J THE COURIER. A- ECONOMY v f niQUtMri DRN GOODS 00. 1023-1029 O Street. -o LINCOLN, Nidi. i 51 4 1 -SflOltTEST J i i NEW LACES. Tbo ncvr laces which wo place on Bale this season excell in bjauty anything ever put before tbo people of Lincoln. These are hut a few of what wo have but will give you some idea of what tbo stock consists of: Oriental, Point, Guipure, Applique, Mechlin, Point De Paris, Torchons, Valenciennes, Flem ish, Point DeAnglo Terra, Jetted, nct3 andChantilly. EMBROIDERIES. The largest and most complete line of embroideries in tho city of Lincoln may be found horer Tho people of thH city know this, eo it will bo unnecessary for us to say much about the stock. more thin to announco that wo will not disappoint you in what wo have to offer end tho prices at which thoy willv b? Eold. You are cord:aly invited to visit us and ezamino tho goods. (J UJ O !- NEW SILKS. The new Epring filks aro certainly more beautiful in design and color than anything ever offered before. Wo have acomphte and well chosen line and wo arJ Euro that after a careful investiga tion your patronage will be liberal. It has been your goad tortuno that we have been able ta f ecu re the best niakr-s of bo'.h foreign and dom?sti: goods. 9 9 m 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 DRESS GOODS. 1QI3 season we crj ottering in cow spring dress goods the largest variety of weaves, colorn, combinations cf colore and the newest shades. Our lino is the largest to be found in the city and we offer those goods to jou at the very low est possible prices. After ones looking at the qualities jou will appreciate tho fact to the fullest extent. You are' we!co ne. Come and 6eo our goods. to w cl , a. m m m -4 IX y ritzgeraid Dry uoods coQ y V 1023-1029 O Stkeet. -o Lincoln, Neb. HO AD TO 5 V y y selling: but tho observer suddenly im rgines himself discerning thosuggcs'.ion of a face, a figure, a bird or an animal in the shading, drapery or other accessory; then another appears, and Etill anolLcr, until tho general effect is strangely im cginative and weird. La Fargo delights in 6ucb work, but seldom or never has hedono so much of it in so little space. Tbo department of child study will discus) tho ''Beginning of speech and tho trainirg in language,'" at its meet ing today The household economic department of the Woman'tf club will meet Monday afternoon with Mis. A. W. Field, 182S N street, whoa tho subject of "Invalid Cookery" will b j considered. The members of Current Events de partment were interested in a talk which Mrs Parker gave them on Sven Hedin, the explorer who, in his journey through Asia, experienced hardships of extreme heat and colt', hunger and thirst, unen durable to any but a man with great de termination and power of endurance. Tho regular program was given as usual. These women aro informing themselves of tho doings of all nations irom week tiweek. Next rcjulir meeting will bo at 2 o'clock instead of 3:3. Febrnary 12. Tho society of tlo Hall in tho Grove met with Mrs. M. II. Carton on Januaiy 23th. Many interesting current events were given tt tho opening or the meet iog. Tho paper in tbo course of Italian art now being studied by tho club, was an interesting review of the life and works of Michael Angelo read by Mrs. Lindley. Tte Russian topic was omitted on cciount of the absence of Mrs. Love land, but a spirited discussion on China followed, led by Mr. Leavitt, and ac tively participated in by Judge Hall and Mr. Stein. A difference of opinion seemed to exist in reference to China's fat -some thought herabsorption by more civil'zed nations would bo for her best good; others Tere of the opinion that the theft of a nation could no more bo justified than that of an individual. A Diano solo, a Hajdn 6cherzo, played by Miss Miller, closeJ tho program. The Lincoln improvement society mst in the usual room at tho capitol Wec1 n:sday mcrning with a good cumber in at'eudanco. After approving tho min u'es of tho last meeting the reports cf standing comrrittees on school grounds were given. Mre. H. M. Bushnell, cf the Preseottsrhool commiite?, reported plans for work and said that thoy were providing decorations Tor the rooms and had purchased a portrait of Washington. Mrs Geo. Hibncrof the. Capitol school spoke of tho work there and of the line entertainment given by tho schcol by which 880 was raised for the purpose of adding to tho library and purchasing pictures. Mrs. A. D. Marshall lecorled that cer tain unsightly trees at the high school were to be removed. Building is not en tirely over there and plans misbt bo hindered by that. Mrs. V. N. McLen nan will plan for the Bryant echool ground improvement. Having been appoiotel committee for the pu pose, Mrs. N. M. Richardson had b?er in correspondence with the au thor ities in Chicago, Denver, San Fran cisco and other cities and read some in teresting communications from them. Tho anti expectoration ordinance is en forced in San Francisco. Notices from the health officers warnine against spit ting in tho cars and other places aro posted in Denver with good results. Cop"e3 of tho San Francisco ordinance were read. This report was accepted and the committee continued. Mrs. Welch and M rs. Richardson, as committee on street cleaning, had also visited various parties regarding tho refuse cans which the ladies wish to have placed on the streets. After some discussion Mrs. Wheeler suggested that tho lidies could plac3 thes? and give an H'ustration of economy at tho samo time. Authority wni given tho committee to mako a bid on the work if they deemed it advisable. The chairmen on the commmittees on school grounds were instructed to pro sent their plans in full at the next meet ing. A suggestion that the curfew or dinance be read in the schools onco a week was favorably discussed. ftft1tli 9 m. 9 9 a at at we wish m Suitinttlie Queen's Taste wo don't care a rap for. What to CatT to is the last PP. cnm'firfn nnrl ' ji needs of the ladies of Lincoln. Their wants and trstes aro fcr stales and wo aro equal gency in quality and beauty ladic, gents and no corn factories, in them. oursh 03 to jour feet iiiio n Street. Lrkins Ss Slieldon. up-to-date to the erner- Our tine nVl.l.nn'o. l t chilblains or cold feet Our pr:e s cater to your head at at at Jt)lftiat1lfti(Jiat4latafeltlKftft)ftKiliy