The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 27, 1897, Image 1

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    IgJMiAdWUWUIIBBBU LIWIJiWWBWMMMffllBl! 'I1 'JiaBSfcl4iyWBM l-f4fe8'ggSgt?p. JPI LltiWWmJ)EMWir
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Office 1132 X street, Up Stairs
Telephone 384.
Subscription Rates In Advance.
Per annum 2 00
Six months 1 00
Three months .- i0
One month 20
Single copies 0T
5 cc 5
The street railway company's plea
for a remission of the taxes would not
Ikj considered for a moment if nroceed
injj from an individual. The fact that
the complainants are many instead of
oiiohas nothing to do with the force
of the plea. If the street railway
taxes are remitted, private individu
als will have to pay them in one way
or another. As Tub Courier has fre
quently intimated, the expenses of the
city remain the same hut the harden
upon the individual taxjiayer is in
creased whenevera citizen or corpora
tion eludes his share of the tax. This
is so trite and self-evident a sayinjr
that it seems not worth while to re
peat it. Reeei ver Slaughter's sjKrcious
plea that t he railway comiany does not
receive any benefit from the paving,
might be urged liy every citizen who
uses no artitical means of locomotion
but nevertheless is taxed for the
paving, over against his own house.
The question of the liability of the
company to the city may be taken
into the courts, but it lias no mure
place there than the claims of any
citizen who wishes to hold property
and realize from it- without paying
the tax on it. And however the law
yers may obscure the question or the
claim of the community of Lincoln
upon a large property supjiorted by
the contribution of the citizens of
Lincoln, the taxable character or the
eonio:mi property is in no degree
less than that of real estate held by
the humbVst laborer in the city. The
latter ;! i-ay his taxes or. his prop
erty will Ik? sold at public auction by
the sheriff. The city ought to hold
the street railway comiiany to the
same accountability. Anarchists are
made not. by the severity of laws hut
by their unequal application. The
supremacy and dignity of the law
will obtain when privilege is done
away with and each member bears an
equal share of the common burden.
Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany has
killed in the last two decades :i:V.n;7
head of game. In view of the fact
that his left arm is withered and use
less this i a remarkable record. It
comprises two aiiroclisen, a kind of
wild bison which was more common in
the days of Nero than it is now. It
will be remembered that Sienkievicz
uas the aurochs in that wonderful
scene in the Arena where the gigantic
German saves the heroine's life by
breaking the neck of l he aurochs to
whose hack she is bound. The game
book, which the emiieror has sent to
his especial friends, includes 2.17.1
wild lmais. Wl.OOO hares, seven elks,
three reindeer, half a dozen bears.
1.2SS stags. O.W. pheasants. 121 cha
mois, twenty foxes and three snipe.
This record is presented to the con
sideration of Secretary I'orter. The
royal butcher of Germany has game
keejers whose underlings drive the
game in front of Mis .Majesty that he
may shoot ' them b tens at a time
and his game IxKik. in consequence- is
not to he ashamed of. As a souvenir
of the present administration a pig
book containing the number of hogs
which Secretary I'orter has stuck
would be most characteristic. The
scene of last week in the secretary's
yard upon the arrival of the chief of
ikj ice would make a handsome front
ispiece in photogravure. The secre
tary of state dripping with gore, sur
rounded by the state house clerks also
dripping wit h the blood or four mori
ound hogs whose piercing squeals have
aroused the. neighborhood to a pro
test, should be in the foreground.
The background might b-j composed
or the little children of the neighbor
hood who hae been attracted to the
spot by the noise and evidence of un
usual proceedings. The value of the
work wotdd be greatly increased, esp
cialh to eastern suIiserHers, by the
statement signed by the secretary or
state that the scene is a photograph
of himself and his clerks in the act of
laying in the winter supply of meat
for the family of the secretary of
state of Nebraska. Hound in pigskin,
the brochure woulu make a haiuhome
holiday gift for friends in the east
who need to be convinced by some
thing more t ha n statistics that Ne
braska has less illiteracy, jer capita,
thunauv other state in the uuinrn
The scene in the police court, where babies are included, will receive milk
Secretary I'orter was lined seven dol- which ha Ix-on emptied by the milker
larsauda half for slaughtering hogs iutoapite which rests- upon cakes of
within theeit limits, is not without ice and is finally strained into the very
pictorial possibilities also. I doubt ir air-tight quart jar in which the milk
any other slate otllcer in the country is delivered to the customer without,
has had the unique experiences of leing touched or handled. In this
Secretary I'orter. Korthis reason, if way the milk is preserved rrom irifec
for no other, the hug-killing episode tiou. and when th system is once
should he put into itertuanent form, established physicians sa that the
with photographs, so that futuregen- rate of mortality, especially among
orations may not-have to rely uion infants, will Ik greatly reduced,
newspaper evidence for verification of Trusts is only another word for co
the duties of the clerks in the Xe- operation. IT a combination reduces
braska secretary or state's ortlce in the price of the product ami improve
the year of Our Lord, eighteen bun the quality or ir, thr greatest good to
1 1 red and ninety-seven. the greatest nuiulter. demands that
Thomas AVentwortu Uiggiuson. in co-operation le established. Henry
speaking of the comparative correct- George's theor or socialism is only
ness with which the Rritishand Ainer- a gigantic trust In which all the peo
icans speak English, said that "There pie are partners. The oil, match, pa
is a strong desire among our citizens ter. and wire trusts or tuhiy which
to have their figure-heads presentable excite the ire or the socialists are only
and a man of greater energy or capac- showing tin people how to run the
ily will sometimes Ik? sat aside, on this business when theirturu comes,
very ground, in favor of one showing .t
more iolish in manner. Again, in Secretary Porter's -tlagrant. disre
those secret societies, which are per- gnrdofthclaw in oering the olee
haps the greatest school ofmnnucis t ion returns from the counties of Ad
for American men. one element oT am. I Sox Butte, Kuifalo. Butler. (Je
promotion lies always in externals; dar, Chase, Clay. Colfax. Cuming. Cus
Ihe meuibers wish to put forward ter. Deuel, Goser. Greeley, SicPhcr
these who will do them credit, and son. Merrick. Nance. Pawnee. Pierce,
r.iugh diamonds will be kept in the Polk. Red Willow. Richardson and
background. The late General X. P. Stanton was rebuked on Monday when
Ranks owed a large part of his sue- -the slate I ward or canvassers assem
cess in lire to a tine voice, a dignitjed ..bled tijpen and examine the elttijiji.
bearing, and a good use or the English returns rrom the countT7Fthestate:.
langijage. And I know, on the other Without authority, and in express
hami. a man who ennanently para! violation of the law. Secretary Porter
yzed his iniluence in his own town bas ojiened. or caused toleoiened en
one Decoration day by promising that veloesfrom seventy-three counties,
the whole affair should lie. placed in lie says he did this s that when tlutf
the hands or -some or those old Veter- canvassing loard assembled they
inaries.' when he meant veterans." might do their work in a day or two.
In point, or fact he ierfoniied the
ir the milk trust, which is now le- functions of the beard so that its as
ing organized in New York, supplies sembling w;ls a mere matter of form,
the citizens or the metropolis with How threatening such a precedent is
purer, cleaner and cheaper milk than . to the inviolability or the ballot, and
the isolated dairies have leen able to how easy it would be. were such a pro
do, then it is decidedh. Itcnciiceiit. cedure allowed, to declare any candi
The dairymen who have paid no at- date elected whom the secretary or
tention to the microbe students who Vtate might ravor. is admitted by
declared that milk was the most easi- everybody. In this KiriicuIar cas the
ly infected of all. roods and that ahso- sscrel a ry has probably not altered the
lute cleanliness or cans, refrigerators, otlicial ballot. Rut he lias done -ome-stalls
and cow was neceessarx to keep thing which, ir it were allowed to go
milk rrom destroying more lives than unrebuked is a much more serious
it preserved, deserve to have their matter than a criminal mutilation of
means of livelihood taken away frdai the returns. Holding ner the must
them. The trust contemplates im- important ollices ot the state he has
meiise dairies built-according to the shown no utter disregard for the law.
requirements of modern science. A burglar who breaks into a house
Large farms within a few hour- of commits an offense which brings no
New York City are to le converted disgrace I'U thecommiinityixx-ause
into ranches for milch cows. The the housebreaker is an outlaw. The
arable land is to be made into vast secretary of state holds his j-isit,iou
pastures of blue grass and the cost of in consequence of the law and .should
a quart of milk to the producer re- render the law. w hich defines the du
duced one half. The consumers, in ties or his position, scrupulous olwdt
which economic term thousands or enee. The committee who pra-esed
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