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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1898)
THE COURIER. and it is an indication of their tact that they escaped with go little. The elabor ate dinners were served with a profusion of flowers to the music of tha best or chestras on th's continent. The dining rooms in the most elegant Mexican houses are on the further side of the Open court, around which mest of the houses . ara built. These rooms open by French windows inta a court on oich tide and are tilled with HoweiF, birds and fount inp, so that it is like dining in tho open air protected only by an overhead canopy. On arriving the guests are couducted to the to'.a, which in Mexican convenance is the eociil throne. The temperature ol'tho City of Mexico varies only a few degrees the yoar through and the people lire out door?. Tho pooroat eDj'oy tho fine music, to ba heard in the plaza, or central Equare of the city, every evening. There is very little suffering because of the climate and but a few coppers are required to support a peon and hi3 fam ily. The rapidly increasing number of schools have Etimulnted ambition and overcome in part the drowBy effects of the semi tropical climate. While Mr. and Mrs. Bryan wero in Mexico the per fect weather every climate has spells combined with tho kiadly welcome of ;the people to make their visit a pleasant fholiday. Jdrs. F. W. BarlrutF entertained in a 'most delightful manner at her home, bJ327 L ttreer, Friday afternoon from r three !o six, the Misses Bessie Bartrnff and Helen Hoover aEEisticg. The house ; waB decorated with a profusion of ro3es ; acd carnations. Those present were: MeEdames New mirk, Hicdman, Hyde, Kedey, linbeock, Chonoy, He Ee, R. Rehlacnder, M. Scott, Geo. Chrke, R., Bigger. Mesdames- Ewinj, Campbell, J. Ames, Patrick, Turner, Sewell. M.D. Welch, A. A. Scott,' Davis, Stonebraker, Hil', Miss Blanche Garttn gave a delight ful reception Wednesday afternoon from three until six in honor of her friend. Miss Ura Kelly of Omaha. The house was lighted with lamps delicately shaded a prevailing color in each rcom. The guests were received in the drawing room by Misses Garten.Kelby and by Mis3llar wood, who haB just returned frcm Paris. Tea was pcured in the red dinicjf room byJdissLucy Griffith who was assisted bv Misses Joy Webster, Fannie Cole and F.thfl Tukev. Thi9 room with its lights I- and red tone acd beautiful flowers was perhaps the most beautiful, and 6tt off to advantage the evening gowns of those nreeidinr?. In the sitting room, Miss Alice Slauehter pres'ded at tho choco late table and was assisted by MiE03 Tukcy, Blanche Hargreaves and Helen Welch. Tho color here wis pink, and tiioie serving were also beautifully gowned. A more charming afternoon has seldom been spent than at Miss Garten's. A concert for school children will be 1 given by tho Philharmonic Orchestra, g on Monday afternoon, January :am, ai 3 :30 o'clock, probably in tho now uign school auditorium. The echools will be dismissod at ., as Supt. Saylor and tho board of education are heartily in sym pathy with these concetti. Admission f "10 cents. Mr. .Frank Zehrung, manager of the Funko of Lincoln and Grand Opera House of Peoria, has bacn shaking hands with his many friends in Lincoln. The Sigma Chi fraternity celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of tho found ing of the Nebraska chapter at their imm on Tuesday evening. It was gen- mllv known that the bo3S would have a birthday parly, but Tew naU found out that Mr. Foster aod Mr. Landis were to : be initiated the same evening. After all - the rites and ceremonies had been con cluded the members of tho fraternity CDj'oyed an elaborate barquet, a greater part of which had been eent with the congratulations of admiring lady friends. There were a few guests from other chapters and these and some of the local chapter responded to toasts, loiters of congratulations and good wisbos from thoso w ho could not be present were read. After tho banquet a smokor was enjoyed and several hours wore spent in ta'king over momorablo events of tho past, and in making plana for tho future. Sigma Chi baa a great many admiring friends in both university and town ciiclea who wish them long life aud prosperity. Dr. and Mrs. Hindman gave a large reception Wednesday evening to the con gregation of the First Presbytorian church and other friends in the city. From eight until ten their hospitable home was crowded. The guests wero welcomed by the Pastor and hir wife, and wero also given tho opportunity to meet Judge and Mr?. Blake, Mrs. Hind man's paren e. After a while spent in conversation the guests wero invited in to tho dining room whero icjs were served. Tho table was decorated with pink rose buds. From eight until nine, ra. WicgerEervod and was asjistod by Misses Holea Welch, Josiphino Winger, Bessie Turner, Maude Hullhorst, Winnie Hill. Mrs. A.J. Jones served from nine. until ten and was nsjisted by Misses Ella Harper, Frances Cunningham, Olive Latta acd Laura Houtz. Georgo W. Windcoff and Miss Mamie Miller were married at tho home of the groom's parents Monday noon at Omaha. Neb. Tho house was beautifully deco rated with cream and pink roses and palni3. The bride wore a gown of white Swiss over pink silk and carried a bou quet of pink roses. Miss Alice Windcoff, btidcsmiid, wore cream colored s'.lk. Mrs. Windcoff ha3 lived in Lincoln a number of years and has a host of friends who wish her much happines3 in her married life. Mr. Windcoff is a traveling man for the Boston Ehoe store at Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Wind coff will make their home in this city on A street, the home of th9 bride. Those present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Love, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Line, Crete; Mr. and Mrs. Windcoff, Denver, Colo ; Miss Alice Windcoff and L. E. Hovey, i'ork. The Lincoln was the sccneof a beau tiful party en Thursday evening, the second dance of the season given by the Pleasant Hour club. The gowns were espscially dainty and bright. Thcee parties come eo seldom now that each tries to get as much enjoyment out of each meeting aB possible. There were several out of-town guests who had come esp2cially for this party. The hall was decorated artistically. Coffee and sand wiches, which waro served in the ordi nary, added to the enjoyment. Miss Wilfoughby's orchestra furnished the usual alluring music. The grand march was led by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Har greaves. The guests were: Messrs. and Misses Me;dame3 Ura Kelly of Omaha John Dorgao, Woodruff of Quin- Giorge Woods, cy, Illinois, J. H. Mallalieu, Messrs. A.H.Armstrong; Sam Low. Mesdamcs HomerHoneywell Gilmore. John FitzgeralJ, W. G. Robinson; Guy Hurlbut, John Lottridge, Mattson Baldwin, Robert Joyce, Lew Marshall, W. G. Morrison. Florence Farwell, Mr. Small of Crip- Mane Marsna'l, p!e urc2K. Henrietta Ho'lowbusn; Lieut. Pershing now stationed at West Poinf, arrived in the city on Wed nesday and is visiting bis family and friends in the city. He attended the Pershing hop Thursday night. Misses Blanche Garten, Helen Nance, Alice Slaughter, Grace Harrison, WHITEBREAST ?DAL ana LIME (D. OUR DELIVERED RETAIL PRICE LIST Pern Anthracite. . . . Rusy hard Canon City Lump. Excelsior Lump.. Roxe Lump . Maitland .Lump. Rocc Springs Lump . Hintu Lump. Du Quoin Lump. Cyclone Lump. Trenton -Lump. Mendota Lump. Walnut Black Lump. Smoky Hi illow . . . . Lump . Kb. Oitumwa Lump. Sheridan Lump. Sheridan Lump Pueblo Lump Call at office Canon Gty ... Nut. ...Colo.. Call at office Excelsior .--Nut... .Colo.. ..Colo.. $7.65 Rouse.. .... ..Nut.... Colo.. .Colo.. 6.65 Maitland Nut. ...Colo.. 6.65 Rock Springs Nut....Vyo. Manna Nut.... wyo. .Colo. .Colo. . Wyo. Wyo. 111. .. 111... Ill .Mo... .Iowa .Iowa 7.65 Smoky Hollow. .... Nut .... Iowa . . 6.65 Keb. Oitumwa. . . . .Nut. . . .Iowa. . 5.6 Pittsburg Nut... Kans.. 5.60 Weir Gty Nut.... Kans.. 5.60 Canon Gty Pea . ...CoL... 4.50 Hanru. Egg.... Wyo.. . 4.50 Smoky Hollow Mine run.Iowa. . 4.00 Keb. Oitumwa Mine runJowa.. . 3.40 .Iowa . 4.00 Gas House Coke 6JO ..Wyo.. 6.00 Oak wood, sawed ind split 60 wyo.. O.DU 86.65 5.65 6.00 . 6.00 6.65 5.65 3.40 3.40 4.40 .4.40 5.00 6.40 3.40 Colo.. 7 00 Tno. 1?. Dorcan, Miirir Office 109 South 11th St. Telephone 234, p9i '1 ?. m. sfitz GOOD LUCK GROCERY DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GK0CEEIES FKUITS, VEGETABLES. ETC. TELEPHONE 626, 1107 O STREET. 3S CO 3005Si s)0Oi)(S)f)re r OMiiim;o xr. S. B CANDIES 0)NMNNMtHMIMM " ., tW.-i . " '1 mmrmA. V 4S1 - V h's',n "MfUIHIinuoOMIlMl ITALIAN CHOCOLATES Xor& Bons, Pavoris. Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Lunches served. Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. a i . w iunn .irvanr in. I 1111- I nr'ria ,n .intiin a -i .!. 1 r t' yi -1'iniiKtnnnnnnininmtntinnfKiiif Sutton's Italian Chocolates Made of finest bitter cboolato and bast cream. Four kinds: Fruit Nut, Maroon and Plain Manilla. Mo6t Delicious. Absolutely Pure. SHTT(DiNI & HLL(DYVBLISH 1145 fc 420 sio. EJleventli st. Professional Hrelker m$A Farrier Diseases of tle Feet sx Specialty 009099040000 99 0 099000 090 00 00OOO0 9 000099900000000 0O0; f. A. KORSMEYER PlIBI ill Hi GO f Wholesalers of PLUMBING, STEAM AND HOT WATE HEATING. Contractors for PUMPS, IRON PIPE, SEWER AND CULVERT PIPE. 125 SO. 1ITH. ST., LINCOLN, NEB. tIIMIIIMMMMMIMIMMMMMlHMOHI)MOIMUM ( i