The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 04, 1897, Image 7

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- ! T-i ---f-'.. -'-.v-i
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heard again in mupicof tbat description
Mies SueTe ScbohVld opened tie pro
pram with Grief's beautiful prelude
from the "Holberg Suite,'' and later
gave a double number of two of Litzt'a
arranpemerts, the "Romanza" from
Tannhouserand Sehubrrl'a "Auf dera
Was-erzu singen."
The prflude and rcmarza wen played
with great expression and fel ng, while
S hubrrt'a song shoTed the brilliant ex
e:ufon of this excellent musician who
should be more often heard in public.
Mis. C. L. Lippincott called forth the
usual applause by ter rendition of Ar
nil 19 "So Same Rose' and g-v a an
encore Marietta's Dreams.'' Mre. D.A..
Campbell pave an Aria from Mitram, by
Rossi, in the tendrr, lich tones of her
lively voice. and responded with Kevin's
"Oh. that wo two were Mayirg."
Mr. Haydn Myor's tine tenor voice was
heaid to advantage in Cocchois "Since
thou art mine."
But second to none of the, vo:al num
bers in interest were the violin, solos of
Mr. Charles Ilagenow. The sweet tones
were drawn from his instrument with a
light cess and certainty that charms-d
bis hearers. His selections weie Wienia
wafki's "Polonjiee de Concert" and "La
Melancholic" by Pru me.
The program closed with a quartets in
wh'ch Mrs. Lippincott, Mrs. Campbell,
Mr. Myer and Mr. Dethlefs appeared in
an operatic selection from Kigoletto.
Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond asec:ompanist
of course, left nothing to be desired in
her sympathetic support of the solists.
A large number of the frieeds of Mrs.
M. Fritsche attended her farwell conc rt
at the conservatory of music on Wednes
day evening. The following program
was enjoyed and heartily applaudeJ by
thre present-
Violin, "Hurgarian Rhapsodie,"' Haul
er, ProfesEor Hagenow.
Piano, "Rondo Brilliant,'' Haydn, Mas
ter Clarence FraoUforter.
Recitation, 'The Uncle." Bell, Miss
Letba Watron.
Piano, "La Regala Veneziana," Liszt,
Mrs. M. Fritsche.
Vocal, "The Linden Tree." Schubert,
Mrs. Dr. Cotter.
Violin, "Danse Polonaise," Wfeniaw
ski, Prof. A. Hagenow.
Vocal, "Bedouin Love Song," Dudley
Buck; "Asthore," Troere, A
The biting, wintry weather prevented
many from enjojing the performances
of tbe Mackay comic opera company on
Thursday and Friday evenings at tbe
Funke. This excellent company de
serves crowded houses, as the voices are
, u liformly good and the music timeful.
"Said Pasha" which was given Tbuis
day, is by an American composer, Rich
ard S'ahl' and abounds in spirited.
I r ght choruses, dancs and melod ous
solos. The greatest originality bowevei ,
is shown in the humorous pails and the
jokes, which are innocent and extremely
The scenes changing from Constanti
nople to India, allow the picturesque ef
fects in costumes, and groupings. The
chorus, while not large, contain? so
manj excellent voices, that the pretty
airs are cot only pleasant to hear, but
are satisfactorily rendered from a musi
cal standpoint.
"Mrs. Norris Humphery gave a delight
ful kensington at the Lincoln on Thurs
day afternoon. The drawing rooms were
lavishly decorated with Mowers. About
seventy-five ladies were ptesent and the
afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Branch
on November 24th a son. The infant
lus been named for -his grandfather.
BcDJanun Wcod.
Captain Trimble and wifo have re
lb tried fronra trip east.
The Second Philharmonic orchestra
cnncerVundor the direction of Mr.' Aug.
Hagenow, will be given at the Funkei
Wednesday, December 13th. The so
prano soloist Is " re. Cahn pf Omaha.
Father J. T. Roche passed through
the city Wednesday evening on his way
to his borne in David City. He was re
turning from an extended trip east.
In "The Hoosier Doctor." Augustus
Thomas' latest success, there are many
absolutely new departures in comedy
scenes and love episodes, as well as Borne
pathetic bits and heart touches.
One particularly f fleet ivo comedy
scene is connected with a typewriter
machire. The comedian affects to dic
tate a It tter to bis brother, and so makes
a proposition' of marriage to the pretty
Another effective fc ne is the pro
po6aI of. marriage between Tom, the
"journeyman printer," and Mait""a. the
"Hcosier Doctor's" favorite daughter.
The visit of tbe white capnicg committee'
in the last act, for the purpose of dieci
pliningthe doctor and his new bride is
intensely dramatic. In "The Hoosier
Dcctor," Mr. Thomas haB written his best
and mrst effective play. As for Digby
Bell's individual performance. I need
only quote the eastern press which, with
one accord, concedes his "Hooe-ier Doc-"
tor"' performance to equal anything ever
attempted by Joseph Jefferson or Nat C.
Goo 1 win. At the Funke one nignt only,
Friday. December 10th. SeatB on sale
Thursday 10 a. m.
The secret of the great success of
C-vgrove tt Grant's Comedian' in the
"Dzzaler" lies in the fact that this
celebrated fame comedy is alwa s kprt
up to date. No mttr bow successful
a r-eaon may have barn, no sooner does
It close than tbe manager gathers to
gether a lot of new material, eonep. donee,
srecalitipp, e', and clothes this ma
trial in briht new elrpseep. so. that the
following season the show shall be to all
in'e-ests and purprsor, a new one.
The management has never been sat-,
isfifd to repeat from one season to An
other, ro matter how goo-1 the material
which they nut aside miaht be. The re
sult naturally is tbat the ol 1 friends of
the "Dozzler" eo to ppe it aeain and
sgain. knowirg that thrush the name
may bi the samo in every essential fea-
tu-e.the performance will be new.
Xo rear sine its fire t production; has
the "Dazzler" ever gone outsocompjete-'
ly fquippd with new material as 'thiq.
one, and the result shows the wisdom of
thos who handle it. It will b seen at
the Funke. Monday nipht, D cumber
Ctb. Prices S1.C0, 75, 50 232. Seats now
on sale
An Old-Time Dunning Letter-.
It often remarked that with the
forefathers, courtesy was a stud;ed art
that recent generations do not hive time
to cultivate. This is quite well illustrat
ed in the following letter which was
shown a reporter a short time ago:
WniTEsToWN. lCJune, 1703.
"Honoured Sir. A few months ago
you did me the honor to become my
debtor for the purchase of ccods at my
store amnuntirg to 12 dollarp and eight
een pence. I have no doubt that a
small transaction of this nature may
have s'ipped your mind, and I trust you
will pardon and excuse me for menuop"
ing it to ynu upon this occassion. If
you could find it convenient to forward
it by safe bands the samo would be
greatly appreciatpd, for I am in expecta
tion of the receiptor some nine barrels
of extra fine rum, for which I shall owe
the consignor a part or thi purchae
price, and which I desire to pay at. the
earlifst convenience. If you should not
hnd it conveniant to forward the same,
tak no thought of what I have written
until you might chance to come this
way. when you may quit the indebted
ness in your own time.
I should be p'eased at any occasion to
receive a visit from you, and shnu'd jou
bo in naed of rum, axpp, log chains or
some vpry heavy boots for self or ser
vants, I should be pirated o sell them
to you. Y'r ob't servant."
"Wm. Green."
It is undprstcod thit Mr. Green had a
small supply depot near One kanyCreeK.
and bis polite and apologetic dunnirg
letter (so different from the "Plense re
mit at once" of the present day) was
sont to a man named Doxtadpr who re
sided down the Mohawk Vallev. somo
where near Fort Plain. Utica Observer.
Penn Anthracite.... .... ..$8X0
Ruby hard . .. Colo. - 7.75
Canon City Lump.... Colo.. 7.65
Excelsior Lump. . . .Colo . . 6.65
Roil- Lump. . . .Colo. . 6.65
Maitland .Lump.... Colo.. 6.65
Rock Springs Lump....Wyo.. 7.65
Hanna Luinp....Vyo . 6.65
Du Quoin Lump.... 111. 5.6o
Cyclone .Lump. ...111.... 5.60
Trenton -Lump.... Ill . .. 5.60
Mendota Lump. ...Mo... 4.50
Walnut Black Lump Iowa . 4.50
Smoky Hollow Lump. . . .Iowa . 4.00
K-b. Ottumwa..,.. Lump.... Iowa . 4.00
Sheridan Lump....Wyo. 6X0
Sheridan Lump....Wyo.. 5.50
Pueblo .Lump. . . .Colo. . 7.00
Office 109 South 11th St.
On and after the 10th of December
1897. we will offer to the people of
Lincoln in connection with our large
the most complete and artistic line of
Furniture that has ever been shown
in this city. Don't make your selec
tion for Xmas until you have inspect
ed our stock ... -
ft. M.
ML ana LIME .
Canon City Nut.... Colo HAS
Excelsior Nut... Colo 5.65
Rouse Nut. ...Colo 6.00
Maitland Nut .. Colo 6X0
Rock Springs. . ..".Nut....Wyo.... 6.65
Hanna Nut....Wyo.. .. 5.65
Smoky Hollow.. . . .Nut. . . .Iowa. . . . 3.40
Keb. Ottumwa Nut. ...Iowa.... 3.40
Pittsburg .'.Nut.... Kane.
VeirGty Nut... .Kara..
Canon City Pea . ...CoL...
Hanna Egg Wye
Smoky Hollow MuierunJowa... 3.40
Keb- Ottumwa Mine run Jowa. .-. 3.40
Gas House Coke &50
Oak wood, sawed mil split 6.50
1 Dorian, Mr
Telephone 234.
You can get more comfort 2
out of an ice wool shawl this
sort of weather than any
other wrap of same cost.
We have a complete assort-
ment in black and cream. "
Prices ... g
25c to $1.75 I
Miller & Paine
aois (go
BBBBMBHBBBBBMmffltstiy iJA-!""' T.TT !7"jriji ""i " " "" " ,,. ..