THE cou : - c. Professional Directory. J elephoncs. Office Hours Office C56l ,, I Offico rooms 1S-1D llOtolSa.m. vDr. O- C. Revnolds nun- uiock m. Social and Personal Km C531 (Res. IIISo.S9thSt ) Sun. 3to- MATbmi 5US t&2 fQgke mW. L. DaytOD, M. D. J Office. 13 O Street 110 to 1 I Dieasca of Eye. Car. Xowo and Throat f Bc. 1S21 U Street Vl-M to 5 1 n. Office pr.P.D.SherWlll ( to ,2. , J DENTIST. Rcg.2548Qgt i 1 to5p.m ' IDl. J. H. TyDdale I Office. roomsP and 10... I9 oliaoiL f NOSE ANDTHROAT 1 J"""" Theatre f to5pm pr. S.E.Cook J 12150st. Eye. Ear, Nose and Throi t j 2-5 p m Offico C1K. I .,., ( Office. ZchrunB Block 19 to 10 am 5-Dr. BeD3. P. Bailey i j-iztoissn Res 671.1 J I Residence. tZU C street ) 2 to 4 p m TZ , (Office. HUSO street JSo 12 a u Br. J. S. McNay - . , , ... f Residence. gglST street 1 1 to5p m OBieo 31I, 1 . lOfficu, Telephone Bid... J2to5 inn; -Dr. R. E. Giiieii -J m y i Be G2. j f Residence, 1J-21 F street J iiointment. T?uth M Wnnd M D tofficr. Bid., i A- W ,,,r ' - cor. lllh and O stsA j Disea6eB of Women. (Roidmce, SB so 13th.) , . - I Oflire, rooms 'X. 27 and 1 offico .. 530. Louis N. Wente.D.D.S.-l i. nn.ncii Block, i:n v ( m lltli street. ) ) . , (Office, 1231 Of treet, over 1 Office.... rwrt. J. J. Riser, D, DjL, -! Miller A Paine. V i W, S, Latta. M, D, ) Offico and private Itos- AH hourf f Dkmim- of women a specialty, f ,,itaK II16 L fc,rcCt f wl'C" "i"1 ' Facial blemtshts removed. ' ' PiPsed. ( R. StanhODe, ) Residence and Office 0 to II a. m Offico Female Diseases f ' K strcct- f & 2 to 4 p obstetrics. ) ' m Itn nr tt a . 1 Office 17 Richards blk.( Office hours D. M. H. Garten, IIn H stnJ offico Mipr. J.S.Eaton, We, .: , u,.. st. '.??!. pra Ridcncc...62 1 Enrcery end Nervous Diseases, ) ( Honrs 10 t H. S. Aley, M. D. J . . . flours 9 to 12 remale.nerv..ngArcnitMirinarr -Office, I4U0 street.... -j 2 m 5.. to 8 - ' diseases. ' ' Mon- Sat tDrfO: RTFiokey: tofrice.Ira08ree...TI?uS"pS, Koliac uni6t only I DR. E. J. ANGLE. I Office AlexamWblk.UlOl 9tol2am. f Skin. Rectal and Ocnito-Uninary "i ORt.i?cn'".Vt? f J?5!0i pm I Diseases. fcs. cor 26th and N Sts. )i-to9p.m Dress Goods Fall and Winter. Our importations of fine dres fabrics for the approaching" season have been un usually larjre and a large proportion of the choicest goods is now in stck. We are sustaining- our reputation as the leading- Dress Goods house of Nebraska. You are invited to our Dress Goods Department. Miller & Paine I MM S Go to PWVttflS & SYEi&0U For Fine Silioo8S9 Ij?etty Sllx3e:rss, Etc, 1129 0 Street, :: Lircolr Neb Mrs. James Irwin, born Polk, of Quincy, III., will be in Lircoln next week. She will be scwmpinietl by MifsEdoa Polk, who has spent the summer with" Mra. Irwin. Mrs. Polk will remain in Quincy for some time be fore returning to Lincoln. Mre. S. II. Burnham gave an after noon party in CDropliment to Mrs. Bosbmer on Wednesday. Those present were: Mesdames Watkins, Gere, Frank Hall, I. M. Raymond, - Carl Funke, Jas. W. Dawes, of Crete, Coates, Ogden, Wurzburg i Righter, E. P. Holmes. Mifsis Wing. Harri?. Mrs. J. V. Dawes of Crete, is visiting Mrs. S. H Burnham. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller have re turned from their summer outing on the shores of Lake Osakii. Mrj. Cook and Mi-s Cook, who came to Nebraska from Michigan City to at teed the Cook-Kilpatnck wedding in Beatrice, hivo been visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Harwood. They left for their home on Thursday. A letter from Miss Maud Oakley in Paris, statjs that she will remain there, at least till Christmas time. Mrs. Camp bell and Mrs. Lambertson are with her but will leave soon, Eailing for America sometime in September. Miss Oakley is much encouraged by tho results of her study and will remain abroad as long ?s possible. Mrs. C.S. Lippincott gave a pleasant luncheon on Wedneeday to Mrs. Frank Brown, Miss Bennett, Miss Smith, of Cincinnati, Mrs. Bucketiff. Mis. White, of Omaha, Mrs. Lew Marshall, Miss Grace Oakley. Mrs. R J. Greere gave a luncheon on Wednesday for her guest, Miss Sadie Baum, of Omaha. A r.ay circus party enjoyed RirgIiog'B on Wednes'ay. Tho3e composing it wera Mi 33 Latta, Mr. Pound, Miss Mae Mco:e, Mr. Mallalieu, Miss Mae Burr, Mr. Joyce, Mis j Farwell. Mr. Cowdrey, Miss Sadie Baum. Mr. Dickson, of Ne braska City, Misses Bence'.t and Smith, Guyllurlbut, Miss Lucie Griffith, Mr. R;ese, Miss Stella Cnrtiss, Mr. Corn stock. Halsey Yafs kisgons back to West Point. He will not icieive another fur loush till he graduates ip 1899. His two months in Lir.crln havo b;en tilled with complimentary parties of all varie ties from bis family and friends. Mrs. Yat;s and Willatd ccompanied the diminutive soldier &9 far as Omaha. Mr. acd Mrs. C. O. Whedor, Mies Whedon, Miss Maggie and Beit at d Charl.'s Whedon, Mr. and Mrs. Gere, MUsGerf, Mies Ellen and Miss Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hardy, Mr. Elam Seacrest and Mr. Oury, have returned from their Wyoming csmping trip, in the heart of the Big Horn mountains. Where grouse and ttout abound, the pitched lheirteu. The region is de 1 ghtful. There is something stimulat ing in the high, dry, light air. The clitnato permits ono tt climb a mountain trail a'l day and return to camp fat night without fatigue anl without hunger. The party ie bronzed, and shows all signs of having had a first rats time. They left, as all such mountain climbers do, numerous pairs of worn out shoes in the neighborhood of the camp. Senator and Mrs. John M. Thurston were in the city for afewdajs. J. L.Caldwell, Dan G. Wing-and Lin coin Frost returned Wednesday from a fishing trip in Wyoming. They spent a part of their time at Dome Lake and on Shell creek. The biggest tiBh story they tell is not about rich. Brad Slaughter and family have re turned from their outing at Spirit Lake Iowj. Mr. a ul Mrj. Frank Hall have ra turned from Colorado Springs where thoy witacssed the annual flower festi val wlrch was never more magnificent than this s;ason. The horses and car riages were covered with the richest and brightest flower; and the spectacle was tropically brilli int. Tae flower 63to ii to Denver what the carnival 13 to Venic ) oi Mardi Gras to New Orlsans. Fashion able people make it a point to be in the city at that time and tho gayety and emulation are infectious. The swimming party ut the sanitar ium on Wednesday was unusually largo and jolly. Mrs. Van Dre3S3r, formerly Mrs. Bur gess, a sister of Mr. R. II. and O. R. Oakley will visit her brothers in this city n;xt week. Mrs. Will Wilson and Howard will probably return from Colorado Springs tomorrow. Mrs. Join MacDonald has returned from her summ?r vacation on the At lantic sen coist. Mrs. J. W. Mix well of South Bend, Wasb., and Mrs. GiiiTith o San An tmio, will visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. R Oakley, next week. Mr. Oliver Rodgers has purchased a pair of handsom- carriage horsep. They are Kentucky thoroughbreds of unusual height, strength and &tyle. They will be driven by a coachman in costume in keeping with the handsome horse3 and carriage. An incident not worthy of re mark if it were not for the untidy ap pearance of mo6t of the men in Lincoln who drive as handsome turnouts as there arc anywhere. Mr. Elmer Perkins has returned from a cool place in Wisconsin. Dr. A. R. Mitchell has gone on a va cation of a we9k or two. Mr Dick Berlin, tho well known and knowing Dick" was in town on Thurs day. He took part in the convention with a de?orum and judicial ssverity which ho can assume when ho wisbe?. though you have to tej him do it to be lieve it. This versatile politician, man of the world, and prince of good fellow?, complains that the jennex femmc he used to know, call upon and escort, are out of town, married or of another mind. "Well," saya Dick, -the Hcrists.ana con fectioners are so much the wo-so ofT." Mr. and Mrs. B'aksly Vifquain of Paris,France, stoppcJ in LtLcoIn a day or two and then continued their journey to Alaska. They visited their parents. General and Mrs. Vifquain, at 420 South Seventeenth s'reet. Mr. Blakely Vif quain was mtrriel in February oi this year and is now ma ting a sort of bo'atcd wedding trip airo-s tho continoc. Reared in Saline co nty,sicc.3 hi-fatber's appointment ti the. cooiulship, he has -'" 3,