The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 24, 1897, Image 1

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    VOL 12 NO 30
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tiGjgs ient Dot to ay unhealthy, for even Thf As it is, the email or large differences of and the new one. as to which iihould
1 LJWf Courier, which has no as pirations for opinion which exist io any large body or ride in tho tire chiofa wagon,
XfHlHBBHSR political inHuence, to intimate that so men or women are argue, voted upon ehould a lire occur, which did not'
"tyJMBIl" 'L '"Potable a looking and patronagedis- and ECttlcJ without the knowledge of entered domain ot broad farce. The'
"- tnbuting company of men as tho past the public and without any permanent Bpectado of the former chief sitting
aedpreeent cily council, are capable disagreement. Its us-hilne increases ;n the red enameled wwn with hit
-" -K"SSS3S"SSu"" A9 " " ith the city everyyear. The department, work in Roig prepHo mat
! I ; But digging more wells in tho ba.mony with the central government :in impre.sivo round of the stations in
PUBLISHDD EVERY SATURADY street salt basin excites more and. according to present n: Hnal invoIco of firo jepartaient
bt suspicion than any newspaper can arouse, has a large future b-fore it. The criti- property and being thwarted in his in-
TUC PfUIDltD DOIMTIMP mn miDI I0UIUP 0I 11J?P ,trBe wel k'"3 b-b5ea actl in- cismaof Mise Fairbrother's paper by nocent valedictory scheme by a fireman
THE GOURIER PRINTIIIG AND PUBLISHIrG CO. validsasella3 lawns, and yet the peo- Omaha women and club women all over who in obeJiecce to the now chiefs
pie are not maddened at a proposition in the state bsar upon a partisanship and order", held back the horse, is juvenile
n-.ivv f tt c T "S ' '' Vt" W'" in" 8D occa3ionaI ''nte-perance of language andcruJe. ' It belongs in the .awdust
Office 1132 N street. Up Staire. create th pestilence. If some of the which- are the real causes of the ring or on the vaudeville stage with the
TeleDhOne 384 Ppldo not like it there are still enough lack of loyalty to tho official organ. bIg Dutchman and the redheaded
F who w.U vote for thete unnatural city With these personal characteristic Irishman, whose national belligerent
father tQ re-elect the-. Notwithstind- of Miss Fairbrother the Journal characteristics the chiefs effectually
UVui??yk o Ea'tr mgtbat their records show their ser- has nothing to do and they are represent
DORA BACHELLER Busmess Manager vjCM to have besn va,ueIefl3 tQ tfae appartnt that a dub edi,or ;n "l-
" because they have been loyal in certain state spontaneously writes of them as Trades unions have gained in popular
Subscription Rates In Advance. directions they will be re-elected and she might any other phenomena. Misa ity with the whole people to a remark-
Per annum 52 00 tne water w'" STO saltier in onu- Fairbrother is an original and vigorous able degree in the last fifteen years. The
Six months 100 luc6' The people of Lincoln are writer, but she writes from too narrow a newspapsrs all over the country are in
Three months 50 ""V" or many years have they personal standpoint. Journalism is bus- sympathy with the miners in their strike
One month 20 ruuk of bitter water all because they inees and butiness is a game of cut-throat, against unjust weighing scales and the
Single copies 05 no retnemDe'' tho miuut-s of the Those who play it can not b. mag- tyranny of the company stores and tha
council, at the primaries. It hsu been nanimous, can scarcely be honest. In system of being payed with credit
5sltstytyrm suggB'e,3 that the location of the F order not to lose fnith in every thing tickets on them inetead of with money,
'streetwellisontheline of the Burling- human, it is necessary while trying to The willingness of the mine-owners to
ORSFRVATIONS D' wnereas n8 South street well's attain your own ends to look upon the come to terms is due as much to pub-
1 nSl furnaces must be filled with coil from strif a from your opponents point of view ' sentiment as to the coercion of with
tLf9VfefafemavA.'2 nec,ts'aDtcar8 IfthiBleso the as well as your own and acquit them, if drawn lakor. The company stores have
WteiWyiliVi Rock Island Agent must be asleep. A possible, of everjthing but the com- been a scandal for years. Their opera
The socialism cannot be denied that little rustling on his part mi?ht be petitive instinct and methods which the tions have had all tho freedom of a mon
stops short of a redistribution of the productive of bletsing to tha whole city, commercial system we live under has opoly, their proprietors have oppressed
wealth of the world, and affirms every evolved. A system which has ad- the miners with the arro3anc3 of uc-
industrious and thrifty man's right to Miss Fairbrother makes a curious vantag-s in awakening enterprise and rebuked power. Tho agreement pro
pure air, earth and pure water in suffi- charge in her last issue against tho keeping it alive but which is neverthe- vides that no mine owners shall hav
cient quantities, to keep him and his Journal, bo absurd that it ia worth Ics3 impossible ti reconcile with the any financial connection with a store,
family alive, although the air is defiled while, just for fun. to take it out of in practicoof the Christian religion, sx- If this agreement is kept one of the
and poisoned by anj body or any corpor- nuendo and put it into a direct state- cept on Sundays in the sanctuary. And abuses which has been the main cause
at ion that has money enough to build a ment. Miss Fairbrother says in regard only there, became the rules of trade of most of tho mining strikes of late
big chimney or run a steamboat or a to the excerpt from the Rocky Mountain are" temporarily suspended. years will be swept away. There is
train of cars, and the purity of the water A'eirs copied and commented upon by something in the life of a miner which
is dependant upon a city council whose the Journal and reprinted by Thk Now that the funny inside3 of the makes him restles3 and extravagant,
original capacity to tell fresh water from Courier, that in all probability the Jour- Sunday World-Herald and the Sunday childlike in expenditure. Daylight
salt water, seems to have been entirely na. incited the editor of the club notes morning Call are identical, the day has eobere, steadies, and makes a
destroyed by dwuse. The people of in the Denver paper to write aspersions lost spice. man moro reasonable. By day-
Lincoln are long suffering, they are pa- on the fficial organ of the woman's light a mac ses an object with-
thetically patient. They do not ques- clubaof Nebraska in order that tho The Malone episode is only a con- out the grotesque elongated shadows
tiorithe wisdom and disinterestedness Journal might copy the same as an im- stantly recurring incident of the spoils which an artificial nearby light casts
pt a couri?il which year after year has partial, unbiased opinion froai a compc- system. Malone displaced a tire chief on everything. By daylight he can see
provided water strong enough to kill the tent critic'of the aforesaid organ. Tho and is displaced by another and less ex- all around it and he is brought iato corn
grass on the lawns and eat up the pipes ridiculousness of such a chargo only periencod man, not because he is not prehending relations with the whole
through which it ic conducted into the needs to be put into plain words to dis- efficient but because he is of a different world. The medicinal sualight rarely
human stomachs which it also disagrees prove itself. No one could read the rolitieal faith from the mayor. So falls upon the miner. Down in the
with and finally destroys. Every Mon- Woman's Weekly the past season with long as a man is deprived of his job for ground his vision mut adapt itself to
day night tho council meets and out Retting the impression that the reasons not connected with the efficiency the distorted effects of tho little lamp in
wrangles over questions which concern Woman's club of Omaha is managed by of the service rendered so long will the his cap. and up above tho ground he is a
the health, wealth and comfort of this a ring whose whole idea is stlt a3gran- people bo but imperfectly served, hard customer to deal with Because
community, and it finally comes to some disement rather than the greatest good It will probably ta e Mr. Weidman a ho is ignorant and easily let by derail
conclusion, with more or bss unanimity, of the greatest number. Such charges numbsr of years to reach the efficiency gogues he has boin a lon-er time in et
without any regard at all to tho health, decreaso tho efficiency of the club which Mr. Malone has attained, and in ting his rights, though turbulence and
wealth or.comfort of the community, but without improving the situatLn which, the meantime the risk to property and discontent have been the record of all
with especial regard to the wealth and if it exist, can best be reformed from the lives is greatly increased. The sjs'era mining communities. Where they should
specific political futures of as many in- inside. The club is big enough and vig- is at fault and not the major, for tho have been treated with an enlightened
dividuals of the council as can got in on orous enough to eliminate in time, all lcssof an experienced officer. Mayor fairness, mine owners bava presumed
the deal. There are always exceptions elements that work it harm; anyway it Grahams predecessors have followed upon their ignorance to impose condi
to these sweeping charges. True pat- ought to have the unfettered opportun the custom, his successors will follow tions upon them which trades unions
r;ota have been and are now in the city ity. If Miss Fairbrother ere a member it, until the office is placed under civil of all other branches of labor have lonir
council and they may yet bo able to lead of the Lincoln W03 an's club, it might service reform rules. since done away with The present
it to pure water. It would be inexped- now be considered hopelessly corrupt. The strife between the old chief strike is the first one of the manv which