The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 05, 1898, Page 8, Image 16

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Continued from Page 5.
organized with twenty-fire charter
numbers, hare now fifty-fire enrolled in
good standing. Few meetings pass
without some new name being propo-ed
for membership. In pout of interest
and enthusiasm we ara second to no
club in the state. Following is an out
line of the j ear's work:
American Hietory Study or Colonial
andierolutionary periods; biographical
sketches of noted historical characters;
papers on manners and customs; reli
gious end forms of government.
Literature Study of effects from
Browning, Dr. Watson: poetic words and
phrases from Tennyson, Longfellow and
Whittier; general study from Hawthorne,
Lowell and Holmes; book reriews; also
economics and child study.
Our club is very much interested in
the last named subject, each topic is
generally followed by animated discus
sions, participated in by all. Through
the generosity of the firemen we hare a
luxuriantly furnished hall for our club
room, a favor we much appreciate.
The History and Art club of Albion
met with Mrs. J. Howell Tuesday after
noon. Roll call was responded to with
items from woman's clubs in other places,
one mpmber airing the history of our
own club in vets. At the close of the
1 sson the president with several othets
surprised the members by bringing on
dainty refreshments in honor of the
anniversary of the organization. A de
lightful time was passed and all felt ths
afternoon well spent.
On Friday afternoon the W. R.P.C.
club met with Mrs. A. M.Phelps. Roll
call was ie3ponded to by quotations from
Whittier. After a business meeting
arranging for a reception to be giren
soon and appointing a committee to sc
lect subjects for the rest of the year, the
regular program was giren.
The subject being "The History of tho
Postuffice," well prepared papers on the
different departments were read by Mrs.
Sinclair, Herying, Wilson and Butler.
Mrs. Brockway and daughter Florence
and Miss Jessie Brown were the guests
of the club. Light refreshments weie
Berved by the hostess.
The next meeting will be with Mrs. J.
H. Violet, 1727 J street, February 11.
Mr. Charles H. Browning, the genealo
gist and author is to act as registrar,
but he will be the only man admitted.
His research and knowledge in the mat
ter make him a valuable authority, and
one upon whose assistance the new or
der will be glad to lean."
Sorosis met with Miss Harrison Tues
day, February 1st. After the roll call
and current erents, Mr;. Rickctts pro
posed that Sorosis should join the
national federation, and it was decided
to discuss the subject more fully at the
next meeting to be held on tho 15th of
this month at tho homo of Mrs. Hall on
K between 15th and lGth. Mrs. J. E.
Miller then read a scholarly paper on
modern Greece based on this outline:
1. Geography.
2 Peculiarities of the Peoplo.
3. History.
Revolution (1821-ia:0.)
1. Capo d'Istrias.
2. Leopold.
3. Otho.
4. George.
Late conflict with Turkey.
Condition of the people: Agricultural,
commercial, industrial, educational,
February 1, ISPS.
The next meeting on lha 15th will be
addressed by Mrs. II. H. Wheeler, who
has prepared this outline:
A System of Philosophy:
fi) '-Whether, after all, a larger
Metaphysics might not
help our Physics." E. B.
(b) Physics.
.mi cm, $w cw 0W-m:i -i cwms -$$ $$ tw-
r Jr r r
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& a
AllqgFetti (Jfyocolates
Rectop's pijaFmac
g- - $- q-- s
f 4
System of Religion:
Theory or tho Universe,
Man as a Microccsm.
The sale of "Tho Hatchet," the papr
to be published on Washington's birth
day by the woman's board of the Trans.
Mississippi exposition, is progressing
nicely, Some of the school children are
much interested in securing subscrip
tions as all those who send in one hun
dred names will be giren an admission
t'.cket to the exposition. These tickets
are good for anyone and the children are
not the only ones who can earn a ticket
with a very little expenditure of time
and patience. Subscription papers hare
been printed and anyone who would
A System of Ethics:
Universal Brotherhood.
Supreme Duty,
Re-incarnation and Karma,
The Brothers.
Enc Brit.
Neo Platonism,
Ocean of Theosophy Judge.
Esoteric Buddhism Sinnett.
Key to Theosophy Blaratsky.
Proceedings of Congress at World'
ception given by tho president, Mrs W.
D. Mead, to the active and associate
members on Friday afternoon. Small
tables, beautiful with tine damask and
suitable decorations, were arranged in
the dining room, on which luncheon was
served. Games of various kinds and
music, made the hours pa33 too Bwif tly.
The Northland Woman's club observed
January 29th as President's day, with a
special program, consisting of a collec
tion of pictures of the Old Masters, re
cieved from Mrs. Kejsor of the Omaha
department. Roll call was responded
to by quotations on art. An introduc
tory papr prepared by our president on
"Christian Art" was much enjoyed by
all. We profited greatly by interesting
biographies of tho various artists, giren
by different members of the club. A
pretty little Legend of "Da Vinci" was
read in an impressive manner, after
which a well written paper on "Michael
Angeio" was listened to with much in
terest. Following there was a scene in Klon
dike, which had been artistically and
beautifully arranged by the first vice
president and her assistants, consisting
of mountainsof snow and ice, vallejs of
sparkling "nuggets'1 in the shape of de
licious cakes and creani3 so arranged to
present a veritable Artie scsne.
Each member worktd with an energy,
and I do not doubt that all felt satisfied
with her "yield"' for every on9 was en
thusasticover the "gems" which they
carried away o treasure as souvenirs of
the happy occasion.
The permanent organization of the
National Federation of Musical clubs
in Chicago, last week, is of especial in
terest to Lincoln people from the fact
that tho Matinee Musicale was repre
sented by two delegates, Mrs. D. A .
Campbell and Mrs. E. P. Brown; and
also from thn fact that Mrs. Campbell
was not only made a member cf the
Board of Directors but also a member of
the verj important ".Irt'sts" Commit-
federation. Her own c'ub in Grand
Rapids of which she was president for
many jears. tha St. Cecilia society, has
alwajsbeen an importint organization
and nas the honor or owning tho largest
musical club building in this country.
It was during Mr.'. Ubl's absence in
Germany last spring that the temporary
federation of musical clubs was formed
in New York an J Mis. Sutro had done
such excellent work in that line in con
nection with the Nashville Exposition
that sbo wa9 naturally chosen first
president. In many respects it is wis
to have the chief officer in a more cen
tral location.
Besides the regular officers, four sac
tional vice-presidents were choecn, rep
resenting the east, tho west, the north
and the south, and each section is en
titled to two reprerentatives on the
Board of Directors Naturally the
western is much tho largest,
including all west of the longitudinal
line passing through St. Paul. The
western vice president is Miss Trevett
of Portland, Oregon, and the two direct
ors are Mrs. Campbell .f Lincoln and
Miss J. W. Hart of Kansas.
The constitution adopted provides
that only musical clubs with women
for their officers may be admitted to the
federation and mueical departments of
women's clubs are not eligible.
The visitors were entertained at a
charming concert by the Chicago Ama
teur Musical club, and had tho oppor
tunity of meeting mtny gcoj musicians
and distinguished people.
The next general mealing will beheld
in St. Louis in the spring of 1809.
Tho comrleto list of officers areas
President, Mrs. Edwin F. Uhl, Grand
Rapid?, Mich.
First vice-president, Mrs. Chandler
Starr, Rockford, III.
Second vice president, Mrs. Philip M.
Moore, St Louis, Mo.
Corresponding secretary, Mrs. James
F. Peerson, New York city.
Recording secretary, Mrs. Thomas
tee,' composed of five director, whose Ellison, Fort Wayne, Ind.
duty it will be to provide artists for Treasurer, Miss Ada Douglap, New-
clube, and by combination to reduce the ark, N. J.
expense, This may mean much to Lin- Auditor, Mrs. Russell Dorr, St. Paul
coin in opportunities of hearing good Minn.
Leonora A. Munson of York, reports: musicians. A musical exchange will also Sectional vice-presidents East Mrs
like to help on the good work can have The Woman'e club is now in its f'.fth be established by the committee where- Claia A. Korn, New York city middle
. dtk -- -l . Ti. ? 1 31 t . 1 . . -- .a - . .
one of them by
1828 "N street.
applj ing to Mrs. Field,
In these days when so much attention
is being giren to the encouragement of
patriotism among the children of the
schools, it 6eems strange to read of the
formation of a new woman's organiza
tion, the "Order of the Crown," which is
limited to Americans who are descen
dants of a king, "lhis is not the limita
tion that might be expected," says the
Harper's Bazar, "For according to these
who have studied tho subject there are
more persons in this country who have
reason to believe they are of royal des
cent than in any other country in the
in the world.
The founder-general of the new order
is Miss Henriette Lynd9 Farnsworth of
Detroit, Mich., who traces her aocestory
back in a direct line to Alfred tho Great-
year, it was organized and has been
sustained for advancement and improve
ment along educational lines. Ihe club
was at Gr6t limited to twenty-five mem
bers, but the limit was afterward raised
to thirty, and recently associate mem
bers have been admitted, so that the
membership numbers forty at present:
The ladies are all enthusiastic as to the
results of the club movement, and every
thing is full of interest The basis of
study has been history from the forma
tion of the club, although there are
other lines of work. This year we are
studying Roman history. Civil gov
ernment was taken up this year, and
is found to be most profitable and in
teresting. Papers on the different de
partments, usually followed by informal
discussions, are read at each meeting.
by club9 will send their best musical North, Mrs. J. S. Webster, Cleveland
talent to sister clubs on condition only Ohio; South, Mrs. Napoleon Hill, Mem -
that their expenses bo paid, no rem uner- phis, Tenn.; West, Miss Emily Trevett.
atioa for services being cxpacted. Portland, Oregon.
Fifty-six clubs were represented at Board of directors Mrs. F. C. Ward-
the meeting, with a total of 175 dele- well, Connecticut; Mrs. II. Alexander
gates, and the most exciting featuro was New York; Mis3 II. Storer, Oklahoma,'
the election of the president. la the Mrs. A. Robertson, Indiana: Mrs A f'
informal ballot 99 votes were polled,
Mrs. Sutro, the temporary president, re
ceiring but twelve. In the first formal
and decisive ballot the latter number
remained the same, while the western
candidate, Mrs. Uhl, receired the re
mainder. The new( presidnt, Mrs. Edwin F.
Uhl of Grand Rapids, Mich., is the wife
of the ex minister to Germany, and is
Perry, Florida; Mrs. E. F. Verdery,
Georgia; Mre. D. A. Campbell, Nebras
ka; Miss J. W. Hart, Ka nas.
The Century club will meet with Mre.
J. E. Hill, 1701 L street, TuesJay after
noon, when a paper will bo giren by Mrs.
Howell on Naples and its surroundings.
One of tho mjsteries of ait is John La
Farge's titlo design for Henry James'
now abroad. For many years she has
been identified with the work of the Dew norel in Collier's Weekly. At first
One of the most pleasant social erents musical clubs, and to her belongs the Bight it appears to be merely two heads
which the club has enjoyed was a re-'honorof originating the idea of the new with dark background and fantietic