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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1897)
f Hfe COURifeft. president is urged to be there. iiey to that semi-penal institution and-' iniinity will repudiate the party. The mrnt of tho Clnutauqua necfwarily Your delegates should be instructed by the state for the chief's excuses ways have devided. There is but on? postponed tho c mention; and no how to vote upon the proposed amend- and services in going after and bring- course for the party to take if it wishes ihoroaro such good reatons for holding ments to the constitution; be pre- ing back fugitive criminals from other to regain its integrity. It is losing the the meeting j.t Lincoln that by v0to of Iared to reort and speak for your states. These are lawful fees of the confidence of t lie people every day lie- the general olliceis it bts been drcidBd Hub. and to nay $2 dues for 18!I7-H8. chief of police but the mayor de- cause of these men who trade with the to accept tho invitation of the Lincoln I'leasc acquaint delegates and visi- manded them and to keep his place trust the people have placed in them. society. tors from your club with these par- the chief yielded them. The other Keeping still any longer will make Tho Liceoln W.S. A., formed only in ticulars. Yours truly, two hundred dollars were presented accomplices of the good men and true February lat. cordially in viteB tin con- Vesta Okay, Sec, N. F. W. C. by the chief to tlie mayor when the who are republicans and thedown-fall venticp; and it is thought that by hold- jt latter requested him, (Chief Melick), of the party will be overwhelming. ing this annual meeting there, not only The Coukiek acknowledges the re- to help him out on some payments he j will tho most convenient place be ceipt of two large volumes', ''America's had to make on a farm south of the The National Irrigation congrets ctreied to delegates but this toclcty. Successful Men," hound in half calf '&' When Chief Melick was dis- which meets here en the Twenty-eighth which has grown intj a vigorous ac- and profusely illustrated from the ''barged from the place lie had lioughtT" and continues till tho Thirtieth, will be tivity, quito una'ded by itlluenccB from New York Tribune. They are useful he asked the mayor to give him back an aminbhrg of fcientlic Bgricultur-wiihout, will l ttrengtheio.l for tho because they record in 2,000 jKigestlie ns nioney. The mayor refused and ists from all over tho country. Irriga- imre riant work devolving upon a suf. life history of mostof the "prominent the chief employed Messrs. Lambert- lion, ir once accomplished in Nebraska, frage sot ioty a' the state capital. 'Ihta citizens1' of the cities and villages of son and Hall to bring suit. When will take from farming a'tuost nil that is result will be tho mrs nqorlant gain tills country. The Ixxjks treat of men the mayor found-suit was going to be prtuiitous ana mako crors as cettain that can at prrocnt bo mudo in the like J. I. Case. John W. Bookwalter instituted he jiaid the chief the sum as the rrocession of day anJ ni ;ht. Tho fetato woik. and Oeorge "W. Pullman, who have fJ00. He paid him $100 before the congretB will cjzs'der wajs and meanB The local arrangement aro in e'largo made themselves rich by an ingenuity chief was discharged. The items of uf ungating, ami the dtoues'ons will bo f the Licejln society and delegates will andashrcwdnessiieculiarly-Anieriean. bx-Chief of Police Melick's complaint cteresting to this Liring co-nmunity. be enterthiced. A cool pityram wi.l be The volumes do not include hiograph- are: That during the years 18!d and ies of literary or musical or intellect- 18!M and until August, 1807, he was ual Americans. Tliese enjoy essays marshal orchiefif police of the city, and biographies in every magazine and and that during all that time Frank need no further emblazonment. A. Graham was mayor of the city, and "Ainerica'sSuccessful Men" is the liook by virtue of his office as mayor, was a of the poor rich whom the literary pro- member of the excise board, fessioual biographers despise. Here That the excise board consisted of arc set down the names of the banks, the mayor and two other )'iersons, and ra il roads, gas and water 'companies, that as a part of its duties it had mining and ship comiianies that Dives charge of tlie HiIicc force of the city, is president of -the only apotheosis In il was vested the power to appoint he will ever receive, aside from that and remove iiolicemeii. and the mar daily homage which the prosperous sua! or chief of inilice. receive from those whom their enter- That while he was marshall he was prise provides with work. The liooks frequently called ukiii to take from AVev y Ms, O TO! YOU SING er of the charmt Of mountain, sea i and stream: The Joys you chant about are not Quite always whal they seem. Anil as for comfort, let me stay In dear old Gothamtown: And let the chap he must. who thinks Get sunburned, thin and brown. bed the city various ersous to the re form school at Kearney and was often appointed by the governor to any affairs apprehend and bring back fugitives read about, from justice, and that for such ser vices he received fees. That during the time that he was marshal and up to January 1st. 18JM5, he had received as such fees tlie sum of $71.2.". And that the mayor made a demand umui him for the same. That Melick. re- I'd rather have my dear old That knows me very well. Than those gridiron bunks they have In some resorts so swell; And as for heat, I've room enough . To stretch my legs, you know; mats more than you can do there. Unless out doors you go. As for food good heavens! man. Would you exchange the fare You get In Gotham for the grub You get I don't care where? And when It comes to drinks, alas! There's only one New York; They lack the zest wherever else You pull the festive cork. So. lads and lassies, go in peace. ' And have your jolly time; I'm happy In my snug old nook As south-birds in their clime. Not one bit envious am I. Although. I must confess. I m here because I'm dead broke. And here I'll stay. I guesS. New York World. dead Wore the Paata. First Little Boy My pa's a Free-wlIT Baptist; what's yours ?, Second Little Boy Mine says he's a Free Thinker, but I doubt-It. , are especially useful in a newsiaper office as reference liooks when any of hesc little great men come to town. die or get mixed up with which the public likes to In New York, according to tliese liooks. there are nearly as many great men as there are in all the rest of the United States. The' tirst volume is confined to a history of tlie lives of tlie citizens of New York city who have made a tipauciai success of tlie alizing that he held his Hsition as struggle with their fellow-inen audit marshal largely by virtue of the requires 7."-1 folio pages Mtdo" it. Tlie mayor's iower and fearing that he rest of the country is summarized in .would lose his office if he refused to 1)07 pages. Seriously, though, the comply with this request did on Janu booksare useful. It is so hard to find ary 1st. turn over to him fees amount the initials of and authoritative data ing to the sum of $7I.2.". That on concerning the rich village gods who January 17. 18!Mi, on his request, lie dispense happiness and misery to tlie turned over to the mayor as such fees simple folk who work withtlieirheads the sum of $21. That on February and hands for the men who know how 17th. 18D". on the mayor's request he to make money-and in most cases how turned over the sum of $07.30. That to keep it. on March 10th, 18!H. on the mayor's o request he turned over to him tlie The real leaders of the republican sum of $10. On March 27. 18M. $2.:i0: party in this city and county are tired on March 27, 18, $:u.2-": on May 28. of apologizing for the men who have 18!H, $.'!I..H);on June 4. 18Ki. $4"): on dragged the party in the mire until Septemlier 24. $.'): on July IS. 18!7, the splendid name is a reproach. In $i.. time past they have kept still when That in the month of April, lS!i.". it was intimated that Mayor Graham the mayor requested the chief to let was receiving from every one of his luni have the sum of $100. wliereiiiKiu appointees a certain proportion of his Chief Melick loaned liim tlie sum or salary, in the hope that it might not $100. That in the month of July, be so and fearing to hurt the party 1807. the mayor requested of the chief by expressing their indignation. But the sum of $100 which amount he the situation is growing worse every loaned him. On the 2nd dav or August day. It has reached a stage of cor- tjie mayor paid back to him the sum ruption where the only cure is radical of $100. leaving a balance due of $440. and surgical. Unless the whole liody together with interest thereon from become corrupt the unworthy mem- the several dates or iayment. bers must lie cut off. Last Saturday's That all ot these sums or money, ex Pof published charges against Mayor ccpt the two items of $100 each, were Graham which none of the repubii- rees. paid to Chief Melick by the can papers, except one. though they county and state as lawful and Iegiti werc cognizant of the facts, referred mate fees for his services to the to at all. The one exception was tlie county and state, and that Mayor Call which denied the charge in toto. Graham received all ot these Tees well The Covkiek is informed that the knowing that thev lielonged to the facts in the case are these. In the chief. years 1805 and 18!H and until August The question is. what is the party meeting at Lincoln, Septercbrr f.0:h and of 1807 Chief Melick gave to Mayor going to do aliout it? This man and October 1st Graham $.VJ0 in various sums and at his associates have to a greater or less It was decided last year to have the various times. Qhrec hundred and extent controlled nominations in tliis convention at Table Reck in connection forty dollars of this were the fees al- county and city. Shall they continue with the Chautauqua, and as the guests lowed by the county for the chief's to rule? The party must either re- or the Table Rock W. S. A., one ot the services and expenses in escortingcan- pudiatc them entirely or the large oldest and most indefatigable of the 10- didates for the reform school at Kear and resectable itortiou of the coin- cietiesofthe state; but the poetpoLe- prepartd. including state and na tional spoikeis. Mm. Colby, presi dent, will bo in Nb.-atki for ih" mett ing. Tho National Irrigation CorgrcsB rceets in Lincoln, ?eptemb r 29-.'J0, tn J an effort w II b mads to 8' euro t n ex tension of their reduced rates to include tho dates of this roojtinir. Tho suffrage association will a'so combine with tho etite fiderat'on of cluls. v hic-h meets at Keatrico October G, to icuro red ue d rates. It U hoped tint by holoiag ths m'etirg just before that of the fedeia'ioa of cltils many wUhing to attend Lo.h will be able to do BO. All persoin expecting to attend are r - quested to nolify Mini H-Ien M. Gou" when corresponding Heertt try of thn Hate as HJcIa'ion, I.'ll.'J L fctzejt, Lincoln, Neb. CHEAP KATKS TO TENNESSEE CENTENNIAL AND EXPOSITION At Nashville. Ttnn.. May lt to OctiLer M). iteciuninij May 4 and on each sutH quei. t Tuesday the Missouri Pacific will sell i kels fon Lincoln to Nashville and r turn at &J3 15, good 20 dajs fr.un date of Ba!e. Tho Kamai and Nebraska limited, leavicg Liocoln at 2:30 p. m., makes better time by frjm toio live bourn each way than any other lino. Mipp. lime tables ami fur. her infor mation at city ollic", 1201 O strei t. F. U CORNELL. C. P. A T. A. """ - Qj5 First Little Boy Why so? Second Little Boy I know it because lie has to think about as ma says. Ma's boss In our house. Texas Siftings. Nebraska W. S. A. The Nebraska Woman's Suffrage As sociation will hold its sixteenth annual Xlee lJiio In all the Iacttlc3 M KID LUES' SIS c ? T Ot TufrJ: r .V c 31 TFce.-rasi -T-Vst0ni, 2!?M)acvis 1213 0 ST.