The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 31, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Directory.
Office Hours
Office ex
Dr. O. C. Keynolds j
Office rooms 18-19, 110 to IS a.m.
Burr Block V
Ret. 144So.S9thSt 1 Sun. a to 5
Social and Personal
IW. L. Dayton, M. D. J . ,3B stroct-
J 10 to 1
J2 to
1 Dfccues of Eye, Ear, Kuno and Throat Res. 1S.'1 0 St root.
F. D. Sherwin
( Office, room 19 Rurrlllkl
i 2nd flour
(Res.24SQst I
9 to 13 a. m
1 to 5 p. m
I Dr. J. H. Tyndale
j Office, rooms 9 and 10.
Lansing Tbcatro
9 tolliMnm
to 5pm
ftJC A.Shoemaker, M. D. f0.TlC0 1BI tStrcet j-
fPror.rObsttries.OynecoloBr.Medicali i J-to '
Dcpt. Cotncr University.
J 7 to 8pm
IDr. S. B. Cook
I Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
1315 O St.
(9:30-13:30 am
.671. J
Dr. BeD j. P. Bailey
j Office. Zcb rung Block
I Residence. 1313 C street
1 9 to 10 a ui
) 2 to 4pm
Dr. J. S. McNay
j Office, 1105 O street j S to 12 a n
I Residence. 2208 T street lltoSpm
Oflice 349, i.
Dr, B. E. Giffen
l Office, Telephone Bid... j 2 to 5
( Residence, 1S21 F ktrcet I pointment.
b in by ap-
I Ruth M. Wood, M. D.
J Diseases or Women.
( Office, Richards Rid?.,
i cor. 11th and O sts,
(Residence, 3 so 13th
I , l Office, rooms 26. 27 and J
Oflice 530.J-LOU1S N. Wente,D.D.S.1 l.Brownell Block, 137 V
) ( so 11th street. )
office .... sue. j. Riser, D, D, L, -j
Oflice. 1231 0 street, over
Miller 4 Paine.
W, S, Latta. M. D,
Diseases of women a f-peeiiilty.
Facial blemishes removed.
1 Oflice and privato bos
V pital. 11IC L. street.
I A 1 1 hours
h vrben not
Office 113
(R. Stanhope,
I Female Diseases A.
I obstetrics.
) Residence and Office
V 1526 K street.
tn II a. m.
fc 2 to 4 p.
D. M. H. Garten,
j Olfico 17
1 Res ....
Richards blk. I Offico hours
10 to 1230
..1 103 H street! 2 to 5.
Office I73VClyde DaViS, D, D, S, Hth Floor Richards blk.-j
H. S. Aley, M. D.
Female, nervous A. genito-urinary
I ( Hours 9 to 12
VOffice, 1448 O Street 1 2 to 5, 7 to 8
Mon. A Sat
of MHDr. J. S, Eaton,
Reidrnce..ti2 1 Surgery and Nenrous Diseases,
Office, 137 So. Ilth St.
Hours 10 to
m.. 2 to
(Dr. J. B. Triokey,
j Refiaclionist only
Office, 1035 O street VI to 4 p,
I 1
J 9 to J2a. m
fSkin. Rectal and (Jeuito-Uninary
(OffiCH Alexander blk, I4(t)l,
f O St.. rooms 7. 8. 9. 7SJto4 p.m.
(es.cor28thandNSla. ) 7 uW to 9 p.m.
On Wednesday evening a party
sailed the seas of Burlington Beach
They were Misses Loomis, Rieketts,
Vancil, Clark. Barr, Walsh. Harley
and Marsland. Messrs Marley, Will
Clark, Rieketts, Hutchinson, Randall,
Barber, Reed and Sheldon.
Mrs. Baldwin and Mattson arc
spending a few months in their old
home, Prophetstown, Illinois.
Mr. E. L. Perkins is visiting in La
Peer, Michigan.
Miss Clara Walsh is visiting Miss
Next week a large party will go to
the Crete Chautauqua grounds. The
personellc is about the same as last
year, when Mr. Will Clark, MNs
Charlotte Clark, Mr Sheldon, Mr.
Marlay, Miss Loomis and others or
ganized the expedition.
Mrs. Frank M'. Blish has gone to
visit her relatives in Rcckford, 111.,
for several weeks.
so one or two may be expected to
light. Mr. W. J. Lamb, the president
of the Yukon comiumy, has been in
Alaska and has more than a hearsay
reason for his enthusiasm. There is
more than gold there. It is magnifi
cently timbered, the cedars that cover
the mountains grow to a height of
fifty or sixty feet. The boles are
without lateral branches until they
begin to taper, for the top and the
grain of the white cedar is fine and
straight. Silver and gold, copper and
zinc are also found in great purity and
abundance. The shortness of the sea
son will prevent a large output until
the holes are dug into the subterran
ean region which has no seasons and
no day. Then there is no reason why
the ore can not be mined the year
around. The formation of grul)-stake
companies has only one drawback. It
is difficult to believe that the agent
will divide if he acquires a paying
mine. After encountering theclimate
In dark colors and choice patterns.
: Cashmere Prints
New st'les for house dresses.
1 Outing Flannels
light, medium and dark
immense assortment 7y.
-an -
Miller & Paine
PAxmr, punrs bat!.
ltHsM MMMssl V0 flwMG Tshpi tB Fy
nn Tfirr " " MctaZC
"A man often says: "My business is
osStwat from aay other load; it's almost
imfnssiHf to advertise my business." That
remark slxnre a aisMsa&rstondrag of what
advertising is. It is making a business known
to those who ought to know k. This can
be dene with any business.
Tlie following Lincoln people went aiul perhaps wild animals the agent
-will begin to reel that whatever rc
'ward come he deserves to reap him.
self. If it were not for this flaw in
human nature which grows wider to
the vision as experience broadens, by
next spring there would be a car full
of grub-stake miners representing as
many Lincoln companies, en route for
the Kloudyke,
The A. O. U. W. had a large picnic
at Hickman on Thursday.
Major Fcchet said he was suprised
at the notice which the Nebraska del
egation attracted at the Logan cere
monies in Chicago. Until they get
another presidential candidate like
Bryan, the delegation from Nebraska,
where ever it shows up. will have the
unrivalled attention of the crowds.
Misses Nellie Griggs, Dora Griggs,
Pearl Powers. Fannie Hershey, Mar
tha Burks of Beatrice and May Whit
ing, X. K. Griggs and II. T. Wester
mann left Tuesday for Dome Ljke,
Wyoming. Several years ago this liiko
was discovered by Mr. Gillette, a civil
engineer in the service of the Burling
ton road, The water is snow cold and
as green as ice. The lake is now :JO0
acres in extent and full or trout. Tho
land surrounding the lake, about 1,300
acres, has been bought by a summer
vacation company among whom are
messre Kimball, Holdrege, Torn Kim
ball of Omaha and Mr. J. B. Weston
of Beatrice. The cottages arc of logs
with deep porchesand wide stone tire
places in which logs are always burn
ing. Snow storms in midsummer are
frequent and the air at night is of a
penetrating coolness. Mr. Tom Kim.
ball 16 the architect of the cottages
and as Tiik Courier has remarked
before, he knows what he is about ex
cept when he approaches arches. He
to Colorado Springs Tuesday: Mrs.
Finney, Mrs. H.ittic Mann, Miss
Olive Mann, Mrs. W. D. Fitzgerald
and daughter, Miss Marie Kettering
and Mrs. A. B. Minor.
Prof. Geo. E. Howard has been
granted a year's leave of absence from
Leland Stanford university and will
spend the first of it in Lincoln
and the most of it in Europe. He
has under way a book which, with
the extra opportunities for study, will
be a most valuable contribution to
historical authorities.
Cards are out announcing the ap
proaching marriage of Miss Maude
Ethel Peebles and Rev. Robert T,
Chipperfield. pastor of Trinity Meth
odist church. The wedding will oc
cur at high noon on August 4, at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Dr.
George H. Peebles. S-'jOO N street. A
reception will be given from 8 to 10 jn
the evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Clark, C. II.
Gere and daughters, Mr, and Mrs. W,
E. nardy and Mr. and Mrn. II. J.
Whitmore returned from Osakis on
Wednesday, They caught plenty of
bass, pickerel and pike. The
members of the party are done
a delicious brown by the wind,
the wave and the'sun. Having weath
ered Minnesota, part of the camp
ers are going to try Wyoming, Next
week Mr. and Mrs, Gere, Miss Gere,
Mii?s Ellen and Miss Frances With,
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hardy, Mrs.
Whedon. Miss Whedon, Miss Maggie,
Bert and Charles Whedon start on a
camping trip to the Big Horn moun
tain. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Munger
stopped in Iowa to visit friends.
Morris Friend left Wednesday for
New York. He expects to go from
there to Atlantic City, N. J.,
where gets then mixed up with churh snires
he will join Mrs. Friend and pass a and various ecclesiastical devices
week or two at the seashore. which do not go far enough to trans-
So long ago as June 3, Mr. Walter form it into a sanctuary and do spoil
W. Melick was united in marriage to the arch.
Miss Claribel Alford of this city. The Dr. C. E. Besssv will leave next
ceremony was performed at Hiawatha, Week on a journev'that, does honor m
Kansas, over a month ago, but was
not announced till Wednesday when
the bride returned from Fremont
where she has been staying. Mr. and
Mrs. Melick will live in Lincoln.
The Lincoln and Yukon Gold Min
ing company is the first Alaska gold
company to be incorporated, hut there
are doyens jn the air and every day or
him. He will attend the meeting of
the American association for the ad
vancement of science to be held at
Detroit, August 0-14, and will there
read three papers whose subjects are
"Report Upon the Progress of the
Botanical Survey of Nebraska;" "Are
the Trees Receding From the Ne
braska Plains?" Some Character-