nii if? ran me THE C'dUkJERT Prof eaalonal Directory. DOCTORS. $1 Tf Telephone. Office Hours fBk m Office. Bo... .ess .655 Dr. O. C. Reynolds (Office rooms 18-19, 110 to IS a.m ESP Bnrr Block 3 to S D. M (Be. 144 So. 29th St Son. 3 to gociai and personal office 375 1 w- L- Dayton, M. D. J fflcc-,2tB stroot 1 10 to (Diseases of Eye, Eat v-i and Throat I Ben. 1821 0 Street J 230 to to5pm $ .Dr. J. H. Tyndale f NOSE AND THROAT J Office, rooms 9 and 10. Lansing Theatre f 1130 urn to 5pm 4 SJ.J 4 d ,t 4 K t & ' IDr. 8. E. Cook f Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat 1215 O St. 9:30-13:'l (2-5pm -ffico. Res. " tor. Ben j. F. Bailey ..671. 1 I Office, Zehruuc mock 1 9 to in n iu I Residence. 1313 C street! V12 to 12:30 t )2to4pm Office. Ke . 349, .462. Dr.-R.E.Giffen ( Office, Telephono Bid. .. 1 2 to 5 p m ; a m by a I Residence. 1S21 F street J pointmcot . OfBce 5JT)r JS "Raton I 1 2-to 4" p. m f ii . tl . O, J2U.IAJ11, J-Office, 137 So. Ilth St. . 12 a. m. B idencc.562) Surgery ana Nervous Diseases, ) I Hours 10 to i H. S. Aley, M. D. f Female, nenrnns A genito-urinarr diseases. 1 (Hours 9 to 12 V Office, 1448 O Street... .. -J 2 to 5. 7 to 8 J ( Mod. & Sat .Dr. J. B. Triokey, f Refiactionist only VOfficc, 1035 O street VI to 4 p to 12 a. m m. i DR. E. J. ANGLE. f Skin and Genito-Uninary Diseases. I Facial blemisne rumored 1 Office Alexander bile. 1400 O St.. rooms 7, 8, 9. I Bes. cor 26th and N Sts. r?i 9tol2a.m. auto 4 pan Hto9p.m Mr. gave p5F and 1- Mrs. J. A. an elaborata dinner dance on Thursday evening for Mrs. Robinson of Chicago. The dinner was.stJrved on small tables in the din ing and reception rooms. The rooms DENTISTS. 1-r i vr tct . nT.n I Office, room 26. 27 and I JjOUiS N. Wente,D.D.S.- l.Brownell Block, 137 V I I 60 11th street. Dr. J. S. McNay j Office, 1105 O street IS tot! am O 1 Bfidepce. 2208 T street fl to 5 p m 656 IDr. F.D.anerwin i DENTIST. I Ottice, room la UurrHlk)9 to 12a m 2nd floor V (Bes.SS4SQst ) I to p. m BUSINESS DIRECTORY. roses, carnations ana learnea only recently, is that the cere mony took place on the fiftieth anniver sary of Mr. Harley's grandmother's wed ding, and on the twentyseventh an niversary of that cf his aunt. Mrs. Mitchell gave another of her charming kensingtons on Wednesday afternoon. The guests wero lVfncio.,,... u . UMUIUK) were filled with allies and tho tables were brilliant with silver, glass and damask. The menu cards were decorated by Mr. Ladd, the father of Dr. C. F.Ladd, and were a de cided credit to his ability. After the gantleman had finished their cigars, the guests went up stairs to the ball room where, after a few two-steps and waltzes Lieutenant R. N. Tow nley led the cotil lon. The first figures were danced with precision and elegance. About twelve o'clock when the more sedate of the guests had departed the few that re mained had a cake walk and dancf d hoe downs to African melodies. When the time came to go home even Miss Wil loughby did not want to stop. Lieuten ant Townley always leads th6 cotilion w m Buckstaff served by( Miss Edna tlarley, who was assisted by Misses Margaret Winger. Ruth Owent andJBird McConniff. The tablem'Jhis room was decorated with meteor roses. An interesting fact con. cerning the wedding which has been Pound, Polk, P. M. Hall, Doane, Wade, Henry Hartley, Gregory, Thomas, Vifnuain, MacLean . Howell, . I. N. Baker. W. O. Jones. McCreery, Horton, Sawyer, Ewing, Kirchsroin, W. C. Wilson, Phone " 470 J. M. GUILE, Real Estate and Ins. Gen. Exchange Business Office 315 South Eleventh K3 9r-'ij'?'Cr)i . ... . .. i .... . MlRRPO PVinrl rIll J TT-. wiin a spirit ana grace tnai in a larger "ihiiu vuquain. place would make him a distinguisehd Tae L. A. a r. kensi ton authority, and on Thursday night he entertained on Thursday afternoon by seemed to have a soecial inBDira- -m. r:i. , .. ' u UJ tton; Miss Willoughby's orchestra fur- BROKE! "Well, you need a new pair, or possibly we can fix them up all right for you. Anv how, bring them in and see. Without 3'mr glasses you can't see right. "We will test and fit your eyes with a new pair of cither fine Freneli crystal or Brazilian pebble eye glasses or spectacles at such rea sonable cost that you will be pleased to have them. I E. HALLETT, 1143 O Street. Funke Opera House Block. JEVVErER AKE OPTICIAN. d nished tho music. The guests were: Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Wade of Omaha; Mrs. and Miss Turner of New York; Mr Coatsworth, of Kansas City; Judge and Mrs. Irvine; Lieut, and Mrs. Townley Dr. and Mrs. Wolcolt; Dr. arid Mrs. Ladd; Mr. Ladd.Sr.; Mrs. Ogden, Miss Sarah Harris; Mr. Carroll Montgomery; Mr. Co Troth; Mrs. Beespn and Mr. Oliver Rodger . Messers and Mesdames Wright, Funke, D.D.Muir. Lew Marshall, John Dorgan. W. C. Wilson. C. L. Burr, Tilton, W. Hargreaves, F. W- Brown, Lambertson, Will Lsonard, Carl Funke, Chas. E. Yates, D. A. Campbell, F. Buckstaff; Mrs. Pitcher. The afternoon .o ., . in conversation and sewing, and with dainty refreshments. Besides ihe regu lar members of the club there were present Megdames S. H. Benton, Hayes Thompsao, Geo. Holden of Denver R M. Turner, Highland Wheeler and Miss es Wilkinson and Latham or Chicago The club members present were Mes dames Billmeyer, F. Campbell, Walur Davis, C. I. Jones, Chapin, Preston, Noi ns Humphery, Wilkinson, Armstrong Patrick, Will Turner, Geo. Fawell and Milton Scott. Mrs. MHOOOOOBOOOOOGO o O o i ill 4 I DRES8 1 601. 1 . "SfS SCtC000O00OC0000C0OrC0OC0CCO9COC090 I u o o o o o o a a o o a s o o a o o o o o o o o o O o a o o o Seligeohn and Miss pn,fi,. Seligsohn gave a high-tfve party Thure day afternoon for Mrs. E. Seligschn of Omaha, and other visitors. After a spirited contest it was found teat Miss Frank and Mrs. Newmark bad won the prizee. Then a guessing game vya8 tried. Each gueit was asked to draw an animal ana the rest were asked to gues3 what it was. Miss Anna Mayer proved hereelf the brightest guesser and Mrs. Polwosky was given the consolation prize. After the games an elaborate luncheon of eizht Courses xvna earrn.4 rr . . Mrs.H. H. Barley wore her beautiful ladies were seated at the We tahiln wedding gown of white corded silk, en the younger ladies at two small Ik? train, with chiffon and Jace trimmings. A the decoration .JZJlt?blee- MiR3 Harlnv worn hpr hriemaiH'Q r.r i.. mL . ..'." "",lJ ana SCar- b"" ici. xuocuesis or tho A Jbrilliant reception was given on Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Harlry and Miss Dora Harley.forMr. and JVIrp. Henry Howell Harley who have just returned from their wedding trip. Mrs. J. H. Harley wore a band some gown of black silk with point lace. - Thisweek"we opened and put on sale several hundred pieces of spring- dress goods. All wool and silk or wool fabrics of latest colorings. We are maintaining- our position as the Dress Goods House of Ne braska . . . Miller & Paine OO9CO2O0CO0OCOCO0OCOOeO00O00OOOCO90O0OO0O0C of white organdie over light blue silk with white ribbons and lace. Hundreds of guests passed along the line con gratulating and wishing the bridal couple the greatest happiness.. Mrs. Harley has been well known in Lincoln for several years and is already very popular in society circlee. Tho room in which the receiving party stood was profusely decorated with palms and American beauties. The next room was eeperated from the front parlor by cur tains of smilax, and was decorated with azaleas and. palms. Mesdanies Gere, McMurtry. Yates, Ewing, A. H. Howell, and Ford of Des Moines, helped to en tertain the guests and to guide them to the refreshment rooms. In the dicing room ices and cake were served by Miss Blossom Williamson who was assisted by Misses Ena Ricketts, Mabel Richards and Ada Heaton. The table was very artistically covered with ferns and pink roses. In another room punch was afternoon -.... . -' tAC. .me&uames E. Seligsohn and Katz of Omaha Lowenburg of Sutton, Ackerraan, New mark Sneler, Steinberg, Polwcsky. Solo raon.Schlesinger, WesBjl, Lsvy. Misses Levy or New Orleans, Ida Mayer of Fort Wcrth Te.v., Ida FWcnd.AB. Mayer, 1-rank, Aileno Friend, Mathilda Friend, Cora Schlesinger. Mrs. McCreery will entertiin the mem ucra ui ner ounday school afternoon. Her guests will A.aura Houtz, Leola Vancil, MaryMcGahey, Alice Graige, EdnaHarpham, Mabel Brown, Myrtle Stevenson, L!da Gilmore, Minnie Parks, Estella King, class this be Missfs: Margarct Winger, Helen Welch, Henries Hawlty Mary Giaige. Ruth Wilson, Mildred Parks, Agnes Reed, Edith Hobart, ' Grace Lj one, Newman. 1 ;w'r AAtSi "&! f :J HC 53 ffl J."ra,?. '- &M -, J - ?W: -Jkj 1 w