The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 31, 1897, Image 7

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    the com J. i.
Such Bargains Have Positively Never
Wise and Prudent Buyers Will
Investigate the Good Things
we Will Offer next Week in
Been Offered in Lincoln. These
CRN1FQ1N BCNttiS $30.00
L,oolcforOur Slen, tlxo Ilorae li-itlmo Air
Wheels are Guaranteed Free From
all Imperfections for Ono Year
From Date ot Purchase, Made
with Drop Forgings and Tool
Steel Bearings Throughout.
143-145 South 10th St. bincoln. Neb
Harness and Bicycles
SS s SiS)9SS
,Jr -
A -
isticsofthe foothill Vegetation of
Western Nebraska."
At the same meeting Albert F.
Woods will present a iiaper on "Bac
teriosis f Carnations.''
Professor Barbourand possibly other
university people will attend. An ef
fort will he made to bring the associ
at ion to Omaha next year. The con
vention will be held in a magnilicent
high school building at Detroit. Ex
cursions have been arranged for in the
The botanical society of America
will convene at Toronto on the 17th
and 18th. Dr. Bessey is the retiring
president and will give his address on
the subject, '-The Development and
Classification of Flowering Plants "
The subject as here given is trans
lated from botanical language for the
lienetit of non-botanical people. The
honor of being president of this so
ciety comes to few men. Re-elections
are never ermittcd and office is held
for a year only.
Immediately upon the adjournment
oi uie ooianists, me iirmsii associa
tion for the advancement of science
will meet also at Toronto in the uni
versity buildings.
This association comes occasionally
across the Atlantic for the encourage
t ijlQiit of Canadian scientists. Before
, it Dr. Bessey will read three papers.
"The Chininey-ShajKMl Stomata of
Holacantha:" "The Distribution of
the Native Trees of Nebraska:" "Some
Consideration Upon the Functions of
Joint papers are to be read by Ros
coe Pound and Frederick Clements
with the topics. "The Vegetative
Regions of the Prairie Province:'
''Zonal Constitution and Distribution
. of Plant Formations." .Mr. Clements
will read a icipcr on "The Transition
Region of Caryophyllales." Garden
jKirties every afternoon and several
excursions will be pleasant features of
the convention.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sanderson re
turned Wednesday evening rrom a
three weeks' trip. They visited To
ronto, Quebec, Thousand Islands and
St. Amie j5 Shrine.
Messrs. Herman and Henry Look
left Thursday on the Rock Island for
a few weeks outing in the northern
Beach Wednesday evening. About
forty couple attended.
The latest theatrical sensation is an
nounced in tho revival of "Ole Olson,"
which is ono of tho attractionsto appear
in this city the comirg season. It is a
genuine bicyelo race in which several
crack rideis, mounted upon regular
racing bicycles contest. During tl.e
progressof the race tbo riders aio in
full view of the audience ridiog as fast
us on a racing track.
Cards announcing thedouble marriage
of Mips Cora Fannie Newman to Mr
W. O. Thomas and of Miss Gertrude
Marquette to Captain F. J. W. Stoney
on July fifteenth were received in Lin
coln on Monday. Tho cards announce
that Mr and Mrs. W. O. Thomas will be
at home at 1724 L street, Lincoln, on
Wednesdajs after September 7th and
Mis. F. J. W. Stoney in London at 17
Whitehall place. The cards and their
envelopes are the size of a carte de visile
and very neat. Mrs. Thomas and Mis.
Stoney have many friends in Lincoln
who can sincerely congratulate Mr.
Thomas and Captain Stoney. This is tho
first time that real daughters of Lincoln
have been married two at once in a
foreign country. Mre. Stoney had ever
a way of her own but Mre. Thomas did
the conventional and the expected.
Though in this case the young ladies
have snprised their friends in this coun
try they will have the warmer welcome
for spaiing them the bustle of prepara
tion and tho final church ceremony in
hot weather.
Miss Olive Latta is enjoying Wyom
ing. The party of which she is a mem
ber is travelling about in a private ear
Where ever it lights the citizens hasten
to show the travellers the sights and to
give various kinds of receptions and ban
quets in their honor. Tue Courier
has received this news from correspon
dents in Wyoming, not from any of the
travellers. Mr. and Mrs. KiJpatrick of Beatrice;,
announce tho engagement of their
neice Miss Ray Kilpatrick, to Mr. John.
Cook of the same place.
is worth almost as much today
ni tho day you bought it; but
jou don't know it. Aslocg'ati
tho hair is on the skin it ia
GOOD. Moth eaten or worn
pots can bo taken out without even showing a seam.
Tho only question is what can he done with it? IU out of style and worn.
Maybe it needs a new lining, or should bo stylishly trimmed. Thut old cut would
make a bountiful cape, and capes are just the thing this season. There's tbatVd
fur garment you haven't worn for years, becius3 it ia all "fagged out.'' Why. that
will make a beautiful collarette; just the thing for fall and soring wear. Then
just look at that garment. It is entirely "gone up," tho hair stands tho wrong
vav on it. and it is worn and matted. "Its no earthly U6e. Well, itdoen look
bad, but by the process of glazing tho fur is brought out and cleaned and tifen,
w hen remodeled, it is like new.
During July and August
This year we will make a specialty of Alterations and Repairs. Our system of
measurement is such 'we can tit you as well by mail as by pernonnl measurement.
Wo have a large stock of new furs, all our own make, at very low price.
Write to us.
Cor. 12th & N Sts.,
Practical Furrier,
Itncoln, Nebraska
of "elccution," But it will be glad tid- precision. No tones were drawled:
ings to tbo innocent acd unprepared they phrased and shaded with iutelli
men and women who have fearlessly gence and there was life in the boys
gone to sociable3 and neighborhood part- not tearful mummery. They sang
ies, and have been obliged to see some- like living and human beings, not like
body's darling spring into tho middle resuscitated Egyptian mummies,
foreground with an unnatural anima- Dr. L. A. Bide, hail arranged in
tion, to see that mood giva way to one strumental numbers which chimed in
of tearful mart) rdom, which is quickly
succeeded by entreaties, accompanied
by incredible contortions of the body
and hands. All this is frowned upon by
the teachers ot true elocution. They
with the rest of the program. The
mandolin serenade and the Field noc
turne by Eva Bide, received cultured
treatment. American ei mpo.sers were
fitly represented in the piano solos of
Additional Observations.
Call at 140 south 11th, and get the best
meal in the city. Al Walker, prop.
We are advancing in taste,
elocution is losing favor. The
lady who rolls her eyes into her head
and her r's till her tongue refuses to vt-
Rev. John Doane returned Wednes- bratoisnn loncnr i,:..
day afternoon from Buffalo, N. V., bis mysteriously gifted. A man has been' The Telyn Quartet Concert.
oiu iioiul discovered in Chicago who believes that
Mrs. W. D. Fitzgerald, with son and it is unnecessary to imitate the noise of
daughter, and Mrs. Finney, left the wind in speaking of it. or unbind
Tuesday for Colorado Springs, Maui- the hair and shriek with the victim
ton and Denver.
Frank Zelirung returned from New
York on Wednesday.
Rev. Allenbecli and family, Fred
Beckmann and family, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Warner, L. Wolfanger and family,
Mr. and Mrs. CO. Boettcher, C. W.
Artlion and family, Mrs. Schliche
meierand William Allenbecli gave a
basket luncheon in Lincoln- Park on
Charles A. Lancaster of Merrimack,
Mass. who has been insjiccting his
father's large possessions here return
ed to his home on Thursday. Mr. which was never seen or heard outside
Lancaster says he can see a change -
for the lHJtter every time he comes. Miss Edith Edwards, business test me-
vuuui, niccii ine puoiic aauy witn readings,
Aiso seances
when the taxt records the sufferings o
an innocent victim. On the contrary,,
the meaning is to be convened by the
subt'e appieciation of literature of
the reader. This new teacher ot
the true elccution is a profes
sor in tho University of Chicago.
His name is S. H. Ciaik, and his great
axiom is: '-It tho thought is right, tho
expression will be right and conversely,
if the expression in wrong, the thought
has been wrong." This will be bad
news for the young ladies who hav
Bpent time and money on the acquire
ment or gestures and tone, the like of
discourage the cheap comic, the James Cecil Bidez. Professionally and per
"Whitcomb Riley bathos, the Will Carle- sonally the little reader. Lethe Wat
ton doggerel that tho elocutionists have Min. is justly popular. She not onlv
gloried in. The true elocution teaches got her share of applause, but. was
the pupils to use their vocal organs to compelled to respond to an unlisted
the best advantage, to produce a musi- encore. The whole program was as
cal tone and to obtain tho right key end follows:
to keep it. Having done this the teacher Aeolian polka. L. A. Bide.. Lin-
of the new method inspires his pupil to coin Normal orchestra,
select the best literature, to study it and "Breeze of the Night." La Moth ,
1o endeavor to present it as quietly and Telyn male quartet,
modestly as is consistent with dramatic Serenade for mandolin from "Joce-
production. lyn." Guldard Aperle, Eva Elsie
jC Bidez.
"The Village Blacksmith." Hatton,
Telyn quartet.
Reading. "Ben Bolt." "A Railway
Matinee," Burdett. Lethe WatMin. '
Intermezzo Cavalleria Ru.sticana.
Mascagni. violin, piano and organ,
Eve IIojk.'. A. and Dr. L. A. Bidez.
"TheOoblins'll Git You." Parks,
Telyn male puartet.
Violin. Nocturne, Field, Artot:
Eva Elisa Bidez.
fa) "Remember Now Thy Creator," ,
Rhodes: (b) "I'm a Pilgrim." Mars
tori. Telyn male quartet.
Piano, (a) Serenade. McDowell: lb) :
Useify. Cecil Justsi
Miss Prey's interview with Mrs. Hen
rotin in this issue of The Courier is a
very interesting sketch of a beautiful
woman and will be read with pleasuie
Curfrtr Ty everybody and especially by club
yoip vomen.
For a year or so the original Telyn
male quartet has not been in active
eruption, owing to the absence of Mr.
now Dr. John Williams. On Tuesday
evening at Lincoln Normal they made Concert Gallop.
Mieir re-incarnation lov in a new
repertoire of pathetic and humorous
songs before a large audience, to which
the city furnished twobatallions. The
whole concert from beginning end
was an unqualified success and the
reasons therefor were these: Every
thing moved smoothly and with pre
cision. There were no waits, and no
spinning out of the program.
.Mystery. Decker. Telyn male quar
tet. "A Stream of Silver Moonshine."
Geibel, Telyn male quartet.
Jeems Do you see that pretty bather
just diving into the water? She's some
It, great actress, I suppose?
moved like clockwork. The Telyns.
R. O. Williams, L. A. Bumstead. Dr.
John Williams and W. K. Tut tie.
came and went promptly, were easy
and natural and not funereal and mel
ancholy and intoned and sang with
Deems What makes you think she's
a great actress?
Jeems Well, she seems to be so per
fect in all her parts. .
The Castlenian Pleasure club gave TT
ueiiguiiui ii.unu il
W;i c-., ai.
Burlington Vednesday evenings. Room 43, Halter Blk. priced. 1258-1230 O street.
The bast and most satifactory meal'
avui mc cuy. uo not tail to give
the lowest it a triaL Crescent Dining Parlor, 1218 M