The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 04, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Directory.
"1 elephones.
Office Hours
Oflico CX!
Cj-Dr. O. C. Reynolds
l Oflico rooms 1S-19,.
10 to3 n.m
Social and Personal
-. uurr mock . ..
Itcs. 141So.iStliSt.
:i to i p m
Sun. a to 5
Re a:
TO rw. L. Dayton, M. D. J . o sirt . . i to 1
f liess-sa of Eye. Kar, Ncmj ami Threat) Res. 1K.H 0 Street f:!:3Uto5pi
Office .
Oflico .
Dr. F. D. Sherwin
( Oflico, room 19 nurr I!lk I 9 to 12 a. m
J 2nd floor V
lltes.KtSQet I ItoSp.m
(Dr. J. H. Tyndale
j Office, rooms l and in. .. 1 9 to U ,n
j L,nnsiliBTticatro f 2 to 5 pm
JDr. S. E. Cook J
j Eye. Ear. Noso and Throat (
1215 O St.
I 9)0-13 A) am
f 2-5 p m
.G18,l .., I Office, Zclirunc Block 1 9 to in a
Dr. Ben 3. P. Bailey ! ti2t6i2i
.071. 1 J I Residence. 1SI3 C street 2 to 4 p i
Dr. J. S. McNay
J Oilier-, HUSO street IS to 12 a ra
( Rorlilprrp. S20ST ttrrct f 1 to5p m
.',l ,..--, (Office, Tcl-phonoI5Id.. )2to5pm;
hDr. R. E. Giffen u
.,(-' . j.. i"v.u (Rchtdcnre.nri F btrccl Ipolntlceut.
J Ruth M Wood M D 0,lirt h-''"! ihib.,
I Diseases oi Women. Kcsidcnce, IZ6 so i:li. I
1 . -vt ttt . ti -r-k n 'Officr, room 215. 2 anil 1
-ko.VLouisN. Wente,D.D.S-i l.urowndi mock, 137 'f
, I so lllli street.
on; a. -J. Riser, D, D, L,
I Office. 1211 0 street, over J
- Miller & l'ninc. V
(W, S, Latta. M. D,
T Disease of women n i-pccialty,
' Facial blemishes removed.
J Ollice ami private lios
v pilal. 111C L btrect.
I Al 1 hours
V w1oji not
1 ensa&ed.
Oflico 113
R. Stanhope,
t Female Diroisrs A,
' obstetrics.
I Residci'C aril Oflico 1 9 to II a. m
1K.CK street. V A: 2 to 4 p.
I I m.
" .-ciDr. J.S.Eaton,
niiIeiiee..5S2 Eurjreryaau Nervous Disease?,
I I 2 to 1 p. m
-Oflice, !C7 So. lltli St. 12n. m.
t Hours in to
)H. S. Aley, M. D.
f Female, nervous A- ccnito-nrinary
' diseases.
I I Hours 9 to 12
t-Orfice. lllb O Street - 2 to 5. 7 to S
I I Mon. & Sat
J Dr. J. B. Triokey,
f Rcftaclionist only
Office. IU3 0 street.
1 9 to I!
to 12 n.m
i" Skin. Rectal and Ocnito-Uninary
t Ofiico Alexander blk. M(0 1 9o 12 a m.
OSt..ionrs7.S,9 -7(lto4p.m-I
Ki-s". cor2Ctli end N Sts. 1 7S.0 to9p.m
' t
Dress Goods
Fall and Winter.
Our importations of fine dress fabrics
for the approaching- season have been un
usualry large and a lare proportion of
the choicest gfoods is now in stock. We
are sustaining" our reputation as the lead
ing" Dress Goods house of Nebraska. You
are invited to our Dress Goods Department.
Miller & Paine
1129 0 5t, Lircolr Neb
If you io not receive "The Courier'
regularly drop a postal card to "The
Courier," 1124 N streit, giving; your prep
ent address legibly written.
Xliee Liura Cauger ha? gone to Chi
cago, where she will teach in tho oity
Counuilhun V. I). ColiHtoC't and II.
A. Itcpso hive got tt to Mtliilou, Cob,
for a few daye.
MissLtla K DiWitt Ins lo'.tirncd
from Croie, where ths has been making
a visit with friends.
On WeJno:diy Mrs. C. S. Lippincolt
gave n luncheon in honor of Mie. Dur
lanJ, born Richards) of Norfolk, win is
visiting her aunt, Mip. L. C. R:charde.
Mr8. Durland spent Eevernl years in the
university vihera eho made life-long
frier.dii. Sheand Mrs. Rich irds arc con
genial frif nd3 as well as relatives and
her visits ti Lincoln aro looked forward
ind back to with pleasure. Tin guests
at the luncheon wera Mrs. Richards,
Mrs. Durland, Miss Richard.'. Mesdamss
Ladd, Ogden, Wright, Miss Harris. Mr.
and Mis. Durland havo left Norfolk and
will spend the winter in New York city.
Mrp. W. E. Gosper has gone cast.
Judge A.M. Poit wa3 in the first
of the week.
R. S. Iiibb Ion camerad, of Beatrice,
has been visitiog in Lincoln.
Dr. Bailey has gone to tho mountains
to get away from hay fever.
J. M. Thotnpsett of tho Omaha First
National bank, is visiting in the city.
Jared G. Smith left Monday for his
post at Washington, aftjr a brief visit
Prof, an 1 Mrs. W. G. Largarortby Tay
,or passed through Lincoln Saturday
b und for New York. They have been
-pudding the summer in Colorado and
.veto about to return to Linio'.n when
word came of the sorious illness of Mr.
Taylor's EUtr iu New Ycrk "and thy
hastened there.
P. A. Ryd berg and Erntt Gessey re
turned last Saturday from a botan'zicg
and collect:ng trip among the mountains
of Montana. They were out eleven
weeks with a four-hcrse team and camp
outtit and besides go'ug ever much of
Montana wectthrjugh the Yellowstone
National path and parts of Idaho. They
cl'tnbcd five mountains over 8.C0O feet
high and one over 10.0C0. They collected
about 7F9 species and their bundle of
specimens weighed about 103 pourds
when they got brck t Bozeman. The
trip was enjoyabla in many ways. The
collection waB made for the New York
botanic garden. Mr. Rydberg wiM leavo
Monday for Now Yorl wbe:e I19 wi
ident fy the spec'tneus and get out the
bulletin giving the results of the tour.
C. L.Sh?ar, tssistant in the botanical
Jepartment of tho university, is ill with
mountain fever in the hospital at Du
rango, Col). His tt'atk seriously in
terfered with the woik ho had under
taken for the government.
LMr. Charle3 W. Raymond and Miss
Mabil Merrill were married in the pres
ence of relatives and a few friendB on
Sunday afternoon at 22C9 U ttreet, the
resiJeLCj of th brido's sister, Mis.
Jones. Rev. Lswis Gregory officiated.
Mr. and Mis. R3yrroad will live for the
present at Utica, Neb. The Jjride has
lived in Lincoln fines her childluoJ
whero she has attended tho public
ss! oils and the uniwtsi'y. In the pro
cess of acquiring an education Miss Mer
rill made many friends who regret ih-A
she is leaving Lincoln. Mr. Raymond is
well known on account of his vdiee. lie
bas be on a member of several of the beit
choirs of the city and has Eung In
many concerts.
Miss Edna D. Bullock has resigned
her position in Iho John Crersr library
of Chicago and returned to accept a
position in tho library of the university
of Nebraska.
Mr. and Mr?. Bryan and family with
M6S Welch, enjoyed their trip, through
tho Yellowstone. Mr. and Mrs. Dryan
have an unspoiled and unjaded Capacity
for enjoyment that is not least among
their enviable possessions. Tho mine
owmra of the west entertained Iho
patty with tides and feasts. Nothing in
ths power or Lospiulity and gratitudo
was will held and of course Miss Welch
held the i o i ion of the only young lady
in tho party :ni in consequeuca ic
caived much ait iition. In Yellowstone
Park, although covered thickly by tho
duit of that region, their uight'y s'opB
at the Park hotels gave them an oppor
tunity to shako it off and meet travelers
from all over ibe country.
Miss Lillian Harmen has gone eas in
the iut" ret of hats and bonnets.
C C. Marhy is in Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. MacMtirtry have
rttutnsd from Colorado, where they
we. e delighted lookers-on at tho tlower
fett val in Colorado Springs.
Miss Alico Slaughter returned Tues
day from E'k Point, S. D., where she
wns the guest of her sWte-.
Miss Seba Cas) of Faribault, Minn.
who has been visiting Min3 Hooper for
the past two months, icturned home
Miss Tibbetts ha3 bjen visiting Mrs
J. N. Coinish of Omaha.
Mr. F. W. Taylor returned TuesOay
from a visit of two week's in the east.
TLe object of wlrch was to bring the
catiocal asscciation of tlorists to Ne
braska next jeir. He succeeded by an
adroit speech, followed by one from
Chance llor MacLean, which decided the
convention to meet in Lincoln. Chan
cclkrMicLoan will return next 7ednes
Mr. H.J. Walsh Ins been visiting in
Niagara Falls, N. i.
Miss Eliza Miller who has Leen visit
ing her sister, Mrs. D. E. Thompson, left
for her home in Chicago on Sunday,
Misses Iie;6ley and Beebe who have
LoMi visiting Mies Garten returned to
their homes in Council Bluffs last week,
and Miss Garten left to visit Miss Wal
ton in B!pir.
Mrs. K. K. IlBydn and daughter
Besei9 will leave for New York on Mon
day where thpy will remain all winter in
order that Miss Bessie may pursue her
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iloulz w:ll board
for the wint'r with Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Burr, whose house they have nl
readv moved.
M;s3 Agnes Weller, who has been
visiti: g Miss Slaughter, returned to
Omaha en Tuesday.
Mhw Dennett of Omaha and Miss
Smi'h cf Cincinnati havj returned ti
Omaha from Lincoln, vhre they have
bun visitirg Mis.- ller.nef's sUler, Mis.
F. W. Brown.
Mis Sit fa Curtice .ind Mrs. Roes Cur
ticigivea 1-casingSui last week.