THE COURIE5 NIIIIHIIMMIIIIM IIIIMmilMMMIIIMHmMMmMIMMIMIIIMMIMWl8MMIMI MIMIMMIIIMIIMMHIIMIIIII HIM nil .f Ytl&UtMkD &R GOODS CO . X tlMIMMMMMMMIMIMMMMMMMMMIIMiiHliMMMMMMMIMIIl(iMMMM:MIMIMIIlHMMIIHnMMMMMIMH MIIIIIMMIIMMI The Popular Cloak Department of Lincoln., Our cloak department is the most complete of an' in the city. It has received the attention of competent buyers. We ask you to call and look at our garments feeling- confidant we can show you some things which will please you. s lail Orders Iiromtly :FIilleci IMIIMIMIMIinillMlinMIMMMIIIMMMMIMIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIMinllllH IHMMI MmilllMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIMMMIMIII IHMI X 1Q23M029 O St. Wnooln, :iVet IRu T iirSSA ft JSv v5NisS-I ret? J"- J xr Ladies Persian lamb cloak cape, 30 in. lone, 150 in. sweep. Thibet edged collar and front, (black rhadame lining, cloth faced, black. C t; oaly ' 775 Ladies keisey cloth jacket, inlaid velvet slashed collar, two button box front, coat tacV, made of extra fine quality impoi ted kersey Jinedthrough oat with co'ored taffeta, Cn e black, onlr W'5 La dies' kersey cloth jacket, 'St in. long, tailor made, corded back and frotit, lined with colored taffeta, in ucsirablo colors, ym only JII.35 Ladies plush cape, length 21 in., 133 in, sweep. Marten fur edgingon collar and f rntit, empire back, handsomoly braided andjetted, lined with cither black or Ca a colored taffeta y95 Ladies cloth jacket trimmed with 8 rows Soutache braid on front and around bottom, 6 rows on back seam, heavy black satin Cn -t lining. 4H4.J& Ladies' fine kersey cape, 25 in. long. ISO in. sweep, empire back, trimmed ewith sjoutacbo and ornaments military stylo, linings of taffeta silk to contrast with trv fc colors of material 'PyyiJ Ladies plush cape, 24 in long.. 135 in sweep, Thibet fur edged collar, and front jetted ana braided, changeable siilc lining $7.95 Ladies' jacket, fins Persian Iamb lined throughout, coat, storm collar. Hussar - n front P-y5 IIIIIMMIIIMIIIMMIMMMMIIIMMMMMIMIMMMIMIIIMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMflHMMMMMMMMIMMIMIIMIIIIIMMtMMIItllMIIIIIMMIIIlHM op this building which will be invalu able to mothers visiting the fair with little children. The Deborah Avery Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution met with Mrs. Philbrick on Friday aft3rnoon. The paper of the afternoon, given by Mrs. Henry, was a continuation of the study of the Colonial Period of American His tory, beginning with the year 1628. The Century Club will meet with Mrs. W. H. McCreery, 1141 H St., on Tues day afternoon. Mrs. J. L. Teeters will road a paper on Venice. The second meeting cf the Att De partment of the Woman's Ciub, will te held in the Club Rodoif, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. H. H. Wileon will have charge of the progrfam. The Domestic Econotry Department meets with Mrs. Mi. ton Scott, 221 S27lb street, on Monday afternoon. The question is often raised in literary clubs whether or not topics Ehould lie assigned. If one has a message to give, and is burning with eloquence on a cer tain subject, it would indeed be trying to be forced to write on an entirely dif ferent topic. But those who havo no message, gen erally prefer a regular program, when the responsibility is largely shared by the committee; if te subject teems dull, blame them for choosing it. Somnwhera Emerson sajp, that there is one thing that each or us can do better than any one else. Perhaps so, but for many ye an, women wi re so hampered by home duties and regulations that they could not fled the "one thing'' in which they might excel. Now they are c roping for knowledge, and it is only by furtive tiials, that the direction is found, in which the wi-y should lie open to their inclination and taste. The object of club work may be the entertainment of others, or the improve ment of one's self. As all acknowledge, the chief value of a paper is to the writer, in the knowledge and grasp of the topic, gained through long 6tudy. It is broadening to the individual to be farced to think beyond her' usual in terest?, but this cep. rot bring to the club, the enthusiasm of a self-chosen topic-. Most of the Lincoln clubr, as well as the majority of literary clubs through out the countiy, prefer the detiniteness of aim of a carefully assigned program. When the winter's study has been con fined to one general topic, more real in formation ia usullly gained, than from a taste of the sweets of many subj'cts. The club members, tco, follow the same general course 6! readirg, and are better prepared for the diecus-ione. Many of the Lincoln clubs are stuiyirg ctuntries this 3 ear; Holland is the topic of the Fortrightly; Russia, of the Hall ia the Giove; Italy, of the Century. Only Sorosis and its offspring, Junior Sorosis, have their members wholly un hampered by suggestions of any kind; these have freedom of choice, but with it goes hand in hand, the lack of com panionship in their chosen study. LIURAUY DAY. Many Lincoln people visited the City Library on Friday of last week, when its shelves were thrown open to the pub lic without restriction. The members of the women's clubs have locg ap preciated its well chosen volume, and the unfailing interest and courtesy cf tho librarian. Miss Dennis, who has paved an easy path to many a paper, by her judicious advice upon books to be read. The collections of books on the tables were a surprise to many, so large a num ber on one subject. Two tables were given to the works on American his tory; the sami to Art, many of them beaut if ul'y illustrated; but perhaps the most complete collection of hoiks were those on Browning and Shikespere.