The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 04, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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THE co:u
.! V
The Exposition and the Bu
reau of Education.
'Scientific ct Decus et Prctiani," the
n otto which the burciu of nJucation
! ttao Turns MiBriseippi exposition has
adopted, is spread over the pages ot an
open book lyii g against a p:Io of closed
ones, surmounted by the now familiar
legend: "Trans Mississippi and Inter
national Expasition, Omaha, U. S. A.,
J una to November, 1S93;" the whole
forming the plepsing title pages of a
little pamphlet ifnucd by this bureau.
Its object is to formulate a plan for a
Fericscfeducalional exhibits that shall
truly represent the educational 6 tan
dards of the Trans Mississippi region,
and to that oad tin bureau "ast's tho
co operation ! all educators, that a
comprehensive exhibition which will
emphasize tho beet features of educa
tional prcgress, may be secured."
Tho bureau of education is composed
or women entirely, and in turning over
to their charge this uio:-t important
department, tho lueu who planned tho
exposition have paid them a higher
tribute than they knew, and at the
same t'tue, as has over been the case,
thuh the tli9 curse of work web first
pronounced upon man, men have given
women the hardest task. As their most
capable secretary is obliged so frequent
ly to deprecatively say, "wo hive 1.0
money, you know,"' and yet theirs is the
task to oigauize a scries of congresses of
philosophical and scicntilic societies atd
carry them to a successful issue, to do
tho Eaiio with a series ot exhibits of tho
schools of this region and to bring to
light all kinds of woman's work. The
exhibits which tho various bureaus pre
sided over by nif n will bring, will bo
those which have a money value and for
which their owners will pay for tho privi
lege of exhibiting because of the re
'urns financial tLey expect, but while
it is equally imprtant that ths results
of education should be exhibited, ayef
even more impoitact, thesj who spend
tiirc and Lrain power and physical
tt'ength and money to make them,
nap no mmey reward in return. Hence
theieis in addiiian to the work neces
sary to 01 gat iz?, the ever present end
most difficult question to be solve!,
where shall the money come from to do
'The individual competition for prizes
includts, under composition, stories by
children under 12 years ot age, language
work of any form by children under 15
years cf age, and a variety of literary
work for older students. Under history
there are subdivisions of local, American,
European and miscellaneous. Penman
ship has several subdivisions as has
a'so drawing, industrial tiaining and
nature study. Each student camp-ting
must pay twenty-five cents for a cer
tificate entitling him to enrollment,
which is the only fee charged for space
for such entry. The prizes for this wcrk
will be one gold, two silver and four
b.onze medals to each class competing
ucdor each division of each subject.
Pennants will be awarded in addition to
tho diploma for collective exhibits to
the best state, to tho best county
exhibits and32 classes of collective work
from schools. Under the historical de
pari meat there is a pnzz'e in Trans
Misshsippi history, open to all en
rolled pupils.
As one compares tho work of women
in this and previous expositions two
great differences at once preseLt them
salvee. There will be no presentation of
woman's work separately, there will bo
no woman's building. The wcrk under
taken by tho bureau, fc rmed exclusively
ot women, will concern tLeEchievcments
o! both stxs cjl'ec'.ivcly. and so far as
tie bureau 1 as prtmulgaled it, achieve
ments in intellectual and educational
Hues. At previous e xrcs:t"onF, and par
ticularly at the one just antedating this
one, great stress has been put upon tho
social features, and the precedence
which social standing and wealth confers
has been a very important element. So
far as woman's work has evolved in this
one, the purely social features have
been subordinated to tho educational
and tho aim has been to obliterate so
far as posrible lines of demarcation be
tween the various strata of social life as
well as between the work of the sexes.
This is in the Hue of tho best progress,
but is it in tho pathway ot greatest
pleasing of women? Will not a sjries of
high social functions in which tho prin
cipal actors will spend thousand; ot
dollars and near tens of thousands worth
of diamond?, be moro appreciated by
the masses and classes both? It is to bo
feared it may: it is t) ba hoped it may
Whilo there is to I13 no woman's
building thero is to be a child's build
ing, with nursery, kindergarten, play
rooms and all the things t&at del ght
and instruct and take cure of children.
And hero will woman expand and
6how her great vocation. There will ba
the great rallying point for mothers
mothers first, last and all the time and
hero tho opportunity fcr such an out
lay of endeavor as shall dwarf other
August, 3rd and 17th. September, 7th
and 21st. October, oth and 19th, tho
Burlington will sill round trip tickets at
ouo fare plus 8200 to all points in Ar
kansas, Indian Territory. Oklahoma and
Texas and to certain points in Louisiana
Missouri and New Mexico. Full informa
tion regarding limits, stopovers etc et
B. it M. depot or city ticket oAke, Cor.
10th & O streets.
Geo. W. Bonnell.
C. P.&T. A.
Th Nebraska S'ate Fair for 1S07 wilj
commence Friday, September 17, and
close Friday, September 21. Friday and
Saturday, September 17 and IS, will be
used as preparation days, 'lhe Fair
proper will tpen promptly at 8 o'clock
Monday mornin?, September 20. All
entries except Sred will positively close
Saturday, September. 18, at G p. m.
Positively no entries or exhibits will bo
received after this hour.
Miss Dearborn Don't you think that
marr'age is a dreadful mistake?
Mis. Prairie No, a dreadful necessity.
She- I know that I'm not gocd look
ing, but people forget my face when I
Ho -Won't you sing now?
Mamie-Trust her? You surely don't
think she could keep your secret
Josie Well, I've trusted her with
other things and she kept them.
First publication, Aug, 23,
by virtue of an order of sale issued by t
the clerk of the district court of the
third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an
action wherein Emma G. Burwell is
Plaintiff, and Wesson G. Miller et al
Defendants I will, at 2 o'clock P. M. on
the 23th day ot Septerator, A. D. 1897,
at the cast door of the Court House, in
tho City of Lincoln, Lancaster County,
Nebraska, offer for Ealeat public auction
the following described lands and ten
ements to wit:
Lots nine (9). ten (10), seven (7). eiirht
(P). one (1), two (2). thro- (3j. four (1) five
(.) and six (G) of Miller's svbdivision of
lots seven (7), cignt (8), nine (9). ten (i0)
eleven (11) anJ twelve (12. of blcc'c forty
eight (18) of University Place, Lancaster
Cunty, Nebraslcr.
Given under my hand this 2(5th dav
of August, A. D.. 18D7.
John J. Tronipen.
e 0. Sheriff.
First publication August 7, 1897.
S. L. GEISriMRDT. Attorcey.
In the Circuit Court of the United
States, for Iho district ot Nebraska.
At a session of the circuit court of the
United States, for the District of Ne
braska, continued and held pursuant to
adjournment, at tho United States court
room in the citv of Omaha, on lhe 29th
day of July, 1897, tbo Hon. W. II. Mun
r;er, judge, being present and presiding
fn said court, the following, amongother
proceedings, :rero had and done, to-wit:
! Charles Jorn, as executor of tho last
will and testament of John Jorn, de
ceased, complainant, vs. David llousel,
et al., defendants No. 182 "S," in
chanrery. order on absent defendants.
And now, on ttis 29:h day of July, A.
D.. 1S97, baing at the may term. A. D.,
1S97, or the said court, it having been
tnado to appear to the sat:sfaction of th
said court tbat thi- is a 6uit commenced
t) enforce a mortgage held by complain
ant a lien upon real property within the
Said distric", and that John M. Sharon,
David B. Welch, Charles A. Hauna and
the Harrison National Bank of Cadiz.
O., a corporation. Defendants herein
arc not inhabitants of, and have not
been found within the said district, aim
have not voluntarily appeared in th;s
suit, on motion of complainant's solici
tor, S. L. Geisthardt, solicitor for the
aid complainant, it is considered by the
court and ordered that the said defend
an's above named, be and are ncreby
directed to appear and plead, answer or
demur to tho complainants amended
bill of coaipldint. on or before first Mon
day in October, 185)7, and that in default
thereof, an onlr be entered in this
caus. taking the said bill pro confes-o
It is further ordered by tho court that
at least twenty d tys before tho said first
Monday in October, l97, a copy of this
order be Eervea upon said John M.
Sharon, David B. Welch. Charles A.
Hanna, and tho Harrison National Bank
of Cadiz, O., a corporation. The said
defendant?, wherever found, if pract:c
able, and also upon ths person or per
sons in possession or charge of tbo real
property described in complainant's bil'
of complaint, it any thero be; or in lieu
thereof a copy of this order be published
for six consecutive weks in The Cour
ier of Lincoln, a newspaper pubIWhd
and in general circulation in said district
of Nebraska.
signed W. H. Mcnoer.
The United States of America
District of Nebraska. "
I, Oscar B. Hillis, clerk of the circuit
court of tho United Slates for tho dis
trict ot Nebraska, do hereby certify that
ths above and foregoing is a true copy
of an order entered upoa the journal of
tho proceedings of slid court in the
.causa therein entitled: that I have com
pared the 6a me with the original entry
-of said order, and it is a true transcript
therefrom, and of the whole thereof.
Witness my official signature and the
seal oftaid court, at Omaha, in said
district this fifth dav of August, A. D.
Seal O.-cai: B-. Hillis,
Endorsed: Filed July 29, 1S97, Oscar
B. Hillis, clerk,
First Publication August 7, 1597.
New England Loan and Trust Company
v. Thompson.
To Annie Pitts and William Pitts, her
husband, Philip K. Ketrick and Frank
S. Bolar non-res:der.t defendants:
You and each of you aro hereby
notified tbat on August 5, 1897, New
England Loan and Trust Company,
an Iowa corporation, as plaintiff, be
gan an action against you and other
defendants in the district court ot
Lancaster ojunty, Nebraska, tho c b
ject of which is to foreclose a certain
mortgage on the following land in said
countyto wit: tho south west quarter
ot section number 21, in town number
12 north of range nuorber 5 east of
the 6th Principal Meridian, made by
James Thompson, and Sarah Ellen
Thomp-on to New England Loan land
Trust Company, dated April 23th 1837,
to secure the payment of promissory
notes of said James Thompson, to
said New En gland Loan and Trust
Company for 10259 on which there
is nor duo 893.539 with interest from
May 1st, 1897, at ten per cent pf r an
num pursuant to coupons; PJantiff prays
for decree of foreclosure and sale of said
land to satisfy said liens as aforesaid,
for deficiency judgement and general
relief. You aro rrquired to answer
plaintiff's petition on or bjfore the 27th
day o September, 1S97.
Now EngUnd Lan it Trust Corapanv.
By S. L. GnrsTH.niT Attorney.
When you arrive there on your
trip over the
Rock Island
To att?irJ the 31st national encamp
Aug. 23, 1867.
Remembor tho Rock Island rims a
through train leaving Omaha, August
Thero will bo no change ot cars nor
transfer between depots in Chicago. Tho
train gje3 through on fast time and you
will have a
Qllick 'Prij) 10 TjUr'f.'llO.
Tba rate is low and you should post
yourself The ccol atmosphere around
Niagara Falls will invigorate you. Don't
miss tho trip. Get details from any
Rock Island agent, or address as b 1 :
C. A. Rutherford, G. A. P. D., Omalri,
Neb; or Phil. Rupp, T. P. A., Chicago;
John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago.
rVast: Time,
To Omaha, Chicago, and points in
Iowa and lllinoiP, the UNION PACIFIC
in connection with the C. & N. W. Ry.
offers the best service and tho fastest
time. Call or write ta mo for time eards
rates etc. E. B. Slosson.
Gen. .Agent.
Under new mauacerseui
peelsl attention to state trade, gneft ua4
wnmeralal travelers. Ftrnw street eleetrte
airs pats tke door to and from ail parts i ths
2 o
g i-aji uunsii'iia ur jtltuui'ti o
1-J'J South Eleventh Street.
osqcoooco ccooooco ooooccoo
Soda Water Fountain.
X Corner Twelfth and N Sts. '.
; ; Carefully Comcourdcd. f