- -v THE COURIER. FYUfctRMiU W &W&S GO. 1023-1020 O St. Lincoln, Nebr, XBae Best XMiing to do 5i :s ; I c i r L' t 3f c $ Is to buy your cloaks, furs and fancy waists where the best qualities can be gotten for the least money, prices, inspect our -oods and you will ever after be our patron. Mail orders promptly filled. Look at, our MMMMMMMMIMMIMIIMIMMMtJIMMMmUDeSOfXtX iMMHMHMMMMMMMinilMMIMimMMIMMM I ? 3 c 6 C t 2 Misses Jacket of solid col on plain novelty bouck, large storm collar, back scams, cuffs and collar trimmed with Fancy Silk Braid; all colors, all sizes, only ... $5.95 In furs we carry an immense stock: everything in all the desireable furs we nave made up in the newest de signs of collarettes, capes and muffs. If you will but look this department through, we are confident you will appreciate the effort we have made to give olt patrons the best. t? Cloak t c Mhses Jackets, made of fine quality beaver cloth, deep storm collar, fly front, cum and collar, edged with three rows of stitching, all deskeable colors. Child's novelty reef en made in a variety of fancy check mix tures, deep storm col lar; sleeves and col lar trimmed with solid color ladies' doth, 4 00 S4?5 J $r &&k V BSSSk V MBSSSSSSSSSsKBsB Ladies' Jackets of fine Persian lamb, coat, storm collar, Hussar frons, black, only $12.95 io9a &ew In Ladies' fancyjwaists in silks, velvets, velour, satin; fancy, jriaid and plain colors we have in all the newest designs and st3les. Our prices are such that any one canSafford to buy. o c 6 6 J. V. MITCHBII. Wkoesate arvd Retail WyiLL flPER. l5?8 street ana 14 so I2tb 8t clcpbonc 2?f. 8ION PAia?Tia?G AJNX OEJGORAITIIVG. KimcolM TraiBLlk Factory c 1217 O Street. The Finest Display of Trunks. Valises. Cases. Pocket Books. JBelt.s, etc ever shown in the city. Order " "VVork s-JBrtaJii . all bssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssW "sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssy specialty. .4 V Repairing Tnmks and Bags neatly done. Old trunks taken asipart payment for new ones. " --'-' s C. A. WIRICK, PROP. Mr. Dunroy will bo pleased to receive orders for his new bocfc "Corn Tacsels." Orders may be sent to him in care of the Evening Post. He received sixteen or ders Saturday and is receiving eight and ten a day. Those desiring to have a ccpy of the first edition, are requested to leave orders as eooj sb possible as it will be limited. The book will beout about the 20th of December. The women of Denver are preparing and planning for a building, all thiir own. This will be a club house where the clubs of the city may meet. Denver has more clubs than any other city in the union', unless it be greater New York, and the women take a great in terest in club work. The women in thatVtate 'have the right of suffrage, add they feel that their work amounts to something, eo they are encouraged to go ahead. The work of the clubs in that city, for the improvement of the city has obtained a national fame, and the city is one of the cleanest and beat krpt in the west. This state of affairs iB due, in great part, to the women who have been looking after the health and cleanliness of the city. At the last meeting of the club a re port was submitted -t3 the members in rcjard'to the new bouse. -If-this report is adopted the club house will Le begun soon, and every effort will be made to have it completed for the next biennial which will take place next June. The plan is to take 83,000 from the treasury of the club to make the first payment on the site. The remainder of the money is to be raistel by subscription loans, and bonds of the club in the denomina tion of 810. gT0 acd 81C0 are to be is sued, running for ten j-ears. t the option of the club these bonds may be taken up m one year. The money for the building is to bo raised by a lean amounting to the estimated cost of the building with an addition cf 10 per cent. The loan is to be secured by a mortgage on the building and Bite. One thousand dollars it to be paid each year on the loan. A sinking fund will be formed for the paying of the 81,000 and interest. A large number of promi nent business men are interested in the project and the selection of the site is now in progress. The next meeting of the club will decide whetbe a new building wi:i be erected or not. but it is the general opinion that a club house will soon adorn tne -streets of Denver, and it will be wholly through the enter prise of the women pf the city. At the meeting of the Matinee Muei'cuI on Monday afternoon, the members listened to a delightful talk on a "ew York Musical Season," from Mrs. Will Owen Jones. The subject was confined mojtly to'the great pianists heard in New York.duricg last winter and spring, and the well known technical knowledge of Mrs. Jones, gave great value and in- ! 4 'i