The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 17, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    the com.- L
Professional Directory.
Office Hours
'J elephoncs.
Offico CMS
lOflieo room 18-19, llOtott a.m.
1 10 to
Social and Personal
Dr. O. C. Reynolds
J ttiirr lllnclr V 3to5l.m
IRes. I4So.29thSt San. 3to5
.O. CSKI K - - -"" 3 .w
Office .
Office. ..
ro I W. L. Dayton, M. D. J om 1305 stroct lw to
iDiwisea of Eye. Ear. Noso and Tliroat! Res. 1821 G Street J2:30 to5p
I Offlce, room 19 Burr Blk 1 9 to 12 a. m
- 'Jml floor
(Rcs.SMSQst ) 1 to5p. m
clDr. P. D. Sherwin
!Dr. J. H. Tyndale
I Ollire, rooms 9 and 10,
"j Lansing Tlicatro
19 to 11:30 m
j 2 to 5 p i
51 0 A. Shoemaker, M. D.
f Prof.of Obstetries.(iyncoloBy,Medical
J Dcpt. Cotncr University.
Offico 1134 i. Street.
18 to 9 am
12 toli
j 7 to 8 p m
!Dr. S. E. Cook
j Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat
1315 O St.
j 930-1230 a m
"' Dr. Benj. F.Bailey
.671. 1
( Office. Zebrung Block 1 9 to 10 a m
- J-12 to 1230
( Residence, 1311 C street J 2 to 4 p'm
Dr. J. S. McNay
J Office, 1105 O street 18 to 12 aim
1 Residence 2208 T street 11 to 5 p m
Dr. R. E. Gif f en
l Office, Telephone Bid... J 2 to 5 p m;
a m by ap-
( Residence, 1821 F street J pointment.
I RUth M. WOOd, M. D. I Office. Richards Bid... ,
Diseases of Women. j Residence, 33G so 13th. j
It vr ttt a. n n n ( Office, rooms 26. 27 and)
MOALOUIS N. WentefD.D.S l.Brownell Block. 137?-
I I eolith street. J
Office ..
3ccj. Riser, D, D,L,
l Office. 1231 0 st reet, over
-j Miller i Paino.
I W, S, Latta. M. D,
f Diseases of women n specialty,
' Facial blemishes removed.
) Office and privato hos- (All hours
pital. 1116 Li street. when not
i 1 encaged.
cR. Stanhope,
.143 .J Female Diseases &
I obstetrics.
) Residence and Office
1526 K street.
D. M. H. Garten,
1 9 to II a. m.
V 4 2 to 4 p.
1 m.
(Office 17 Richards blk. (Offico hours
f .. Ioto 12:;W
IRes 1103 II street! 2to5.
I73Clyde DaViS, D, D, S, h Floor Richards blk.-j
H. S. Aley, M. D.
r emale. nerroug & Rentto-urmary
Office, 1414 O Street -J 2 to 5. 7 to 8
t uon.
I Hours 9 to 12
.' . n t c
, fc Sat
I Dr. Clifford R. Tef ft. I
Office, II27 0 Stroct
o MlIDr. J.S.Eaton,
si d ence..62 j Surgery and Nervous Diseases.
VOriico, 137 So. Ilth
St. a.
Hours Ioto T
m..2 to J
IDr. J. B. Triokey,
f Refract ionist only
Office, 1035 O street.
19 to 12 a. m
. m.
19 to 12 j
Skin. Rectal andGenito-Uninary
I Offico Alexander blk. 1400 ) 9to 12 a.m.,
Jo fih.tSomBJl?'?- f "30 to p.m.
(Bes.cor2SthandNSts. ) 730 to 9 p.m.
Of Next "Week, Just Before Our Semi
Annual Inventory, We Will Close Out a
Number of Small Odd Lots of Seasonable
Goods at Ridiculously Low Prices.
Miller & Paine
At 117 so. Tenth.
Ib located the city ticket of the North
western line the greatest railroad
system touching Lincoln, with shortest
mileage to Chicago and St. Paul and
making quickest time. Get our low
ates to tourist points before buying
tickets. A. S. Fielding, C.P. & T. A
Lincoln, Neb.
The tempest ii a tea pot which haB
been bubbling and steaming fcr a week,
was caused by a misapprehension on the
part of Mr. and Mrs. Lansing as to the
ownership of the few trinkets presented
by Harry Lansing to Miss Grace Oakley.
The gifts were given to Miss Oakley on
her birthdays and at Christmas time.
For an unknown reason, some cf thorn
passed out of her possession in a time
when her relations with Mr. Lansing
were of a friendly nature. When 6ha
became engaged to another man and
wanted to return tbam, it was out of her
power, for they were no longer in her
possession. Whereupon Harry Lan
sing wrote to his father and mother ask
ing them to procure from Miss Oakley
whatever he had given her. Consequen
tly on a stormy night the parents
appeared at the young lady's
home and demanded the "jools." Not
succeeding, the next day they sent a
lawyer, who has abundant leisure, to
frighten the houshold with hints of the
mysterious vengeance of tin law which
sirs that gifts, once bestowed, can only
be recovered if it can be established to
theBatisfac'ion of the court that the
donor, at the time of bestowal was non
compos mentis or that the gifts were
causa mortis i. e. in expectation of im
minent death, subsequently avsrtsd.
The lawyer only succeeded in arousin?
a retaliatory spirit. After all. the society
of a charming girl, whose influence ha3
set Harry to work and kept htm at work
is worth the baubles that have made eo
Imuch pother. Futher discussion will
cuiuarrat-B coin lamuies ana ieaa to
recriminations that will disgust a public
not yet accustomed to reading the door
yard quarrels printed by The New York
Journal. Though it would not be at all
Bupnsing u one of the New lork papew
hid already secured a picture of each
of the parties concerned, their residences
the "jools in dispute and an interview
with every body concerned. Such
trivalities till the pages of the "pink
paresis' newspapers. Anybody's pic
ture will do and any jewelry store can
furnish the models for the jewelry. In
list week's Journal there wa3 a picture
of the two Nebraska City girls who got
out of town 6y clinging to the stanch
ions on a cow-catcher. With their hair
wild blowing about their faces they
made just the kind of pictures desired
by TJic New York Journal. But their
story was lacking pre-sansational fea
tures. This one has all the elements
which "sells" The Journal and unless
the families on both sides decide to let
bygones be bygones th9ir notoriety
wil! not be bounded by the state.
The f illowin? committees were ap
pointed by Pres:dent Harwooi of
the Haydoa Art club, at a meet
ing. which was held at Mre. F. M
Hall's on Tuesday evening, July 12. A
splendid exhibition o! pictures is con
tamplated for holiday week. Four or
five interesting projrams will be given
durirgthe winter. The club will do
mething for the public schools and al
ogether the committees will keep the
membership of this strong organization
n working order so that at the next
meeting of the legislature its claims will
neither be ignored nor misapprehended.
Finance Committee Messrs. Wm.
StuII, F. M. Hall, Oliver Rodgers, T. E.
Calvert, 1. 8. P. Weeks, Geo. Woods.
Membership Committee-Mtsdames
for cook
F. M. Hall, John B.Wright, Paul Holm,
J. H. McMurtry.
School Committee Chancellor Geo.
E. MacLean, Miss Sarah B Harris.
Prof. E. H. Barbour.
Program Committee Menlams L. C.
Richards, C. E. Bessey, I. S. P. Weeks.
Exhibition Committee Hon. C. H.
Gere. Mr. H. E. Lewis, Dr It. E. Git
fen, Prof. E. H. Barbour. It. B. Owens.
The beautiful new Burlirgton depot
which the company will areel at Omaha
is Bhown in this issue of The Courier.
The cool deep porches of the entrance
supported by columns, roofed by archi
trave and pediment suggest tho Parthe
non, the most beautiful, the most per
fect building ever built. Everybody is
exclaiming over the beauty and elegance
of the design. It is a3 old as the Par
thenon. Yet Walker and Kimball the
arch it m t? have shown originality and
taste in bo perfectly adapting a Grecian
temple to a in '(Tern railway 6tation. In
the days of the exposition this audacious
success will I o part of the triumph of
Messrs. Walker and Kimball, the latter
of whom, by the way, once attended thn
university and afterwards the Poly
technic institute in Boston. The stair
way, which is also printed in this week's
issue is of remarkable elegance. The
spirality and individuality given to each
staircase by facing one towards the
tracks and the other away from it i?a
stroke of genius.
Tho new3 that Mrs. David A. Camp
be 1 has sung to a London audience and
that she was received with delight is
very pleasing to her Nebraska friends.
The members of tho Christian En
deavor society of the Presbyterian
church gave u lawn social Tuesday
evening on Mrs. Polk'a grounds, at Six
teenth and Ls'.rjets.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtico have gone
to Spirit Lake for a few weeks.
Mrs. A. S. Raymond, Arthur, Miss
Ruth and Dorothy, have returned from
their European trip in gcod health and
spirits. They are grnat favorites in Lin
coin and thir friends are glad tj wel
come them back.
Ljw Marshall left Monday for Spirit
Lake, la , where ho will join Mrs. Mar
shall in a camping party.
Brad Slaughter returned Monday from Lnke, wheie he saw his family
safely ecsconsed in a cottago and enjoy
ing themselves greatly.
Ex Governor Nance, acconipicied by
his daughter. Miss Helen, have left for
an extended European taur. They left
Montreal July 10 by the steamer Laur
entian, of tho Allan line, which t ikes the
northern route on tho St. Lawrence
river and straits of Belle Isle.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E.Sanderson, Mrs. D.
W. C. Huntington and daughter, and
MLsss Julia and Mary Watsun, left
Monday for tho Epworth meeting at
Large varieties or latest models can bo
found in the lato numbers of McDowell's
Fashion Journnls (published at 4 W"st
15th stre t, New York). "La Mode do
Paris' is $3.50 a year, 33 cents a single
copy. "French Dressmaker" is c3.0 a
year and 30 cents a singlo copy.
. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. M00.0 are spend
ing the hot weather in Toronto, Canada.
PI linn nri nnit SSjOO n . t. t. .., C4 70 oer ton,
on, w kavl KrShTftS: PERFHHOI COOK NG fl X UKt3u '
fW iMraiklk -. J - a
WK V A lU Till 3TV1 M ItUal.
ively bv Gregorv. Eleventh and O streets.