The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 31, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Upsand Downs of Fortune.
Qalte Possible.
Mr. Charlej Noel FI"ig-y, a Niw York
artist, who has lived much abroad, tells
some interesting stories of Bohemian
life in Paris in the Fcvonties. "TboBO
were the days," says Mr. FJag, "when
MeifHonier was Sir Oracle; whn Ilrstien
Lspige was fighting his way to recog
nition as a great printer and giving the
lirst bint of a new school of brilliant
cilor; when tbo men of Carb'son, at tho
endof their lives, trere granted nt last
the place they had struggled for; when
tho fame of Claude Monet was tho
secret of a few enthusiasts. Conditions
and ideas were different among tbo
leaders from those which now prevail,
but the rank and liio struggled and
starved, reviled and bop id, very much
the same a to day."
It has been said that in Franco fame
has wiegs and that by a single grc:t
success she carries her votary to the top
Mr. Flagg illustrates tho truth of this
by relating an anecdoto of a young En
glishman named Hawkins. "He was so
poor that he lived on bread alone, soak
ing bis loaf, bit by bit, in two or three
sous' worth of wine. He would sell
pictures for five or six francs a piece, and
that sort of grind wont for years. At
last he painted a big picture, which all
the boys thought so fine that they chip
ped in for a cheap frame and sent it to
the Salon. It was a landscape, showing
a graveyard, with children playing in
the sunlight, but therj was no cheap
sentimentality about if: it was a strong,
manly, brilliant thing. For bravado we
made him set a big prio on it, some
thing like tTcntv thousind francs.
"Well, I ha-l a picture in the Salon
that year, so I went in on varnishing
day and wandered up and down among
the notable?, looking for my picture.
Suddenly I saw the sky of Hawkin's
picture: that was all 1 could see for the
crowd around it. And thero was little
Meiasonier gesticulating and exclaiming,
'That's the bjst thing in the whole
Salon,' and Bastion Lcpago was pointing
out this and that in it, and r11 the ar
tists wereadmiringand chattering. And,
do you know, he wsb the success of tho
year? The picture was bought that day
for its full price, and tho next day the
carriages were lined up in front of his
poor little studio, and he sold every rag
in the place for any price ha chesa to sst
upon it. He managed to hold on to his
success, too. It lasted so long as ha
lived.' Harriet Monroe, in Chicago
Justice Why did you steal this gentle
man's purse?
Prisoner I thought the change might
do me good.
Jaspar Are you interest jd in the
new Alaskan gold ml jes?
Magnate -No, Why should I be? I
own a Senator.
Alr-TtgKt Compartments.
The air-tight compartment theory of
building ships was copied from a pro
fision of nature shown in the case of
the nautilus: The shell of this aol
taal has foriy or fifty compartments,
shto which air or water may be ad
mitted, to allow the occupant to sink
K float as he pleases.
k. -a
Amos Moses Snowball Say! black
boy, hit seems ter me at I've saw yoh
face before.
K;hralm Johnson Reckon you has,
"cause das where I been wearing1 it all
my life. New York World.
T-wa and Conatry.
He "Wouldn't you rather ride la
Ike country than in the park?"
She "No, indeed. There is nobody
jo look at one in the country." Judge.
Fare of III Facta.
"It's a great story." "aid the visitor
to the city editor, to whom he was Bell
ing information about a coming divorce
case. "McSwigger found the co-respondent
in his wife's room, and shot
at nirn four times, but missed, and now
fee is going to sue for divorce."
"But hww did you get your Informa
tion." asked the editor.
"Couldn't help It." was the reply;
rj?m the co-respondent." Ex.
Lenten period.
With softly
downcast eyes.
Have you prayed
off the surplus
That in your na
ture lies?
Have you evolved
a litany
To which your
steps shall
Girl of the Lenten period.
There's mischief in your glance!
You're thinking not of litanies
With penitent refrains.
But of your love's arithmetic.
And counting up your gains
Of poems wrought In needle-work.
Of symphonies In gowns.
Of bonnets that at Easter-tide
Shall banish Lenten frowns.
Girl of the Lenten period.
In royal purple clad! . .
Fair penitent in violet.
Your coming makes me glad!
I love you, pretty devotee.
Whose sins are small and few.
And when I to devotions go,
I'll ask to kneel by you.
M. L. Rayne, in Truth.
Found Them So.
Saidso I didn't mind the questions
till the lawyers got to the cross-examination.
Herdso Then what?
Saidso They were too all-fired cross.
A Bargain in Sightseeing.
"What did you give that stranger
money fur?" said Aunt Eliza as she
and Uncle Hiram walled In the station
after getting oft the train from Hay
ville. "That's all right, Liza." said Uncle
Hiram triumphantly. "That's a nice
feller. I give him $2, and he's goln to
fix It so we can go out and see the sky
scrapers without extra charge." Chi
cago Record.
Vldn't Care for Much Drees.
Mr. Uptown is the husband of a Tery
fashionable and dressy wife, and not
long ago he was talking- with a stran
ger about women's clothes at a swell
reception up in Harlem.
"Plenty of handsome women here to
night," venturedhe stranger.
"Yes," safd Mr. Uptown blandly.
"Married?" queried the stranger..
"Yes; my wife is her to-nightT"" ,
"I'm married, too, but my wife sel
dom goes out. She doesn't care much
for dress. Does yours?"
"Well," replied Uptown, with soma
hesitation, "I don't really know wheth
er she cares much for" dress, but I'm
.pretty sure she doesn't care for much
dress; but you can Judge for yourself.
There she comes now."
Mrs. Uptown, who is stylish to tho
backbone, swept by, and the stranger
changed the conversation. Texas Sittings.
Bemarkable rig.
When the pig is not only a domestic
animal, but a family friend, as he ap
pears to be in the Marquesas islands,
he develops unsuspected cleverness.
"In the South Seas," one of Robert
Louis Stevenson's last books, gives
many instances by way of proof. "Many
islanders live with their pigs as we do
with our dogs," Mr. Stevenson ob
served; "both crowd around the hearth
with equal freedom, and the island pig
is a fellow of activity, enterprise and
sense. He husks his own cocoanuts and
I am told rolls them Into the sun to
burst; he is the terror of the shepherd.
Mra Stevenson, senior, has seen a pig
fleeing to the woods with a lamb in his
mouth; and I saw another come rapid
lyand erroneously to the conclusion
that the Casco was going down, and
swim through the fluah water to the
rail In search of an escape. It was told
us In childhood that pigs cannot swim;
I have known one to leap overboard,
swim five hundred yards to shore, and
return to the house of his original own
ir. I was once, at Tautira, a plgmas
ter on a considerable scale. At first, in
my pen, the utmost good feeling pre
vailed. A little sow with a bellyache
came and appealed to us for help in the
manner of a child; and there was one
shapely black boar, whom we called
Cathollcus, for he was a particular
present from tho Catholics of the vil
lage, and who early displayed the
marks of courage and friendliness. No
other animal, whether dog or pig, was
suffered to approach him at his food,
and for human beings he showed a full
measure of that toadying fondness, so
common in the lower animals, and pos
iibly their chief title to the name. One
day. on visiting my piggery, I was
amazed to see Cathollcus draw back
from my approach with cries of terror;
and If I was amazed at the change, I
was truly embarrassed when I learned
Its reason. One of the pigs had that
morning been killed; Cathollcus had
seen the murder, he had discovered he
was dwelling in tho shambles, and from
that time his confidence and his delight
In life were ended. We still reserves
him a long while, but he could not en
Sure tbo sight of any two-legged crea
ture, nor cculd we, under the circunj
ttances, encounter his eye without confusion."
Bargains in BooIk.
"It's all very well to talk about Issu
ing bonds of $10 each," remarked Mr.
Dukane, "but that is not the way to In-,
duce women to buy."
"What would you advise?" asked Mr.
Gas well.
"Let Secretary Carlisle advertise
bonds at $9.98, marked down from $10."
Pittsburg Telegraph.
A Bad Break.
Jones A man in Boston in his hurry
to assist a fainting lady got a bottle of
mucilage instead of camphor and
bathed her face with it.
Smith He did. eh. Well he must
have been a good deal stuck up with
his attention.
Sensible Constance.
Mr. Crimsonbeak When Constance
was younger she used to ride a wheel
and I tell you she'd take nobody's dust;
Mrs. Crimsonbeak You doa't sa
"Yes, but now she has reached th
marrying age she's willing io take ab
meat anybody's." Vnul-ers statesman.
Private Act ess.
What a blessing no man can hinder
ur private access to God. Every man
tan build a chapel in his breast, him
self the priest, his heart the sacrifice
and the earth he treads on the altar.
Jeremy Taylor.
It Depended.
" Mrs. Manhattan How long Is It cus
tomary for a widow to wear mourning
for her husband In Chicago?
Mrs. Wabash Weeds There is no
fixed rule about It. It depends upon
how well acquainted you are. I am
generally pretty lucky. Ex.
Right In It.
Hayrick How Is your son getting
on at college?
Treetop Very good, indeed; he stood
ninety-eighth out of a class oMOO.
nard to Please.
He (reading the paper) It certainly
"is "very difficult to please a woman.
- She What makes you think so?
. He Mr. Young of Wabash, Minn.,
locked his wife in the house; Mr. Potts
of Pekln, Wis., locked his wife out of
the house, and now both women are
suing for diorce.
Corroberatlng Ills Views.
Jagway I heard a lecture in bac
teria last night.
Castleton Did you learn anything?
Jagway I should say. It taught me
the evil effects of drinking water.
Peru's Desert.
' In the long coastal desert of Pern,
which Ms. 2,000 miles in iesgth, but
only 120 miles broad at its widest part,
the rivers disappear in the dry season
and.begMn to flow again in February
or 'March (wfcen rain falls In the Cor
dilleras. One of the most important of
these rivers is the Piura, the return
nf whose waters is welcomed with great
rejoicings by the inhabitants of Its
Always Usefol.
Quorlcus What becomes of the New
Jersey mosquitoes in winter?
WItticus The Jerseyltes use them
for Ice-picks.
Cheap Excursions VIA North
western Line.
Round trip tickets will be sold by tne
North-western line to points on dates
and at rates mentioned below:
Hot Springs, S. D. August, 3rd. '97.
Fare 815.50. Limit .10 days.
Indianapolis, Ind. August, iGtb. and
17th. and September 7th. and 8th. "97.
Fare $18.00. Extreme limit respectively
September, 12th. and 17th.
Buffalo, N.Y. August, 21 st. and 22nd.
"97. Fare 821.70. Limit September, 20th.
For futtber particulars call on or
write, A. S. Fielding, City Ticket Agent,
117 S 10th. st., Limcoln.Nebr.
G. A. R.-Buffalo -Through Car
Service-$24. 70 Round Trip.
Our Teachers Milwaukee excursion
was so succeFs'ul, and our patrons so
well pleased with our superb line and
through Eervics that we propose to give
all who contemplate availing themselves
of the very low rate to Buffalo and re
turn Aug. 21 and 22, an opportunity to
enjoy special through car service
Lincoln to Buffalo via the Great North
western line and connections
If you think you would like to traval
via the short line to Chicago just cal,
on me for particulars.
Outof-town people who would like
to go via the best route in through cars
are requested to write me for particu
lars concerning this trip. A. S. Field
ing, city ticket agent, 117 so 10th street,
Lincoln, Neb.
Sutton & Hollowbush have invented a
cough drop. They call it the S. & H.
Sutton & Hollowbush, and it is a good one
Stop and get one on your way to the
theatre. It will save you a spasm of
Remember the lPhitebreast Coal and
Lime Company k still furnishing its cus
tomers writh best grades Pennsylvania hard
coal at $8 delivered.
To write good advertising you must first
know what your are talking about and,
second, whom you are talking to.
Every advertising rule depends for its
success upon the fitness and common sense
with which it k applied. General principles
arefike one of Captain Cuttle's observations,
the bearing of which lays in the applica
tion of it."
UTraart: Time,
Tl-aojgIi. Qgaysu
To Omaha, Chicago, and points ia
Iowa and Illinois, the UNION PACIFIC
in connexion with the C. & N. W. Ry.
offers the best service and the fastest
time. Call or write to me for time cards
rates etc E. B. Slosson,
" . . . Gen. Agent.