
Friday evenings are always given up
to social work, when all young women
may help to make for someone else a
good time.
Concert 8t the Oliver February llth
for the benefit of the Association. Get
tickets early.
The depart mentof parliamentary prac-
as well as religion, temperancp, racdi- yice gyes tae fiistbalf hourto a "quia''
cine, education, Sowers, music and art on the previous lesson aud to tho as-
were represented. tigced lesson ior that dato as given in
PKOOKAM. the year bcok of the Woman's club.
Ailflrpea nt WpJl'OniO Tho rnmaininrr limn in eivpn to a I arlia-
gle which at times she would gladly give MfB jj Bonekemper mentary drill upon some motion or resc-
over. une migiuaeiine a neroine as ma T?oocrc. ... ;fr11M,i 1V - mpmv,Pr h
Husbands Hon.M. C.King leader usually calling some member of
Record Club Mr. Park the department to tho rhair, that as
TVarhprs" Rpadimr Club mnnv no nnffiihl? niiv have the benefit to
fairs existing at present niiy bo df duccd Prof gtephecs be g'ainoJ by actual experience in pre-
from the consideration of two economic cncr..n!,,Mv-' AtrB P. SntJprhrff c; i;
Readingof Pccni -Sinco Mary Joined Usually ssme topic of public interest
thoClub" Hoo. J. J. Bonekemper ij brought before tho department and
and child study.
I have no mind to harrow up the
minds of my readers with any explica
tion of the miseries and mysteries that
confront the average housekeeper in the
daily maintenance of a simple but com
fortable existence for her family; as for
herself, an existence at all seems astrug-
averago American woman who dcc3 her
own housekeeping. But some hint of
iho unnatural and unhappy state of af-
facts. First, woman i?, by nature, a
home founder and a home-maker. This
ladies' husbands, Record club and
Teachers Reading circle were invited.
Each member of tho L. L. C. wore a
flag representing tho nation or subject
of her current topic. All tho nations
isnctinienaeaas an assertion 01 per- Recitation.Gambled Away"
eonal belief, but as a statement of scien- 1sb Mead
Miss Isabelle Bratxouer.
tific fact. It was woman not man
who opened the industrial world; was
woman who made the first rude dwell
ings, and dreesed skine, and woee tex
tiles for clothing. It was woman, and
not man, who made tho first fire, and
the first utensils for cooking, and tho
first rude too!s for industrial ends. All
her a:tivities clustered about the hearth
If tho wo-
action is only tiken after full discussion
of the advantages and disadvantages
Song "Esther's Lullaby" likely to accrue.
Mrs. Fred Hauke The department of Parliamentary
At the close of the program refresh- Practice of the Woman'p club holds its
monts were served in thj dining-room, meetings regularly each Tuesday at 'I
a color, a warmth of feeling and a ro
bustness to his playing which no other
living violinist rxss96ses in an equal de
cree, and n matter how severely class
ical bis Belection?, tho singular clear- and ministered to the home,
ness of his rendition arrests tho atten- man and the work had not reacted upon
tion of every ear. The soloists who will each other so that, today, women should
assist in the grand concert are tone be by nature home-makers and home
artists. It embraces Miss Isabelle Brat- loverr, there are still depths for the
Dobcr, the celebrated ballad 6inger, and ecientiet3 to sound in the working of
Mies Georiella Lay, the highest salaried heredity and of natural selection. And
piano aoloiit and acjoropanitt in Amcr- jet here is my second fact the eaor
ica. The program has been arranged mous piles of stone and brick rapidly
with a view of suiting a miscellaneous filling the choice plots of ground in our
audienca. large cities and shutting out the light of
At the Oliver Friday, February 4. heaven with their gabled tope, are mute
Extra arrangements for students at the if not magnificent witnesses to the fact
various universities. First six rows of that the investment of capital is all
parquet 35 cents. All gallery seals 25 against the perpetuation of the separato
cents. home. The shrewd modern investor is
willing to put hundreds of thousands
azains: bunureas 01 cunars mat (icr nis
The table was very artistically covered
with myrtle acd flowers.
The Woman's Board ol tho Trans
Mississippi Exposition are to publish a
paper calleJ "Iho Hatchet-' February
22nd. The piice of the paper will be 5c
and tho proceeds aio tj help complete
the building fund of the Girls' and liofa'
buildicg. Mrs. Sawyer and Mrs. Field,
the members of the board from this dis
trict, want to sell as meny aB 2.003 copies
if possible. Subscription papers will be Roger Williams and the Settlement of
furnished some of the school children Rhode Island."
and anyone who Bills ICO copies or over
will be given an admission ticket to the The Civics department of tho Wo-
exposition. The paper will contain short msn's club met on Wednesday afternoon
poems and storks by children and for to continue its study of the constilu-
children, funny sayings of children, with tional history of the United States. An
o'clock, following club day. Mrs. Rich
ardson makes the meetings very inter
C3ting ib well as profitable to tho mem
bers. Next Tuesday a full attendance is
Tho Deborah Avery chapter of tho
D. A. K. will meet with Mrs. Winchester,
721 South Eleventh street, on Fiiday
afternoon, when a paper will Le read by
Mrs. W. A. Rankins on "The Massachu
setts Bay Colony for the Year 1033,
V 1
D. r. Wilcox
baa movrd from the Y. M
C A. building, Thirteenth
and N, to the
Halter Block
perhaps the pictures of the children
who said them, many items of news
about the exposition, etc. Or course tho
paper will be well illustrated, breezy
lifetime at least) women are going to pre- and entertaining. Anyone knowieg of
North Thirteenth .St,
k prepared to do all
kinds of
Upholstermp; S GoucK JVlaWng
.. .Vmn . in rnnnKT 311a micr.
UWUu'" 1 - ay
Mrl Brokeriy (conciliatingIt)Ve
je3 the new typo writer is very gcod
looking, it's true, but she's a very ca
pable i I-
Mr. Brokorly savagely) I've no
doubt, Mr. Brol e ly, that she's C2p2b!e
of almost anything!
And thero the discussion stopped-
fer theeassof the apartment hotel to the
separate house with its privacy, its own
table, and alas it3 own service. From
Tin Unquiet Sex The Case of Maria.'j
by Helen Wattekson Moody, in the
February Scribner'e.
The Fortnightly met with Mrs. A. ?.
Raymond on January 21. Mrs. E. H.
Barbour presented the results of a three
month's investigation into the music and
drama of Holland. An abstract of Mrr.
Barbour's paper will be published in
thes3Columnsnext week. Mrs. Barbour's
discourse was illustrated by what Dutch
music she had been able to find. Mr?.
A. S. Raymond Eang a hymn. Mis.
Barlour plyed a spinning song which
she explained was Dut:h in setitiment
if not of Dutch composition. Mrs. Ray
mond. Mrs. Campbell and Mi?s Ella
Raymond sung the Lohengrin wedding
short, clever articles written by children,
high school students, or even university
students, will confer a favor en those
responsible for the paper by letting them
know where these articles may be had
or sending them directly to the editor of
"The Hatchet," care of Secretary of tho
Woman's Board, Mrs. Ford.
Dr. Hindman witl lead the gospe
service of tho Young Woman's Christian
association Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock. Subject: "She Hath Dene
What S'o Could." Special music will
be rendered. These meetings are glow
ing in interest and increasing in num
ber'. AH women are heartily welcomed
and aretarncsily renues'ed to be prompt,
that each may bo provided with a tear.
Tho "butterfly social" given by the de
oV.onal committee Friday evening
aroused the curiosity of tho many young
exceedingly inteicsticg psper was given
by Mrs. Berge, followed oy a general dis
cussion. At the next meeting Mr.'.
O'Connell will speak on "Our Foreign
.1 .'3"H
Mis. W. A. Green enteitained the
Athenea jesterday. They called it a
csntury dinner, as it marked the one
hundredth meeting of the club and its
sixth birthday.
' Notice Will secretaries correspond
ing with The Cockier please forward a
copy of their j ear book for file in this
oflke. Editor.
Fi:st publisher What do you think
of tho action of tho3ePhiladclpliia school
authorities in barriug "Les Miserables?"
Second Publisher I think this might
be a good time to bring cut a new edition.
There is 'nothing so likely to reconcile
the forlorn bachelor to his lot as a cross
baby in a street car.
J,'' -K,
- -V