The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 05, 1898, Page 8, Image 15

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Continued from page 1.
some of them pirated and some of them
authorized, but all of them selling
tlike everything and needing constant
V to be re-enforced with new ones.
'In 1860 about the only stories for
children, execptsome discountenanced
and half-forbidden fairy talcs, were
those tiresome yarns of short-lived
heroes who suffered agonies rather
than be caught in a lie. Mothers had
to read these unnatural biographies
when their children clamored lor a
story, and both sizes were bored into
unconscious disgust before the tale
was told. "When Alice in Wonderland
apieared" it was no self-sacrifice to
read it aloud. On the contrary, grown
up people hunted up children to try it
on. and enjoy it with. The inhabi
tants of the nursery moved into liter
ature to the satisfaction and grati
tude of the keepers thereof. A few
3-cars afterward Alice Behind the
Looking Glass was written and the
two are usually published in one vol
ume. The lyrics of the latter arc
more generally quoted than the Won
derland poems, but the fascinating
little dandy of a white rabbit only
appears casually in thesecond volume.
The rhymed story of the walrus and
the carpenter who asked the nice
little rat oysters to take a walk
and then ate them up, has subtle irony
that pleases the blase and sets the
children into a revery:
The Vain and the Carpenter
"Walked on a mile or so,
And then they rested on a rock
Conveniently low,
And aH the Sale Oysters stood
k" And waited in a row. -
The time has come, the Wains said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes and shipsand sealing wax
Of cabbages -and kings
Aad why the sea is boiling hot
And whether pigs have wings.
But wait a bit, the Oysters cried,
Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of breath,
And all of us are fat!
No hurry! said the Carpenter.
They thanked him much for that.
"A loaf of bread," the Walrus said,
"Is what we chiefly need:
Pepper and vinegar besides,
Are very good indeed;
Now if you're ready, Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed."
"But not on us," the Oysters cried,
Turning a little blue.
"After such kfndnrss that would oe
A dismal thing to do!"
"The night s fine," the Walrus said,
Do you admire the view?"
"It seems a shame," the Walrus said,
"To play them such a trick.
After we've brought them out so far
And made them trot so quick!"
The Carpenter said nothing but
"The butter's spread too thick!"
. Mr. Dodgshun is the author of the
Hunting of the Snark and several
other jabberwecky poems, none of
which met with any marked success.
Somehow the childish flavor is lack
ing. In his choice of words Mr. Dodg
shun was a symbolist:
"Aad hast thou slain thejabberwock?
Come to my arms my bramfoh boy!
Oh frabjous day! Caliooh! Callay!
He chortled in his joy."
The invented words remind us of
the meanings of a great many words
and they are perfect onomatopes. The
two books aforementioned cannot be
compared with anything written for
children except Mr. Kipling's Jungle
book; They arc both strong flights of
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the imagination, but tho Alice books
deepen the insight into and increase
the sympathy for children and thcir
dreams. Mr. Dodgshun wrote for
children as Boutet de Monvel paints
thsai. lie reveals their innocent im
aginings, their shrewdness, their
habit of ignoring the real and of
dwelling in an unreal world, and above
all, he teaches ruthless intruders and
psychological experimentalists to keep
hands off from a world they have for
gotten the way to.
In all respects tho meet satisfactory
of the ser!e3 of Philharmonic concert
was that given at the Funke on Monday
evening. The program was sufficiently
ambitious to bo a source of credit to a
niucIarger c'ty than Lincoln, tho soloist
won b) arty appreciation, and the orches.
tCnowed a steady gain in confidence
and arlistic finish Too much can not
bz said in praise of the rendition of the
beautiful Haydn symphony with which
tho program opened. Mr. Hsgenow
wisely choso for hts first serious under
taking a work o? intrinsic beauty whess
attractions and varlely would appeal to
an audience on a first hearing.
Haj dn's music will never grow old to
uf, even though a new school of com
posers has arisen with more modern
methods, for a light-hearted happiness
breathes through his works which makes
them ever joung. This military sym
phony has great variety in the use of the
various instruments, changing from the
wind to the strings with aKsareiing
themes and with trumpet signals in tho
allegretto. movement which gives to the
work its name Besides tbi9 important
composition the orchestra gave Weber's
overture to "Der Freichuetz;" an ex
quisite rendition of Schumann's "Traeu
merei" by the strings whose repetition
was enthusiastically demanded by tho
audience; tha "Danse of the SylpheB'
from Beilioz' "Damnation of Fau3i," in
which the harp effects were given by
Krs. Will Owen Jones on the piano; and
in closing the stirring "Coronation
March" from Die Folkunger."
Miss Treat surpassed even the bc3t
that her admirero expected from her.
She sang with an unaffected ease and
lack of nervousnes3 which was pleasant
to behold, and received quite an ovation
at the close of her first number, a group
of songs combining great variety of style
but whose spirit wa3 thoroughly caught
by the singer. In the dainty Schubert
lied, "Hark! Hark! the Lark," much of
the artistic rendering was lost in so large
an auditorium, tho effects were too deli
cate for the epice; but tho 6adnes3 and
weariness of the German cong by Heine
was thoroughly interpreted by the
singer, while the closing number cf tho
group Deczi's "A Maj Morning,' be
came the embodiment of joy through her
clear, sweet tones.
In the elaborate ariosa by Bembarg,
"The Death of Joan of Arc," Miss Treats
voice blended marvelously with the
orchestra, and if it were the intention of
tho composer that voice and instruments
should form one harmonious whole, that
effect was certaiaiy attained. But if, as
printed on the program, the orchestra
was but an accompaniment, its volume
saould hava been modulated, for the
singer's voice was som3time3 lost alto
gether, and her words not heard at any
This flee work has not before bee n
given in Lincoln, and woull bear a repe
tition. Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond in her perfect
accompaniments lent artistic support to
tho soloist.
First Kansas Farmer I tnink a mil
lion is too much for any man to have.
Second Kansas Farmer I guess you
mean that it's too much for any other
man to have.
(First Publication January 29 )
Docket R, No. 343.
In tho Circuit Court or th? United
States for the District of Nebraska.
The National Life Insur-
ance Company of Mont-
pelier, Vermont, com-1
plainant, j-ln Chancery.
vs. j
Margaret A. Fedawa, et.
al., defendants. J
Public notice is Lereby given that in
pursuance and by virtue of a decree en
tered in the above cause on tho 29th day
of December, 1897, I, Samuel S. Curtis
Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court
of tho UniUd States, for the District of
Nebraska, will.on tho first day of March,
18D3, at the hour of two o'clock in the'
afternoon of said day, at the east door of
the county court house building, in the
city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, state
and district of Nebraska, sell at auction,
for cash, tho following described prop
erty, to wit: All of lot3 number three
(3) and nine (9) and tho west half of lot
uumber ten (10), in block number thirtj
two (32) in the city of Lincoln, Lancas
ter county, Nebraska.
The above dcocribed real estate will
be offered in parcels as follows: Lot
number three (3) asono parcel, tho north
thirty-two(32) feet of lot nine (9) and the
nor.h thirty two (.'-) feet or: the wett
hulf of lot ten (lu), as one parcel; and
thiSDUtb one hundredand ten (110) Teat
of lot nine (9) and tho south one hundred
and ten (110) feet of the west half of lot
tea (10), as ono natc?l.
Samuel S. Cuktis,
Master in Chancery.
Solicitor for Complainant,
H r4 v . . 7 1
jiouuiea&mg, onampooing.
Manicuring, Scalp Treatment,
i-irst Class Hair Goods of All
Kind?, Tonics, Pins, etc., go to
AIlNMAnna l..
V A f ... 'T.
k uia. uospjr?, iu o street, r
For social, club and theatrical news
The CoumE,: leads. Subscription re
duced to 81 a year.