The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 27, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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- yWjgPIM'VW ,"r"'S Jl T "B-jtss
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Kappa Pdi and on Monday evening the
Nebraska chapter of Phi Pai gave a box
party in honor of their brother. Two
boxes aid the logo were decorated with
their colors, pink and lavender. The
Phi Pii boys havo been fortunate in
having noted men in their fraternity
visit Lincaln. Mr. Clay Clement, who
is also a membsx, has made for himself a
host ot friends in Lincoln. Tbey may
well be proud in the possession of such
'a member as Mr. Riley and in the suc
cess he added to many other successes
on Monday night.
Onecf the most delightfal ot thin eea
sn's social events was the Kappa Kappa
Gamma recept'oa at the Lincoln hotel
last Friday evening. The spacious din
ing room of the famous hostelry was
canverteJ into a rezeptim and ball room
for tha occasion and was beautifully
decorated with flowers and the colors of
the university and sorority. Nearly
every Greek letter society in the institu
tion was represented. Seventy couples
participated in the evening's enjoyment.
The nmnbzrs of the Kappa Kappa Gam
ma received gracefully their mary
guests an J as usual proved agreeable
Mi Roes of Council Bluffs is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Teeters.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Bushnell,-1.1-inois
are visiting with thtir son, Mr. Mil
ton Scott at Twenty-seventh and N
The Beta Theta Pi fraternity enter
tained their friends informally on Tues
day evening.
Mrs. Packard and Mies Bonnell of
Cli'cago are the guests of Miss Dena
Loomis at Thirteenth and J streets.
Mrs. Harriett Dement Packard gave a
concert in Beatrice on Thanksgiving
Miss Mabel Lindley gave a most
charming luncheon on Friday arternoon
at one o'clock. The gueEtswere seated
at small tibles which were very prettily
dacorated. The guests were Mesdamcs
Meyeis, Bumstead, Hardy: Misjes Lot is
Whedon. Florence Winder, Eleauor
Raymond, Ena Kickette, MnuJe Risser,
S:ella Kirker, Maude Hammond, Mar
tha Burks, Olivia Pound, Lujy Griffith,
Dira Harley, Lau.-a Houtz, Anna Brca
dy, Gtace BroaJy, Mnz'e Ames, May
Whiting, Adeloyd Wh ting, Maritl Oare,
Jessie Jury, Helena Lau and Miss May
Clark of Omaha.
Mr. Burt Forbes of Beatrice will spend
his vacation in Lincoln and Omaha.
Mils Jessie Jury of Wilbur will sjnnd
her vacation with relatives and friends
in Lincoln.
Miss May Clark of Omaha is tho
guest of Miss Helena Lau at Eleventh
u .d D street?.
Miss Anna BroaJy is in Lincoln
Mrs. Loomis and Mis3 Loomis gave
a musical e at their home on Friday
afternoon from three to five o'clock for
Mrf. Harriett Dement Packard and
Miss Lizzie Bonnell of Chicago. About
one hundred and fifty guests were pres
ent. The reception tendered by tho Lincoln
Light Infantry to the assistant secretary
of war, Hon. Geo. D. Meiklejohn, at tho
armory Monday evening was a brilliant
succms. The quarters were beautifully
decorated for the occasion with a profu
sion of palms and other tropical plantr.
Tha arriving guests were directed to the
entrance by two guards statioued at the
foot of the stairway, and at the head
another ushered them into the locker
room which, for the time, bad been con
verted into an immenss cloak room in
charge of a squad of soldiers. The vis
itors wtro taken through the parlor and
card rooms to the entrance to the quar
ters, by this means they made the exit.
and were escorted upstairs to the mag
nificent drill ball by the members of the
The receiving party, composed of Sec
retary Meiklejohn, Major and Mis.
Fechet. Adjutant General Barry, Mies
Nssh, Mr.aind Mrs. B. D. Slaughter and
Captain and Mrs. Campbell, was sta
tioned at the west en J of the larga hall
and as the guests were presented to
Captain Campbell he in turn passed
their names to the secretary and so on
along the line.
The decorations in the drill ball wera
composed entirely of national colors and
palms, while in the company looms
these decorations were supplemented by
the company colors, royal purp'e and
old gold.
Never has a reception on a larger
scale been conductea in the city with so
little confusion; every detul having been
carefully pre-arranged. Tb members
of the company have much cause for
gratification on the success of the affair
and the comfort and convenience of
their quart;r.
Allie Randolph of York, Neb.,, spent
Thanksgiving in this city the guest of
the Alpha Theta Chi fraternity, of
which he is an alumni member.
Th3 Lincoln hotel was the scene of
another enjoyable affair last Wednesday
evening. The Dtlta Delta Delta society
entertained very pleasantly on that oc
casion. Dancing was indulged in by
about thirly-tivo comples. Miss Wil
loughby's orchestra furnished music.
Those invited were: Chancellor and
Mrs. MacLean, Professor and Mrs. Bar
bour, Professor and Mrs. Ward, Profes
sor and Mrs. Richards, Mr. and Mrs.
Dartan, Mr. aud Mis. Taylor. Mr. and
Mrs. Manahan; Misses Cropsey, Wilson,
Smith. Cunningham, Taylor, Gere, Van
cil, Bonnell, Pound, Ljtle, Anna Tay
lor, Mansfelde, Gund, Wiggenhorn, Du
Bois, Ellen Gere, Harriet Wilson, Losch,
Miller, Korsmeyer. Whedon, Winifred
Bonnell, Lansing. Amee, Bjam, Frances
Gere, Polk, Frankish.discadden, Grace
Lascb, Schsa-'z, Sellp, Vove. Webster,
Cochrane; Messrs. Clark Sumner, Wig
genhorn, Dale?, Rickrtt?, Wnite, Sber
man, Smitb. MansfelJe, Bu tit r. Kors
meyer, C. Sumner, BischolF, Martin,
Whedon, So wariz, C. Weeks, Shedd,
Davonpart.Russell, Towl, Robert. Fitz
gerald, Pancott. Hobbies, Miller, Hew
it Randa'l, Fricke, Atvood, Barber,
Hyde, Hitchman, Monison, G. Shedd,
Htrnnd. True. Jones, Webe, Manley,
Haecker, Noyes.
Quite a number or the Alpha Thetj
Chi fraternity spent Thanksgiving with
friends in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Welch Baldwin
announce the marriage of their daugh
ter Gertrude to Chas. F. Riifsnidet on
Wednesday, December the eighth, at
half past ten in the morning at their
residence. 1021 South Tenth street. The
reception will be held at high noon. Mr.
and Mrs. Reifsnider will be at home in
Chicago after January fifteenth.
MrBurt of Omaha is in the
The first Pleasant Hour party of the
sezsonwas-given at the Lincoln hotel
on Tcanksglving night in honor of Mr.
acd'Mca. Mallalieu. The rooms and or
dinary were beautifully decorated under
the guidance of Mrs. Law Marshall.
Mr?. Mallulieu wore her handsome
white satin wedding gown. Several
other guests were invited in addition to
the members of the club.
Oj Wednesday evening the Sigma
Alpha Epsilon fraternity gave a farewell
party in their hall for Mr. John H. Far
well, who will leave on- Monday for New
York. From New York he will sail for
Tampico, Mexico, where he will take up
the duties of private secret iry to Consul
McGdl. At the meeting on Wednesday
he was presented with a Sigma Alpha
?AL ana LIME .
Peon Anthracite $8.00
Ruby hard Colo. 7.75
Canon City Lump Colo.. 7 65
Excelsior .Lump Colo.. &65
Rouse Lump.... Colo.. 6.65
Maitlaad lump.... Colo.. 65
Rock Springs Lump Wyo.. 7.65
Hanoi Lump....'Wyo . 6.65
Du Quoin Lump... .HI...- 5.6
Cyclone .Lump.... 111-... 5.60
Trenton .lump. ...Ill -.- 5.60
Mendota Lump.... Mo... 40
Walnut Black Lump. ...Iowa . 40
Smoky Hollow Lump Iowa . 4.00
Keb. Ottumwa Lump Iowa . 4.00
Sheridan Lump. ...Wyo.. 6w00
Sheridan Lump....yo.. SJSO
Pueblo .Lump.... Colo.. 7.00
Canon City Nut. . . .Colo. .
Excelsior .Nut. . . .Colo. ,
Rouse - Nut. ...Colo..
Maitland Nut-.. Colo..
Rock Serines..... -Nut
Hanna Nut.
Smoky Hollow. .... Nut .... Iowa
Keb. Ottumwa Nut. . . .Iowa. .
Pittsburg Nut Kaac.
WeirGty Nut.... Kan. .
Cancn City Pea . . . .CoL.. .
Hanna Fgg . . . . Wyo..
Smoky Hollow Mine run .Iowa.
Keb Ottumwa Mine run Jowa.
Gas House Coke
Oak wood, sawed ind split
. 6.65
. 5.65
. 3.40
. 3.40
. 4.40
. 5.00
. 6.40
. 3.40
. 3.40
. 60
. 6.50
Office 109 South 11th St,
Jno. D. Dorjjan, Mgr
Telephone 234,
In our Silk Department we are offering
seventy-two pieces colored brocaded silks,
choice new g-oods, manufactured to retail
at $1.00 per yard, for the extraordinarily
low price of 65c a yard. They are just
the thinjr for shirt waists, tome and
see for vourself .
Miller & Paine !
ring by the fraternity. Mr. Farwell haa
lived in Lincoln many j ears and has
made for himsjlf hosts of friends who
will mifB him fadly. All wiFh him the
greatest success in his new borne.
We wi h to say to the people of Lin
coln and vicinity, that we will be here
tort-deem Trading Bank CheckB, and
give out presents as long a3 the people
collect our Trading Bank Checks.
We have entered into an agreement
with the merchants in our directory
for one year and do not think any mer
chants who have made contracts can af
ford to break them with us, much mora
with their customers.
The contracts with the merchants are
that they should not advance the price
of their goods, but merely make this an
iaducement to trade with them and pay
All dealers get a discount for paying
cairn; why not the customer?
This Association is owned and backed
by. Benedict Jackson 4 Co. of Syracuse,
N.Y., who bave 45 stores in the largest
cities of tne United States and ample
capital to fulfill and carry out any sgree.
ment or promises made by the Associa
tion, which anybody can ascertain by
writing any b ink of Syracuse, or asking
Dune's or Uradstn ets Agencies for a
We are hero to sta! Ask for the
original Blue Trading Bar.k Checks.
Take o olher and should any of the
merchants rtf use you Bank Checka ask
yourself th's question: 'Dot he want
my traded StuJy jojr own interests,
and buy where jou can get Blue Trading
Bank Chec s
Lincoln Tkadim: Association,
Reform in Eojton! Can it be
A mortal man dare preach to true!
Sam Jones in Boston! -Classic shades
And icy matrons! Glass-eyed maids!
Disjointed grammer, southern slang,
here once the Muses only ''sangl"
Where WendelL Holms and pork and beans
Were once, of grace, the only means;
Where every family Browning read,
Or eke were busy brewning bread -Shall
rude evangel from the South,
Who lacks controrabout the mouth,
Break in upon the perfect peace
And beans of this renascent Greece?
gentlemen or ladies to travel for
blc established house in Nebraska. Monthly
$65 and expenses. Position steady. Refer
ences. Enclose self-addit sed stamjwnl envel
ope. The Dominion Company, Dspt. Y Chicago