The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 04, 1897, Page 7, Image 7
THE COURIER. Miss Philliflpi of Omaha, and Miss White of Plrittsnloulh, whd wcro guests df Mrs. Yatos.lett with her when she" ac companied tlulssy asfareas' ;i3 Pitts Harp, from which plea Mrs. Macdonaid and Miss Cro33 o! Xaw York ro'urned to Lincoln with Mrs. Yates for a ehott stay. Willard Yat.'Sgoes to school at Trenton, X. J., tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Towno df IJaluth. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Bryan at tho homestead on D street. Mrs. Putnam and Miss Florence- Ptlt mm returned on Wednesday from Mac Inatj, where" (hey have spent a few weeks Miss Florence will leave for Mrs. Pratt's school ill Ut:ei, X. Y., about tho tirst of (fctobt'r. (litAHAM IIAltliKK. Married on Wednesday. September let; at tho residence of tho bride's mother, '2525 It street, Miss Jennio Gra ham to Mr. Clayton Barbor. Tho wed ding ceremony was performed by the Hjvurend E. K. Fif 5. The pair, with the uiaid of honor, Mies Jessie Graham, sister or the bride, and the best man, Mr. Barber, nephew of the bridegroom, stood under a bell of whito.tlower. The bride's gown was of white silk and thread lace and she carried bride's ro33. The maid of honor va3 go.vned in white organdie over green silk and carriol La Franco rosc3. After the wedding breakfast of fifty guest0, whieh included Mr. and Mrr. Guild, Mr. ucd Airs. Kcimter of PJattsmouth; Mrs. Smith, Mr. anJ Mrs Fowler, AIuh Fjwler an J Mrs. Plummcr of Xoith Bend and Mis3 Ferrier of Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Barber left for the Pacific coast 03 their we Jdin journey. Their trunks and bags had tho usual humor ous sigiu and ribbo?s. Ago cm mt wither this innane plcruantry but that is another story. Mr. and Mrs. Baiber will b9 at hojio titieir fricads after Oc tober 1, at Twent sixth and T streets. Mr. Barber is in tho clerical department of the Burlington company at llavelock. Miss Graham has been an eflicient teacher in the public s:hoo!p. HOYT I.lVKKlNHIIOUbK. Married oa September 1, Miss Stella Hoyt to Mr. Frank Liveringhouso at Ilily Trin'.ty church by tho Rev. Ribert Turner, of St. Luke's Mission. Mr. Georgo Gascoigao was best man and Mr. Walter E. LuJwig usher. The witnesses were: Mr. and Mr'. Hoyt, Miss Josie Hoyt, Mis. Knight, Miss Willou'hby, Mrs. Spcucer, Mrs. Waruer. Miss Jennie Stewart, Misi Mullen, Mrs. Ungles, Mr. and Mrs. Al Spencer, Walt E. Lulwig aid George Gasc igne. Mr and Mrs. Liveringhouso have gone to Minneapolis for a short tour but tli3 hoaeymoon is intended to last until death do part them. Mrs. W. A. Xewmark and daughters Nellie and Jesrie are visiting friends and relatives in Burliaglou, Iowa. The following from the Chicago Record shows that the champions are afraid of the new one "from tho west." It's funny how tho people in Chicago, who are as west as tho setting sun, speak of people '-from the west," where the brains and the brawn come from. "Drawing for the women's tourcenaent for the championship of the west, which begins this afternoon on the Kenwood courts, place national champion Miss Atkinson ngaioEt four of the bed we3tern players before she can reach tho championship iound. The drejded eastern visitor will be pitted in succes sion, if she wins, agu'nst Mrs. Stagg, Grace Ch'03, Carrio Ncely and the new wonder, Mis 3 Pound. She will probably nuet Miss Pound in the finals, and kno ving oces expert that the Nebraska ehampio.i willgiieher the hardest tight All art Icvjrs arc invited to ihi exhih! bition of fins carina photographs, Saturday, September 4, at Crancer, Curtice & Co. store, South I Ith st. Bring your friends. of be"r career. Miss Craven, holder, will meet the winner of Urn match for tho championship. "Most of the young women spent yes terday on tho Kcit wood courts getting tinnl practico for the matches today add waiting until lata afternoon for the np. pearaut'C of Secretary J. P. Gardner with the ollici.1l drawings. The entiles number exactly thirty-two in slnglee and sixteen in doubles, and, as in the cads of the regular western tournament, no prelimiila-y round will bo necessary. Play will bo begiln at 2:30 this after noon, and it is expected that the final rounds will Dot bo reached before next Tuesday or Wednesday. "The matches of the opposing day promito no very exciting contests, but the EeconJ round will bring some of tho experts together. Graco CI ea will then probably encounter Miss 'I ilton. Else Xeel will meet Miss Wimer if Washing ton and Miss Atkinson will mako her fiiFt appearance against Mrs. Stagg. AUsb Aldricb, drawn against Miss Atkinsou in tho first round, will default her matches on account of tho death of her aunt. Mrs. J. Frank Aldrlch. 'The third iound will bring together Mis3 Xeely and Hallio Champlin. Graco does and Miss Atkinson, Miss and cither Miss Morley or Miss J. Champlin, acd Miss Pound and Mus Hudson. If these matches result ac cording to cxpictat'oos there will be !ort for tho srint iirals Miss Xeely ngairst Miss At'dnsm and Miss Wimcr against Miss Pound. Tho showing made by Miss Pound in the Lako Blutf tourna nuntand tho ttreng'h of her game as 3hown eisnvhero have made her a favor, ilo even against tho national champion. Mis3 Craven, present western champion, is not plijiug tho garni she saovicl last year, and will have great dilliculty in de fending hor til'c. The matches in the opening rounds are as follows: M. Raw V3. A. Faulknor, Steever w. C. B. Xeely, Ida Morley vs Mrs S. C Cinhing. II. Champlin va. G. Hilton, S. Gardner ". C. A. Tilton.G. Faulkner vs. G. does, Mrs. A. A. Stagg vs. Isgrig, Aldrich vs. AtkioEoo, E. Xeel vs. C. Reynell, M. PenniDgton vs. W. E, Wimer, J. Champ lin vs. M. Warner, C. Alooney vs. B. Morley, M. Steele vs. L. Pound, M. Wager vs. A. Price, S. linger vs. S. Hud soD, E. Parker vs. E. Buchanan. "Several strong combinations appear in the doubles, but Misses Atkinson and Craven aro generally picked as the champion pair. Tho Pound-Tilton acd Xeely-Cross combinations, however, will be 6trong competitors. Tho drawings for tho tirst round are as follows: Mor ley and partner vs. Ruger and Stetver, Pound and Tilton vs.AI. Raw and Steele, (J. Faulkner and A. Faulkner vs. Stagg and Buchanan, Atkinson and Craven ve. Champlin and Reynell, Gushing and Wimer vs. Hilton and Aldrich, Xeel and Gardner vj. Hallio Champ'in and Parker, Isgrig and Prieo vs. Xcely and Cloes, Hudson and Morley vs. Pennington and Wager." Mr. S. L. Geistbardt is an expert ten nis player and it was in games with him that Mis3 Pound acquired those smaeh upward strikes that have compelled the admiration of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dorgan returned from their European iripou Wednesday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Sturges and by Miss Kelsey of O.'csn, X. Y. Miss Kelsey will rem&in with Mr. and Mis. Dorgan during the winter. They bad a p'easant and smooth pifS3g.j and arc both invigorated by their travels. Mr?. Dorgan has received especial benefits from the trip. Miss Laura I out, gave a party in compliment t Henry and Eiuin Bcehmer. who with their mothtr ars Miss Anna Rivett has charge of the hair dressing parlors at Mrs. Gosper's millinery parlor. guest of Mr. nnd Mis. W. B. Ogdcn. Those ir.ited were Missis Mabel iJichattl?. Florence Farsell, Clara Wat kins, Emmn Outualt, Maud Kisser, Clara Hammond, Henrietta Hawley. Jcss:e Lansing, Ethel Hooper; Messrs. Roy SuWier. Georgo Shedd, George Bart jett, It. Alanley. Earl McCreery, Burt Wbi'doM, George Kisser an I Virgil Barber Mra. E. L. Holjoke at 'Aft Xorth Twenty-eighth street, gave an afternoon parly to her guest and cousin Miss Manatt. 011 Fridiy. Miss Winnie Manatt has mopped on her way to Wolfe Hall, Denver, whom sin ban accepted the chair of modern lan guagesFrench, Genu in and Italian. All those who have been privileged to meet her aro charmed by tho winsome manner, which is exactly the simu in quality as when sho left Lincoln several yoard ago. She is accomplished even bo yond the nt'ninments of the new college girl. During her sojourn in Athens she learnt Greek ancient and modern as only "a few people in this country know it. Ketuming to this country, she was graduated at Brown university with high honors. Wo'.fo Hall is a very gocd school and it is to be congratulated on the employment of so competent a scholar as Miss Manatt. Dr. Manatt, the former chancellor of the Nebraska State university, holds the foremost placo in Greek scholarship in this country, and assiciation him has given Miss Mdiiatt's culture a distinction which the ordinary product of a four jears college course lack. Mr. nnd Mr. Manatt and the r?st of the family aro spending the summer nt Old Oalnrd, Maine. Miss Clatk, Mrs. Manatt's sister is with them Willie, though ho has long since out grown tho a!Ic ionatc diminutive, has been in tho studio of St. f nuler.s for two years. His woik shows promts o? great pccomp'i hment. Miss Sadie is a vie bnist of more than local fame. The other members of the family are in school. Tho baby, who was known to Lincoln people as 'Snip,' was christened D;in?tra in Atben3,and lisped Gic?k a3 tho Bohemian babies in Xebraska learn the speech of their playmates rather than their parnr.s. Dr. and Mrs. Ma natt arc prospering Tho returns from the I ooks which the doctor has publish ed bae been cry Mattering and ho is acquit ing wealth as well as reputation. Tho removal of Stu.II Bros, from Lin coln to Orcaha is v ry much regretted in financial and so.iil circle?. Mr. Lowis Stall has spent uo much of the time of his nominal residence in Lincoln in the health resorts of tin east, the north en 1 the scuth that the residents of this city are not very well acquainted with him. Mr. WillStull has stayed at homo mere and cultivate.! Irs neighbots and associ ates til they are loath to part with him. Mr. StuII is ono of those who kuo.v si great maDy in a friendly, tolerant, unex actingwaj. Besides theso Id adop's a a few, a very few people, whom h j -vill serve with loyalty and affection till bis pilgrimage is finishe I. Those and those will nrss him. He is also public spirited and loyal to the placo ho lives in. He never refused to help a charity or a pro j c' for the benefit of the community. Iho Haydon Ait club of this city will miss h's advice and substantial help. At the beginning of the season Mr. Stull had consented to eerve on the financial committee of the club acd had suggested plans of Extension involvirg his o vn at tent oa which would have beea of ad tant ee to theo.-ganiza'iun. But Omaha is gaining a good citi.- n. Dr. Mitchell returjeo on Thurdiy f-om his mountain trip. Sutton & Hollowbush have invented a cough drop. They call it the S. & H. Sutton & Hollowbush, and it is a good one Stop and get one en your way to the theatre. It will save you a spasm ol coughing. t'yTs ir r'ti -; jtv,Hf i r. ?,t - dr. , t'MiPn The best dressed woman never squeezes her foot into a shoe too small. She never wears heels so high as to give her an un graceful walk; she never wears an un comfortable shoe, for it would prevent her from looking her best. We keep all these points in view and this is why we have the best trade in the city It you will let us help you in properly fitting your feet we will stand the re sponstbilisy if the shoes do not prove satis factory. FOOT FOJtM STOJiE, J213 O Street. PAUSE AND REFLECT. j I Jljl, .0. 1 1 (Ji H, Tno:o sue all kinds of pain's and var nisbis, mosily infriior, of course, and then fore expensive at any pric. Wo 111) o ly the best paints and varnishei to be ha I in the m irkof nnd you will ! pleased with their plainly evident super iority when you sse them. Paint, b ushes, varnishes and al! painters' sup plies at U. O. Ivostkn, Vlll U street. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Win. AT. Leonard will tako their little neicu Ruth Prentiss tu All Sai its school in Sioux Fall?. Soath Dakota. a schod unit jr tho isrsonal stipervisi'in of Bishop lliro L'tt'c Kuth w I! sp.-nd 111? winter in this scho'. 1 Mrs..iuci Irwin and Miss Edna Polk nrr.ved in Lincoln on Wednsttlay. AIrt Polk remained in Quincy. Al bs Edcsi will go o with her university work when the school ejnes and Aliss Irwin will make a visit of a few weeks in her own old home. Alrr. C I.Jones gave a kecsington for hir motliT, Airs. Hitchcock, 011 Tues day. On Wednesday Aire. Hitchcock left for her home in Ohio. Carl Tucker, the joung singing teach er, who i3 located at Glenwood, la., is in to vn. !AVII-HhlII!ltI Alarn-d at Aledo, II'.. Wednesday So.itembrr 1 , at Iho home of the bride's p irents, APss Lottie Alay David to Frank II. Ilebbard. Thi formal j of tho Funke will tako placeon tte 10th of September when the Corinno opera company will open it with a chorus of 1 fty voles in the opera. "A n American Beauty," which Corinne bought f:om Lillian Russell. There aro very few o;c-a comp?nies hiuk'd for Lincoln this season and Alanager Zehiuog got this by pure suvo'rfoiri: "II-j's an ornament to sucit t." "Yes, an imita'inn briilianf. ' TO CJE A COLD IN ONE DAY Talft- I-x-ti- l),.r.r. Tnldpti. All ilru'its refuud tliomoueyif it fa I-tociire.'rj-