ft? 8 THE COURIER. , NT. .-' entertaiotccd the company in a way of tbeir own choosing. ' Dainty and unique rafrrabBaeats. were aanred 'and at a late hour tbe guests deaf t ted feeling tbat tber bad i pent a moat enjoyable even ing. Elliott school is the proud and happy poisessor of a beautiful picture siren it asaprizs by the Haydon Art club for having tbe highest per cent of attend ance at their recent art exhibit. Prob ably no school in the city has such a good collection of pictures, and the col lection is still being enlarged. The eighth grade has just received tl e'r class picture, St. Cecelia, framed in birch wood. OBSERVATIONS. BASKET BALL SOGIETY. Much interest bRS been manifested lately at the State University Basket Ball. The young men's team has been organized for some time and has had al ready several games with outside teams. Week before last, tbe young women un animously elected Miss Loime Pound ss captain of their team with power to choose her players. a Everyone who has been interested in Basket Ball among the young women this year, appreciated the difficulty of Miss Pound's task. There was no lack cf material from which to pick an excel lent team the difficulty, was simply in cBOosi&g six strong players who would work well together.. There was considerable excitement among tbe young women as to the choice ct the players, not only for the 'vanity, but also, for the recond team. Those chosen were: For (he first team, Kicks Helen Welch, Bertha DuTeil. Lojisa Pounc, Harriet Ccoke, Marie Beach and Marie Kennedy. Also as all aroand player on first team, with title of capttin of second team, MjebRoeb Long. The young women onljie second team aw, Misses EleoDora Miller. Daisy Bon sell, Anna Tritsch, Ida Taylor, Mabel Dempster and Alberta Spurck. The two terms had tbeir first practice game on Thursday, 13th. Particular stress was laid on calling fouls. The score resulted 8 to 5 in favor of the first team which played at the disadvantage ct having one of its towards absent. At -present the second twn excels the first in gocd throwing, and has just as skill fql players. The victory of the first team seemed to be due only to the fact that it bad the 4d.raT)t8go in strength and enduraace. Tho joucg wemen expect to have several matches in the future and hope to sake social as well as athletic events of them, incidentally serving a luncheon to the visiting players and inviting a throng of patronises. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION VIA BURLINGTON ROUTE. On February 1st and 15th the Bur liagton will cell round trip tickets to all points in Indian Territory, Oklahoma Territory and Texas, and to all points in Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mis souri asd New Mexico at one fare plus $2.00. Full iaformation regarding limits, stopovers, etc. at B & M depot or city ti:ket office, corner Ten'h and O Ste. Geo. W. Boiojell, C. P. & T. A. 2-15. Johnnie Will Grade always be the eldest? Mamma Always. JebBBie It isn't fair. We ought to take turn. Satan Did you smoke when on earth? New Arrival No. Satan Well, you'll have a good chance to leara here. 0)0 HIMMMMMIlMMS) New Patterns in Artistic Wall Paper just received . . . Jr MBaTff . Richards Block. . L MIL. Loanisa'aOldfctind. Bookseller, Stationer and Dialer in window shades and wall paper. B3$5 Continued from pace 1 . during the same period the suite lias received In cash from convict labor $14,0375:1, or $3,394 03 more than has been expended. The same record shows that of the $60,000 appropriated for the maintenance of prisoners for the two j-ears ending March 31, 18JH), there has. already been drawn 812,891.19. As suming that the report is correct and that it costs only $338 per month to maintain each convict, whatdisposl tion has been made of upwards of $12,000 that has Leen drawn frcm M12 appropriation and more than $3,000 that has been received from labor above the expensa of maintenance? Here is an apparent deGciency of up wards of 810,000 which should be re ported upon and explained. The leg islative investigating committee was organized to give pops pap and manu facture ammunition to be expended in future political campaigns, but it ap pears to have made a mistake in its report on the penitentiary. . The statement in tbe New York Journal that 3Ir. Bryan is not of so , much consequence as Bryanismcrea'.eS a desire to know just what Bryanism is. It is a new word and has not yet achieved the distinction of being spelled with a small letter. It means one thing to Mr. Bryan's Farty- It means a good many other things to republicans and to gold democrats. To silver republicans, democrats and populists Bryanism stands for the peo ple vs. power of various kinds. It means income tax, government owner ship and operation of railroads, tele graph, express matter, banks, and other things thereafter to be evolved. It means a man is a man if his trousers are not creased and if they are pinned up around the ankle by a brass pin and a' tbat and a' that and finally it means that if all men arc not born free and equal, legislation is going to make 'em so. To gold republicans and demo cratsthere are no gold populists Bryanism means repudiation, a danger ous stirring up of discontent and ambi tion in the laboring classes, a leveling of barriers supposed to have been erected by God himself, rank socialism and anarchy, the suppression of the rich, the destruction of manufactur ing and manufacturers, contempt of the supreme court, carelessness of all precedent, and unfettered radicalism. Between these two interpretations of bryanism there is another that recog nizes that that democracy which began to develop what time the first com munity was conscious of the power of united action has not yet flowered. The selfishness and strength of the few has been throttled by a few revo lutions only to begin to grow again at the point where violence stopped growth. Those who recognize the potential energy of democracy are un willing to charge Mr. Bryan with creating class hatred. They recognize that he arouses the spirit 6r democ racy which has slumbered not, for nearly nineteen hundred years and which in a few thousand, it may be a few hundred, years will overcome all forms of monarchial, plutocratic and oligarchical forms of government. Mr. Bryan has only thrown himse?f into the current and by doing so, got tbe current called bryanism. It has come from a dim past and it is still further to the ocean. But the ocean is there and the river will empty into it and neither Bryan nor any one else can stay tr hurry it. Physician You cent for mo just in time. Patient Oh, I don't knew; I gue-s 1 could have died alone. l Don't Wa v xlolS' A ivUm "s-1 if At the beg-inning- of a A year the house looks bet- ter if some of the walls j have beeu freshly painted A and after a coat of var- Mtoli nfll mi lz n rm 111314. vt ill iiinxvi j. wii full of furniture look new Tf it- ic T-iir rifnfirm do any painting- we can quote you some tempting" d prices. Leave 3rour or- d ders now and avoid the rush . . . hi- to ' I Standard Qlass ard Pairt Co. sj Y Wboleaale and Retail. ? it a 2 Philip Matter, Proprietor, 1312-131G O St. J. B.. Meyer, Manager. I. Do you know where PALACE BEAUTIFUL Is? Well, it is the place to get a ,. A GOOD SHAMPOO or your HAIR SINGED AND TREATED. This eradicates dandruff and wdl roaka your hair SOFT nnd GLOSSY. It is the clace to net u good MASSAGE to keep your ekio soft and while. Also BODY MASSAGE and VAPOK BATHS to build yon up and clear you skin this time time of the year. MANICURE and MASSAGE for the bunds, to phane the nails and make the hund soft and white. Tbe FACE BLEACHED, FRECKLES and PIMPLKS removed, leaving the skin clear, toft and white. The hair dressed and beautified or powdered for parties, t The best line of Switches, Curie and Bangs, Toilt Waters, Perfumes, Triple Extracte, Powder, Hair Tonics, Soap, Hairpin?, ral Siell Ornamcutd, Combs etc. Wigs, Switches, Curls or anything of the kind made to ord;r. Near Oliver Theatre. 121 so 13th during 1S9S will present to its readers a tutWal pictorial repre sentation of the world's most interesting and important news. THE NEWS THAT BECOMES HISTORY J S. U. Croclxtt 4 BBBBsVw ' LVaVsH W C&spv Whitney 5 W. D. National and Inter national Politics Social and Economic Questlonr Industrial EnrerarlM Art and Literataro The Weekly will continue to partici pale in the great political events of our coun try. It will treat cf the social and eco nomic questions, and of the development of the middle west. Its special corre spondent in the Klondike region ill trace Uie story of the great sold discoveries. Howell LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES Twolongserialswillappearduringthe j T" QJfm year, contributed by authors of inter- 5 T,.7SwiiiMiT. national fame, and will be illustrated. wKIncnx Owen Witter ?Thee and a score of equally prominent Howard Pile writers wiil contribute short stories to the John Kandrick Banff Wekki.v in 189S, malting the paper espe Marjr E. Wilkint dally rich in fiction. Other featuresarc the DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL' ARTICLES THIS BUSY WORLD FOREIGN NOTES Bf E.S. MARTl.V B, FOCITXET BIGBLOH LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR SPORT Bf ABXOLD WHITE Bf CASPAR frMTXET A SPORTING PIL6RIMAGE AROUND THE WORLD In the interest of the WeEiCLY.Caspar Whitney is on his wav around the world. He will visit Sum in search of bis game, making. his principal hunt from Bangkok. He w ill visit India and then proceed to Europe to prepare articles on the sports of German) and France. 10c. a copy stnJfcrfrte frosfectia). Subscription $i.00a year. Postage frtc in tie United States, Canada, and Mexico. Addreu HAIirKR A BROTHERS, raklltaen, New York City e MaallllaWLam r aaaaaEKjBBMrMBF -MBna bk Carl btfcurz F. R- Stockton o0 Henry Junes With THE COTJBIER One Year Fes $4: . At the Waldorf-Astoria. down by the explosic n? Guest Waiter, bring us a roast duck Mr. Bloobumper Blown up Benny. id a bottle and tell Seidl to play same- Attar it was up it fell dowo through the thing from "Lohengrin" whitowe'tcat operation of tne law of gravitation, supper. "What's the opera" Berry Blcobumppr Is it right to pay "It is time for you to -go to bed now, that Ihe house was blown up or b'owu Becni?.' :