The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 17, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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A1 ft al ml in ffi oarlv fall a hioKaI U.. il.
toDegreai., .-; 7"' ."" " , I ' lB ",en wero no1 always as
by waist striped with jet and steel sedate and dignified as the programs bv
over the black net; large black velvet the ladies, but they were enjojcd and
bows on either side. that was what the wero gotten up for
I run no great risk in predicting the The ladles who entertained, or rather
absolute downfall of the anarchistic red opened their houses for this department
and the legitimist rojal purple. Smart during the year, were Mesdames A labas
women hare gone back to black coa- ter. Fuller, Winelanil, Fonlyce, Gardener
tumes and bats. Besides all its Juiblee and Caldwell.
doing?. London has evolved a white The regular meetings of tho whole
canvas sailor hat, which ray recently ar- club are held fortnightly. The member
rivtd informant tells me is just now the ship at tho present time is .T, the limit
only correct thing Tor golf and cycling is 33, because of the fact that tho club
in Great Brilian. is compelled to meet at private homes,
Steel ornaments for the hair are much and a larger number would be difficult
fancied, and the careful woman who has to entertain. The plans for tho winter
preserved those worn soma years ago work have not yet been made. At tho "
may follow the extrema of fashion with first meeting in September the program versity is allowed to become a member, has been in inoccuous desuetude for
out cost to herself. This style shows to will be outlined and the departments or- It has been tho aim of the society to put many moons was resurrected and it was
greatest advantage in black hair. Velvet ganized. At the last meeting in June out a state organizer, but the stringent the sense or the meeting that it ought
collars thick'y studded with steel are the following listof officers were elected: times have hardly warranted it. Mr, to b enforced. A general discussion of
new and correct. President, Mrs. C. M. Ellinwood; iirst Condon of Pawnee City went for awhilo the weed problem took plnco and it was
Uan it De mai none 01 our iraaiuons iiresiueni, mrs. K. U. Uastle; second but her manv other duties m inlliI decided to ma' e a canvass of thn
Wholesale arvd Retail
WS 0 street ami 11 $o 12tlj st
Telephone 2??.
is to survive this iconoclastic age? I
hear it mooted that lilies-ot-the valley
are to supplant orange blossoms as the
proper sauco in which to serve a bride.
vice president, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardner;
secretary, Mis. Ilursey: treasurer. Mrs.
McPherrin. Miss Hattie M. Blood, pro
fessor in the Wesleyan university, has
Boon cj
her home and since that the work
been growing but slowly.
pretty idea that has obtained among
been the secretary since tho inception of the clubs is that of having a club color
tne club, and to her I am indebted for
so much of the information in regard to
the club.
and llower. Nearly all of the clubs havo
such insignia. The Plattsmouth club
recently adopted tho wild rose as its
tlowor, a most appropriate llower for a
club in Nebraska. The dainty programs
for the district meeting of tho Ashland
and Weeping Water clubs wero bcauti
fill with hand painted sprays of wild
roses with a sitting of prairio grasses.
The programs wero highly prized as
souvenirs by those fortunato enough to
obtain them.
and report to tho street commiMioners
thos9 weed patches that needed attention.
Mrs. Bushnell mado a report in regard
to the Prescott school which was en
couraging. Mrs. Langworthy Taylor
will represent tho society and its work
at tho stats federation in October.
University Place is a quiet little town
It looks rather bleak and bare until one
get9 there and 'finds pretty homes amor g Mrs. E. W. Crook, tho wife of Chan
the young and growing trees, vine-c!ad cellor Crook, was a woman of much vigor
cottages and otter evidences of comfort of mind. She was always working for
and taste. Under the shadow of Wes- the benefit of the university and among
Ieyan college there is much culture, and her many works, she organized what
one of the evidences of that culture, is a she named ' The Woman's Educational
thriving and growing Woman's club. Council." This is en organization on
For two years, since September 27, 1895, tin same plan as the Woman's clubs. It
the club has been doing good hard work has departments and each department
in the way of study. It was organized takes up a line of study. It was tho
by some of the representative women of idea of tho founder that tho Methodist
the little town, and on the charter roll women in each town in the state should
may be found the appended names: organize such a council. The end in
Mesdames O. R. Beebe, E. W. Crook, view is to build a chapel or conservatory
Don Carlos, Fred Fuller, K. O. Uastle, c- of music on tho campus of the Wesleyan
M. Eilinwood, May Caldwell, Chas. university. Each member is to pay into TofKo l Pnmnholl .Tnv thn trMHiirv of the local society, certain
I!lan0 lUUnl. Plln f U,iKii V.llu iJiips mnntiiiv nr vparlv. and thoaa dups Miss EHiott at her pretty
King Lowe, Frances H. McPherrin, Min- were all to be collected into the main or
Die M. Stuff, Stella O'Neal, Elizabeth state organization, to Le expended for
Gardner, M. V. Abbott, Theresa Wood- the building of whatever tho society
ward and Misses Hattio M. Blood. Etta determined. Several such societies havo
lirooke, May' Caldwell, Maude Stewart Lean doing excellent work. The ono in
and Minnie C. Jay. University Place is of course the olJe3t.
During the life of the club the depart- MrB. Roberts is the local president. The
president of tho state organization is
Mrs. L. O. Jone3; Mrs. Wimberly, Mrs.
Heat nor co!d hath terrors for tho
Rose Cottigo club. It meets the same
as ever thes3 hot days and for study the
members havo nothing elso than that
light poem by old Homer, the 'Illiad.'
The members aro at a white heat ot in
terest all tho time and the attendance is
large. Of course tho club meets with
little cottago
and if thero is a cool spot in Lincoln it is
at that place. The meeting Friday morn
ing was led by Miss Brackett. The
fourth book was under discussion. Miss
Brackett read the book and commented.
The other members discussed and talked
and asked question?.
Beautiful stones to bo seen at Tha
Diamond Palace. Every day in the
week and every hour in the day, ono can
aae crowds around the aliot? window at
The Chicago Diamond Palaco. The
causo of it all is the noar widely known
Whitt Topaz, which have corns to be
recognized as the nearest thing on earth
to genuino diamonds; so near indeed is
it that tho proprietors of The Diamond
Palace do not hesitite to place real dia
monds in their windows amidst their
display of White Topaz and allow tho
public to pick them out at the telling
prica ot the Topaz.
The latter stonos have all the lovely
brilliancy of tho diamonds, sparkling
steadily and with wonderful tiro.
A European 1 our.
Xj3w- ,-rayaf - s--vj- t ; - j'., j -j,, . , ,.J7, mi
ments have been domestic economy, lit
erature, book review, art, social, history Mrs. L. O. Jone3; Mrs. Wimberly, Mrs. The weads must go. That is a settled
and civics, and education and reform. Burch, Mrs. States and Mrs. C.C. White fact. The city improvement society has
These deaartments hive not all bean in aro also connected with tho present or- sail so, and that means that it must be
force at the same time, and several have ganization. The meetings are held so. Tho society met in the Commercial
bsen discontinued from time t j time to monthly and are of the exact naturo of club rooms Monday afternoon. There
suit the exigencies of the case. Perhaps tho Woman's club?. Of courso the mem- was not a large attendance, for the
themost prominent departments this bers would naturally be expected to come reason that so many of the members
year were the litarary d-partnient and from among Methodist women, but any have gone from the city on their sum-
the department of domestic economy. one interested in tho welfare of the uni- mer vacations. The weed ordinance that
The literary department gave a ban
quet during the winter that was in every
way a tasty and interesting performance.
The menu was all that coulu bo desired
and the literary program was roo3t ex
cellent. It was given in ono of the
pretty homes and the toasts responded
to were felicitous.
It has been the aim tf the domestic
economy department to interest the
husbands in the club, and it has suc
ceeded very well in the undertaking.
The regular meetings wero held weekly
and at these, interesting papers on
things that are a benefit to housekeep
ers were read and discussed. At tho
monthly meetings tho husbands were
invited and given a chance to sample
some of tho good things that were
evolved from tho department in the way
f papers and good things tt cat. These
were hardly to be styled banquetp,
rather dinners, and the way the hus
bands responded to the invitations
GnnntK.l At m.
""""u mem to be popular places to go. Byf-1
Several times tho husbands took it Wm0f '
nPon themselves to Bhow tho women 3(0-
how it was done, and they furnished tho -
entertainment. One time they went so
far as to serve refreshments all by them-
eives, much to the delight and amuBe
toect ot the ladies. The programs fur-
Costs no more than one taken in this
country everything being taken into
on-idorat on. Thousands of Americans
are finding th:s out every year by actual
experience. Before arrarg'ng for your
summer trip cjII at it. -'; M. city office,
corner O aod Tenth streets, hero
steamship berths, tickets and full infor
mation will be furnished.
Gkokgk W. Bonnkix,
C. P. &. T. A.
Staircase in the New Burlington Depot at Omaha.
Tio Chicao,
Rock Island
te IPacificRy.
Gives you tho cho:coof Two Routes, one
LINE, and the other via our TEXAS
Our Texas line is much quicker than
cny other line through to
Personally conducted excursions
The X'l-kllllyx.
Hook lMluiid Exour
Are the most popular, and carry tho
argest business of any other California
Route. This signifies that you get tho
best attention and receive the best ser
vice. The lowest rate tickets to California
are available on theso excursions.
Don't start on a trip to California un
til you get our Tourist Folder, contain
ing map showing routes and all informa
tion. For rates and reservations appl
to and agent of the C. R. I. .fc P. Ry.. o
General Passenger Agent,
1 Chicago ,111