n THE COURIER. l If THE THEATRE A production culled "The White Cro k." incorporating soim bright and fcveral dull feat urrs or burlesque, vau ! r He and farce, elJ over the boards of tLr Funke Motdy and Tuesdiy even ings. The pvrpetrat ir of tbiscoLcx tion probably aimel no higher than an tf nipt at furnishing a mixed diet cf fun. A liberal stretch of the imagina tion might bind ths various parts of this entertiinment together. "McGuinesa Reception," ths time-honorei olio and a Klondike sketch compoied the outfit. The la'ter was a product of tin quick lunch counter, while the others weie cbromoi of well-known material. Am rehash they Lelongcd tothe sime cato gory as warmed up biscuits or that in famous paroJy on a meal Known as a "New England dinner." A good assortment of droll humor, in- lerepersea ;vi topical remaras or a more or lees lucid character, was at the disposal cf Tbos. J. Grimes, for Eome mjsterious reason "featured' on the program. To bis credit, as also to that nf his wife, hi it said that most of their org and other minifstations of hilar ity could be swallowed without tuy marked disturbance of digestion. The most singular feature of the whole business was the ent're absence of any White or Black Crook, or of even the remotest referecca to this party of renown. There waa nothing done that either conflicted with the ten commandmen's or could be construed into violation of any clause of the constitution. If any thing escaped me, it must have been of a kidd readily covered by the mantle of charity. Acd it would not even require an old-fashioned cloak. A light spring overcoat would probably have acswtred the urpote. I The Twelve Temptations played t) a top heavy house at the Lansing on Thursday night. It is a brilliant spec tacle pure and aimp'e. Why it should be called The Twelve Temptations does cot appear in the scenario. Gilded and brilliantly colored scenery, a shin ing ballet executing complicated move ments in psifect time, and a few topical songs make up a very pleasant evening's entertainment and twelve temptations, it present, are inocuous. fit Hfli F.C.ZEHRUNG, Mgr. Corner O and Twelfth street. Those who Saw "Never Again at the Lansing on Wednesday evening eojoyed genuine acd unadulterated fur. Allot the humorous situations in the play aie b o-Jght about by rapid cor treats in ac tion or sperch of the parties involved in the fray. Noiseless swiftness isanim perat.ve elemeht in comedy. Once it is found necessary to emphatize Equations by d;tcrdant noises and by prawling over the stage or throwing tin cans to announce the advent ot a tramp, all humor ceases and the baring pro-tea begins its1 baneful work. Firet data comedy appeals to ths laughing instincts ot all of thes i whose laugh is hung on a hair trigger us well is those who have t j Alter a joke through their intellectual centres. The warm, receptee people always laugh first: the coldly, intellec tual fall in later. It is unwise to publish the plot of a rattling cjmeJy. Its 6ucccS, as depict ed before the ejes of ihehsttner, does not depend upoa a masked plot, but upon a series ot funny situations, and equally funny dialogue arising from one original nrieuke or a tuceestion of them. To get an indistinct idea of the story the thing to do is to read your family paper of -the previous week only two dollars per annum, if I am correctly in formed. No one but a Frenchman could have created such entanglements on a small investment of the original t.eme. En glishman strike too slow a tempo. Ger mans are apt to drop into philosophical disquisitions. Americans will be in it assmn as they drop coarseness and loudness. - All of the members ot the cast con ti touted their homst shaic to the juicy entertainment. This is no less true of John Murphy as father in-law, Kibot and Ina Hotucr as mother-in-law. than of celli-t Kut zee jb miner and his wife (Misi Saah Madderc) who was the iaai"a cau e ot all the troubles between young and old married couples. TOBY REX. 'I shall endeavor to make modesty a feature of the advance announcements of what the public may expect from Mr. Cliy Clement this season, said John Henry Martlin, Mr. Clement's manager. It is pretty generally conceded that Mr. Clement is agcod actor. In fact. I have never jet heard anyone who has seen him make a less laudatory state ment than th'tp, while I have heard many accord h'ni praise in terms much stronger. Of bis new play. 'A Southern Genth men,' I can only siy that from closely watching its effect on large audi ences the past week at McVicker's in Chicago, I have come to the concluson that it is a far better play than bis first play. "The New Dominion." I believe that Mr, Cl'ment, as the couiteous, chivalrous, old Southern gentlemen, of the title role of "A Southern Gentle man," will prove just as interesting and just as artistic as he is in his Baron Hohenstauffen in "The New Dominion," acd when we come to add t this Mr. Frank E. Aiken in the eccentric old man pait, Mr. EdgarMarmttina heroic old man part. Miss. Karra Kenwyn in an emoticnal leading part. Miss Eleanor Carey as a Crande Dame of the Old Re gime, Mrs. Chas. G. Craig as a sweetly faithful, pathetically humorous, typical old Southern Mammy, Jeffrey Williams as the faithful old negro servant, who bears upon his broad bowed shoulders the yoke mark of generations of slav ery, Carlelon Macey in a strong and in t resting part, Mr. Frank Walcott in a light comedy part. Miss Mabel Kcowles as a sweet little iogenae, Tbos. O'Malley as a very amusing Irish gentleman, and Win. B. McGillicuddy as an eccentric boy, and other parts adequately rilled. With these people I believe I am war ranted in one little prediction, and that is that Mr. Clement will presjntamors ttittn ns.1ataaS1 v ivaAii nlav Mr. Clement will present his new play 'A Southern Gentleman,'' Saturday evening, acd his last year's success, "The New Dominion, Saturday mati nee. October 9. Prices 81 00, 75c, 50e and 25c. Seats now on sale. MATINEE AND TONIGHT Saturday, Oct. otho MR. CLAY CLEMENT Direct from two weeks at McVickera Theatre, Chicago, supported by the following excellent cast: Oay dement, Frank E. Aitken, Charles Kent, Robert Drouet, Carlton Macey, Jeffery D. Williams, TlKHnast'.O'MaUey, uliam B. McGillicuddy, Edgar Rfcrhn, Claude Gdger, Ned McEwan, Karra Kenwyn, Eleanor Carey, Mabel Knowles, Mrs. Chas. G. Craig. will present this afternoon, 2:30 p. m. his successor two seasons THE NEW DOMINION., This evenii.g at 8:13, Tor tii9 first time in Lincoln A SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. Special scenery for both productions. There will bs nothinz in the city this season more deserving of the peoples' patronage. Keculnr prices 81 io. 50 and 25 cents. ' ' ONE GREAT NIGHT-THURSDAY, OCTOBER ll'h. JTelloios, $Jatl?eij0s and Bulger 0000030C030C O OOOOOOOOOCCO In Ttie Ear X"o-tecl Parcial JPlct-y ?osys)(s,s) It is O0OOOCO330OO O OCOCOCCOOCOO S Q n NEW SONGS. "A Day in Not York." 8 Shin-Bone Allev." g "My Love is a Uamblin .Man." S "Coney By the Se .. o "fie struck it Rich at Klor dike." Q AbelSkiintr." hf O o 8 o The Gentle Foct'-all Plajc-.' "While Shootin the Chute. ' In Andrew Manks new piece, "An Irish Gentleman, the author of the p'ay, Ramsay Morris, is said to have wholly diEcirded the moth eaten acd, in many cases, false types ot character which have been doing duty for 3 ears in dramas supposed to picture life in Ire land. B&ilifTs, red-coats, evictions and the'r attendant groups ot villagers are done away with, and instead of the con ventional peasant boy hero, in courderoy knee-breeches, who says sba'rp things at the expense of everyone about him, Mr. Morris baa pictured a oung Irish gen tleman of today, a college graduato, who is a most taking mixture ot wit, humor, sentiment acd pathos, and by all ac countB a thoroughly, manly and lovable fellow a rolling stone whose very faults seem virtues. This central char acter the author has surrounded with men and women who are gentlemen and Indie?, and he makes the action of the play tike place on a fine old Iiisb state. Thj story involves the course of true love, and it is said to be strongly dramatic, with an abundance of comedy to give relief to its serious side. In the role of Jack Shannon; Mr. Mack is paid to have one of the bett star pans which has fallen to the lot of an actor for sime time. There are hosts ot lovers of Irish AT GAY GONEY Do Laugh.. ICI A IMP) I To Laugh And you )$&$mfm&$$Qy&s&&&s Stats on sale Wednesday 10 a in. Prices SI 00, 75j, 50c and 25c. TWO NIGHTS AND MATINEE Friday and Saturday, October 15 and 10. 1-1-t "juittl Streak Suns-liix-ae9' SADIE RAYMOND And Her Clever Company in the Big "Hit of the Season, VJMSV, THE fftSSOVlM GRi, Interpreted by the Etrongost cast ever given a comedy produ--tion, including the most popular of all comedians, MF. Fcl RVmondt Prices for evening- 10, 20 and 30c. Matinee, 10 and 25c. Two ladies, or one lady and gentleman admitted en one 25c ticket at the matinee, Seats on sale Ihureday at 10 a. m. 1-4 5