THE COWZCZjL 3M&S "WW fYTl&EIlMift DM SOWS CO. 1023"1029 O St. Ivinoolii, Nebr. THE GLARING SALE :AT THIS STORE BEGINNINGS MONDAY, JANUARY 10 Will mark an epoch in the business history of this city. It will mean to us the lose of mam- dollars but it will also mean to us the addition of many friends and patrons and the gratitude and confidence of all. It will mean to those who are fortunate in securing- some of the immense bargains which we have to offer the privilege of getting man' times the value of their money. It is not in an- instance a lot of shop-worn or out of date goods which we have to offer you, but a line of goods in every department which are of the best and newest manufac ture, which cannot but give satisfaction in ever' respect and which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Now wc have endeavored to show you plainly that it will be greatly to your disadvantage to miss this opportunity for it will not be possible to secure such great reductions as we offer, such opportunities for economy do not occur often. Everything conducive to the comfort of the customer, to quick sale's and courteous attention will be provided for We trust that we will receive the same liberal consideration that wc have always shown to all. lSs CM 571! j&l Sp ?l mt VERY RESPECTFULLY, fYlZ&ERMA OW GOODS COtAPfttW. !W gS; 9i3-9i9999?'S-s!G9999V9?J8Jil399WS9S999W99W99J99V99JS9? CLUBS- ( IS f Annie L. Millek, Editou. The Century club will meet with Mrs. R. H. Howell, 1017 South Sixteenth street, on Tuesday afternoon, when a paper upon Florence will be read by Mrs. M. H. UarSen, and Mrs. Hartley will bo the leader for the briers, which include the Medici Savonarola, and the icdut tries of Florence. Members will please come prepared with quotation fr m Dante. The Wednesday Afternoon Club, has given up all literary work for this whi ter. The meetings are still held bi monthly, but the programs are under the immediate direction of an associate membership of six babies, who find no difficulty in providing amusement or oc cupation for their mothers. The club expects to take up regular wcrk again n'xtfa'l. The Oocbier has reciived a cook book entitled "A Tew favorite recipes,' by Mrs. Mar Pugh of Omaha. It is very neatly printed and bound by the Woman's Weekly Co. of Omaha. It is a thin little booklet, but those who know Mrs. Pugh's creations from experience say that it is a most valuable record of successful experiments in the art with out which all others would wither and pine away. The regular meeting of the Art De partment of the Woman's club will be held in the club room 1125 X street on Tuesday afternoon January 11th, at 3 o'clock. The program will be a followp. Life in Rome during the reign cf Julius II, and Leo X. Art in Rome from 1173 to 1550. Mrs. Eli Plummer, lsader. Current events in the world of art by all the members of the Art Department. The Children of the American Revolu tion are proud of their Lincoln chapter, which is as yet the only one in the state. The president is necessarily chosen from the number of the Daughters, and Mies Blanche Garten holds that office in this chapter, which already has fifteen mem bers thongh less than two months old. The children, like their elders, 6tudy American history, and their interest is Boon aroused in the patriotic stories of the early das. The regular monthly meetirg will be held today. In a circular letter the temporary com mittee of the National Federation of Women's Musical club announces the meetings for the permanent organiza tion of the association lor Tuesday and Wednesday, January 25 and 2G, at Chi cago. All musical clubs and all clubs havicg a department devoted to music are eligible and are invited to send dele gates. Th9 benefits are courses of study of all musical subjects which may be planned and a musical bureau estab lished; then the officers of the organiza tion may correspond directly with the great artists or with their agents, there by gaining better terms. Yearly programs may be arranged according to plans deemed mo3t desira ble, and women's new musical composi tions will reciive better attention. Through the secretary arrangements will be made to exchange year books, programs etc., among clubs belonging to the federation, and exchanges of mu sical works, including choruses, cham ber music and orchestral music, may be effected. It is hoped that the annual meetings will gradually become marked events as musical festivals, upon wh'e'i occasion the greatest artists of the world will participate. Clubs are urged to send the names and addresses of dele gates with choice of president for fi a. year as soon as possible. The expensa of the first meeting will bo the railroad fare, small annual dues and hotel bill for two days in Chicago. If a club cannot send delegates but wishe- to join, this willingness may be signified and a sho:t report of the club's work sent to be read. Address the corresponding secretary, Miss F. Marion Ralston, 3121 Lucas Ave. St. Louis, Missouri. The Woman's Club is showing a won derful growth this winter, and now re joices in a membership list of 520namep, according to the report given at the re gular meeting on Monday. Several an nouncements in relation to department meetings were made by the president, also that a miscellaneous program would' be given at the text meeting of the club on January 31at, instead of the scienco program as announced, and that Mrs. A. J. Sawyer would then speak upon "Tho woman who has power," who of course is the club woman. Regret was expres sed that Mrs. S. B. Pound had found it necessary to resign the leadership of the science department. The question of joining the National Federation was brought up for discussion, but while seemingly favored by tho;o present, a final decision wa3 left uctil tho next meeting. The program was given by tho Art department, and owing to the illness of