The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 18, 1897, Image 7

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    THE com i.
them at their armory Wednesday eve
ning. This wis tho party originally fet
for tho 22od but changed to tho loth
owing to the proximity of the holidays.
Tho drill hall and company quarters
were beautifully de:orateJ and an enjoy
able evening was spent by the thirty
couplo present.
Miss Garten gave a small company
for her guest Mies Walton, on Wednes
day night.
Mis3 Noll Po3t or Co'umbus, and Mr.
Howard Clark of Omaha, were tho
guests of Miss Alice Slaughter on Tues
day an 1 Wednesday. They came to en
joy tho Philharmonic concert and on
Tuesday evening they occupied a box
with Mr. and Mrs. Slaugh'er.
Invitations are out for the celebration
of the silver anniversary of Senator and
Mrs. Thurston's wedding which took
place on Christmas Djy, 1872.
Mrs. Belle Oakley Maxwell returned
to her homo in South Bend, Washington
after several monthB visit with her
The Palladians chartered three four
horse rigs and enjoyed a 6leigh rido Mon
day night. The chancellor and different
professors were isited and jelled into
speech making.
Dr. Hastings has arranged for a series
of games of has et ball with the Y. M.C.
A. of Omaha. They will be played dur
ing thelirst weeks of January.
Manager Oury of tho football team
will represent the university at tho in
ter collegiate football association meet
ing held next Saturday at Columbia,
Miss Walton of Blair is visiting Miss
At chapel Tuesday morning the chan
cellor announced tln.t the faculty had
decided to extond the holiday vacation
until Tuesday, January 1 The vacation
will begin December 21.
The Pershing Rilles will give their an
nual hop oa the evening of January 14
at tho Lincoln hotel. The committee in
charge is composed of Messrs. Wiggen
horn. True, Weeks, Noyes and Ilindy.
In tho bjsket ball contest between
Hill's giant's, of the athletic class, and
Sayer's undersradnatfs. of tho gymna
sium class, Wednesday eveung. the
former were victorious, winning in an
easy and fast irame, wi'h tho score at
the tiaish 2! ti : in their favor. This
was thi last one of the class games atd
the athletic club won in every contest.
Thurediy afternoon Mrs. A. J. Buck
stall gave a party in honor of
Mrs. Chirles Brown of Denver, who
is visiting her. Tin company weie
entert lined by pitying hearts. Mrs.
Brown born Chapman) has a great
many friends in Lincoln, where she lived
for many years before removing to Den.
wr. Her occasional visits to Lincoln
are alwajs welcoced by the old-timer
(young old timers) who knew her in
university days.
Mrs. BuckstatF is one of Lircoln's most
charming hostesses and Thursday after
noon added one more to her already
large list of succes?s. The guests were
Mes lames LippincDtt. Frank Brown, D.
D. Muir. Leonard. Irvin. Lad 1, Yates,
Wright. ColTroth. Lew Marshall, Morris
Turner, Tilton, Dorgan, Townley, Chas.
Brown. Kodgers. Walter Hargreaves,
Wolcot'. Will Robinson, Ogden, Funke.
Geo. Woods, Cha Burr, Chas. Branch,
Mallalieu. "moI Houtz. Frank Smith, W.
Kelly, Mohrenstecher, Will Wilson. D.
A.Campbell, Misses Sarah Harris and
Oliva Latta.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruco ColTroth ex
pect to leave early next week for Terre
Haute, Indiana, to spend Christmas with
Miss Froda Walson, who has b:en tho
guest of Mrs. John T. Dorgan tho paet
few weeks, left Tuesday for her homo in
Denver. During her visit in Lincoln
Mies Waleon mado many friends, who
will bo delighted to hear that heron
gagement has been aunounced to Mr
Ilenshaw of Uaho Springs, Col, and
the wedding will take placo in Denver
Wednesday following Easter.
Mis? Alice Slaughter gave a trolley
party on Saturday evening. Refresh
ments were served in tho car and tho
eiijojmnt was peifect.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilscn gave a
dinner party on Thursday for their
guest ot tho week, Mrs. Ch ip. Browj, of
Denver. It was an elaborate affair o
many courses perfectly served. The
(able decorations were holly and Mowers
Among those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Buckstatr and Mrs. Brown, Messrs.
and MesdamceF. Brown, Leonard Ladd,
Wright, Yates, Lew Marshall, D. D.
Muir, Kodgers, Walter Hargreaves, Og
den, Mrs. Tilton, Mr. Ladd, Sr., Mr.
Stebbins, Mrs. Stebbins, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. HaTvley and
Miss Harris.
The. HovendenVpainting, ''Breaking
Homo Ties," which will be exhibited by
tho Haydon Art club, commencing
Christmas night, is undoubtedly the
most popular picture ever painted in
Ame ica. At the World's Fair in Chi
cago it created a deeper and wider im
pression than was ever made by any
other in a similar exhibition. In reply
to a friend's inquiry a3 to the thought
which suggested tho painting of tkw
wonderful picture, lie wrote the follow
ing letter:
Plymouth Mkctixg, Montgomery
County, Pa, August 21, 1SD1 Mrs.
Liraino Xurmen. Dear Madame: I
have been unable earlier tj reply to
your kind letter of 1 1th. owing to lack
of time, and also to the fact that I can
rot use my ejes to read or write only
occasionally, and then at more or less
risk. I suffer a great deal from he id
ache. Fortunately it does not injure my
eyes to paint, so I shall try as briefly as
possible tt give jou a sugaetion or two.
In the tirst placo I cannot nowrecill
the time when the idea of Breaking the
Home Ties" Hist came to me. 1 only
know that it was with mo for several
ears before I commenced to paictit.
and that I had it very much in m
mind, and that it took a great hold of
me. I had in mind the mother. That
was almost tho picture to me. I think I
luvo succeeded pretty well in giving my
ideas of her tho American mother as
1 havo eesn them in the country. I
have been fortunato in feeing very
many noble ones, and that is what I
tried to convey in my picture. Of course
I might have considerable to say, but as
I said 1 have to be careful ot mv eves.
And then. I am not a writer, I am a
painter and do not think thi matter out
as a literary prison would.
I thank you very much for vour kind
ness, and should be glad to see the poem
of which you speak.
I ought to state, perhaps, that I did
think that to many a young man the
picture could do nothing lut good . Tbw
I had with me while 1 was at work
or. it. Yours truly,
Tiios. Hovk.vde.v.
Special wholesale prices given to teachers
on Christmas cards and holiday goods at
Leighton's, 1123 O street.
?(DAL ana LIMK (D.
Penn Anthracite
Ruby hard
Canon Gty .
Rock Springs
Du Quoin
Mendota -
Walnut Black ...
Smoky Hollow
Ktb. Ottumwa.
Pueblo.. .
Lump.. Colo.
.Lump . . Colo
Lump . - Colo
.Lump ...Colo
. . Lump..
. . Lump
. . . Lump
. ..Lump-
. Ill
..Mo .
Office HW South 11 tit St.
$8.00 Canon Gty Nut Colo S6.65
. 7.75 Excelsior Nut Colo. . 5.65
7.65 Rouse Nut ...Colo. .6.00
6.65 Maitland -. . Nut Colo . 6.00
6.65 Rock Springs . . Nut . Wyo 6.65
6.65 Hanna Nut Wyo 5.65
7.65 Smoky Hollow.. Nut Iowa 3.40
6 65 Keb. Ottumwa Nut Iowa 3.40
5.6o Pittsburg Nut Kans. 4.40
5.60 Weir City Nut Kans . 4.40
5.60 Canon City . Pea . . Col.. . 5.00
4.50 Hanna - .. Egg Wyo. 6.40
. 4.50 Smoky Hollow . Mine run.Iowa. . 3.40
.4.00 Keb. Ottumwa Mine run.Iowa.. . 3.40
. 4.00 Gas House Coke 6.50
. 6.00 Oak wood, sawed and split 6.50
1 Dorian, jMerr
Telephone 234.
t buy for
Fnncv Pillowp, Silk Umbrellas,
S2.2T. toe 12. SL to$7.
lc to ".
Kid (Moves, Hand Bacs.
$1 to $2. 2Tc to $.".
Metal Chatelains,
i."j to $2.
Ladies Purses, Metal Girdles.
2Tcto$"i. 2T)ctoS10.
Printed French O gaudies,
10c pr an1
Printed French Challies.
T.'uper yard.
Miller & Paine
oOc to $fj$loo.
Most extensive line ever before manufac
tured and of exquisite designs . . .
sfAtltl Ws;g:ss
FROM $4-00 TO $25.00.
Gold and enamel desk and toilet articles $1 to $20
J. B. TFCIKEr & GD-.
Wholesale and l(etail Jeweler.
lO.'K O Street.
Ladies itfcfcets, 20 cents a pair at tre fe
raska Shoe Co., 1J26 O street-
Philharmonic '
Concert, Wednesday
Evening, December 23' !
PRIDES: 25,35, SOo
The new Lincoln Steel Plate Range made on honor from the best "
Rocky Mountain Cold Rolled Steel and Silver Grey Wrought Iron and 3
Steel. With proper care it will lasta life-time. It is the most econo- o
mical Range on the market in the consumption of fuel. Some peo- S
pie using the Lincoln Steel Plate Range claim it will save it's cost in f i"1
the saving of coal in two years over a cast iron stove. W e make them """'
in all styles and sizes. We warrant them in every respect and our
guarantee is good. Ask your dealer for them and take no other. If he '
does not keep them write us and we will quote you price delivered at :
your depot. W e will be glad to hear from you. Mention this '
paper. Remember we pay the freight.
Buckstaff BFos..Mrg. -