The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 30, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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bondon Correspondence.
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Every oh saye that the Priace of
Wales haa shows gnat wkdem in pre
serviBg as attitude of neutrality in the
Daajajtafly quarrel Of rourse he ki
devoted to hk pretty youngest daughter;
bat he k eat eatklly a lover of justice,
and he kaowa very well that she k seek
ing to evade the express agreement,
BMde ob her marriage, that she would
reside Bart of the year io Denmark. The
old Hag says that it m the duty of the
Daakh princess to remain in the service
of their country; Prinee Carl's father
aad mother add that Prince Maud
waauriteold enough, when she mar
ried, to kaow what she was about. No
oae seems in the least inclined to let her
off her promise. The fact is that the
royal family of Denmark sever cordially,
wished her to wed Priace Carl the idea
had always been to eave him for the
young Queen of Holland; but impetuous
Priacets Maud fell in love with him,
aad, being a very charming little per
son, easily captured his susceptible
heart, after which there waa no more to
be said. Both the Princess of Wale's
youngest daughters inherit her strong
will. How strong it k few people know,
because she k naturally quiet and sel
dom exerts it; but when she once makes
up her mind to a thing nothing will
tnrn her. She k a long while taking a
prejudice agaiost a pernor), but when
once ahe has done so, her cold northern
batredmbitter as death. The Queen is
the oaly person who can induce her to
modify her attitude in the least degree
a thing which policy has necessitated
several times of recent years, and then
there have been terrible struggles.
Year ckver compatriot, Mks Kussner.
khaviag such a boon now since she
painted the Prince of Wale's miniature
iahk-faacy dress that he has raked
her charge to 300 guineas. So delight
ed was H. R. H. that he has sent her
a dkaaoad brooch representing Persim
mon with the jockey "up' sporting hk
rackg colore.
rV"! 'Mma n 1MJM- 4 P- ,UaM-U -iawtjJU lWLJUj 3jlW
Sii3l? -jJLJI -
iff i i - ' ' "' - ' ' . aSal m ii
SulpHo'Saline Sanitarium, Cor. I-itl and &I
All Kinds of Baths Scientific Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet.
Shaving- Hairdressin Drs. EVERETT, Managing- Physicians.
Genial Henry W. Lucy ("Toby," of
Punch) has been enjoying a novel ex
perience. He and hk wife have been
awarded the Dunniow flitch. Probably
some few of your readers may not know
what that means. Let me briefly ex
plain. The little town of Dunmow, in
Essex, possesses a fund which provides
for the purchase every year a "flitch"
of bacon, to be presented to the married
pair who can prove to the satisfaction
of a jury that they have not had one
word of disagreement since their wed
ding day! Applicants come from all
parts of England, and the process of
judgement is. as you may suppose, very
amusing. The jury consists of twelve
bachellors and twelve maidens.
The two smart amusements during
the dull season prior to the opening of
the skating palaces have been consult
ing palmists and going to the play to
glean ideas for new frocks. Occultism
is glowing a craze among us; it usually
crops up in the dark autumn days,
which, 1 suppose, favor eerie fancies and dow. But it was at the grand opera, in
superstition generally. The fashionable Thais, that shoulders and music did
seers are doing great business. Ap- their work most effectively. The music-
propriately, too, Clifford Harrison is juet lansof the orchestra declared they could
We call your attention to our fine line of
&iKb$taff Bfos. Manfg ?o.
$Jafeers of Lincoln gteel Range,
not attend to the score unier the cir
cumstances. The sight of Sybil made
it impossible to play save in the more
feverish tempo. The green lampshades
under their noses were not at all suf
ficient to neutralize the rosy glare of
those shoulders. This was at the drees
rehearsal. At the public representation
the directors of the opera were obliged
to veil the charniB slightly, but the
Itoiilevarrfies raved only less than the
more favored flute and violin player6.
When the daily Eclair started a public
election of the Paris queen of beauty,
Sybil Sanderson's name had the majori
ty of votes and Cleo de Merode came
Apropos of the biography of the late
Lord Tennyson by hk son Hallam. the
present bearer of the title, and which
has created a furore in the literary
world, I am reminded of an amusing
story anent the laureate told by Junes
T. Field?, and which does not appear in
the present memoir. Tennyson, who
was a large man. was very bizarre in his
dress, ana always affected a cape coat
and a huge wide-awake hat. He went
up to Oxford on a bright May morning
in 1802 to receive his doctor's degree,
which the university had ju6t conferred
upon him. Although .he had become
faruouejrnc had'pfrsed- his 'life i'nrsubh
retirement that he was not known to the
English public, and the greatest curi
osity was felt to see the man who had
written "Maud," "In Memoriam,"' and
particukrly the "May Queen," which
then was the most popular of his earlier
works. The great university hall was
crowded with students and visitors to
the topmost galleries. Suddenly a hush
fell on the vast assemblage and a whis
per was heard everywhere: "Tennyson
about to issue his book on various bran
ches of "the uncanny.'' I must say that
he looks as if be could tell us something
about it. Hk eyes are those of a seer
of visions. He has just begun hid win
ter recitals again, always an intellectual
treat; only I wkh some one would tell
him not to allow hk accomplishments to
overpower hk voice.
It is not at all unusual for a woman to
go three times running to the theatre in
order to get the details of a certain gown
into her bead. 1 hope no one will do
this on account of Mrs Brown-Potter's
dinner-dress in "Francillon." (I sup
pose I must call it a dress but really the
compliment is too great) The material
of the skirt k black velvet; the bodice
consists mostly of diamond daggers and
a few violets! One critic naively re
marked that "the scantiness of the cor
sage was made up by the elaboration of
the coiffure." How, I wonder? The
whole attire reminds me of the old epi
pram which used to amuse our grand
fathers: "When drqamg for evening
the girls, nowadays,
Scarce aa atom of drm
on them leave;
Nor blame them, for what
at an evening drm
But a drat that k raited to Eve?"
Maybe so; but one prefers Eve civilized
I wish our smart theatregoers would
take example by your women. Just now
our theatres are crowded with Ameri
cans, usually in chic high bodices and
with their hair exquisitely dressed. Our
grandex dames go in the etalls in gowns
too low to be nice for dancing. I often
think what a view the "gallery boya"
must have! The approaching marriage
of Mks Sybil Sanderson with Mr. An- Tennyson." There he stood in the
tonio Terry is now officially announced, doorway, his tall figure swaying from
This k accompanied by the statement eide to side, his cape coat unbuttoned,
that the American prima donna will not and with a pair of white gloves that he
appear again on the operatic stage. Thus had only half drawn on. so that the un-
ends a romance which has been followed tilled finger-ends stood out on hishands.
by the Parisian public for several years; The silence was profound and almost
and thus apparently ends a career as painful as each one of the assemblage
brilliant, in Paris and St. Petersburg gazed their fill on the really great man.
at least, as has been realized by any Suddenly from one of the topmost seats
American artist of the present genera- a little piping voice afterward discover
tion. Paris is noted for fidelity to its ed to be that of a freshman called out:
"Did your mother call you early, Al
fred, dear?"
The effect may be imagined. Tcnny.
san retired amid the uproarious laughte
which greeted thk sally, and was with
difficulty induced to return and receiv.
in public the degree that ha 3 been
conferred upon him.
favorites, and Mks Sanderson, apart
from her voice, had many features of
superiority over her rivals for captivat
ing Parisian hearts. She was the favor
ed pupil of Massenet, and Sybil San
derson's shapely shoulders beacme as
essential a part of the life of Parkas the
unseen ears of Cleo de Merode did after
ward. The shoulders were not unseen,
and they were perfection. No photo
grapher who respected himself could
possibly omit them from his show-win-
They say Writemup is a shrewd edi
tor." "He has to be to keep out of jail.'
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