The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 30, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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Fashions of the Day.
Smaller and Neater Costumes, But ao
More Economical Colon to Safe tfcc
v Taste of the Nearer Plai,
Checks, Stripes and Book
Furs and Jeweled Belts.
Snugness', trighess a reduction of
ail- is the watermark ot the fashion
for the coming seat on eo far m shapes
and models are concerned. Bat yester
day the tendency was all for quantity,
eizr, the bouffant in dres;; today it is
just the opposite.
The sudden shrinkage of our skirts
ceeau to my philosophic mind to be
traceable to the exuberance of the all-
reproduce as are other and leas deetr
able ones.
Ib spite ot the maaifeat iaprevcattat
in business life it is still desirable to
cultivate the spirit of economy, and the
new sleevelets blouses will prove valu
able aids in this UitecHon. laexpeaaiv
in itself, as requiring; so little material,
this blouB may be often advantageously
worn over a discarded bodice, the odd
appearing sleeves being quite In style.
Fancy muffs to match the costume
will be even more chic than fur. In
deed, to appear on the street a "sym
phony in one tone," or, to quote a recent
great man, "one grand, sweet son?," is
to range one's self in the topmost ranks
of fashion's host.
Veils,are becoming important accsf
sories to the toilet. The new scarf veils
are very becoming, as well as serviceable.
nrevailincr trimmince. I heard it f aid
although I cannot personally vouch for They aro two and a half yarda long, and
the troth of the storv. that one of our after being properly adjusted over the
smart Eet a clever woman, who is yet
not above sensible economies took one
of her gowns of two yeajs ago, and from
the luxuriant fulness of its various parts
made up two more or less complete cos
tumes for hen elf in the prevailing style
of the winter of 1897-1898.
. I had the good fortune to examine
carefully a lovely lot of imported gowns,
and what struck me most of all were the
remarkable color combinations which
are to adorn our social leaders. A waist
well worthy an extended description
will bear me out in what I eo insist up
on. The lining was of white silk; draped
over it was white crepe lisee, then over,
that an exquisite piece of black lace,
while beneath each Mower and leaf in
the lacs was laid deep Mazarin blue
velvet, bringingout the pattern in bright
relief and with an effect that could only
have been conceived by the possessor of
a true artistic instinct. Tne collar and
ceiuture were of the same deep blue
velvet, and tha sleeves mark the com
binationwere ot the most perfect Ehado
ot violet-hued Irish poplin.
- Checks are in great favor in every
variety of color and material in poplins,
satins, lilks, wool and velvets. Grteu
end black is a smart combination, as for
instance, in blouse waists of thesa colore.
hat the ends are crossed and tied in a
big bow in front. Tktt ends usually are
edged with narrow black velvet and
black lace rufllcs.
Street ccstumes this year aro dread
fully heavy. The proper thing is c'oth,
and this is a heavy fabric the costume
should never be worn in the house, and
besides there is decided economy in
keeping the street costume for its proper
The furriers are looking forward to a
vary active season, thanks to Mistre38
Fashion, but they have, to use a slang
term, 'something up their sleeves," and
it is this, that not only will. fur jackets
and fur blouses be almost necessities of
life (and the handsomer the more neces
sary the garment,) but in addition they
arc to require very beautiful jewelled
Perhaps the most striking trait ot the
American woman is bor individuality.
And in manners ot fashion this trait is
as Etriking as elf o where, although a bit
more dangerous. For individuality pre
supposes originality, and this latter
faculty is an edged tool liable to wound
uns ilful handlerj. But when combined
with art:stic taste and thatindescribable
something we call style, it produces a
combination that is simply irresistible,
Velvets, yellow and b'ack or pink and and that naB wrung from sister nations
black, will be the correct caper; in fact.
velvets in all designs, plaids, checks, dcts
and stripes are, so to speak, epidemic.
Never in the history of fashion has vel
vet been eo universally popular. The
velvet blouse is to be almost an essential,
so much 60 that a ruler of fashion lack
ing at least one of them would be a
queen bereft or her sceptre, iney may
the confession that the American is the
best dressed woman in the world.
So, while earnestly counselling each
of my compatriots to cultivate the in
dividuality that carries with it to the
minds of benoldcrs the conviction, that
her clothes belong to her, not she to the
clothes, yet would I advise her, if she be
not endowed with an artist's eye for
ba so endlessly varied in style and shape 'n and color, to ask Eome more gifted
that there is little likelihood of ihcir be- Wend or approved raodiBte to supply the
coming vulgar or common place, and deficiency. The general adoption of
besides, velvet is a material whose price this course would save us from those un-
nuts it bevond the reach of the masses, fortunate failures, all too plentifully ex-
andjust now no imitation stuffs are
tolerated; for tha present at least, velvet
must be velvet, and not plush or fustian
ot any cheaper sort. And speaking of
blouses, I notice a rare beauty, one of
black velvet with chinchilla collar worthy
of a princess.
Evening Ekirt3 will bo demi-traic, ball
gowns and opera gowna the same; even
ing waists will be elaborately trimmed
and will not necessarily match the
hibited, wherein the wrong woman
seems to have gotten into a gown which
it worn by another would be a pro
naunced success.
Just at present certain rules in dress
building must be generally observed.
Skirts must hang evenly a'.l around,
juEt escaping the ground, and a skirt
that is the least bit tco short is very bad
style. Circular tides to a skirt are very
handsome, but there is darger of the
garment sagging, and henco heavy stuffs
skirt, although for street costumes fash
ion does decree that they must be in one should never be made up in this way.
tone from top ta toe to be in tho very
uppermost heights of style.
Sashes pretty, dressy things that
they are are to be much worn by mat
ron and maid, while the juvenile mem
bers ot the family are to be decked out
in gay ribbons, the Roman stripe taking
precedence when a plain or solid color is
not imperatively indicated.
The waistline is much in evidence and "That was a singularly unfortunate
the modistes predict that ere long the typographical crrcr that the paper made
old-time skirt, with its visible stitches in speaking ot those Vassar graduates."
connecting it to the waist, will be the "How?"
correct thing. Tea-gowns and negligees "Why, the reporter wrote they are all
are so constructed nowadays, and fashion angels and the printer got it 'they are
microbes are as certain to spread and all angles.
TulHeigh Do you think it pays to
Cynicus -I know it doesn't ; I advertis
ed for a wife once.
Tuffloigh You not one, didn't you?
Cynicus Yes, but just look at her!
painting YT0UF Home
Is amatter of man, brush and taint more or
less. The paint is not the least important
of the three, You want paint that sticks
and paint that has color. The main point in
paint besides pretttness is perfect bod' and
paint that holds on. We sell the famous
. -i
IK w 4
'SswJt- f
Llbr- l
and pride ourselves on selling1 the best paint
in the city. We warrant it to be the ideal
paint. Of course we sell brushes and
everything for painting purposes. We also
line up in the front rank with the largest
glass'.and paint houses in the west. Esti
mates cordially furnished.
Standard Qlass ard Pairt Go
Wlioleaole cir&cl Retoil.
1312 to 131(5 O street.
, Proprietor. Manager.
Corner Tenth and P Streets.
raw n
Perfumes, Soaps, Stationery and Toilet Articles.
Tablet and School Supplies. g
WKoesa le ard Retail
18 (?) street and 14? so 12th 8t
Telephone 2?f.
9 0'tritT"Tirtimitii iiitiuioMiiiuj
i Raise? n TT-ashinn
125 So. 12th st., Lincoln.