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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1898)
10 sfl& vn THE COURIER, g3s i gj&51 fe framri dvw goods oo. S3-10S0 O St. Lincoln, IVetur. i :sk3 fia sa s ( W'tafrii , IS NOT STOPPED YET! -o- -o- The great Clearing- Sale that has been in progress at this store for the past week will be continued, not miss the opportunities which are swiftly vanishing-. Opportunities, like all good things, do not come often or stay long. Do KID GLOVES 59, a pair. 10 dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves in lacs, browns and navy blue with hoots, but tots add clasps sma'l and large sizes, only 81 and 61.25 grades. Clearing sale price 59c 25c a pair. Small lot of damaged gloves for 1-5 the regular price. SILK VEILING 5c a yard. Silk Veiling single and double width, . plain, colore 3, chenille dot, good qualtiy n gular price up to 503 a yard. Clearing said pries 5c DRAPERY SILK. 19c a 3'ard. Figured Drapery Silks 32 inches wide, good assortment of colois and stjle3, regular price 50c a yard. Clearing salo price 19c LADIES' MUSLIN DRAWERS. 23c a pair. Good muslin, 3 tucks, embroidery ruffle. Clearing 6ale price 23c 29c a pair. Ladies" muslin drawers, deep cambric v ruffle; two styles. " Clearing eale pi ice. 29c 39c apair. Ladies' muslin embroidery or lace trimmed; 5 styles worth up to 03 c a pair. Clearing sale price 39c 69c a pair. Ladies' muslin drawers, extra quality of muslin or cainbri: embroidery or lace trimmed, worth up to 81. Clear ing sale price 69c LADIES JACKETS. At Less Than Hair Price. $7.00 each. For choice of any Cloak in the store. This includes all of our 810, 812, 815, 818 and 820 garments. MISSES' JACKETS. $5.00 each. For c'io'co of any Jacket in the houEe. This includes all of our $7.50, 810 and 12 50 garments. CHILDREN'S JACKETS. S3.75 each. For choice of any Jacket in the home. This includes all of our 80, 88 and 810 garments. RIBBONS lc a yard. AH Silk Bibbon, nop. 5 and 7, good quality, odd colors, regular price mt less than 5c a yard. Clearing sale price lc All Silk, Satin and Taffeta ribbon noa. 3, 7 and 9 good quality, good cjlois, regu lar price from G to 12c, Clearing sale price 3c TOILET SOAP 3c per cake. Several of the beat domestic manufac turers represented. Regular price 15,10, 8 and 5c. Clearing eale price 3c FLORIDA WATER 5c a bottle. Regular 25c bottle, clearing sale price. . 5c LADIES' CAMBRIC CORSET COVERS 7c each. Ladies' Cambric Coriet Covets, regu lar price 15c. Clearing sa!e price 7c LADIES' MUSLIN SKIRTS. 75c each. Laaies muslin fkirts, ruflle and deep embroidery flounce. Clearing Eale price 75c 89c each. Ladies' muslin skirts with deep double luflta of embroidery or hem-stitched cambric Clearing salfi price 89c $1.05 each. Ladies' cambric skirtF, Torchon lace edging and inserting. Clearing sale price 81.03 S1.39 each. Ladies' cambric skirt?, 10-inch double embroidery ruflle. Clearing sale price.81.39 LADIES MUSLIN GOWNS 49c each. Ladies' muslin gowns good muplin, wortn 83c each. Clearing sale price -J9c 75c each. Ladies' muslin gowns, lace trimmed worth 81. Clearing sale price 73c 98c each. Ladies' muslin gowns embroidery trim med worth 81.50. Clearing sale price 93c $1.25, $1.75, $1.98 Ladies' gowns of cambric and muslin, all styles, embroidery acd lacotri-nmintr. pe ill values during this sale. Sl.25.Sl.7ii 81.93. TABLE LINENS AND WHTTE GOODS At Clearing Sale Prices. G3 inch half bleached Scotch damask, reduced from 49c a yard to 33c 63 inch bleached Irish damask, reduced from 5Sc a jard to.. 48; GG in;h bleached Irish damask, reduced from 75c a yard to. . 55c Halt b'eiched napkins, size 20 inches, reduced from 81.10 a dozen to 83c Bleached napkin?, size 22 incher, reduced from 81.83 a doz tcSl.39 Half blacbed German linen napkins, size 21 inches, reduced from 8153 a dozen to 8148 EMBROIDERIES lc a 3'ard. 5,000 yards cambric embroideries, worth up to 5c a yard. Clearing Bale price c 5c a yard. 5.CC0 yards cambric Nainsook acd Swiss embroideries, worth up to 10c a yard. Clearing sale price 5c 10c a yard. 5,000 jards cambric Nansook and Swiss embroiderie?,wide and narrow, worth up to 20c a yard. Clearing sale price. 10c 20c a yard. 2X00 yards cambric Nainsook and Swiss embroideries, worth up to 39c a yard. Clearing sale price 20c fTl&ERMA TON GOODS OOHlPJUtf . !& &&i & ttU a