10 THE COURIER, IL'!- f f t r r r GREETING. Traveler I vrr tfe Meeting moments, fleetly. Past away. Wherefore, greet me Itindly Hate ftrifces wildly, blindly: Foo&fc they, When brief time will part them, Each 'gasaat each doth arm him. For hk Say. Let sot hatred's harvest Be with us our largest, At DoamVday. So, thy roae go I mine For, through cloud aad sunshine, Ccme: the day. When we shall foregather, Sowiogs reap together, Thus wise way. -IDYLA. SONG OF THE YUCCA. Sharp is the edge of ray hard rough leaves, Sturdy my fibrous weedy stem, I and the sage brush and cactus thorns If we parch here and dk what then? But look at my great-branched spUce of flowers. Look at my waxen petals spread Look at the cactus plains abloom with their god and their rich deep red. Starved by an empty acrid soil, Dried by the sweep of resistless air. Scorched by the glare of a brazen sky, Yet these are the flowers we bear! ANNIE PREY. Dorothy's Inquiry. Dorothy has a baby brother who bss recently loin ill with the coming t through of hi) first teeth. I tlink ho has the baldest head I ever taw on an i fiLt. It Ins caused Dorothy great anxiety. Shi stood at tbo roo'.hsr'a kDeo one il iy, gently patting the little brad. "Ce caiefull, Dorothy,"' Eaid the mother. "You knojv poor little brother 'is Bick. He is cutting his teeth." Dorothy patted the bald head re ' flectively. "Mamma." she Eaid, "ia it going to make him sick when he cuts his hair?" Washington Post. "On Satan's Knees " A lilt'egirl of live or so was much puzzled on hearing the lines if the o!d 'hymn, Ari Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon hk knees. What ever," she asked "did they want to sit on Satan's knees for? I'm buio 1 ehould not like to sit on Satan's knees at all. And why should he trem ,ble. if they were so lilt'e?" This a ; delightful bit of childish misunderstand iog.and is half pathetic in its suggestion of how we wander when searching for t'ie measings of our hieroglyphics. National Review. ' Yes," said young Scapelr, reflectively. "I once phyed tbo part of the prodigal ;son." "And did jour old man kill tbe caW inquired Chutcley. - "Almost," was the fad reply. "He were out two barrel staves on me.' Arthur;-Who was the best man at -.your weddiog? Fred Her father. He paid the inin. stsr, flowers, c$tcrer, music the whole blooniog show. It Had a Different Ring. "As a new woman," he said, "I sup peso you will obje:t to the wedding-ring juj a symbol o! man's tyranny." "Of course I shall," the replied. "Un der no circumstances would I consent to wjar such a thing. It is notecsjntta to a marriage, and it stands for all that is objectionable in the mnrriage relation.' "And so on tho same theory," he con linued, "I suppoEO you will refusa to wear an engsgemont-rin; also." "Well, no,' she answered slowly and thougl tfully. "That's n ve:y different1 mattsr." "But theoretically it " "There is no use arguing," she in'or rupted. "I don't care what it is theo retically. iract:cawy it is very oftea a diamond, while the wedding-ring is only plain gold, and th it makes all the dif ference in the world." Chicago Post. M Ms IKt Teacher Can you parso the verb "to love?" Bright Pupil Present, to love; past, loved; future, divorced. Had Him Sized Up. ")Jow tbnt we are engaged, Clarence," eaid the affectionate young girl, "I should like to call you some pet name." That will b3 nice," replied the young man. "What is your pet mme at home?' "Well, the fact is, I was never petted much at home. Father and mother never called me anything but Clarence, and I never had any brothers or sis ters." "But surely your intimate associates among the young men do not call you Clarence?" "No." "And I suppose, too, that they don't call you Mr. Harkins all the time?" "No." "Well what do they call you? A name that your familiar friends call you ought to hi the one for ma to address you by." "They call me Coldfoot Clirry. We defy the Experts We have detnomtraiac.. ektterfa admit, olid ri-pnr ah Ik --. t- . . .- 7 - - -w r I convinced uuuuaawae wmutiopaxcaniiut Undetected from real diamond. White Topaa Ih the tone you nave read so mach about. The oae that liua Tooled the nawiibrnkem. Place them aide by side with Keuulue diamond and no one can tell the difference. We !iave sold thousands or these atones at i from one to ten dollars, but lu order to Introduce them quick ly aa well aa to find out the udvertisinc medium best suited I to our bualneu, we make this fill AUTO ATfCD JIEjfifi HP WrrfcEGD We will send you a beautiful, brilliant, genuine White Topazvwhlcli can be mount ed in a ring, scarf or necktie )ln, Mud, cult buttons, locket or pair earrings, Uke any articlo In.thls border on receipt of Tliese ktoncs are exactly tho samo as those weJiave advertised at one dollar. Thls,Sffer far a Few Bays Cnly Cut out this advertisement and send it to us together with Sc. in eoin or ctamin and wo will send vnu a White Tanaz by return mail; a stono that vnu ran IwJuMly pnnulof and olio that positively cannot bo dctcclrcf from a real diamond. In ordering, 1 sure and stato whether small, medium or larcc stone z desired. M MKt FlUEl MUSS ACeSHMRIED IT THIS AlVtRTISCIIEIT. . ( .. .. GENUINE WHITE TOPAZ Hi bears no relation to other so-called imitation diamonds no matter I undcrwhatnametheyaroadvertifed. They aretliehardcrt of semi- i precious stones, lmiossillo to detect from real diamonds and war- raniea 10 retain ineir nnmancy. aii otiiers iaie to iniRniiicance when compared witli Whito Tojiaz. 2KTi Li OUR 6UARANTEE: We ararrant each and every Toi to retain Its brilliancy ami (he mounting to sire perfect satUfartion. We will eireynnSaoTlivaaaad Bvllaralf youran show that we hard eter refael to replace a Whlt;Tonaz tliat was returned as nnsaiisrartnry. DIAKOKDS DUFLICATCO IN WHITE TOPAZ. Royalty and tl.c four hundred who own celebrated and cobtly diamond Kt In rccLlarcs tiara?, brooches, bracelets and girdles, Leon them in hnrplar proof vaults, whiletlicr wcarln nubllctlieeiact duplicates in White Tanaz and no one ever detects tie dill erence. W& WMTf THAI AK MM ERHM FN NTAlTYt AIE TMT 0MB HUGH FCR TOU VMSGSS Don't Miss It Send us Twenty-five Cents in coin or stamps and you will be delighted with the White Topaz that you receive. MONEY REFUNDED IF COOOS ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. THE DIAMOND PALACE, AMERICAN EXPRESS BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILLS., jJo UKTZ "What makes you think she's a con tortionist?" "She can put on her stockings with out sitting on tho floor." "I can easier tell twenty what were good to be done than be one of the twenty to fol low my own advice," says Shakespeare. And he knew a thing or two about adver tsing. See how he keeps himself before the pubtia. The really good advertisers arc wonder fully tolerant of cttticism frow any point oj compass. They recognize that, in spite of its strange paradoxes, advertising is based o fixed principles. Like every other art its laws are learned only by practice; but no matter who dis covers them or who expounds them, they are just as sure and unchangeable as gravi tation. That is a law that a monkey can demonstrate with a cocoanut as comqletely as Sir Isaac Newton in all hs glory. Don't sit on the critic Disprove his criticism if you can, but be Impersonal about it. Ekcuss bis principles or theories upon their merits or demerits, indep- ident of tne man who advaoces them. A wise man can learn from fools; a tool can't learn from anybody. 5 Sty'V iV al ' ",VW '. J. W. MITCHELL. Wholesale ard Retail ffiS (?) street ana W S l t 'Cclcpbonc 2"jf . SIGN IPVIfTIfG AND DECORATIXG, At 117 so. Tenth. Is located the city ticket of the North western lino tbe greatest railroad system touching Lincoln, with shortest mileage to Chicago and St. Paul and making quickest time. Get our low ates to tourist points before buying tickets. .A. S. Fielding, C. P. &T. A Lincoln, Neb. fMMMMMCOCM0MMM0MMM0a i f'aaaa, H (BT'NEBlEa JeIe'IeeH NNNNNNbNr') flNNNNNNNNNNNNH NNNH itEEEBlEEEEEK EM Vx ikiiJ.-c.'JEENBWNk. . y ' -N. XaBSSlr3iK9NBBaflav "'"'" JJMRRBl ( Xr SJKIIeeeeMe. A -ilvaK'V - lEEEaBLEEH t'EV'v?VBHEEVEflElEEWHBjt''3 BHf i&EEErScSPEf 3& ' Ui A B """""EEEBflafi: v BajENNflNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFr' '1 MMMIMIMMMMfMMMMMMMMMMMMMtMMMtMM0OM , . - ,1.1- ....a- ! ., , ., .T