THE, COURIER. "W Professional Directory. DOCTORS. Telephones. Office Hours Office. "Km.... .666 GS5 Dr. O. 0. Keynolds o TO! W. L. Dayton, M. D. jom. 1205 o street noto i fDisexses of Eye, Ear, None and Throat I Res. 1821 C Street J2S to to 5pm 13 g Social and Personal p IDr. J. H. Tyndale f NOSE AND THROAT J Office, rooms 9 and 10. j Lansing Theatre ! IDr. S. B. Cook f Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ( 9 to 11:30 am : pm 1315 O St. 19:30-12:30 am r ipm 'See. ..618, ..6T1. Dr. Ben j. P. Bailey j Office. Zehrung Block ( Residence. 1313 C street 1 9 to 10 a iu 12 to 12:30 J 2 to 4 p 1pm Office., Kef.. . 349, .462. Dr. R. B. Gif fen t Office, Telephone Bid... J 2 to 5 p m ; Va m fay ap ( Residence, 1821 F street ) pointment. IRuth M. Wood, M. D. Diseases of Women. ( Office, Rich&rds Bidg-., J cor. 11th and O ats. I Beside nee, 336 ao 13th. o Ml IDr. J.S.Eaton, t Rsidence..!62 ) Surgery ana Nerrous Disease, I Office, 137 So. Ilth St. I 2 to 4 p. m 12 a.m. J Hours 10 to i H. S. Aley, M. D. r Female, ncrrons & peni to-urinary diseases. 1 I Hours 9 to 12 yuiiice, 1145 u street..... ( z to a, i to 1 Mod. & Sat IDr. J. B. Triokey, f Refractionist only I 19 to 12 VOffice, 1035 O street I to 4 p. a. m m. I DR. E. J. ANGLE. J Office Alexander bile. 14C0 oiun bdu ueniu-u'auiary jsuvoscs. Facial blemisbe removed O St.. rooms 7. 8. 9. ( Bes. cor 26th and N Sts. 'U 9toJ2a.m a) to 4 p.m. :30to9p.m. & DENTISTS. Drs. Kearns & Ellis, j 1134 O st. over West ern Union Tele- graph. I Dr. Clifford R. Tef f t, J f Dentist. ( 1127 O Street. f 1 . . . -. n I Office, room 26. 27 and 1 ' Office 530. J-LOUiS N. Wente.D.D.S.- I. Brownell Block, 137 V ) I so Uth street. J Dr. J. S. McNay j Office, 1105 O street IS to 12 am O t Residence, S308T strwet 1 1 to5 p m ...656 Dr. P. D. Sherwin DENTIST. I Office, room 19 Burr 111k ) 9 to l: zaa noor iRes.2548Qst I to 5 p. m BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Phone 470 J. M. GUILE, Reel Estate and Ins. Gen. Exchange Business Office .115 South Eleventh 1 I I ljrjrOiAi? Ladies' black kangaroo calf coin toe bal at $2.50 Ladies' brown Titan calf, coin toe ball, 3. Mens' box calf, coin toe ball 3. Mens' seal train coin toe ball 3. Perkins Ae Sheldon, 1120 O St. Wednesday evening, Nov. 3 Iurike Opera Hous 00 00 00 A large reception waB held in Omaha last Friday afternoon, from 4 to C o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. J. E. Baum, for her aunt, Mrs. Carl Funke, and Bister, M.-s. Chatles Burr. Shades were drawn a'jd the house illuminated and decorat ed throughout, the receiving rooms in palms and Bmilaz. American beauties adorned the refreshment table. Mrs. Baum was assisted by Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Wattles, Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Kirkendall, Mrs. Holdrege, Mrs. Crit tenden, Mrs. Dave Baum, Miss Hime baugh, Miss Baum, and Miss Alexander. Mrs. Davis and Miss Himebaugh served the ices in the dining room, and Mrs. Wheeler poured ta in the Turkish cor ner of the large hall. The "baby party" given on Friday afternoon, of last week by Mrs. John B. Wright, was charmingly unique. Four teen babies were entertained and about twenty five grown people, the latter the mothers and friends of the children pres ent. One baby was fortunately attend ed by its mother, two grandmothers and a great-grandmother. The parlors were profusely decorated with roeep, and the refreshments sprvad at small tables. Each youthful guest waspressnted with a celluloid ball upon its arrival, and all afternoon, good humor and happiness reigned supreme, in babyland. The following guests were present: Mrs. Griffith and Aileen. ITrs. Max well and Oakley, Mis. Aitkin and Wil liam, Mrs. Brumaugh and Richard of St Lcuis, Mrs. Inkster and George, Mrs. Ross Curtice and Helen, Mrs. Frank Woods with the twins Thomas and Henry, Mrs. Johh McDonald and Don ald, Mrs. W. C. Wilson and Howaid, Mrs. Ladd and Sarah, Mrs. Ward and Cecilia, Mrs. Smyser and Fred Hawley, Mrs. Swett, Mrs. Smyser of Boston, Mrs. Hawley, Mrs. O. R Oakley, Mrs. Yatee, Mrs. McDonald of New York, Mies Smith of Kansas, Mrs. D. . Thompson, Mrs. A. B. CrofTrotb, Mrs. BuckEt3T and Mrs. Lippincott. Mr. CofTiotb, Mr. Buckstaff and Mr. Wright joined the ladies at tea. her mother. Between the hours of three and six the tiny gue6ts entertained themselves with the little tojs which were given to each as a souvenir. 1 he bright toys, dainty gowns and happy faces of the children made a beautiful picture. When the guests were ready to leave, little Fred was at the door to say "bye-bye" to each guest. The guests were: Mesdames Frank Woods, Resin Welch, George Woads, Latta, Ladd, Griffith, Maxwell, Wilson, Wright. Thompson, Brunough, Kitchen, Curtice, MacDonald, Hemple, Ksensky, Weasel, Walsh, Hall. Marley, Oakley, Meeds, Brock, Swett, Hawley, Smyser. Misses Curiice, Latta, Hoover. Miss Sallio Furnas is specJing the week in Brownville. Mrs. George Fawell is in Chicago. This afternoon, Mrs. N. B. Ward and Mrs. O. Mohrenstechcr will give a recep. tion at the home of the latter for Mra Robertson, Mrs. Ward's mother, of Chi cago. The chief decorationg will be pink roses and palms. The dining room will be decorated with white, .the table de corations white drawn-work and cut gUse. Mieses Mame and Rose Carson, Maude Rieser, Katherine Odell and Mrs. Wolcott will assist in serving. A mandolin quartet will be stationed in the upper hall to furnish music during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.R. B. Grabam are enter taining their daughter Mrs. Weeds, and grand-daughter Olive Graham Weeds, of Chicago. They expect to remain several weeks. 11 ns Last night Mies Margaret and Mr. Burt Whedon gave a party at heir home on nineteenth and D streets. The earlier part of the evening was spent in amuse ments suitable to Hallowe'en. The lat ter part of the evening was spent in danc ing. The guests were: HargreavcB, Ellen Gere, CONOJ3RTT. Soloitftst MRS- CHARLES K. URQUHART, soprano MR CHARLES HAGENOW, violinist. Conductor: Prices 25c, 50, 75, 1. Margaret Winger, Emily Weeks, Florence Winger, Frances Gere. Ade!oyd Whiting, Laura Houtz, Clara Hammond, Frances Maule, Cora Cropsey, Helen Welch, Floience Maule, Emma Outcalt, Mabel Richard?, Jessie Lansing, MaysieAmes. Messeri Oury, Davenport, Miller, McCreery, Tukey, Sherman, Abbott, Manley, BarUctt, ' Russell, Robinson, Brown, Summer, Haggard, Welsh, Stone, Haywarc, True, Raymond, Stebbins, Parmalee, Randall. Mies Patterson, a Gamma Phi Beta from Northwestern, is vuiting her cousin, Miss Walker. Mrs. Fred Smyeer gave a baby party I r her son, Frederick Hawley SmjBer, on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. Thomas Creigh is down from Omaha to attend the football game thin afternoon. Dr. H. M. Everett returned from Chi cago Tuesday morning. Mrs. W. Rush Gillan from Pen nsylvania is visiting relatives in the city. Miss Charlotte Clarke returned from - Ohio last week after a visit of several months with relatives and friends. Miss Mao Burr left last Saturday for New York City where she will spend the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Shel don. Miss Burr goes for the specific purpose of training her voice. She will be greatly missed by sociely in Lincoln. Mrs. N. K. Griggs and daughter, have gone to New York City where Miss Griggs will spend the winter in the study of music. Mrs. W. E. Phillips and son Frank, have n turned from a two months visit in Cadiz, Ohio. Mrs. Sarah F. Harris returned on Wednesday from a visit to her sons in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilson haye issued cards for a reception to be held next Friday evening at the home of the former in honor or Prof, and Mrs. Geo. Howard of Palo Alto, California. On Monday evening, Misses Lillian and May Dorrington of Falls City,