The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 08, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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lecture upon "What evolution is and
what it is not." Everybody was re
lieved to hear him say that evolution
was not being descended from monkeys
nor something which contradicted the
Bible. .Not that some of us did not
know that before, but there were
two thousand people there and it was
a most blessed thought that there
were two thousand people anyway
who might hesitate before again
limiting evolution to those two
charges. lie performed another ser
vice for humanity in taking the fool
killer from the Santa Clans region of
myths and identifying his victims as
those who took patent medicine and
committed suicide. The fool-killer's
name in evolution is the survival of
the fittest. Dr. Jordan's frankness
and unrestricted and unhesitating ex.
pressions are very fascinating. This tall
loose-jointed man knows no fear of men
or politics. He does not seem to be
perquisites of office. He knew when
he approved the act of the legislature
making approptiation for the current
expenses of the state government for
the years ending March 31, 181)8; and
March 31, 18!K), that that act contained
an item of $1,T00 for house rent which
was unauthorized by the constitution.
He could not have been ignorant of
the fact that at least two of his pre
decessors in office, one a democrat and
one a republican, had vetoed a similar
item in appropriation acts. He knew
that it was and is his constitutional
duty to "take care that the laws be
faithfully executed." He knew that
he was not entitled to draw from the
state treasury one dollar out of the
appropriation for house rent. He
knew when he accepted the office of
governor what the compensation at
tached to that office was and that it
did not include a dollar for house rent.
ne knows that if he cannot perform
When you IVIeivtiorm
aware that a definite affirmation or the duties of governor for the compen-
denial may start a dangerous combi- sation fixed by law that he could not
nation against him. "With the draw a dollar of the appropriation
simplicity and directness of a child he for house rent without making oath
combines rare scholorship, executive
ability and knowledge of men. His
success uii ouiuiuru uuncisiiv uug
discredited subtlety and indirection
in presidents of colleges. The new
style has not yet been adopted by all
of those in authority but that it has
not been without successful imitators
is shown by the recent triumph of the
president of Brown university.
mmmwwmw&jmm r
-tle 2Zctme
you indicate the ACME of
When other dealers offer
you theirs for less money
than that for which you
can buy the SHAW. Remember that they lo it because
they can. Why? Simply because their pianos are poor
er in quality and cost less, their statements to t lie con
trary notwithstanding1.
to a voucher stating that the claim for
house rent was legal, wholly due and
unpaid, and that he was fully conver
sant with the items and that in all
manner and things the charge for
house rent was a true, just and correct
charge and item of indebtedness
against the state of Nebraska. Pos
sessing ail this knowledge Governor
Holcomb last month made out, signed
j and swore to a voucher and presented
Applicants for the position of post- the same to the auditor and received
man should be selected with some ref- from that officer a warrant on the
erence to their knowledge of the dis- treasury for the sum of $360," on ac
trict in which they wish to distribute count of the appropriation for house
mail. They should also be required to rent. The Mutz investigating com
be ordinarily expert in reading all mittce is conveniently at hand and
kinds of handwriting. So far as the under his own direction. For the
experience of those who arc directly sake of consistency this committee
interested in the rapid and correctdis- ought to investigate the governor
tribution of the mail goes, the service J
in this city is unsatisfactory and blund- It is the policy of the life insurance
ering to a degree that passes patience companies to urge their patrons to
Men who have lived in the same local pay their premiums in full in cash and
tion for twenty-five years have finally let 'the dividends accumulate in the
received their mail through the me- hands of the company; such practice
diumof the dead letter office at Wash- is advantageous to the company but
ington, when the only fault of the ad- not always profitable to the insured.
dress was that it did not give the From the weekly statement issued by
street number a very serious fault, the Mutual Life Insurance comnany
but in an office which pretends to of New York November 24, it appears
metropolitan fixtures, a directory is that the late Charles A. Dana held a
not an extravagant demand. Among policy on his life issued by that coni
tue miscellany in the daily papers pany for the sum of 840,000, upon
may be found an occasional anecdote which premiums had been paid to the
of a letter addressed only by a picture, amount of 843,744.01. The company
by a rebus, or in some other fanciful reports"that it paid the beneficiary on
and puzzling way. Such a letter- in- this policy 842,211.00, or 81.533.01 less
variablyreachesitspropcrdcstination, than it had received in premiums and
according to the patent insides. In besides all that the company had the
the capital of the state of Nebraska a use of 842,744 01 of Mr. Dana s money,
weekly paper addressed to Hon. I. M. No wonder life insurance companies
Raymond, cor. Sixteenth and R, failed can pay theirpresidenfs8T0,000 a year,
to reach the party addressed, and the Life insurance seems, according to
excuse triven at the nostofficc was that, the reports the insurance comnanies
the address lacked the exact number themselves send out, a delusion. If aSn me principles.
of the house. These things cannot the astute Mr. Dana had put his sur- Second Tramp -Yer wouldn't do dat,
with justice be charged altogether to plus money into United States inter- enr
the postmaster. The present genial est bearing bonds his family would
incumbent has tried to do his duty have enjoyed the interest and could
manfully but, as everybody knows, he get back all the principal anytime
has not absolute control of therccst- they might chese. Savinjre banks, if
men, some of whom are so ignorant they could be made as reliable as the Hl hear that yur newspaper has
and so unfamiliar with the localities United States is able to make them, changed nande," said a man to a Georgia
in the town that letters in their would be a much fairer and saferplacc editor-
charge are left at any old place with a to put a surplus. But it generally "Yesit'ain the sheriff's hands now,"
heart-breaking disregard for the ad- takes more self government than the wa3 tbe lattsr's reply.
dress. average man is capable of exercising to
$r put by a surplus as regularly as the in- Swellbut Ara you going to attend
Governor Holcomb will not willingly surancc agent collects his premiums, the ball in costume?
admit that he is ignorant of the law The average-man is a victim of panics Matwin It's pretty co!d to-go with-,
as contained in the constitution and and a vIcIous banking system and has out it, iso-'t it?
statutes of the state. Before being Paid his '5rancc premiums the last
elevatd to the executive chair, for Ave years by borrowing the money. First cicrgyman-I don't think much
To 1 Inrw i nPAHitnh list Ikic ! s.ntn.
several years ue occupied the position .V',b ,';..',' ;. 'V'wXu m of your preaching.
Also remember that we have other GOOD pianos that we can sell you
for less money. The very best values for the price to be had in the
American market.
weakoseH the Celebrated Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Why
not buy a Piano. Guitar or Mandolin for that Xmas present you are
thinking about.
Aad then don't forget that the place to buy anything in the musical
line and buy it right, is at the warerooms of
Western RepVesentatives, 130 So 13th st.
The poster artist mourned his fate;
Of all ha posters up-to-date
Not one had ever proved a winner;
Bui, oh, the masterpieces great
He made when he had struck his gaib
Which happened when by luck he ate
An "old New England Christmas
Symptons of Insanity.
Miss Uptodate Don't you think that
Mr. Bildad is very weak minded?
Miss Knickeroockjr I don't knox.
Mies Uptodate Well, I beard him say
that ho thought his wheel was no better
m :ko than any other.
The Liar.
First Tramp I had a chance wunst
tir go into de burglary line, but dat wuz
MephiEtophcIss I hav not fae'en i
Chicago for a week.
Asmodeus Dcn'tyou feel homesick?
Hewitt Why do you keep that straw
hat hanging in your room?
Jewett It helps me to forget that I
have got to go out and shovel snow.
Johnnie I don't like this no'ghbor
hood at all; it's too refined.
Mamma Too what?
Johnnie Too reSocd; I can't have
any fun.
Firsi Tramp Naw!
workin' free at.' four
open a ssfe.
Tink of felltrs
hours tryin' to
I always like to dine with a man who
knows bow to order a dinner.
Yes, it is almost as good as dining
with a man who knows how to pay for
grincess of ales
is the name of the latest
style of . . .
A large assortment of these,
as well as Gentlemen's Urn
brelkjsand Canes, are included
in our stock of Holiday Goods.
of Judge of the district court and he
knows that the constitution fixes the
compensation of the governor of this
state at 82..VX) per annum and expressly
prohibits that officer from receiving
fcrliisown use any compensation or
Failing a creditor nc lias sold some
thing to his uncle or somebody equally
grasping but without the sign of the
three balls. I am aware that these
few remarks are on a well established
sstem but the conclusions, based on
the company s monthly reports are
logical, and it seems to me. inevitable.
Second Cieigj man I'll bet you two
to one, I've saved more sou's than you
He I bezin to think
She Better l?t3 than never.
Ladies' Jackets made to-order, and
Gentlemen's Fine Tailoring . . .
1U1 O Street.