The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 15, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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When you Mention
tine Karri
Annie L. Miller, Editor.
Officers of the State Federation of Woman's Clubs
President, Mrs. B. M. Stoutenborougb, Plattsmouth.
Victj-president, Mrs. E. M. Cobb, York.
Secretary, Mrs. Henrietta Smith, Omaha.
Treasurer, Mrs. M. V. Nichols, Beatrice.
Auditor, Mrs. Ella S.Lar6hN6braska City.
Librarian, Mrs. G. M. Lamhertson Lincoln.
Lincoln Clubs.
Athenea Mrs. W A. Green Mrs. J L. Kellogg
Book Rexicw Mrs. R. H.Rehlaender Mrs. Elias Baker
Faculty Mrs. Chas.E. Bessey Mr?. T. M. Hodgman
Century Mrs. Henry Hartley Mrs. W. E. Kiiker
Fortnigttly - Mrs. W.J. Lamb Mre. A. W. Field
Eallin Grovo Mrs.M. U.Garten Mrs. W. A. Lindly
Lotos Mrs. J. L. McConnell Mre. J. S. Dales
Matinee Muaicale ,..Mrs. A.W. Jansen Mre.D A Campbell
Sorocis Mrs. M.D.Welch Mrs. Summers
Sorosie, Jr Mrs. He! wig Mies Dena Locmis
Wednesday Afternoon The hostess acta as president Mrs. Weote
Woman's Club Mre. A. A. Scott Mrs. H.W. Kelley
Y.W. C A. Magazine Club Mis3Palmer
I milSPf
' Will ml
you indicate the ACME of
officers of the crrr FEDERATION. cnce though critical is never unkindly.
President, Mrs. Ida Kelley, 833 North So"10 charming music has been
Twenty-third street. ordered for the chorus, and work will be
Vice president, Mrs. H. H.Wheeler, begun upon it on the next club day. The
1517 H street chorus has already done excellent work.
Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Milton nd y be expected by the time of the
Scott, 221 South Twenty-sevenh street- May Festival to surpaES their efforts cf
last spring.
Toe current events department of the
Woman's Club will meet today after a The New Book Review club met wilh
vacation of a month. Mrs. Le Gore will Mre. Kelley on Friday afternoon, Janu
read a paper upon the "Notable Asaem- ary 7th. One could have called it a
blies of the year'' followed as usual by William Reed Dunroy afternoon, for the
the reports of events in different coun- music scog by Mies Jennie Erbe was
tike. from his heart and pen, as well as his
a book, which Mrs. A. A. Scott reviewed.
The Fortnightly club met with Mrs. Cora Tas3els is a book of poems full of
W. A. Green, 1428 Q street, last Friday pen pictures touched by an artist brush,
aftsraooH and listened to a paper on the 'or the figures wth their own truecjlor
Dstch painters of the 15, 16.h and iog are there. The book is dedicated to
17th centuries by Mrs.A. S. Raymond. "Nebraska, the state 1 love, and those
It was decided to ask Mrs. C. H. Imhoff who have been an inspiration and help
tn read her naner again, so few having iong ner rougn ways. Surely Ne
When other dealers offer
you theirs for less money
that for which you
can buy the SHAW. Remember that thejr lo it because
they can. . Why? Simply because their pianos are poor
er in quality and cost less, their statements to t ie con
trary notwithstanding".
Abo remember that we have other GOOD pianos that we can sell you
for has money. The very best values for the price to be had in the
American market.
VeafcoseH the Celebrated Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Why
not buy a Piano. Guitar or Mandolin for that Xmas present you. are
thinking about.
And then don't forget that the place to buy anything in the musical
line and buy it right, is at the warerooms of
ov nir
Western Representatives, 130 So 13th st
the program prepared by Mrs. Atwood,
leader of the Child Study department.
The program was aa follows:
Recitation MissMauzy
chology, kitchen garden, dramatic art.
business training, physical culture and
chorus training; the last both for mem
bers of the clubs and- for the girls of
pres-nt at the last meeting, when brka and Lincoln people feel that no Amusementeof Children.... Mrs. Unruh classes are taught free of
perwas read. On January 21 the one but a lover ot t.e corn lielde, the Tuning of a Child's Appetite. members of the club whoar
the paper
Forrightly will meet with Mrs. A.S.
RaysBond, when Mre. Barbour will pi e
aeat the subject of the music and drama
of Holland and Mrs. Campbell will sing
some Dutch song;.
In spite of the gloomy afternoon on
Monday, an excellent program was en
jeiaed by the majority ot the members
ef the Matinee Muaicale. The talk on
"Music in South America' by Mrs. E.
Lewi Baker, gave the results ot her
personal observation during a residence
ef Mre years iaArger tins Republic, and
wind and the wide stretch of piairie
land could have sung so truly and bo
tunefully of their state and its bauties,
aa this Nebraska toet. When a nwm
touches nature, and through the tnings MotheraClubs. Mre. Wescott
seen brings the unseen nearer, we can
Methods of Mind Training their families who are too young to be
MisaTresham members of the club. Some of the3e
charge by
are experts in
Mrs. Neweil their profession. Others are provided
Training of a Child a3 a Questioner... by the club with the most competent
Mre. Travis professional insttuction in the city. The
Teaching a Child .Courtesy Mre. Cole Woman's club, however, is notacollec-
ttuly say thou art a poet. Like Walt
Whitman, Mr. Duntoy deals with the
common thing ot life. The old rag
carpet makes us feel that the old home
things near mother's chair were the bett
things in our life. The Pester Girl has
humor which is clever and bright, but it
is the corn ta-eels waving and the swish
The paper were of great interest, as
well as. the little talk, different mem
bers being asked to give the'r views on
the subject under consideration. Next
Friday evening the Current Literature
departmsnt gives way to a parlor lecture
from Prof., McHugh, superintendent of
our city schools, on "the work being
done in our schools" and "what is ex
pected of us at the Trans-Mississippi ex
position." Tnis lecture is given in re
sponse to an invitation from the Wo
man's club, as it is endeavoring to ad
vance the educational interests of our
Our travel course will ba the topic for
the third Friday in this month, and an
interesting discussion ia anticipated. I
will send you a detailed account of this
tion of study classes. There are seven
departments: Those of home, educa
tion, philanthropy, reform, art and liter
ature, science and philosophy, and mu
sic. The last named, department organ
ized this j ear, allows its members to
bslong to one other department in the
club. Thes t departments all have their
monthly meetings, in which they pre
bent fine programs, which are quite dis-
the extent of the musical temperament cf their broad green lea ve3 which makes
ae well as the musical cultivation in the whole book tuneful. Poets otour
that ceuntry was a revelation to mes; of own ana other lands were toasted when
her heirere. Tne program of preludes, the club adjourned to meet with Mre. A.
fugue and arias was illustrated by two A. Scott oa January 19th.
'ol Bach's fugue, played by Mrs. E. P.
Browa and Mks Elinor Young respect The Plattsmouth Woman's club isde
ively; some preludes of Chopin, and two aervedly proud of the prosperous condi
ariae, one from "Martha"' sung by Mrs. tion in which it finds itself at the be
lt A. ilolyoVe, and the other from "Les ginning of the new year, and in its diily meatiBf, "pP.Ba E. Wta. Cor. &-,.
Hagneaots': by Mrs. Mark Woods. It increasing membership. New Years eve
was Miss Young's initial performance the club kept "open house" and numer- The foarth year ot the existence of the
before the club, and she introduced oua guests enjoyed the hospitality ex. Woman's club of Denver finds it a
Bach's Fsgw in B flat major, by prelHde tjnded to them by the club members, grater poxer and influence tlun at any
from the same great master. MissStel- The rooms ere brilliantly lighted, the previous time in. its . 'history. It3year
la Rice accompanied the Bingers. tables, decorated with holly and the book'for 1897-98 demoastrates this tact
There are so few "student"' members pretty gowns of theeeption committee, A perusal of its nine:y beautifully bound
is theMatiBes Muaicale this year, that as well asjtae dainty refreshments served, pages shows how the work of this won-
it m coaatoerea scarcely aaviaaoie w were so tnorougniy enjoyed that the derfal club has expanded
give a separate recital lor mem. in wisa was expreasej mere than once that
place of the custom followed last year, the club should keep "open house"' more
oseor more students will be asked to frequently than once a year. The Fri-
ertoraa at the regular meeting, pre- day night following the usual "atter-the-
cedieg the program giren by the active Holidays' lassitude prevailed in a tneas-
Btembere. This may prove mere of an ure, but there were a fair number of
ordeal for the students, but the audi- membrrj and guests present te enjoy
aad deepened
this year. It must be taxen into con
sideration that the club has a very small
annual due for a great department club,
only 83, and no initiation fee. With this
revea'ie the club offers to its 800 mem
bers a choice in tie following classes:
parliamentary drill, voice culture, psy-
. S Bazaar
Weekly (
or any $4 (
IV f
One Year for $4