ft V If--. "- .VOL 12 NO , M ,, t j '.& r , ; ESTABLISHED IN 1386 PIMCE FIVE CENTS .-i V --, ' 4T 7 W jB a VffiEa? f r .jp 'fc-. , pss- LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2J. 1807. S8 HHP E.VTEKKD IX THE rOSTOFFICK AT LINCOLN AS xECnxu CI.AHS MATTKE. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BT THE COURIER PRINTING AND. PUBLISHING GO Office 1132 N street. Up Stairs Telephone 384. SARAH if. HARRIS. - Editor DORA HAUHELLER Husines Mmmikm- Subscription Rates In Advance. Per annum 3 2 00 Six months 1 00 Three months i0 One month 20 Single copies 05 I OBSERVATIONS. : Now that the excellence of the water tap ted by the A street well lias obtained general recognition the Call claims that it is all because of its arguments and opjtosition to the wells in the salt valley. As a matter of fact easily proved by an examination of all the papers. The Courier called the attention of the public to the fact that part of the council was opposed to testing the A street well in an article entitled "The Council and the City Water," which apiteared in the issue of .Inly IT. From that date to the present tnis paitcr has been a champion of the Antelope valley as the source of the wate. supply of Lincoln. The opposition to the A street well by certain members of the city council, grew as citizens insisted that the well be tested. Finally, seeing that these niemlters were hopelessly prejudiced against fresh water, a deputation of republicans visited Mr. George "Woods and insisted, threat ening a withdrawal of their supiHjrt. that he get on the right side of the water quest ion. These citizens were incited to an investigation of the waterquestion by the charges which The Courier made and which have never yet been disproved or even con tradicted. During this time the Journal was non-committal, the Xeint was opposed to laying pipes for the purpose of connecting the A street well with the city mains, the Call. for many weeks after The Courier began the investigation of the water .supply, had nothing in itscolumns on the water question and the Post has never taken any interest in it except for politics . sake. If the alt valley is dually abandoned it will be due primarily to t lie converts loan An telope water system, secured by the discussion in these pages of the water quest ion on its merits. That discussion induced the ftopular clamor which resolved itself into the com mittee that visited ("eorge Wood. The results of that disciissicn has more influence in the present cam paign than the Salt creek valley men will admit. No jKiier which supports the present mayor, as the Call has done, can have the reputation of honesty and sincerity. The claim that the editor of the Call makes to having accomplished the recognition of the A street well is unsupported by the facts. Week after week The Courier reported the real condition of the waterquestion in Lincoln. The publisher visited the wells and ex amined the rejtortsas they ap'icared front time to time. From this ex amination it developed that the o jKisition was a quest iuii of itoliticsand not of water. It was only b per sistence and b the freedom afforded by the peculiarly isolated iosjtioii of The Courier that it was finally enabled to le of assistance to these couucilmen who have been working with a single eye to securing fresh water and plenty of it. It was only after the council had refused to vote more money to I he South street station, after the majority of the influential jieople had made up their iiiinds that The salt valley would never supply fresh water that The Cell ad vocated letting the water from the A .street well into the city mains. The pioneer work of popularizing the A st reet well has boon done by The Col kikk and The Cockiei: alone. After it was accomplished. The Call was found to xi on the creditable side, but it was afterwards. No one in this country can help re joicing that Missfisiieros. the CiiIkiii prisoner was set fret. Yet. the man ner and means of her rescue r scarcely reputable. To be sure, we are in sympathy with the Cuban struggl for autonomy, but Cuba is still a part of Spain and still recogonized as Mich by the United States government. If a section of tnis countn in rebellion against the cent nil 'tower should im prison an individual whit was plot ting against it. and this individual should be released by a citizen of a nation which still recognized the authority of the central government: think of the out-burst of red hot Americanism that would break out on the streets in halls and in the newsjtaiters. Spain has fallen behind in the pro gress of nations. She is not a tirst class power. The young King is threatened by a revolutionary irty of nearly the strength of his own .sup port. He has not money enough to crush the Cuban insurrection and. at the .same time keep enough money and men at home to secure his own safet. Therefore outsiders dare not interfere. If Cuba lelongcd to Eng land. (ermau. Uusjaoreveit France, such an act as the rescue of a state prisoiieraud the ensuing forgery of the necessary official's name on the passport, would never have been con templated. The rescue was nothing mote nor less than a very clever ad vert ising scheme on the part of the A'eic Yorh Journal and from that toint of view is justifiable to the Journal. Hut as for calling for any congratulations on any other ground, theclaim is silly. What is Miss Cis neros to a New York pa'ier. unless she can le utilized to its own glory? The two reporters were assigned to rescue Miss Cisneros in order that the name of The Journal: should lie telegraphed ner the world and the recording angle had. and will have nothing to do with it. As for the young lady herself, the reporters testify that her qtarters in the Cuban jail were com fortable, and that she was treated with respect. Miss Cisiin.s is not a donna in the strict Sjianish sense of the word i. e. she is not of noble blood. I ler father was a small dealer in leather. and she lived in no better a home than her prison quar ters. Herlteauty is of the ordinary Cuban tyje and she arrived in New York without any traces of having Iteen Mibjected to hardships. She was escorted to the Waldorf by the luiita in New York where she has held receptions ever since to which the great have come for the privelegc of seeing her and doing homage. Now MissCisneros has not any money, she has not done anything wortln of homage, and the .lunta needs all its monev for Cuba. Notoriety hits, to be sure, o'teiiud several gates to her. closed to the unknown. First, there is the inusee- which would be deroga tory, there is the lecture platform, but she cannot talk English well enough to address an English shak ing audience and there are not Cubans enough in this country to jiay the rent of a hall. She might write her views on Cuban women, their dress and need tf clubs as well as her im pressions of the United State- vi far. for the paper which rescued Iter: but it would need translation. Her es cape in itself, over roofs and down lad ders, and on the streets jostling Span ish soldier- is yellow journalism itself. and needs no touching up. lint if any of these means of gaining a livlihood are to be followed, she must Ik quick about it for thefamewhichshe has ac quired is of the most volatile kind, and is daily decreasing in value toa mana ger or publisbei. Living at the Wal "dorf in a magniticcucc which requires an income of many thousands a year to pay for. is likely to deceive Miss Cisuems into thinking that luxury in this country is disenscd for some other consideration than -the price." The longer she lives in the Waldorf, the harder it will be to leave it and go to work. In this number of The Couuier, Mis, Willa Cat her. now the dramatic critic of the Pithlmra Isailcr begins her dramatic and literary critique under the familiar title or -The Passing Show. Her weekly contri butions to The Courier will be in the nature of interviews wit h distinguish ed men and women who visit L'ittt burg and criticisms appreciative of the art. manners, morals, and Wo men's Clubs of Pittsburg. In parti cular there is Authoui Hom' Hawk ins who will soon lecture in Pittsburg and as he will not come to re us. it will lie a rare pleasure to hear how the author of "The Prisoner of Zen da looks toa friend and what hesays. Army officers call the iiew.-.pajer comment on the man dragging inci dent at Fort Sheridan '"Mawkish sentimentality" and say it prcceeds from ignorance, on the irt of the civilian, of the friendly relations which exist between the private soldier and his officers. This plea, when considered with the confession of Lieutenant Loveriug that the de tails of the incident took place as re iwtrted. sounds a little like that of the slave holders before the war. who said in reply toanti-slavery protests that their "niggers" were the hajt piest jK'ople in the world and that northern m-ople could not understand the affectionate relations existing lc tween masters and slaves, etc.. and that the "mawkish sentimentality" exhibited by the almlitionists was dangerous to the divine institution of slavery. History shows that maw. kishues.s finally triumphed tot he ulti mate, benefit even of the south. If the discussion in the newspapers of such bad temjtercd brutality as Lieutenant Loveriug exhibited makes the United State officers afraid to treat private .soldiers except with justice, it will increase the efficiency of the arm b attracting -A re secting men into the ranks. Not that this incident proves that privates are habitually treated with severity. The clamor shows rather 4 4