10 THE COURIER. "Whin will you begin?" Ibo officer asked disinterestedly. ''Immediately after we get him," said Edwprds swal- owing some mora of the wine. "I will do it through Amlah an J by mail. I ran hanj around the Colonel and gov ernor and see my own letters come in." He smiled at what ha considered a joke, and J elapsed into silence. How much you goirg to make them hand over?" went on Ilopeford. 'Fifty thousand dollars ten thous and pounds." Edwards went into a drowsy Ftate aain, and only oacasionally a muttered word wan heard by the officer. 'Ah!" exclaimed the colonel at the head of the table. "I sje. You re member four ycarB ago, it was rumored that Prince Alar Julh had CEcapcd and the report denied. This is the way of it. Colonel Benson was at the foit guarding tho Prince at that time. Uno hot nignt in the midst of a terrible thunder storm, the guard came running in shouting that Alar Julh was gone; and sure enough when they looked, he was gone." "Well, they searched the town and villages, of course, but diecorered noth ing and had grown hopeless, when cno day Colonel Benson got a letter offering to return tho prisoner for tsn thousand pounds as this gentlemen says. This brought about a renewed search after the Prince, after the man making the offer, and after the messenger even, but not a clue to any one of the three was discovered." "So It finally resulted that tho prison er was returned according to the condi tions, and soon the matter was forgot ten. One diy, however, tha colonel re cejved a no'.e enclosing a draft for ten thousand pounds. The writer stated that he had removed the prisoner in order to force a loan of fifty thousand dollars which he needed badly. He had finished with it by that time and re turned it with interett at ssven per cent, exact to a penny. "Now, gentlemen of tho niese, that was the height of nerve. You see tbe man who d'd that at tho table side by side with you. At first I was going to sug gest kicking him out the dcor like a dog. But 6icce I think it over I find I admire this incarnation of nerve. And, then his methods were the methods of a gentleman, though coercion was used perhaps; and a little worry and incon venience caused Co'.onel Benson." ul say, let him stay. Wo need never refer to it, and of the win9 of Dhassi, let us never spsak." Let him stay," said the mss as one man. G. C. SHEDD. IRE THERE NOT AMY PERSONS iN OUR GITlf who would put To write good advertising you must first fcaowwfaat your are talking about and, ecoadt whom you are talking to. CHEAP KATES TO TENNESSEE CENTENNIAL AND EXPOSITION At Nashville, Tenn., 'May 1ft to October CO. Beginning May 4 and on each subsequent Tuesday the Missouri Pacific will sell tickets, from Lincoln to Nashville and return at 835.15, good 20 days from date of sale. The Kansas and Nebraska limited, leaving Lincoln at 2:30 p. m.t makes better time by from two to five hours each way than any other line. Maps, time tables and farther infor mation at city ticket office, 1201 0 street. F. D. CORNELL, C P. t T. A. ' 'A man often says "My dumbos a iffcrcai from any other load; if almost imfoawbk to advertise my busbies." That rcmatk shows a mkandcritinding of what advertisiag is. It making a business known JsthMe who ought to know ft. I tat be iosewkh any business. can Mm IN IHtIK HUMtfi Painting ouf Home Is a matter of man, brush and paint more or less. The paint is not the least important of the three. You want paint that sticks v' and paint that has color. The main point in paint besides prettiness is perfect bod' and paint that holds on. We sell the famous MOUND CITY HORSESHOE BRAND. if they only knew the small amount of money required to obtain a first class J J J HEATING PLANT . JH119iPt and pride ourselves on selling the best paint in the city. We warrant it to be the ideal ' paint. Of course we sell brushes and everything for painting- purposes. We also line up in the front rank with the largest glass and paint houses in the west. Esti mates cordially furnished. Standard QIass ard Pairvt Go. Wliolesole cmcl Retail. 1312 to 131G O street. PliillipMatter, J. B. Meyer, Proprietor. Manager. "We are sole agents for Ml X ONION and company's fUMUAES Do you know where PALACE BEAUTIFUL Is? Well, it is the place to get a A GOOD SHAMPOO or your HAIR SINGED AND TREATED. This eradicates dandruff and will make your hair SOFT and GLOSSY. It the place to pet a good MASSAGE to keep your skin soft and white. Also BODY iiAsaAUti ana VAf UK UATHS to build you up and clear jou skin this time time of the year. MANICURE and MASSAGE for the hands, to shape the nails and make the hand soft and white. The PACE BLEACHED, FRECKLES and PIMPLES removed, leavin? the ekin clear, roft and white. The hair dressed and beautified or powdered for parties, The best line of Switches, Curie and Bangs, Toilet Watere, Perfumes, Triple Extract, Powder, Hair Tonics, Soap, Hairpins, real Shell Ornaments, Combs, etc. Wigs, Switches, Curls or anything of tho kind made to ordr. is Near Lansing Theatre. 121 so 13th bt and will take pleasure in giv ing you an estimate, on heating vour house. re E I i J. XV. MITCHL. Wholesale arvd Retail WLL fPER. ffiS (D Street and 14? o 1211 st Telephone 2?f. SIGN rAIN TING AXD DECORATING. VXiss Sadie Puekett, Milliner and Dressmaker - Owing to a fire in the next building-1 am compelled to sell my fine stock of milliner' regardless of cost to make room for a new fall stock. Ladies will find good bar gains if they call soon. J H. ISlaii Manager 1228 AND 12410 STREET. 4 "t i I 1 nrngttsnsii,TViiiM