THE COURIER. C - i & g Behind the Gurtain, a Glimpse. It is not much; what happened. In deed, it is more common perhaps than we know. Though ono would not ex pect such a thing in this summering place whero every thing is made so beautiful; hut, my faith, who can till what happens? Such tiling, too, should not bo fold overmuch, but to you I will tell it, for do I not tell ever thing to jou! Last night was tie dance, and we were there. Listen well arid remember what you taw. It was in the evening befoin we went, and wbilo jou were taking a little nap. I called Jules and had him draw the little boat up under tho trees to the stone stepp. Too time was just enough for a little row and the sun was down. How cool it was when I slipped down upon the wicker Beat and fok tho oars. One push sent me out iiito tho water and I pulled no more but let the boat Moat. The frogs were croaking oil some where and the locusts singing in the trees. The cool air played through my hair and around my neck and I thought it plea .inter far than dancing. I floated down and down, past the rows of willows, never watching whore I drifted, thinking thoughts and dreaming dreams that only como upon the water. Nothing batter is there in all tho world than t'-is. Soon I beard a 6ound which I knew was not ct my dreams. I did not kuow what it was. OtT in the gardens I could hear a band playing and the music was cariied softly to me on the light stirring air. I looked about and Eaw that I had floated into tho little bay out at the rear of Marshall Wtscolt's cottage. My boat lay closs hejide tho bank and I leiched out and caught the long grass in my band. Just at the water's edge ran a little hedge perhaps jou have seen, and all the top was coveted with little blossoms. White blue re! blossoms, great bunches, clusters, whole armf ulU. They are the (lowers that we sea in tho little chapel. Marshall Wescott sends them, sometimes he takes them himself. lie member that, now. Yes, remember that. I heard tho same sift sound and lis tened. It was not the band nor the frogs across the water, nor tho locusts in the trce3. It was the sound of a wo man crying. I looked through the hedge stocks and I could see the veranda the rear one of his cottage. There fitting on the railing with I121 head on ber bands and her bands rest ing against a pillar, was his wife. She was crying and (Tying as only a woman cries a few limes in her life. One who has been married but three months should not neap. You remember how fine we thought them when they were marrieJ. He was so handsome, so wealthy, so irreproach able; nothing could be mora suitable. Every one said so. Did wo not say so too? Her husband was standing beside ber and speaking in a low tone. All at once she rose as if to leave him. Even whera I sat bshind the hedge, I could see the begging look in her ejes. He spoke to her softly, but she only cried, and then listen, let me whi&per it be struck her on the ne.-k and sent a little shower of bIo33oms, hedge blossoms fluttering down upon tha floor and out upon the grass. Only tho bare raw stem3 were there by the red spot on her neck. Ah! Do you think now of the cluster in the little chapel a'l white and blue and red? How well they looked last night as they went around together in the waltz. "How handsome, bow suitable!" Every one said so. I heard it whispered on all sides. He tall and straight, she with a littlo smile upm her lips. On her shoulder were hedge flowers with the blossoms all about her neck, so fresh and dewy. We all saw them. As for any thing elf e! GEORGE SHEDD. What Made It Yawn? Travel, which adds charm to the con versation of an agreeable person, Borne timfb renders a bore more tiresome than ever. "Ah'J there I stood, Aunt Susan," said Miss Porter's low-Bpenkin but long winded .nephew, who had been droning on, about his summer in Switzerland for somo bourn since the old lidy's eyes had begun to droop in tho lamplight, "and there I stood, Aunt Susan, with the abyss yawning in front of me." "William,' said Aunt Susn, speak ing as om wlvt haB long kept silence, "was that nbjss u-jawing before you got there, or did it begin afterward?' Where They Met. Angry Wife (after a quarrel.) "Seems to rao we've been married about a hundred years. I can't even remember when or where wo first met." Husband (emphatically.) "I can. It was at a dinner party, and there wero thirteen at table. Louilun Tit-Bits. About Finger Niils. Tho Japanese have boiuo curious ideas about their finger-nails. Ono of them is to the effect tint they must not be cut before rtarting on a journey, lest difgrace befall tho person before he roaches his destination. Neither should they be cut at Light, lest cats' claws should grow out. To throw nail-pairings into tho tire is to invite fomo great cal amity. If whilj trimming tho nails a piece should fall in the tire, tin person will soon die. Proud of His Bald Head. "Pardon me, fir, but could I occupy just about a minuto (f your time? I would like to show jou something that 1 know you will be glad to se." Without waiting for permission, the young man with a sallow complexion and a hand-satchel thrust a bottle under the nose of the bald headed man. "Now, sir," ho continued, "you are a public oflicial, and the public sees a good deal of you, and the public realizes that you aro quite bald, sir. I have' something hero that I will guarantee to restore your hair if you will permit me to treat jou. It shan't cost jou a cent for medicine or treatment, and all I ask is that you will commend tny medicine to jour friends if I Bucceed. When they ea a luxuriant growth of hair on your bead and ask what jou used, you can can tell them McCracken's Peerless Borax Hair Reetorer and Scalp Renova tor." "I hen you want to ueo my bald head lor advertising purposep. Is that jt?' queaied the oflicial. "Well, yes; that's right." Does it appear to ofter advantages as an advertising medium?' "Well, yes." 'Then what will you payasqucra inch to paint j-our advertisement on my head 'n letters of any size, design or color? Or if you prefer, jou can usa it for posters or stickers. What do jou pay for good advertising space?' "I hardly think" "And sajr, I have half a dozen bald headed friends. I think I could buy up their space for you if jou will give me a commission." "But I want to make the hair" "I am suro jou will got better returns than fenca advertifing, hand bills, or newspapers. I'll guarantee jou a cir culation among two thousand five hun dred friends, three thousand five hun dred more acquaintances, five thousand people who know me bj- sight, and twenty thousand strangers, every day." "Well, I see I can't do-" "I wish you'd think tint over and make me an otter. I'm proud of thi3 head." But the j'oung man bad gone. San Francisco Post. (JP Will buy tho famous $100 TniasM Frame Fowler (R" 'v'.V ".""VILBf The HlOS Powler at i-0. H. E. Sidles Cycle Co., 110-123 north 13th street. &M Do you know where PALACE BEAUTIFUL Is? Well, it is the place to get a A GOOD SHAMPOO or jroiir HAIR SINGED AND TREATED. This eradicates dandruff and will maka jour hair SOFT and GLOSSY. It U tho place to get a good MASSAGE t keep your skin soft and white. Alio BODY MASSAGE and VAPOR BATHS to build jou up and clear jou skin this time time of the year. MANICURE and MASSAGE for tho hand", to eh ipa the nails and make tho hand soft and white Tne FACE BLEACHED, FUECKLE3 and PIMPLES lemoveJ. leaving Mi j skin clear, soft and white. Tiro hair dressed and beautified or powdered for parties, Ths best lino of Switches, Curia and Bangs. Toil t Waterp, Perfume, Triple Extractp, Powder, Hair Tonics. Soap, Hairpin", real Siell Ornaments, Combs, etc. Wigs, Switchep, Curls oranytoing ot the kind mad? to ordr. Near Lansing Theatre. 121 so Bth St. Go to PWVttflS & SHthDOH For 1129 0 Street, :-: Lirxcolrx Neb H v l A 1 1 i i i oo lsuiuiisneu iooi -aaocc; en cmo mm ooo'mmoooo 18"7 O. M. SBITZ, Dealer in IE 1 1 1 1 ERIES Fruits, vegetables etc ILESHLE M RETAIL FROIT JHRS. 1 Telephone G20; 1107 O street. fTr,fin,r-ffinoiHiUiii9oottoI ROY'S EDRTO STORE Corner Tenth and P Streets. The Largest Drug Store The Smallest Prices. In addition to drugs and prescription work we carry a large line ot stationery tablets, garden ecede, paints, etc.