-,. -1V . -3SS; t 1..-3I V-, 12U2 V k J' -V r. -rf .-V" 4 '&& ' -5 THE COURIER. J', Professional Directory. IKKToilS. Telephones. Office Hours Social and Personal Oflico era Bm en I Oflice rooms 1S-19,. 4 linrr Hlorlc no; Kl to 13 a.m. iO" Dr. 0. 0. Reynolds I to 5 n. m v I Res. niSo.SJnhSt. Sun. "J to 3 ?, f "jjfgj- xf off Bi n-. 1" oa-.ee 373 lw L Dayton, M. D. J 0fllcp' street j. ,0 1" l )J)Ueaeof Eye, Kar, Xom and Throat I Res.lKIlU Street )2:30to5pra wDr. J. H. Tyndale I NOSE AND THROAT IOlfice, rooms P anil 10. Lnntink' Theatre j9 tollzUOnni f 5p I Dr. S.E.Cook f Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat 1215 0 St. j KiTO-l-'rno am J2-5pm vffico. 'Res... ...Its I C71 'Dr. Ben j. F. Bailey i. j j Office. ZelirtinK Hlocfc j Residence, 1313 C street I i) to 10 a ui 12tol2iW ) 2 to 4 p m Mr. Ludwick of the Lincoln Light In fantry, attended the party given in Omaha last Thursday, by the Thurston Ritles. The many friends of Lieutenant and Mre.T. V. Griffith will be glad to learn 'Office 319, Ret 4C2. Dr. R. E. Giffen ( Office, TclepUono HI J. ) 2 to 5 ti m : -a ni by ap ( Residence, 1S21 F street poiutmeut. (Ruth M. Wood, M. D. f Diseases of Women. ( Oilice. Riel.hrds Hldg., cor. Iltn ana ( Residence, VUa Is Hldg., I (1 O sts.V so i:ttli. ) offlw sciJDr. J.S.Eaton. Rci(lBre..le2) Surjrery and Nervous Diseases, j Office, 137 So. I Ith St. i 2- to 4 p. in -C12a.ro. (Hours 10 to iH. S. Aley.M. D. t Female, nervous 4: cenito-urinary I I Hours 9 to 12 J-Officc, IHS O Street -2 to 5. 7 to 8 disease. I Hon. & Sat IDr. J. B. Triokey, Reftactionist only i 19 to 12 a. m VOffice, ItKEi O street VI to 4 p. m. DR. E. J. ANGLE. I Office Alexander bile. 140) J f"tolL'am f SUn and ficnito-Uninary Diseases. J. ., St;-V?""18,7- f - 3?!2 ,,Jn' Factal blemUne romoved (Bei-.corJCtliand N bts. ) .jJUto9p.m. DENTISTS. ! Drs. Kearns & Ellis, 11:14 Obt.oter West- 1 cm Union Tele- craph. I Dr. Cliirord K. Tef f c, Dentist. j ll--7 0 Street. f ' I . . -.-. n I OHic, room 20. 27 anil 1 .Office K. 5-LOUlS N. W ente.D.D.S."! 1. Brownoll Block, 137 5- . , J ( Hi'lIUi street. j' .056 Dr. J. S. McITay fDrTF7D. Sherwin j Oflice, 1105 O street Stol2amO I Residence. 220? T treet 1 1 to 5 p m DENTIST. I Oflice. room la HurrlilkU to 12u.m A 2nd floor '- JRcs.eM&Qst I to 5 p. m KUSIXESS DIRECTORY. The members of the Delta Gamma fraternity celebrated Hallowe'en by en. tertaining their friends at the home of Mies Xelia Cochran. Most of the even, ing was spent in playing the usual games ani tricks. A tent on the lawn was fan- that St. Louis will be their home for the tflly decorated, and there, after future, as Lieut. Griffith's regiment has bsen transfered there from Texa6. Mrs. Griffith will remain with her mother in Lincoln, until the regiment reaches the north. ' Buckstaff on Monday evening to reor ganize for the winter. Mrr. W. M. Leonard is expected home today. Phone -; 470 l J. M. GUILE, Real Estate and Ins. Gen. Exchange Business Office 313 South Eleventh 9 1 01919)1 ; ?r 4 Tn our Silk Department we are offerini the ver' latest and choicest styles in fancy silks. You are invited to see them. Miller & Paine s &aXS)aX8&SS'S6gS GOOD LTJCK GROCERY. liO!T O Street. 1 XectXer irx 2, niiis PJTtiits, Vegetables, etc. I TckFfeooera. 1107OStrect. tDt(DCl(S0Sg)ggS6ig crossing her palm with silver, each vis itor wastold factB concerning both past and future. The latter part of the even, ing was spent in dancing. Tho guests were Miesis Fannie Cole, Helen Welch, Joy Webster. Blanche Harcreavpn. Rrhai The Cotillion club met with Mrs. Tukey, Mae McMenncny, Helen Miner, Anne and Daisy Miner, Georgi3 Case, Marion 'Smith, Katherine Woods, Blanche Garten, Nelia Cochran, Edna Polk, Laura Bridge, Grace Bridge, Clara Wat kins, Clara Mullikin, Jessio Lansin", A number of the "society' women are Helen Woods, Mae Prentiss, Marv Davis enjoying gymnasium work at the Y. M ida Huffman, Mable RicketurMcssrf' C. -A. under the direction of Miss Mueller, Tukey, Davenport, Welchens Spurck. The followjcg is a partial list George Shedd, Harry Shedd Walsh' of those interested: Mis. Hargreaves. Ruesell. White, Roy Sawyer, Stebbins' Mrs. Coffroth. Mrs, Lew Marshall, Mrs. Truej Sumner, Rowe, Wigicenhorn Dr' Ogden, Mrs. George Woeds, Mrs. D. D. Whitet Prof. Thurbert Prof Moore' Muir, Mrs. Charles Branch, Mrs. Carl Whittmore. Rickettp, Welch. McCreery' Funke, Miss Carson, Mrs. John Dorgan, ChapiDi Green, Harmon, Wileoo. Barber Mrs.Chas Burr, Mite Harris. Hay ward, Brown, Korsmeyer, Henley, On Wednesday afternoon Mrs..Frack Christie, Clark, Gregory, Martin, Hyde. H. Woods entertained a number of Manley, Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Frank friends, with progressive whist. Miss Olive Latta proved the fortunate winner of the first prize, a dainty paper-knife of mother-of-pearl, and Miss Tibbetts won the second prize. A most enjoyable af ternoon was- nassrd bv the following ladies: Misses Mesdames Kirker, George Woods. Clark, Mark Woods, Marsland, Ladd, Latta, Lippincotr. Hammond, L. C. Burr, Odcll, C. L. Burr, Pound, Lambertson. Garten, Tilton, Getner, Teeteis, Miller, Gere, Cochran, Irahoff, Tibbetts, Burnham, Mesdames Mallalieu, Helwig, Silver, Shilling, E. P. Brown, Barbour, Smjser, Mitchell, R. E. Moore, Ltw Marshall, Griffith, Emery Hardy, Maxwell, Will Hardy, Horton. M:s3 Gete. Mrs. Frank H. Woada aeain proved herself a charming hostess on Thursday afternoon, when she entertained the fol lowing guests at a delightful Kensing-ton: Mesdames Grainger, II. II. Wilson. A. W. Lane, Gund, Ludden, Kirker, Hammond, Bailey, Fiske, Milton Scott, Henklr, iHolm, McLean, J. E. Miller; Misses Gilson, Harmon, "Gund, Mary Smitn, Bailey. Mesdames Bowman, - Hammond. Winnctt, Tuttle, Flojd, Odbert, Welsh, Garten, F. X. Hall, Schwa tke, E. Baker, Hutchins, Pace, Eddj, Steve Hoover, A. L. Hoover, Leese, Gregory, W. A. Jones, Cochrane, Mrs. F. W. Collins left on Wednesday to Join Mr. Collies in Washington, D. C. Woods. Miss Olive Latta gave a kensington on TuesJay afteruoon for the Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity and their friends. The ladies came with their dainty bits of sewing, at 5 o'clock. The gentleman came in time for the dainty luncheon which was served at 6 o'clock. Mrs. D. A. Campbell sang "My Onliest One'' and a lullaby, and Mr. Burt Whedon sang 'Kentucky Babe," in their individual and pleasing wajs. Tho guests wero Misses Elinor Williams, of Minnesota; Katherine Weston, ef Beatrice; Patter son, of Plattsmouth: Jessica Morgan, Anne Barr,EdithSchwarr.J)ena Loom is, Emmily Weeks. Jane McFarland LcolaVancil. Charlotte Clark, Jeanne' Tuttle, Nell Randall, Lida Miller, Graco McMillan, Frances Cunnirgham, Blanche Hargreaves, Ella Harper, Selma, Wigginhorn, Mame Lowne, Edna Din widdie, -Ruth Wilson; Messrs. Harry Shfdd, George Shedd, Randall, Russell, Wiggenhom, Haggard, McCreery, Col lett, Whedon, Koriineyer, Mueller, Cooley. Manley, Charlie Weeks, Paul Weeks, Ames. Buckstaff, Pound. Far well, Bartlett, O. Brown, Clements, Ma son, Chapin. Lieut. Jackson, Whipple, Humphrey, W. Clarl:, D. Wing. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilson gave a formal recep. tion at the home of the former on Fri day evening in honor of Prof, and Mrs. Howard, of California. The rcomswere most beautifully decorat3d with palms and chrysanthemums. Thedrawing room was profu:cly decorated with pink chrjs anthemume, tho sitting room in yellow, the library in red and the refreshment room in white. Mrs. 1. M. Raymond and Mrs. S. H. Burnham presided in the dining room ana were n-sisted in serv ing by Mis3ee Marie!, Ellen and Frances Gere. Those who assisted in rrcieving and entertaining were Mesdames A.J. Sawyer, A. W. Field, E. T. Hartley. A. C. Ricketls, C. II. Gere, L. C. Richards, C. E. Besjey, A. S. Raymond, J. M. Lara b2rl6on, J. H.McMurtry. Gue3ts arrived all during the entire evening, and four hundred were invited. Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Rutty in Buffalo. October Slrd 187. a (laugh ter. Mrs. Rutty was the charming Miss Xcllie Million of this citv. 5 .r3 Hs. -3 -2 ." i " ' I . jf 5 -'.. - .Wi J&) L8T iNi ,Ti- - &! u --a n w nan ,.