-r- h . . THE COURIER. Tl? LONDON LETTER. k fZ&ftt&JrvyrfZ, 2, . . - f.. he n il Lady Anne Coventry's raarihge lo Prince Victor Dhuleep Sineh wa? inter csting for many reasons. First ot a'l, it wa a penulno lovo match, the pair boing quite absurdly devoted to each other and bavicg bed to displa constancy and patience under various trying delay; then tho brido islho daughter of an olflc cial or tho royal h:u3ehold; also tho rumor bad gone about that tho display of jewels would bo maguilicent, which proved to be the cote. It was really a charming wedding, but I was much amused at the naivo disappointment of certain good people who did not know tho prince by Bight Thsy had evidently expected a romantic-looking dusky hero whereas he, though very Oriental in type, could cotbo called handsome, and his stoutness and (dare I whisper it?) abicucc of neck Bscaied to grieve theeo worthies greatly. Now ho is a thor oughly geed fellow and amiable, which is far better than being beautiful, bo I i it.. . . - "" " Siil-plao-Salixxe Sanitarium, Cor. I-3btlx anxl jVI All Kinds of Baths Scientific Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet. Shavin- Hairdressing-. Dks. Everett, Managing- Physicians. thought all this unreasonable. How- Emily Van do Weyer), Lady ever, tho appearance of tho bride and Herbert, and tho Princess budesmaid gave consolation. Lady Anne, refined, flendij and graceful, looked really poetic in her sof tly-failing satin gown aad Marie Antoinette fichu, simplo tulle veil and coronal orange Mowers. She left all her gorgeous gems in her jewel 'Cas?, wearing ouly one gift Victor a Louise's I Our Crank Hanger Does It The Racycle Har row Tread is the easiest running and longest wearing, wheel made, because' there is from20 to 30 with you; but, my dear grandson, don't kid quite all tbe poor Chinese!" Tho Queen is alwajs.a little unmerciful to anything that looks like "putting on side.' Tho dramatic entertainment at Blen heim was a big success. The first part consisted of table ux. "The Presenta- erinc tho beauties of her 6tars. But this is what ilio Queen has always done, handsome niec, Miss Elspeth Camp- so doubtlefs she basgiven her best-loved boll (tho young lady who plays the bag- daughter many a lesson in fortitude, pipe?.) They wore white silk trimmed By the way, did you hear what the with golden otter and silver gauz. dear old lady said to Prince ITenry of Too picturesque hat3 were of sil- Prussia when ho came over to say yiod vr gauze, turned up sharply on one bjo to her? She laughed rather quiz side with mirror velvet rosettes (each zically at the bombastic little airs which per cent. less pressure of the bridegroom's, a large turquo'se lady having a different cjlor) end white he has begun to learn from his brother, on the bearings of a sjt in brilliants, iuawill observe that vumtB fastened with a paste brooch, and said: "Well, good-bye, and luck go our smart brides nearly always wear tur- xhey carried graceful posies of lillies of quoise of late; this is becau-so we are be- jhs valley. Tha presents from the bride coming more superstitious and try to Kro031 wero ruby and diamond crown carry out the adnse which threat3nB ill. brooches with the initials V. A.' liyifc unless tho bride wear . And tho wedding gifts! 1 must men Something old t'on ,Q9 bridegrooms offerings in detail, and something new, P'rht of all theio was the diamond crown Something borrowed a& very charming in design it is and something bice. tien lu0 lvely collar of pearls, eight tioa of Mme du Barri to Louis XV . rows, with bars of brilliants between; showed tho Duke of Marlborough es The sx bridesmaids were Lady Anno s aL, a hng rope of single pearls of match- Louis and Ladv Sarah Wilson-blonde sister. Dorcby Coventry; tho bride. , ,,. ,, ,.. , uMrfrt. , , rA hTnmae ,, ,,.; u-,,a , Hants had a center formed of a lovely young duchess was a dainty Comtcssc dc ro3C-pink diamond. Theie were three Beam and Lord Chesterfield a handsome single stone rings such stones! a chain Cardinal. Another very successful bracelet set with pearls and diamonds; scene was tho Empress Theodora (Lady and, perhaps tho rarest of all, a truly Randolph Churchill) receiving tho bom marrmfucnt necklace cf Cabochon em- And tho most important factor in a well eralds mounted with raio white sap. regulated kitchca is the range. It must ,: v.- ; :i j, - , be one that the dralt? are easy and ac- ph,ree'. Victor is evidently deterraioed cessibloto liandle, so that the oven can thnt his princess shall carry off the palm be tempered to any degree accessary for for 6pondor wherever sho appears, baking. Oao of tho inot particular JQ it not a good idea to establish a elements of making pa utable, "healthy : .. . - i i r m n h.k.d foo-l ,n5ttin tr.pnin hn hfsboat as a memorial of Poor Ternss? at the proper heat. It must alss be ll ia to cjlled "Tho Breezy Bill,' thus Sejttinzus Sands (in representing whom economical of fuel, in sizs- and formic perpetuating, not cn'y the pet name, but the duke was permitted by his spouse to -w.-.w.,.,............,.......... "'. iuc uravo memory oi one wno, on several canciture ber counttvmen in mn--t. occasions, saved livf s at sea at tho risk diverting faslior.) A widowed Countess, of his own. Deir old 'Bill" Jcivcs only whoso husbsnd has vanished in a ball 20.000. Teople teem surprised, but room (and, of course, reappears), and a not so thoso who knew bis" generous very up-to-date lady jouinalist were tmperament. It is a wonder ho left so played by the duchess and Lady Rau murb. dolnh:. Mrx. Oslmnt (a r-M nn 1f n a- j l ... w. u v 1U1 dm grcom's two bisters, Princess Sophie and Princess Bamba Dhuleep Sin;b; Miss Brenda Van de Weyer (daughter of Lady M 10 1 IM'S HI wheel having the balls in the hubs of the cranks and tbe chain mid snrookpt. t".'Jifil rnlliiirrhotwonii 9y --- :a "-": "" sranK Hunger the bearings, thus Ooasltl caving leverage. We bacH tnia assertion. with $1,000 IN CASK. Tf yon do not believe it examine the Kacyclc, either theoretically or practi caliy, figure on it, and if vou can dis prove otir assertion we will" GIVE YOU $1,000 IN CASH. Here is your chance, send for cata logue. mm mn a h'fb co., MIDDLETOWN, OHIO GiRAnn & Co.. Aaent, Lincoln. A.L. raanship the most p'rfect. It should have beautiful and artistic designs ia Xick'e Trimrninzs. All "hese essentiHl features: we have in the New Lincoln Steel Range. Th's is our reason for calling it the age of her court. This was as sensuously TT IS THti beauful a picture a3 female charms, rich color and dazzling jewels could make it. TR4IN TO T"AT"F After the tableaux came a musical bur- lesqu?, "An Idle Hour."' Tho scene was Idid in the grounds of 'the Jubileo Hotel," kept by a typical (?) Yanke?, IB fpSj 'IS! tag OX HITI 1 ?" j m - C l TC3t il(r Q-'"i" . It is ackrj07dfTAr )-V nil rnmnit;tn.. to be the handsomest tn eel range made. tte tunes when the soul of the mourner " miura we win leu you about a bnrouaea in utter darkness. "Let us SStyd1ishieD Dd B fCW receipt8for d-vdl therein,' she saj p. "In vain shall "Te guarantee them m every particu- we85ktoiniiDate tho darkness with lir. If your djxl;rdB not keep th9m "o'ej. Perhaps we shall discover new Write to us. beauties in the Btare." Is not this true jEcosktaff Bros. Mf. Co., Makers. courage? When her sun 6ets forever, it " " Liacolr, Neb takes a noble soul to set about disco v- Have jou seen any copies oi Princess Chant) was played by Lady Churchill; Beatrice's book, "Comfort in Sorow?" the two s'sters of the duke, Ladv Lilian It is published at Dirmstadt, in Ger- and Lady Xorah Churchill, played a pert man, I am sorry tosay.it being her idea Barmaid and a Salvation Army Lass; to issue it in language native to, and there was also the .HwsoamZ, a Vicompte, loved by her lost one. I hope thero will a Boots and a Chinaman; the latter soon be an English translation, for the represented by Lady Randolph's hand work will do goad to many sad hearts, some younger son. What glorious dark I think even one is surprised at its lofti- eyes that boy has! He will do mischief n33 and depth. One expected it to be I weger, in tho dove cotes! ' true, tenderly and womanly, but one was not prepared to find evidence of the possession, by this quiet roal woman, of a commanding and subtle intellect. There are some wonderful thoughts; she attacks the problems of life and death lirmly, bravely and with originality. The subject is, o! course, too serious for detailed notice here, I can only give you the benefit of one idea. She speaks of The Burlington s "Vcsti- bttlcd Flyer," which leaves Lincoln every evening at 0:10 p. 111. and arrives hi Denver the next inorniii" at":l."j. It carries thro' sleepers, chair and dining cars, and '.- .1 service mat micAceneu oy any road running into Denver re- iueuiuer tins when VV'"'" yl,r ticket i3J akt JilGHT. L. ..v 31. depot cor. 7th K'Hl P sts. City Ticket "wee cor. lutn and O sts. is jHir- s anu G. VV. BONNELL. 6. P. & T.A. 1 ID J&tlfis Prvrtr i-n- . -- ""--" MaA .ssu WOMEN. If you H03fESEEKERS' EXCURSION VIA employment wnT CjOOBVA Y anJl BURLINGTON ROUTE. & nr V'"rk ?" or Parfc time, and at On February 1st and 15th the Bur- SK? J"c work is light lington will sell round trip tickets to all etc., to 'tC Jt once for lerme points in Indian Territory, Oklahoma liE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY j.citiiuij duu iiB, uuu io an points -iuwaulcee in riuiaun, .irnaubos, Louisiana, MlB-l. buunaou new iuezico ai one 'Wis. :, yy ! imiusanu ticket office, corner Tenth and O 8ti3 JSfes'pBSSVSSSK? Geo. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A. i W copii oVLZ?h JE";? "!" of -r-li. HI namiB.i,.,V.'laWo.rt"0 American Union. wm btti. "iJSSwpr? December 15. U97.) ire L'oubikk has redu.el its sul bcripnun prica io ti a j ear. See tiUt receipt of nri. H..ii.va . . J anr address on t .. . . . r iBiiim.0 I li!rA.ft.: . . ' -- -' '"llBlUg. Ro York Tim ISfM T Spruce street. N'rw l-a -ULJS3i