The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 04, 1897, Page 3, Image 3
THE COURIER. . i: IP': shared by these who deserve it.Moau while the city authorities should not allow a dying man or woman to he brought into a room full of policemen and brutal hangers-on. X ithing that Zola has told of the slums of Paris equals this scene in the station last Sunday night, just after a two ideals, though sho terself Lo not down to tl.o horse and let lm acknowledge this. One will make a part walkout But th would t,.r up more of her book, the other u part of tor l.n. and the gun d .n .of . . ... tho public welfare, ol yc ed. Ihov mul the horiacjuld bo lifted out by means A voung lady in a bright pink dr.'ss 0f ropes. They wrangled for half an STORIES IN PASSING. The pausing nf tho bear-man and of the Ktrolling gipsy bind ba9 come, but wen acquainted tuoiasioi mat won, wa'jujrm, u. hv tint name, lifo of tho Eouth is still oa tho roa 1 tho man with tho musicil barrel organ. He is an Italian datk, thin, greasy and scowling, and ho his been north and is now, like tho birds an! tramps of tum mer, hois slowly working south. Two j cars ago h'13 monkey died. His wife dioJ als i, that winter-sho of tho dark-oyes and musical voie. who wore the bright turbans and won the admir- CiHnnobn appeared in tYn e 1 and Manager "lining put on thoopo lirg of 1 in housj two weeks' in order tint Cor inno might open it. Tho c(ainny id cludetf lifty welt known comic opera j o 'tie, anil is cocsi leretl oio of fio best orcn companies that has ever left tlio city or New' York. "An A-neri.-ail Hoauty" Iieh bcei sen here before, but mt-i.r ivilli till. VV.:il ll llf f llPllrV Rllll town. fatation. , the lino eostumoi it now has. Mi Hire "Isn't that gorgeous?" asked the rVrk Then tho livermen fell to digjwg and , j.,,,,, . ji;iC,j..r. mmngHs fir C f nnn, of asobsr, tldcrly lady who had just dug a sloping pathway down into the jm,0 ej,.,t $2K10 on now costumes mdn n nitrcliiisp. L'iu earth. To do this thry liatl t I iKe only, cot t sjea'c o; limini uceniTj. "I don't know, sir!" replied tho lady, upa part of tho '1'vo just coma horo and am not very stopped trallie on with niiny tibbons and laces Hying in hour, tho crowd joining in w-th i!s npin tho wind. laigo hat, and brilliant pari- ions and const int remarks, until lioally "J ' " i i il. l t .. : ll . i: -..:... .ol .1,M-n lii thi. hui.dred nreachers had linished talk- ' F:i5SC" luo "uur " u Hl"' " n""" ,UL' I'"""-' "4. . ,.. iugabout tin Man of Sorrows- I ihtst know anvbodv text morning. The uio'.oneers ovject?il and finally th company superintendent ir.11110 up, but they were dragging out Sundayschocl was held beforoeuuich. tho horsi tlnn and ho could do noth- and tho family had never allowed tbo ing. six-year old son to remain to tho regular A ropo had Lejn t lipped about the s;rvies. But this Sunday ho begged so horses head. Tho liverymen took this hard that they finally consented. It was ropo and tho doctor seized the animal communion Sunday, but it atrecled tho by tho tail, while the cowd stood back boy strangely. As soon as the deacons and watched curiously, still tallirg each baJ passed tho hmilv pe.v, ho bean to other that tbo elfort would euccocd or ... i m . fit. !.. ..II cry toltiv to mmsjir. coining woum not unon wuu a miguiy pun o this thf-y hail t tiKe'nnlv, cot t lHiea'co; I lit' i in uceniry. urort lailwav. which , Tho theatre goers of hire .In should turn i . i-. .".i:i filout en mats.Mind welcome to our ei'y i tint hue until Hi- ( , vnrlfMia Corinr.n Uiiiwnibrr ror.iwl ing (sometimes more than admiration) of tt;)p uim"ami af t..r the family arrived at snort of pain, tho horso found and a footing other dark-faced countrymen of Ler husband. How sho died only tho scowling organ grinder could tell jou that, though there aro rumors among tie others. Perhaps the monkey nrght have told, but the monkey is dead, as you know. Perhaps tho ragged, sharp faced Utile boy with his mother's ejes might tell you. but look closely and well homo ha kept it up. and was puhed out of tho ditch. "Well, what is tho matter cf you any- "Thank God!" said tho doctor, "fhatV how?" ask-d his elder sister who hud two hundred dollar's saved.' not gone to church. The cowd melted away. The liver - "Oh," ho wailed between sobs," at the men went up Thirteenth Btreet, whiU- churchthey passed bread and baer tbo doctor led tho horso and a friend and wouldn't givo me any." pulled tho buggy hone by the broken shafts. About ten o'clock one night this sum- When all had quito gone a man in back toward the root jou will seo a slit mer u doctor came driving rapidly down working doth?s came out o! tho dark and a notch in the little fellow's tongue. t street. Sudd-nlv in front of tho Lin- ncss somowhero and lighted two red dell hotel his h-irse sank out ;r sight, lights at each side of tie ditch, with a crashing of timber and a snap There is a triangular series ot lam ping of straps the buggy camo to a full suits in tho courts now. Tho doctor is stop, and the doctor was pitched violent- suing the city for damages. The city is ly to h:s knees against the dash-board. When ho jumped out of tbo bugy, ho found his horse had p'unged into a hole onenini? Friday. Sen'embcr 10. hi d Sat urday afternoon inatint". Sent" will l o i side Wednesday. S'ptemhrr 8. at HI o'clock n. m , at the now lx olllei in Sutton t llo lowbudfs. AMERICAN EXWSE NATIONAL BASK. LINCOLN, NEH. S. II. ItUKMIAM, President. d. n. A. d. Sawyku, Vico president Cashier. I nVtUTAL SilOXCII. Direct us -A. J. Sawyer, S. II. Burn ham. K. Finney.. LA. Lancaster, Lewi Gregory, N. Z. Snell, G. M. Lambert son. D. G. Wing. S. W. Uurnham. Talk to him and his answer will be a hoarse, rattling sound, as from a mouth too full for utterance, a sound that makes you shudder and grow cold about your spin,-. Tho black, scowling Italian .alone knows how tho wire died, down in the little hut by tho levee, close to the big bind of tho Mississippi below the Spanish quarter cf tho city. And he never speaks of it. So instead of tho niorkey, now the little fellow with the notched tonguo and the ratthrg Bound in his mouth, wears tho dirty red cap and in tho old tin cup receives tho pennies from the children who love the music of the or gan. Hiseytaare bright and a smile tits on his lips, but bac': o! tho light and back of the smilo hidea a lurking fear and a constant fright. For after the sueirg the railway company fr Ieavirg no danger lights a the ditch, and the railway company is.suicg the dot t r fir inte'rfei ing with its business by taking up a portion of tbo track in excavaio hi3 horse that night. H.G.SHKDD. DRAMATIC NOTES. in the pavement win chthestrcet railway laborers in doing somoi pairicg,had left unprotected. The horse, becoming bad ly frightened, struggled about to got a footing, fo . it was suspsnded by its sides against the walls of the ditch, and each elfort only sank tho animal deeper and - wedged it tighter. Tho informal opening or the Funke on A man came out of the shadow of tho Monday by the Paiges filled tho hoes clectiic ligh. to tho guards with a very att active TIello, Dec! What's up?'' audiencj. Tao sunnier hati which "Nothing up ever thing down. Ilorsn bobbed in all par's ot the Louse made in thn ditirh hpr. No liffht. (J.ill mi tin. Punlrn infn n lartn narterri. Mtlll cbilJren with the pennies have gone and the FOjjCe, will you and also a couple of ger Zehrung in evening dress wts a the Italian man has taken his organ nien from a liverv stable."' nleasant siuht after a summer with the One or two others had come up by ubiquitous nrgh'gee llanneks and night- this time. The first man'j use of thi marts of "ciah' suifs. Mr. Zehrung telephone in the Lindell informed tho presides over exhibitions at the Funke lobby and a general rush into the street a decorum and tl ganco that goes followed. far towards keep!n;r the audiencs quiet At least tifty men were standing mid well behave). II s appearand is a around the horso in the hole, with u compliment to tli3 and to the woman or two at the edgo of tho crowd company and deserves recognition. "Toe craining her neck to see. No one of- Paiges" are an excellent repertoir com p PICTO fe;ed t) assist, but everybody had ad vici or a remark to make. "Couldn't see the light, you say Doc? What'li your wire say about that?" "Fast driving, eh? Didn't know you had such a speedy goer. But you'll have the authorities after you." "Your horso seems to be taking a short cut to China. Vcu'd better telegraph pany. Members of tho sinio family, they play together snioitbly. The busi ness has been lessened by the hot weiither wh:cO has kept tho people null of doors. A rcof girdoa would draw in these later summer nights when tin moon is crescent. Of the indiv.'dud members of the company, George W Paige has a sauyfrold and a corned an '? , and crept through tho alleys out or the town and darkness has come upon the fields and tho hills and tho road?, when s' range things are seen and heard among tli9 shadows: then comesbackon tho evening breezes cries and sounds that chill tho blood and turn tho body icy cold, cries and sounds that But the summer timo is going and with it tho birds and the wild things of tho long, hot, hzy days. And slowly the organ-man is creeping from town to town, ever onward. leading a dark-facsd, bright eyed little boy in a dusty red cap who holds a battered tin cup in his hand. For the summer is passing and theyt too, are going south-south to a little hut by the Ieveo close to the big bend of the Mississippi below the Spanish quarter oitnocitj. there by that time at the rate he's has a gocd stage pre3ei:e and a distinct, ' Sho is somewnat oi a uoiiemiau iii uu-r i;uiu. nm cuiiuiumuuu uuu uuti .-aSu . ways. Her own income makes her in- A dog nosed up to the holo and some quirements that deserve commendation dependent of the world and she use3 it one kicked it away. A man blippeJ and The ladies of the company are not of as she pleases. Sho shuns boarding sent a largo quantity of loose dirt rolling equal merit. Lillian Pa?e, with some ihouses as one does the plague. Sho upon tho horse's back. A boy got his natural gifts of face and figure, overdoes lives in rooms, taking her meals to suit head between two men and peeped into heavy and despairingly ja'.hcs ,her own convenience. She makes her the hole, lost his balance and before the act tho two soubrettes nscd to study .own coffee, and it is most del'ciou3. too. two men could grab hi oi went sprawling study, study. In dresB she combines a matronly neat- upon tho animal s head, iness with just a dash or that sailor dis- "Now jou kid, get out of here!'' cried order which is so attractive to masculine the decto-, jerkirg tbe boy to the pave .eyes. You might take her for an aitist. ment by tbe arm. 'Keep back, all o! surely cot an author. But she isscrib- you. Give the horse air whoa, there Mine constantly and tbero aro two or st;Edy, Prince, steady whofc!" three novels in her mind which sho will The patrol and tbe men from the liv- Corinna, will present the splendid opera bring forth fometime. Ju6t now she is ery stablo arrived at the same ti-ne. Tho entitled, "An American Beauty.'' This searching mankind for an ideal-in fact, liverymen's plan was to dig a gentle de- is tho first timo in many years that .Vulval t mj I raveling. ?A h .urs to Salt Lake. CI hours to Saa Francisco. 03 hoars to Portland. 77 hours to Loa Angeles. -FKOM- LINGOUN, NEB. round to Hong Kong to ship him back self-pssscssion that promifes a career in will get a first class company. Harry Reynolds in tbo morning. The brute there by that time at the IS THE OUT ROOTE TO THE SUTf Come ond See XJ T O. Towksex n, F. D. Corkxll, Agt. C. P. AT. Aft. UBfc G. PAT. 8" Loui3. Ma 1201 Manager Zth.ungof the Funke opeia hou.e rqucs's us to announce that the formal oprninz -f Li3 house will place Friday, September 10, when the peerless and well known young actress. WARD'S PERFUMED FOOT POWDER FOR WV CURES take ' Perspiration A&niiVX Coras. I Feetarul X'WtBKI Swollen 1 rmo!ts. VWWW3f F. W.J.W.1CD4 coXfiiiaf hing. tlliwti. JRJarC:1 Ptiarmaoyt