The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 22, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Mr." JohnD.'i'on was in the city Mon
day and Tuesday.
Mr. Weil gave a delightful card party
Friday evening.
HThe Iowa whist club will hold its regu
lar meeting this evening. 0
Mr. Ralph Saltan of Edgar, came up
Monday for the Scalchi concert.
Mra. Weasel gave a dinner Tuesday
evening for Miss Mathildo Friend.
Mr. Jim Burks cf Beatrice, was in
Lincoln over Wednesday and Thursday.
The Once a week keneicgton club held
its usual meeting on Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs Geo. Clark gave a lunch'eon at 1
o'clock Friday for a few of her friends.!
The Cotillion club wi 1 hold its regu
lar, meeting February 1st, at Mrs. Buck
Btaffs. Miss Edna Plummer of Dacatur, III.,
was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Waugb,
last week.
Mr. Head of Jefferson, la., was the
guest of bis cousin, Mrs. Le Gore, for a
few days this week.
The wedding of Miss Mathilda Friend
to Mr. Frush of Pueblo, Col., will take
place on Sunday at high noon.
Mrs. Chambers of ColumbU3, will sing
at the Tiinity church Sunday morning.
She has a beautiful contralto voice.
On Monday evening Mr. and Mis.
Campbell gave a box party for Mrs. C.
O. Robinsoa, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wright
to enjoy Scalchi's concert.
On Tuesday evening Misses Baggs
and Ciiffyn entertained the La Vita
whist club very delightfully. Delicious
refreshments were served.-
On Wednesday evening Mrs. Morris
Friend gave a high five party for about
fortygue3ts. The prizes were won by
Miss Ida Mayer of Fort Worth, Texa9,
and Mr. Frush of Pueblo, Col.
Mrs. Carl Funke entertained a fnw
friends very informally oa Friday eve
ning for Mre. Robinson of Chicago.
Hearts was the game of the evening.
The guests were Mrs. Robinson, Mr.
Oliver Rodgers, Messers and Mesdames
D. D.JMuir. Jno. Dorzan, J. B. Wright,
J.ArBuckstaff, W. C. Wilson, F. W.
Brown and Wm. Leonard.
Thursday evening Mrs. Kohn gave a
card party for a few friends. The prizes
were a handsome high ornamental vase,
won by Mrs. Wed and a card case won
by Mr. Blum. Messers and Me sdamea
Weil and Norris Friend; Mrs. Sarbach
of Fairbury; the Misses Friend; Messrs
Ed Friend, Blum, Frusch and Wesiel.
The Philharmonic Orchestra will give
a concert for the schcol children of Lin
coln at the new High school auditorium
on.Monday, January 24th, at 'A o'clock.
A special program is prepared. A joung
Iidies quartettd from theJUniversity
school of Music will sing twico on the
program. Admission 10 cents. Only
those connected with the schools will ba
Tuesday evening the "Naomi' eo:iety
gave a card party at tbo home of Mies
Ida Friend. The seats were sold for
tifty cents. The prizes were donated
and other presents presented. In all the
eo:iety realized about tifty dollar.?.
M e. Kirb gave a luncheon 03 Wed
nesday afternoon to fourteen ladies at
the Lincoln. The decorations were red
roses. The guests were Mrs. McMurtry,
Mrs Ladd, M iss Latta, Mies Hollowbush,
Mrs. Mallalieu, Mrs. F. A. Brown, Mrs.
Baiey, Mis. Rector. Mrs. W F. Kelly,
Miss Gaiten, Mis. Garten, Mrs. Edgar,
Miss Deweeseand Mre. Wade of Omaha.
The clas3 of '01, called the "naughty
ones" held its first party at the Uni
versity Conservatory of Music on Friday
evening. The class is a new one, of
course, and is not far enough along in
its organization to have colours, s) they1
had no particular decorations for the
evening. Tbo reception was held in the
parlours and the members of the class
were received by Mil ses Margaret Win-,
ger, EmmaOutcalt, Messrs Reed.Tukey,
and Frickie. After the reception the
guests spent tha remainder of the eve
ning in dancing to music furnished by
Mr.Turpin's orchestra. Ices were Bsrved
during the evening.
On Saturdav evening Misa Ida Friend
gave a high five party for her cousin,
Miss Mathildo Frinnd. Thero were about
fi'ty guests seated at the tablec The
lady's prize a beautiful picture was
won by Miss Alyne Friend, and the
gentleman's prize, a silver soap dish was
won by Mr. Morris Acb. Elegant re
freshments were served.
Tho brave boys who meet at the Army
and Navy Club in Washington to par
ticipate in tho gossip of the service arc
very much concerned over a scandal in
which several officers have become in
volved in the city of Cheyenne. The
occasion was a visit from "Buffalo Bill"
rlon. Wm. F. Cody who brought
with him a large consignment of red
paint. No sooner had he struck town
than communication was opened up
with his old-timo army friends to join
him in a sociable time. After a number
of small dinners and large, cold bottles.
a convivial party, composed of Mr. Cody
and a dozen or twenty army officers and
first citizens of tha town, dropped in at
the principal variety show. Mr. Cody
bought up all of the house that was un
sold when be attacked the box-office,
and he and his friends moved into the
boxes and front seats. In tho course of
a little while the performance was turn
ed into a hilarious riot. Tha soubrettes
and comedians ou the stage were delug
ed wita showers of silver coin, speeches
were made from the boxes by Cody and
others, and finally tho moro lively mem
bers of the party took possession of tho
stage and gave an exhibition of high
class talent, the like of which was never
seen before in that wild and wool'
community. From tho theatre "Buffalo
Bill' and bi3 friends nav'gabed across
the street, bought out a saloon and gave
a reception. That also degenerated into
a riot. The next day there was remorse'
Cheyenne was scandalized, and various
good citizens threatened to carry the
matter to Secretary Alger and have the
officers who took part in tbaorgy court
martialed. The ladies of the community
mixed in, and gave it out that if their
1 .1 1 1 j i .i 1
uruiure, uusuauus uuu tamers weaKen-i
ed they would organize and bring the
story to tho attention of tho War De
partment. So far as known, Secretary
Alger remains in official ignorance of
the affair, but it will be strange it ho is
not obliged to take acticn. Nothing has
so alarmed and excited the Army and
Navy Club since the late Admiral Meade
threw a paper bomb shell at President
Cleveland and Secretary Herbert and
then sought -efuga m the club, refusing
to como out for weeks. Town Topics.
Miss Amber Barnaby ba3 taken charge
of the choir of the Vino Street Congre
gational church.
Tho Chautauqua circle were pleasant
ly entertained last Friday evening at the
home of tho state secretary, Mrs. L. S.
Corey. Imperial Germany was che topic
for consideration. Dr. Stein delighted
all present by giving reminiscences of
his Fatherland. Ices were served.
Miss Patterson gave a fagot party
Tuesday evening at her home, 2937 Q
street, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Gates
cf New York city. The rooms were
darkened and about twenty-five fagots
were cast successively into the glowing
fire place, while their respective owners j
?DAL ana LIME (D.
Perm Anthracite. . . .
Ruby hard
Canon Gty -. Lump
RxctImot Lump Colo
Rou-'e Lump. . . .Colo
Maitiand .Lump Colo
Call at office Canon Gty Nut Colo..
Callat office Excelsior Nut. ...Colo..
.Colo. .$7.65 Rome Nut. ...Colo..
665 Maitiand Nut-. ..Colo.,
6.65. Rock Springs Nut....Wyo.
b.eo Manna Nut....Wyo.
RockSprings Lump....Wyo.. 7.65 Smoky Hollow. Nut Iowa.
Hanna Lump . . . .Vyo
uu ucoin Lump .... Ill .. .
Cyclone .Lump 111. . .
JU ...
Trenton ..- ..Lumo..
Mendota Lump..
Walnut Black Lump..
Smoky Hollow Lump. .
Kb. Ottumwa Lump..
Sheridan Lump. .
Sheridan Lump..
6.65 Keb. Ottumwa Nut.... Iowa..
5.6o PUtsburg Nut.. ..Kan..
5.60 WeirGty Nut.. ..Kara..
5.60 Canon Gty Pea . ...CoL...
4.50 Hanna Egg....Wyo..
4.50 Smoky Hollow Mine run.Iowa.
4.00 Keb Ottumwa Mine ruaJjL.
Iowa.. 4.00 Gas House Coke 6J0
VVyo.. 6.00 Oak wood. sawed ind split 60
Wyo.. 5.50
Colo.. 7.00
Pueblo .Lump.
Jno. 1 Dorgan, Mifipr
Office 109 South 11th St, Telephone 234,
Wiiy las It
'?. M. SFITZ
Has done business on O street longer in his line than any one
else? Because he keeps tho best green fruit and vegetables
and the most accommodating clerks and sells as cheap as good
goods can be told.
se3SS tg
a tm w- .m m .m. m a m l. my r-v v
Bon Boras, Favors.
Mail orders promptly and carefully filled.
Lunches served. Farnam Street , Omaha, Neb.
L. Wilson, Agont for Our Goods in Lincoln, ccr Tenth and O.
Twelfth and O. Funke Opera House Block.
Are now ready to meet their old customers and many new
ones at the oM place, which has recantly been fitted up
in a most pleasing manner. Everything is new and we feel
confident that tae new stock wbich is now on sale cannot
but meet the . . .
M , . ft
r ? iOk ,- ' ' l T : '
for the little qnes, that i made as
near the shape of the foot as it is
possible to adapt it, and composed
of superior leather, N what we keep
for the Loys and n iris at all times.
Our ?;oys' shoes will outwear any
shoe made, and at the same time
is tkxibl-, stylish and handsome.
v.itct. na-. cokic-mw, H29 Q Street
KftftlU ' 1x ftUlltWklilir.UiKVlWWtMWIIKIllitJuiJ