THE COURIER, .7 Weil and Ed Friend. The bridal couple left immediately for Pueblo, where they will make their future homo. Mrs. Sciplo Dundy is visiting lui aunt, Mrs. Ogden. Mrs. Wright gives a whist party for Mrs. Robinson Monday ovenirg. This evening The Patriarchs will hold their fourth party of the season. Mr. M. S. Scudder returned toNew York dr. Thursday. In spite of tbo slight misunderstanding between him and the city council, Mr. Scudder has made many friends in Lincoln. Mr?. W. Hargrcaves has issued invij tations for a tea on Tuesday afternoon to the members of tho Cotillon. The pirty on Tuesday is especially for the Voting ladies. The Sew'ng Circle of Farragut post, W. R. C. met with Mre. Fred Hilder brand, of North Fourteenth etrcet, on Tuesday afterncon. Thirty-two mem bers were present. Refreshments were served . The gynasium class at tho V. M. C. A. under the direction of Mis3 Anne Spurck is growing rapidly. Several new mem bers joined this veek. Those who aro thinking of taking tho lessons should see Miss Spurck at once. Tho tuition for the remainder of tho teim has been reduced to $.'1.50 for a term of ten weeks, three lessons a week. Children will bo taught for S2.00. Mre. Mohrenstechcr gavo an evening I arty for joung people on Thursday evening to meet MieB WoodrulT and Mr Kespohl, of Quincy, III. Mott of the evening was 6purit with whist. Tbo prizes were won by Mis3 Helen Nanco and Mr. C. C. Marliy. Then each guest cast a shadow of tho hand on a whito curtain. Thoo most successful in guessing to whom tho hand bjlonged wero Mif s Clara Walsh and Mr. Reese. After tho games refreshments wero daintily served. The guests wero: the softened glow of the many pink can dles and shades and with its palms and pink tlora) decorationp, was very dainty. Mrs. Ewing, Miss Miller, Mies Rico and Miss Hooper, in harmonizing costumes, assisted tho hostess. Tho following wero tho invited guejts: Mesdaraes Mesdames Bailey, Wcodruff, F.W.Brown, Neal, Messre. - Misses Pound, Latta, Baldwin, Martb.aU, Low, Harwood, Gregory, Risser, Reese, HolJowbuih W. Westermann, Ode!l, F. Westermann, Deweese, Belcher, Slaughter, Polk, Griffith, Honeywell, Hill, Lansing, Nance, Mailey, HirrUon. E. Fohom, C. Walsh, Lottridge, Anno Barr, Streight, Pound, Knox, Kirker, Huilburt. Garten, - Geisthardt, Beecham, Cowdrey, Blisb, Walsh, Eulasp, FitzgerclJ, Walsh of Port Huron; Mr. and Mis. Blisb. - The Haydon Art Club will give a re caption to Mr. Clarkson Monday after noon from3 to 5 p. m. at the University Studio. All members of tho club aro cordially invited to be present. Ssvcral o! Mr. Claikson's recent portraits, and a few water colors will bo on exhibition at the time and will furnish an opportunity for the club to see his work. Mr. Clark bod is in the city engaged in painting a portrait of Mr. Bryan for tho Democ a tic Club of Chicago. Ho is one of Chi cago's bcztaititts, has spent a number of years in Paris, and has tho advantaga of personal contact with many of tho Ieiding men in tho art world of today. Mrs. Willis Aubrey Rankics, 1711 M street, gave a charming palctto party en Friday afternoon. Tho un'quo invita tio.s were in tho form of a small pa!ette, ml appropriate prizes wero award) d those who had won them by their ar istic ability. Ihe dining-room, under Minor, Horton, Fred IIoulz, Ward, Ewincr, Wright, Wilson, RobiuEoa, Hooper, Katz, Herzog, Jaosen, Kimball, Munger, Mohrenetechcr, W. B. Hargreaves, Wa!sb, Testers, Plank, J. E. Houtz, BucL'statT, F. Harris, Cox, But'er, Inkster; Misses OJcll, Hooper, Rice, Miller. Bounder-Oh, s'.utT! I don't call this a fancy dress bal1. Rounder Why not? Bounder Tho sort of fancy dress ball I like is where you have to fancy the dies3. Cholly Thopapeis say they aie go ing to develop men from monkeys. May i.iHcaHinijly)! should think that they would bo satisfied with having developed monkeys from men. She It's decidedly unpleasant chapped lips. He But suppose I ere thi hap? having WHITEBREAST ?(DAL ana LIME f). OUR DELIVERED RETAIL I'RIGE LIST Perm Anthracite.... Call at office Canon Gty Nut.... Colo... Ruby hard Call at office Excelsior Nut.... Colo... Canon Gty Lump.... Colo.. $7.65 Rouse Nut. ...Colo... Excelsior Lump.... Colo.. 6.65 Malthnd Nut-. ..Colo.. Roue Lump.... Colo.. 6.65 Rock Springs. ... Nut....Vyo.. Maitland o.ump....(oio.. nanna.. . ... Nut. ...wyo.. -fc A 111 Kock springs Lump . . . . w yo, nanna Lump. ...wyo. Du Quoin Lump . . . .Ill . . . .111... .111... .Mo.. .Iowa .Iowa 7.65 Smoky Hollow. .... Nut .... Iowa 6.65 Keb.Ottumwa Nut.... Iowa. 5.6o Pittsburg Nut. 5.60 Weirdy Nut. 5.60 Canon Gty Pea. 4.50 Hanna Ere- 4.50 Smoky Hollow Mine run.Iowa. 4.00 Keb. Ottumwa Mine runJowa. 4.00 GasHouseCoke 60 6.00 Oak wood, sawed and split 60 ..Kans.. ..Kans.. . .Col... . ..Wyo.. 96.65 .5.65 .6.00 .6.00 6.65 5.65 3.40 3.40 , 4.40 .4.40 . 5.00 . 6.40 3.40 3.40 Mrs. Will Owen Jones Will givo a re cital in tho University chapel on Tuej day evening, February 1. Cyclone Xump Irentcn Lump. Mendota Lump. Walnut Black Lump. Smoky HoUow Lump. Keb. Ottumwa .... .'Lump Iowa . Sheridan Lump Wyo. Sheridan Lump W'o.. 50 Pueblo Lump. . . .Colo. . 7.00 To 1. Dorian, XvLgp? Office 109 South 1 Itli St, Telephone 234, M40OO00O0000CO03C OOOOOOOOOOOOCOQOOCOGOOOOOOGOSOOm Prime Minister Is tho King suffering from dysperia? Court Physician No. Why? Prime Minister Ho just said that missionaries gave him a pain. Mrs. Golightly If you want to go on tho stage, my dear, why don't you get a divorce from old Moneyburn as a means to the end? Mis. Manhattan Because, unfortu nately that would bo an end to the rueacs. First Citizen Tho people, sir, will scon be up in arms against this new Milk Trust. Second Citizen Pcsubly, sir, but in tho end tho people will take water. Mrs. Hoyle So you aro b ck from Eurupo. Mrs. Doyle Yes, and I f.nd every thing so different here. Mrs. Hoyle I suppose you did have to pay cash over there. It was in the next rcom to mine at tho Hoffman Houeelast nigLt "I love you I do love you!" Tho voice was a young man's, very soft and winning. Well, I thought, "thi3 is interesting!" "Oh, it you would orly be mine!" he pleaded. "Heuh!"' I continued thinking, "sho must bo interesting!' "Come to my arms! ' he went on. "Jove!" I said to myself. "But he'd be a winner at a matinee idol!" " Joine, ray darling!" ho repeated. Apparently this entreated was obeyed, for tho next thing 1 heard was: If there was only more of you!" "How much does tho beast wan t J" said ha'f aloud. "Oh, Ruinart-Ruinart!"he sighed. I solved tho mystery: It wa3 tho talented and handsome young son of Joseph Jefferson practicing a scene with a cold bottle as an oppo;ito. i O o o o o o Novelties o In I Fine ! Wash I Dress Goods . . 8 O o o o o o o o ! LADIES who are inter ested in Fine Wash Dress Goods arc in vited to see the exception ally choice display in our Dress Goods Department. Many of the styles are ex clusive and will not be du plicated. The assortment is better now than will be possible at any time later in the season. Miller & Paine o o 8 o o o 8 8 8 o a o o DO05COO0O0OOOO0O000eCCO0O0OO3CCCO3ODOO000CO0OCe S5S) Why I It M.SBTITZ Has done business on O street longer in his 'ine than any ono else? Because he keeps tho best green fruit and vegetables and the most accommodating clerks and sells as cheap a3 good goeds can bo told. GOOD LUCK GROCERY TELEPHONE 626, 1107 O STREET. !)fc(s)XSSX t 4 --T fil TeATTITTlM CANDIES rOOIOI0OOOOQ0 0OtOO000000SO00OMICIMOOMMMOaHe0 9MMrM ITALIAN CHOCOLATES XSon Bons, Fwojr5. Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Lunches served. Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. LLi. ilson, Agent ror Uur uocus in Lincoln, ccr Tenth and O.