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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1898)
Ryr- - r;: $! . UnfJ .; . .. '?'-- r;-5. - .-- . - ."i. r. t r --t'" I'fJT V.-:' Ft .'. " , i VOL 13 SO 3 -"'-". -! ESTABLISHED-IN 1886 - "J - .- PR1CE.EIVE CENTS. , a v-t . ' ' ft. - , i k 4 M: r f- -& "-. "' . 4 i fe LINCOLN. NEB.. SATURDAY. JANUARY 15. IKS. EXTEEEDIX THE POSTOFFICE AT LINCOLN A3 SECOND CLAS3 MATTER. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BT THE GODRIER PRIHrilG - IHD PUBLISHING CO Office 1132 X street, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH f. HARRIS. DORA BACHELLER Editor. Business Manager Subscription Kates In Advance. Per annum 8 1 00 Six months ,. 73 Three months ' 50 Ono month 20 Single copies 03 k'OG' O o OBSERVATIONS n The sense of security which keeps the gamblers from being scared by the fuss the newspapers are making-is not without adequate cause. From the mayor they arc assured of no interrup tion and from Sheriff Trompen, the same gamblers who infest the city, learned at the late reunion that tliey could pursue their trade without in terruption. Had it not been that it was just before election it looks as if Sheriff Trompen would not have in terfered even as tardily as he did, after his attention had been repeatedly called to their penal offense. But it was just before election and he w:is afraid of the newspapers and their ability toarousc the people toa knowl edge of the disrespect paid the law by men elected to arrest those who break it. It is safe to say that if the people , had been sure of the sheriff's collusion with the gamblers, he w.ould 'have been defeated by an overwhelming vote. On the llrst day of ISOSthc publisher of TnE Courier received from Mr. S. L. Geisthardt, an attorney of this city, for whom The Courier has printed sheriff's sales and various legal notices, a letter to the effect that the sheriff had refused to publish any more sheriff's sales In The Courier on account of the stand The Courier took during the campaign on his (the sheriff's attitude towards the gamb lers. Mr. Geisthardt added that "he (the sheriff) says he would like to have you (the publisher) know the reason." In reply to this round-about state ment of Ills real affection for the class whom The Courier has attacked the publisher wrote a letter to the sheriff requesting a verification of these re markable .statements from the high sheriff of Lancaster county. To this letter she has received no reply except a request through the aforesaid attor ney fora iiersonal interview,which was ignored. Such revenge and such in direction on the partof a county officer is in itself a proof of unlitness for hold ing any office and the real sympathy with the birds of prey which the letter shows ought to be investigated by the grand jury: The sheriff's conduct is a more effective meansof muzzling the press than obtains In Germany where editors are put in jail for lese mojette but where their sources of income are rarely interfered with. Such reprisal for justifiable- criticism" of very sus picious conduct shows that the writers of anonymous letters to "The Keics" condemning open gambling, were aware of the protection afforded the gamblers by .the county and city authorities and that an open condem-nation-of them meant a withdrawal of patronage from the various interde pendnnt trades and professions by which the writers earn their living. j The legislative investigating com mittee lias made a report on the peni tentiary from which it is niado to ap pear that under state management and control of the prison the expense of maintaining prisoners is S8.:i8 per month per man, or a total of 81,18:1 per month for 3,10 prisoners. Under the Mosher-Dorgan lease the contractors received 40 cents per day per prisoner for convict labor; doubt less under the management of the able financiers now constituting the Board of Public Lands and Build ings the state will be able to dispose of the labor of con victsat not less than 40 cents per convict per day or 310.40 per month. It is estimated that 80 per cent of the convicts can be em ployed at remunerative labor, the re maining 20 per cent includes those incapacitated and those employed in the discharge of prison duties: thus out of 3."0 prisoners 280 can be cm ployed and theirlahorwill yield to the state an income of 82,012 per month, Uran excess of income over ccstof maintaining convicts of 81,720 per month Or 820,748 per year. If the figures of the committee and its ex perts are correct, the penitentiary is now not only self-sustaining but is yielding to the state a profit eacli month. Tlie last legislature appro priated 800,000 for the maintenance of 350 convicts for two years, but as the penitentiary is now, according to the report of the committee, much more than self-sustaining, it cannot be pre sumed that a dollar of this appropria tion will be used. In Ills message to tlie legislature in 1877, Governor (Jar ber in speaking of the state prison said: "The average daily cost iwrpris oner lias been one dollar and twenty five cents." That was before the lease .was made witii Stout, under which the state paid GO cents per convict per day ' for two years, 53 cents per convict per day for two years and 50 cents per con vict er day for t.vo years. Under ex tensions of this lease the price was re duced to 40 cents per convict ier day. Twenty years ago it cast the state, according to the message of the gov ernor, 837.50 per month tosupportcach prisoner under state control and man agement. Xow. according to tlie re port of the legislative committee, it casts the statc8338 per month to'sup porteach prisoner under state control and management. In an interesting article in the cur rent number of the Xurtluccslcrn Monthly Mrs. AV. G. L. Taylor speaks of the gradual loss of power by city councils and the absorption of specific functions by boards. The consequence is that, although the people hold tlie council responsible for good or bad government, it is hindered by a real weakness from carrying out a strong policy. The people would be more satisfactorily represented if the mayor had more power and there were not so many councilmen. Two or three coun cilmen elected at large by a people able to pick out managers whose saga cious and honorable conduct of their own affairs indicated their fitness to run a city's, would restore values which have been ruined by burdensome tax ation. Let the city pay as good a price for a general manager as any other corporation of its size, capital and importance. A railroad or trust's manager is so identified with the rail read or trust that he works for, that there arc very rare instances of .be trayal and extravagance. But if a railroad selected its agents and man agers for the irrelevant reasons that influence the democrat icor republican parties in nominating candidates, every road which adopted the "sys tem" would be in the hands of a rc ceiversix months after the application of the system. Mrs. Taylor calls the rule of the rings and political clubs an oligarchy of which the Tweed ring in Xew York and the Gas ring in Philadelphia are examples, "Such reckless squandering of public money, brazen and profligate bartering of public offices and wholesale thieving are undoubtedly exceptional. But they afford an excellent illustration of the full development of oligarchic tendencies." Tlie latest result of pub lic disgust with the oligarchy is appar ent in Lincoln now. Reform has set in inside the dominant party in this section and in its onward movement will clear itself of the rubbish and tilth which have come near destroying it. The politicians who are shrewd enough will not endeavor to hinder, but to help it along while there is time. . The resignation of Water Commis sioner Byers created much favorable comment upon the effectiveness of the work of the water committee. It is said that Mr. Byers will insist upon a rigid examination by the agent of the surety company which signed his bond It is very likely that the soulless corl poration will look into his books with a sharpness that will satisfy him. In justice to Mr. Byers tlie examination, should be rigid and merciless. Only in this way can he be completely ex honeratcd by a people who have grown suspicious to tlie point of conviction of the conduct of the water depart." ment. If tlie department has been run extravagantly in order to show that the city was incapable of run ning it, the water committee may find it out and tlie. security company, people may help them. On the other hand if Mr. Byers lias economized his resources and collected the water taxes from everybody without fear or favor, the people, in justice to Mr. Byers. ought to know it. The January number of JlcClure'a indicates in the second installment of Ilupert of Hentzau that Itudolph liassendyl is going to le assisted by Colonel Sapt and Fritz von Tarlen lieiin to mount the throne of his bar sinister grandfather. But it does not indicate how the king, by seven or eight removes, is going to get rid of liis English relatives and connections who will be sure to search for their evaporated relative in the candid, slow but generally successful hunting style of the English. This bringing a hero back to the neighborhood of the object he has so touchingly renounced, is a little like the resuscitation of a dead person. Of course we are glad to see him again, but we have made other alliances and we are resigned to the separation of the lovers, especially for such noble reasons as actuated them. Upoq the whole the awkwardness of the situation makes our welcome of Itudolph Rassendyl atrilleluke-warm. Flavia's husband is still alive, and, in fact, the noble-minded Rudolph has come back to save his lady from mer ited conjugal reproaches for writing to Cominuu oa page 5.J