10 THE COURIER. Ioibrary Day. On Friday, October 22nd. Library Day will bo observed in an appropriate man ner by the city library. A day near the date of the discovery of the country by Columbus was set aside by the Ameri can Library association, at their meet ing in 1803, in order to encourage and ntimulate tho interest in libraries, more particularly in those of Email towns, and was observed in the beginning by each patron bringing a book on that day. But as Lincoln already has many books on the shelves of her public library.no gifts are asked from the bands of visi tors, only their appreciative presence. As it is impossible to allow the gen eral public access to the Look shelves, it has been thought by the library manag er, that many people underrate the re sources of the cily library; and this op portunity is taken to present the books in Buch a manner, that a number on a given topic can be seen and bandied to gether. The works relating to Art will be col lected on a table, those from the main shelves, as well as the illustrated books of the reference room, and will be un der the charge of Mrs. MtConnell, who will gladly show them to those interest ed, and will also explain the pictures hanging on the walls. At another table, Mrs. L. C. Richards will preside over the book6 relating to Shakeepere and Browning and their works. The children's books and pictures will be under the direction of Mrs. H. H. Wilson. All the books whicL could possibly interest cnildren will be gath ered here; books on history, biography, science, fiction, with pictures of flowers, animals and birds. Mrs. L. L. H. Austin will have charge of the books on American history, all the works relating to Columbus and the dis covery of America, also those on the Coloniil Period. Tne r-xinw will bo appropriately decor ated with tings and palms, and a hearty wiUome will be extended to alL MRS. INA DILLON TABER. J Voice Culture, v lupil of Signor Gedeoni Olivieri, the teacher of Emma Eatnes, Emma Cirlve, Jean and Edward De Reske and Jean Lasalle. For terms and particu lars addrees Mrs. Ina Taber, GT.i Boyl, stun Street, Boston, Mas3. SHERIFF SALE. (First publication September 18.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by virtue of an order of sale issued by he clerk of the district court of the Third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Seabury L. Sears is plaintiff, and Nile Blomstrom ct al.. de fendant. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 10th day of October, A. D. 1897, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county. Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described lands and tenements, to-wit: The northeast quarter of section nine (9), in township twelve (12). north, range seven (). east of tne sixth principal me ridian, in Lancaster county. Nebraska. Given under my hand this 16th day of September, A. D. 1897. John J. Trompen, Sheriff. 1 1 M&tft RUDQE & MORRIS CO. 1118-1120 N. Lincoln, Neb. All Rtjl nd SIM for lTry kliiaoi run The Otnaln alt tr lhl Trade-Mr, neware of imnuioiu. bast month we sold 43 of the new 6-hole steel ranges at $25. We will sell them one month more at the same price. We also can show you 12 different styles of art Garland hard coal stoves from $15 up. . Do not fail to look at these. i JS& PERWflS SpXUttOH s BOOTS and SHOES 1 1129 0 St, Lircolr Neb yfj V "& et. KOTH MEN AND "WOMEN". If you :ire willing to work, we can give you employment with GOOD PAY, and xou can work all or part time, and at home or traveling. The work is light and easy. "Write at once for terms, etc.. to THE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY Milwattkee, 'Wits. S. L. GeistLardt, Attorney. 148-150 Burr Block. NOTICE. (First publication October 9.) United States Circuit Court, District cf Nebraska. At a session of the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of Nebraska, continued and held pursuant to adjournment at the court room in the city of Lincoln on the Cth day of October, 1897, present, the Honorable W. H. Munger, Judge presiding, the following among other proceedings were had and done, towit: Francis C- Faulkner asl Assistive of the Con-1 necticat River Sav-1 g ings Bank. Complain- j Chancery. ant. f ' vs. George E. Timblain, al., Respondents. ORDER ON ABSENT DEFENDANTS. Now on this Cth day of October, 1897, at the October 1397 term of said court, it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the said court that this is a suit to enforce a mortgage lien by for closure on real property within the Dis trict of Nebraska, and that Benjamin A . Gibson is defendant herein, and in not an inhabitant of and has not been found within said district, and has not volun tarily appeared in this suit, now on mo tion of S. L. Gefethardt, solicitor for the complainant, it is considered by the court and ordered that said defendant, Benjamin A. Gibson, be and he hereby is ordered to appear and plead, answer or demur to the complainant's bill of complaint on or before the Cth day of December, 1897, and that in default thereof, an order be entered in this cause taking said bill pro confesto. It is further Ordered. That at least twenty days before said 6th day of December, 1897, a copy of this order be served upon said Benjamin A. Gibson wherever found, if practicable, and atoo upon the person or persons in possession or charge of the real property described in the complain ant's bill of complaint, if any there be, or in lieu thereof.thatacopy of this order be pnbliEhed for six consecutive weeks in The Courier of Lincoln, a news paper published and in general circula tion in said district of Nebraska. W. H. Munger, Judge. The United States of America ) District of Nebraska. S I. Oscar B. Hillis, Clerk or the Circuit Court of the United States for the dis trict of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ia a true copy of an order entered upon the journal of the proceedings of said Court in the cause therein entitled; that I have com pared the same with the original entry of said order and it is a true transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. Witness my official signature and the seal of said court at Lincoln, in Baid district, this 6th day of October, 1897. I seal. I Oscar B. Hillis, Clerk. (Si New Meat Market w 8IG0UPNEY MEAT GO. S. D. Sifiourner, MngT. Freeh and Salt Meats. Fish and Game in Season. 937 O ST. PHONE 20 1. H. W. BfOWN 2 Druggist and $ Bookseller. 9 Vlittlns V Fine Stationery V and V Calling Cards 9 127 S. Eleventh Street. $ PHONE 68. tfKKKM X0 UEU EXCHANGE NATIONAL BUNK. LINCOLN, NEB. S. H. Burnham, A. J. Sawter, President. Vice president D. G. Wing, Cashier. CAPITAL ?i0,000. Directors A. J. Sawyer, S. H. Burn ham, E. Finney, J. A. Lancaster, Lewis Gregory, N. Z. Snell, G. M. Lambert son, D. G. Wing". S. W. Burnham. OOOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO g CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS g PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUPS g EXTERIOR VIEWS a yun&u THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street. 2OO0OOOOO ooosoooo 0000c 008 WHEN YOU WRITE TO YOUR FRIENDS who are coming west to visit you, just add a post script like this: 'Besure and take the Burlington Route. It's much the best." You are quite safe in doing this because our service from Chicago. Pe oria, St. Louis, and Kan sas City, in fact all east ern, southeastern and southern cities is just as good as our service to those points. And that, as everyone who. is ac quainted with it will tes tify, is the best there is. Tickets and time tables on application at B, & M. depot, or city office, cor ner 10th and O streets. George V Bonnell II MIIIyM)IMIIMHMmil I A. L FLANAGAN! 1016 P Street. Lincoln. Neb. O Second Hand Goods g Bought and Sold. ih9ommmmiiCX )5x WARD'S PERFUMED FOOT POWDER FOR J&mgSk CURES PsratfrstiMi fiAMCVX &nu, Ti W B SvnHBBSjKBf FMf. U CMssga, lUBssh m im mtw W.LWIUft W Rise's Pnarmaoy. iFVist Tive, Tfayotagla. Oajraa. To Omaha, Chicago, and points ia Iowa and Illinois, the UNION PACIFIC in connection with the C. fc N. W. Ry. offers the best service and the fastest time. Call or write to me for time cards rates etc. E. B. Slossos, Gen. Agent.