The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 21, 1897, Image 1

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    POL 12 NO 34r
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vvf. ms strength in writing has a very of the steadily increasing rate of since it! decided' to purchase
v -..,-,, m. mi.-. i.iAmiwii. 1 III- IIMMIIII. Willi I HC CA IH lur LUC CllllflrVIl, ,U, S8
:ilmnt 1111 i'iiimut Sti.i- -;i. .. .:....!. .:.... . n i . . ... . . . ? jfrT.
"-"i"-,',- ii" .1 smic uciiLKiu 01 air. it eosier ana an occa- inoner iniw expeuoeja wj
jiurjKJsL. ,onal colleague, seems deaf to appeals on salaries1, and
Jur.j. 1. beat-rest c.f the .News has from the taxpayers. Anr rneasarekreacl
. achieved a real ntwsti:iiwr uu-i ---'- - - - -- - -
.. ... . DAaTniwrv -r iTVrnTV .i' ,ZH93I
irATUUJI 1.1 AUE wsiwi.v . . .. .. iFnn ,... lln rf :i; J a .. .m . - ...
gKcnsD class JiATTEB. .i.iiiK me niiiiii iiiiu eapunuive 10 ine councut istirom.WMi
. quality or.etfitoriaw. Ketry and Iccals pearance on a faroraUtiiHiiKHnPWnRlVrs. except in
PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY !ie,iaf "0t ,M1'tl1iered !I,,0Ut t,,em' bllt lC titKKB "' lt W!,S "0t
. has observed the ways of advertisers waMtfrBHBHRBKfe' nmeli of a hardship. Anvwav the
mrn miHTiwi inn NtDIICUlIP en amI subscribers ,,e ,ias adaptedJjiiHBPRS?;of the water parents were buying for their own.
"BE COURIER PRIIIIIu WD PllDLlSnIIKl CO hait to .their f3)ricjwusiMjjiipl'enrwouId be saved ami the not emptying their hard-earned
- until hebajBJPjyyKr rental of the privilege could be ex- money into the lap of theschool hoard.
qotc at ' 5W3Mere thedays of jiended on city sewers andA streets Under the old system the children
Office 1132 N street, MPjpjl'thaTSper uily received cc- without isa perpetual used their own lxjoks. when they
I TeleDhori?38ril'na vuenit'tI1 'nt,le wlmnns reproach to the council that a private passed into higher grades they had
; ' ferf of the Bee and the AVorld-lierald. Tc- company can buy the plant and pay fresh, clean Ixioks unsoiled and uiit
h Vtrr -, ' day tliese loathscnie contemporaries an annual rental for street privileges, tainted. Then most of the children
ffi noBa t rwgr trr Business Mawmr are moved to daily outbn:sts by the and furnish better water at the same took pride in keeping the books clean
Y , " sight of columns of Omaha advertise- price than the city government can. and the danger of infection from the
.' ments in the Lincoln paper and by a But it is better for the city to hold books having been used by diseased
Subscription Rates In Advance. knowledge of a rapidly increasing sub- on to its own even if the price of children was much less than under
82 00 script ion list. This very compliment- liberty is high. A corporation some- the present system. If the board did
. .. 1 qq ary wnitli is due mostly to Mr. Sea- times exerts so demoralizing an in- not buy the books it would have that
. , 50 crest's exertions. The policy and the thience on city politics in respect to amount to exjMMid for supplies and
0 .. og ability which increased the revenues the liberties of the city it oerates salaries and the legitimate and cus-
. . 05 (if a morning paper will have the same in. that no rental or tax is high tomary expenses of the public schools
effect on an evening paper. There is enough to reimburse the citizens for But the temptation which overcomes
iw. .1,11 imilor tln new iii:i!i:ii'iTiiciit t lu Ins of "intcL'rit v. for tin- s:il( of most Ixiarrls was Ix miicli fnrtlw
why the News should not he among their inherent rights. The Lincoln coin board. The expedient increase
.1... :. .t a mr: if tlm tnf Swi Cl- mrl Tvliwt rir- l.ii'ltt ('it i ;m tll iL'lt nin:ii'i mill the iniiKirt:im- nf
Ul5IfliVAl ILIIN. farasTiiK CoruiKU's investigations example of the evils of coriMiration a lxidy which works without much
$ 4 go the News i the private property of influence in city Klitics. The presi- remuneration except that which
'l', M r.Seacrest. The acciusitions that the dent of thiscomKiiiy wicldsa personal comes of having places to lestow or
There may be a few citizens of Lin- .Journal has bought it and put Mr. iniluence large enough to frequently supplies to purchac. Buying the
win who write neitlier H)etry nor Seacrest in charge lack all evidence turn the balance his way. but when. Ixniks in mantities save
prose, but they are as rare as the but that of Mipieiui. as in bis case, it is increased by the the middleman's profit. But the
blossoms of that plant whose thick power of a corporation, it practically profits of the local Ixiokseller are
juicy leaves absorb meat and drink There a re these who .-ay that cer- puts the city in bis hands. "We have small enough and the city shouFd not
from the air of a hundred years be- tain members jf ourcitycouncil think .sold our birthright to light. We are compete with one if its component
fore yielding anr of it to make a bios- 'that the bet and cheapest way to going to be confronted with an offer jiarts.
somoutof. These human plants who get good water is to turn it over to a for our water. There is only one Under the old system, a child oc-
know too much to cheapen inspira- private comiKiny. For this reason all otherelement that we can sell and casionallycomplainedthathis parents
tion bv printing it prematurelv. will, plans for increasing and purifying the retain anything but a feudal right to could not buy books for him. It was
in the fullness of time blossom present supplv are dicouraged. There live. The peasant in the fifteenth then the teacher's duty to ascertain
through some deep-rooted descendant is little doubt that a private company century used to kneel before his if the child's lack of books was due to
into gorgeous and symmetrical fulfill- would supply better and cheaper overlord, lay bis head in thetlibt and parental poverty or meanness. If the
ment in reward of -rcenturv's silence: water than we are now drinking. In place his lord's foot on h:s neck and former allegation was true, the board
a reward that is now in slow ripening fact no private cunpany would dare The modern citizen furnished the Ijrioks. The present
for the ureal erand children of these charge so much for such bad water a would refuse with a very pretty show system is parental. Its tendency is to
ho now ponder these things in their the city government furnishes, never of independance to go through any pauperize, to teach a most pernicious
hearts. In Lincoln especially, the thele- it is better that the city such ceremony, but the feudal lord of theory of the functions of govern-
number of gifted writers is largeof should own the water. There is al- Lincoln knows h.s nghts and uses ment. a theory which ,s weakening
tw 1 . .. 1 . w. .-.. .irmct tint a few honest and them, as undisputedjy as theharcn of the rackbonc of Americanism now.
anr th. ca;;;!:;,:;..:; ..Mntc.cnicean,. ,. mVrm ,f , T rrM . taI
in moments which fa or confidences. ad.ninNtor il,erli affalis a ,hey company dwelling among us u. :.p- away from and not. into,
confidetheconsciousnessofthegift -JJ'S Wi" A new bulled -The Bin,s of
conujositionthereisnoend Mean- J. ,, the peace and quiet of corn,,, Colorado" from the Colorado State
le the law medicine and the ,nn; muMl b-uk 1. m It is unwise from any ,K,i.,t of Agricultural College has just
nlrn ?S ,f, ,nCKA"il? f" ',1 Z Z u 1 f aiMitcd eastern view or for any reasons for a city to been received by The Coukik,:.
filled by half-hearted drudges who o. W "d "- f j; such fRIIlcIl!scg. A businesslike It is designed, according to the
Je that they were built for poetry. W:. administration of them will, in time, preface to set forth the present
Returns from a business conducted by wh.e I t lu c.; m. .yi J- niake a city self suppcrtl.W. It is so knowledge of the distribution ami
genius who feels himself nobly would J"1 larger in several cities of England and migration of Colorado birds. It also
Planned to edify the English.s, might eu h l J . ..t,;,,,,, :,d obstacles in the way says that "the total number of species
world being rather slow, for every tlieamoiin l'' ' x - . of fr.llIC,llses disposed of to private and varieties of birds known to occur
enterprise requires all the devotion city tne : mi 1. m , 'tl. ha ,mrties should stop the progress of the in Colorado Is :n. of which M are
and attention of the man who con- the ""' J" . , ,Iltn lca next generation in the practice of known to breed. This is a larger
jncts it, the productive energy of a been annu. ' ' ' municipal economics. number of .species than has been taken
1'terary town like Lincoln istremend- who lme 111. . cd . J , any state east of the MJssK,lpp
wsly lessened. A man who lias not ert inmi 1 . ' becau The school board has been obliged, and is exceeded by only one state of
even a secret tendency to dissipate are almost readMoLnt 11 "P otcuiM
m a btr nc
jrafiSB f