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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1897)
'U THE COURIER. 11 fees B? LIFE'S FACES TWAIN. Not by light-rurkled streams have my paths been, Nor have I lingered in earth's pleasant dells; Brown breadths of sand have interspersed the wills, Where grew gray mosses, and sweet herbs were green; And birds soft sang, leaf-bowers their hermit cells; Where beech-tree shades from burning noons were screen; Where wayworn feet fell soft. and dreamland spells Made still all life-jar under glory sheen. Yet I have had large glimpses of bright day Seen, through Night's storm-rifts light of pulsing stars; And, though I am awearied with the way, Right well I know 'tis human frailty mars Vision, else perfect, so, not sad the song, For ill hath lapse with time soul joy is everlong. Educational Work Offered. IDYL A. Autumn Days in emithville. From the Smitbville Genius of Liberty. The sick people of this place are slow ly convalesc'ng. Miss Myrtle Hes3 was visiting friends in Joetown last week. A fathers piitle, a mothei's joy, is Wesley Roliinfon's great big girl baby. Miss Mary Ciioe was seriously bitten by her pet squirrel last Saturday. Jcrge Masan was calling on the Tet rick sisters Saturday evening. Which one is the attracti n, Jessie? Mr. F. II. Mcore has purchased him a very line squirrel cage. MiS3 Belle Shaw, who has been sick for Bome time, is nu better at this writing-Mr. Jacob Shrivtr Sundajed in town. "Babe' Cunningham, who has been suffering from the toothache for the past eix wtcks.had the abominable tooth extracted last Thursday. Master Hupp Mclntyre was Eeen out horseback rioingfor his health Inst Sat urday. If all rumors be true, Mis3 Tillio Mor ris and a Mr. Atherton. of Teetersville, will be joined in the holy bonds of mat rimony next Tuesday. Mr. Dan Fnodgrass made a Hying trip to Jimtown last Wednesday. Our friend Col. W. F. Brand, of Win field, haB become a benedict. He and 'Miss Delia May were married last Thursday, at the bride's home. Yo writer acknowledges receipt of a piece of wedding cake. Miss Etbalinda Miller has accepted a position in Mrs. Tetrick's millinery and notion store. Also ice cream mado every Tuesday and Saturday. William Whistler has come up from Summerdale to visit his parents. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Messer, a son. Mrs. Eliza Finkston has painted her fence a delicate green and her place now looks elegant. The Ne Plus "Ultra Elite Club will bold a function on Friday night, at the Odd Fellows Hall. The Baptist Church will hold an ice cream and cake festival on Thursday night, Como one, come ail. Tae circus occupied our attention last Saturday. The display of animale was fine, but the horseless carriage so freely advertised was conspicuous by its ab sence, unless it was the mule team which hauled the tent wagon. Several gentlemen who were running a shell game were pulled in by the police, and contributed $10 each to the town treas ury. The Exchange Editor. Below is a list of the class work offered this year by the Womens and Young Womens' Christian association, to begin the first week in October: Embroidery Teacher, Miss Van Bos kirk. Millinery Teacher, Miss Parish, trim mer at Mrs. Goiper's. Cooking and domestic at ta Lessons given by ladies who are experts in vari ous lines of cooking and housework. Stenography A speed class for those who already understand stenography but wish to become more rapid writer's. Teacher, W. C. Stevens of the Lincoln business college. Bookkeepirg Teacher, Prof. Harry E. Wilson of Lincoln business college. Anyone taking this court o may if she wishrs take the international examina tion in April, the papers to bo sent to Frederick B. Scheno, president Mer cantile National bank, New York, in ternational examiner. If she passes the examination she will receive a certificate which will be honored all over the coun try. Literature- "Iho Lest poss'ble instruc tion will Lesecured. English Ttcmc writing, etc. The best possible instruction will be sjcured. The fe me privilege of taking the inte--nationnl rxamtion willnato given in i this course ssir b:o'keeping. The in ternational examiner is Dr. Hamilton W. Mabie of Near York, ono of the edi tors of the the Outlook: French and German. Choral class Teacner, Mrs. P. V. RajmonJ. Open to both ladies and gentlemen. Magazine club To report upon the monthly magazines and current events, meets once in to week?. Interesting talks from outsiders upon topics in coa nection with literature and travel. Art clul) To become acquainted with the best pictures and artists, to study the history of art. . Society talks By Mrs. A. J. Sawyer. (1) Passports to a society; (2) social ob servances and duties; (3) conduct and friendships, (4) ethics and morals of social life. Health tilks -By several of the best physicians in tin city upon topics which young women neeJ to know about with regard to the care of their bodies, first aid to the injured and the sick, etc. Miscellaneous taiks From time to time. Oae already promised by Miss Mary Campbell, teacher of Greek in the high school, upon some .liases of Groek life. Bible classes Two classes, one in the aftarnoon and one in the evening. Teach er, Miss Laura H. Wild. Evening class to study Murray's "With Christ in the School of Prayer. AH who wish to take advantage of any ot the educational work during the year should hand their names to Miss Wild, general secretary, during Septem ber. Rooms, 141 south Twelfth street. The Husband There's one good thing about my wheel, my dear. It dcesn't eat anything. The Wife No; but you seem to for get, John, that you'te been eating enough for two ever since you got it. Jack I have always wished I had a s'ster. Joe Why don't you propose to some girl? He A laay who will yawn in the presence of a gentleman is She Anxious to go to sleep. BURLINGTON ROUTE CARDS. PLAYING Those elegant cards of the very best quality only 15c per deck. For sale at B. fc M. Dopot or city ticket office, cor ner Tenth and 0 etreets. Painting YT'ouf Homc Is a matter of man, brush and paint more or less. The paint is not the least important of the three. You want paint that sticks and paint that has color. The main point in paint besides prettiness is perfect body and paint that holds on. We sell the famous MOUND CITY HORSESHOE BRAND, i r t and pride ourselves on selling the best paint in the city. We. warrant it to be the ideal paint. Of course we sell brushes and everything for painting purposes. We also line up in the front rank with the largest g"lass and paint houses in the west. Esti mates cordially furnished. Standard Qlass ard Pairt Co. Wliolesale and Ketiill. 1312 to l.UC O street. XMiilllp Motter, J. 13. Meyer, Proprietor. Manager. si. We defy the Experts We have demonstrated, expert admit, ami cery one i i convinced tliatCcniiine AVIiiteTopuzcuuuot Iwilt-tectetifrum real diamond, w lute Topaz; it the stone you li:te re:il so I much about. Tlieone that hut fooled the pawnbroker. 1'lace them nltle bjr bide with genuine diamond-, and no one run tell the difference. We have Mild thousand of IIicm- lon- at from one to ten dollars, but in order to introduce tlirm tiuick- lyas well a. to Usui out the advertising medium best Milted toour huiue. ue make tnis GIGANTIC OFFER. VeuIIIen(l)0ii a beautiful, brilliant, genuine VhiteTopaz,w lilchcan be mount ed in a ring. carf ornecktiopin.tud.cuff button-., locket or iair earrings, like any article in uu ooruerou receiptor These toues are exactly the same as those we have advertised at one dollar. This Offer for a Few Days Only Cut out this advertl-cment and send It to u together with Zc. In coin or stamp, and we will M-nd joti a White Topaz by return mall: a stone that ou can be justly proud of aud ono that positively cannot be detected from a real diamond. In ordering, be sure and state whether small, medium or large stone Is desired, ho MOCK FllltO OlltSS ACCQMPAKIEO IT THIS ADVERTISCKCflT. ( GENUINE WHITE TOPAZ bears no relation to other so-called imitation diamond no matter I under what name theyareadvertlyed. Thevarethe hardest ofscml precious stones. lmosihIe to detect from real diamonds and war ranted to retain their brilliancy. All others pale to Insignificance tncu roiupareu iwm itiiui.- injiaz. 2KT. rata OUR GUARANTEE: We warrant each and every Topaz to retain Its brilliancy and the mountings to give perfect atlfactlon. We will frlreyou OieTlmnuJ Hollar It you ran show that we hare erer refused to replace a White Topaz that was returned as unsatisfactory. CIAKCKDS DUPLICATED IN WHITE TOPAZ. Royalty and tLe four hundred who own celebrated and cofctly diamonds set in cerklace. tiara. Iiroochei. bracelets and cirdles. keenthemln turclarrroof raults. whilethey wear li f ol.llr tlieexact duplicate in While Topaz anil no one erer detects tLe ilitference. WMITETOMZAKI EMMSHnmOO IFMIMTAITT;UETHET JZiyZgSP Don't Miss It. Send us Twenty-five Cent In coin or stamps and you will be delighted with the White Topaz that you receive. MONEY REFUNDED IF COODS ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. THE AMERICAN EXPRESS ., IOT PALACE. WHCAWf H.L9 )KV ritf . Nfc li