. t -If'.-'
make a botch of the whole building.
The newspapers, notably the Call and
the News, which have been and are
united in obtaining subscriptions, are
not in favor of the combination build
ing. We will have the money for a
good building of chipped brick and we
have a model in the Tabernacle of
the Mormons at Salt Lake city, whose
acoustic proj)erties have never been
The Suite Federation of Women's
clubs meets in Beatrice October fifth,
sixth and seventh. The women of
Beatrice have made an arrangement
with the hotels so that the delegates
who wish, can be boarded at a very
low rate. Besides Mrs. Henrotin, the
president of the National Federation
of Women's Clubs, Mrs. Van Vechtcn
of Iowa, and Mrs. McKlintock of Kan
sas, will be present and address the
women of Nebraska. The following
program, which is not otlicial, will be
adhered to with the deviations re
quired by circumstances. October ."
the executive board meeting and
loard of directors. Morning of the
Ct'h, opening, seating of delegates and
address of welcome by Mrs. Sarah
jfcutsch. president Beatrice club,
with resjone from some one out in
the state. Mrs. Carl Morton will then
present the federation with a gavel,
which will come just before the presi
dent's annual address. Boll call and
reports from otlicers and clubs will
follow, as well as committee rejtorts.
This will occupy the forenoon, and
Mrs-. Henrotin and the other outside
women will be beard in the afternoon
and evening.
On the 7th the conference of the
recommended work will be held. Mrs.
Harford of Omaha will sjeak for art.
Mrs. Crcary of Seward for village im
provement. Mrs. M. 11. True of Te
cumseh for Fostering Public Librar
ies. Mrs. A. Scott of Lincoln, Beci"
procity Bureau, and Mrs. W. G. L.
Taylor in relation to Municipalities.
"Woman's work in Nebraska will be
presented by Mrs. Z. T. LindseV.cbair.
man of state correspondence. The
discussion of the resolution in favor
of mixed clubs will be opened by Fre
mont and Norfolk for the atllrmative
and Auburn and Omaha for nega-.
The election of otlicers. reports of
sjecial and standing committees will
close the meeting. Mrs. .Tehnic Sedg
wick of York will be in charge and as
she is a musician of some distinction,
that imrt of the program promises as
well as the literary portion.
In Kansas City they are debating
the question whether a man who is
elected to represent a certain part of
the city in the council is in duty
bound to follow the expressed wishes
of a majority of the voters of the
ward that elected him when the plan
proposed is, in his opinion, bad policy
for the whole city. In Kansas City
there is a councilman in the Seventh
ward by the name of Simonds. lhe
Seventh cast 2,770 votes at the last
election. The petition asking his as
sent to a proposed park contains the
names of 2.2j0 of his constituents and
recites that only sixty of these asked
for their signature refused. But Mr
Simonds will not vote for the park
and he gives good reasons for refus
ing. The strongest is that the pro
posed location is miles away from
workmen's homes, among the resi
dences of the very rich who wish to
surround themselves at the expense of
the city with beautiful grounds in
which their children, with their
nurses, may take the air. Then the
price of the grounds is 8603,000, twice
what an individual would be asked
for it. There are other strong objec
tions but the main reason for his re
fusal to vote the way his constituents
want him to, is that it is a rich man's
plan to sell real estate at an over-valuation,
and rich men's plantosurround
their homes with parks of English
vastness and culture. Mr. Simonds
says that if it is desired to makcpleas
ancc grounds for the working eople
it would he advisable to put them
where a working man and his fam
ily can get at them at an ex
penditure of less than fifty cents
and he proposes little flowered squares
in those jiortions of the city where
tall tenements hold thousands of
people who can not spend ten cents for
a reach of sky, acres of grass and trees
filled with birds. Little parks, let
down into the midst of the dirt and
squalor, where the thin, heavy-headed
children and discouraged mothers
might play and rest, would be a sani
tary measure worth spending 82,000,
000 for. As to the other measure Mr.
Simonds says: -Twill frankly say I
can't do it. and I- don't believe it is
my duty to do it. It doesn't matter
whether the majority or minority
want it, it is so agaitift good public
policy and the principles of good
government that I would feel that I
had failed in the performance of a
public duty if 1 did not cast my vote
and use my influence against it.''
It is The Covmek's opinion after
reading Mr. Simond's letter that he
is right and that the names on the
Ietition were secured by those who
were interested either in selling the
land or who rpsidc in the neighbor
hood of the proposed park. Never
theless it requires an honest man and a
brave one to disregard the ietition of
those who elected him. He must hold
honor dearer than preferment and ig
nore the danger of political extinction.
He is not a demagogue. He is not a
coward and he has that physiological
feature a back-bone, oncesocommun
a possession of mankind but now un
happily becoming extinct and es
lecially rare in Lincoln.
Miss Yesta Gray, secretary of the
State Federation of CIuL. has sent
out the following circular to all clubs
in the state .
Fkemoxt. Neb.. Aug. 31, 1S97.
Secretary club: The fourth
annual meeting of the Nebraska Fed
eration of Woman's Clubs will occur
October ,"ith. Cth and 7th, 1S!7. in
Please fill the blanks in the at
tached couKins, and send the notice
to me. Deliver the certificates, one
to the president, or her substitute,
the other to the chesen delegate, to
be presented by them to the commit
tee on credentials, which will be in
session October rth and nth. at the
First Presbyterian church in Beat
rice. If one hundred tickets are sold, the
round trip may be made for one and
one-third fare Each one who goes
from your town tosaid meeting.should
procure of the ticket agent a separate
certificate for her ticket, and to de
posit her certificate w ith the B. B.
secretary of the N. F. W. C.. Mrs.
Sara M. Begole at the First Presby
terian church, upon arrival at Beat
rice, that we may ccmply with B. B.
rules and secure reduced rates: after
which, the certificates will be returned
to the individuals. Where the jour
ney is made over more than one line,
passenger should procure certificate"
for each local ticket she purchases.
Delegates and visitors should go at
once, upon arrival at Beatrice, to the
First Presbyterian church and meet
committee on credentials, B. B. sec
retary and entertainment committee
Your attention is called to article
IV, constitution of the N. F. W. C.
A directors' meeting will be held at 3
o'clock p. m., October 3th, and your
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