VOL 12 NO 29-' ESTABLISHED IN 138G PRICE FIVE CBNTS H n f " w HYfc n ftk f r r LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY. JULY 17. 1807 t . s ""JSSj - EsTEKEDIX THE POSTOFFICE AT LINCOLN AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. PDBLISHDD EVERY SATURADY BY IE COURIER PRINIII6 AND PUBLISHING GO. Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS. DORA BACHELLER Editorr Business Manager Subscription Rates In Advance. Per annum 82 00 Six months 1 00 Three monthB 50 One month 20 Single copies 05 : OBSERVATIONS. Club women are earnestly discussing the expediency of the delegates to the State federation paying their own board, fnd thus leaving the dead head class and becoming a respected and self re specting convention. Unless some such arrangement is made, the annual gath ering will be eo burdensome to the people of the city where it is held that it will be difficult to secure a meeting place. En the state and district conventions of religious bodies are beginning to ap preciate the poor economics of quarter ing delegates in private families. In all cases the body which a delegate repre sents ehould pay the expenses of that delegate. If the association which sends the individual to represent it is not wili ng to pay the expenses of representation oy ehould an already over-workeJ house keeper contribute room and board for the purpose? It is pauperizing the dubs, relieving them of a function which Jtay can perform without burdening the dividual, and at the same time impos ,DK it upon a woman only interested in a general way in the delegates of any par ticular club. According to the year k. Beatrice has only one club, "the woman's club." It will be obliged, if 8 Agates are entertained at the bomes of members, either to ask non dab members to assist them, or to pay weir board at the hotel. The impro Pnty of either course is apparent with out discussion. There are at present 159 "lbs in the federation. It has been customary to "entertain" all who come, vitors and delegates alike. The few days of meeting have been an inspira tion to everyone able ti listen or take part in the exercise. But these have not included the natives who have been kept at home peeling potatoes, making beds, cleaning lamps and helping in var. ious ways to make th ir stranger guests comfortable. I have never heard a hos tess complain. Women are in the habit of accepting tradition as law. Never theless the entertainment of delegates, unless entirely voluntary, is a survival of desert days, when there were no inns and when every nomad dared not re fuse a hospitality which he would be apt to require himself. How long would the State Teacher's association last if the householders in the city of the ses sion were compelled to "entertain," (the word has a special significance from this very custom), the members? The viciou8 custom will certainly limit the useful ness, if it do not destroy, the annual meetings of the State Federation. Tue Courier invites correspondence on this subject, particularly from those who have anything to urge on the side of the old plan. Mrs. MeKillip's vigorous state ment of her objection to the plan now in use was printed in last week's Courier. So far the discussion has been one-sided. If there is any reason, eicept that of custom, why a woman of one club should entertain two women from another club whom she does not knoar, the readers of Thf Courier want to know it. There are women whom we all know, who be long to so many religious literary, mu nicipal, temperance, musical and social associations, that they have acquired an especial and specific education, viz: how to get elected to any desired office. Al though fewer of this genus appear in the State Federation of Women's Clubs than in the older temperance and suf fragist conventions, and so far as my ob servation goes, no one of this kind has ever held any office except that of dele gate, she is still present in a small mi nority at the State Federation. The club which sends her ha9 the advantage of her knowledge of intrigue and of the science of "working" a convention and that club should pay her expenses. Al though the knowledge and practice of this ECience is not inconsistent with an honorable and wommly character, it is disagreeable to the orJinary club mem ber because it savors of professionalism, and because when t! e Went is allowed to expand, the club is apt to become a machine or rjither a tool. In spite, how ever, of the newspapers, club women are the most domestic, as well as the most intelligent women there are and manip ulators of the kind described, are not always successful, at least in Lincoln, though according to '-The Woman's Weekly they are firmly established in Omaha. The clubs of the state, through their officers, have expressed their desire to study psychology in order that the matrons who are members of them may- make fewer mistakes in training the little souls who belong to them. They are studying way9 and means to make the cities they live in cleaner and health ier places to live in. In this work there is first a desire to perform intelligently the duties nearest at hand and secondly a desire to spend themselves for their country. Associations of such enlight ened womanhood have small opportuni ties for the selfishly ambitious and the annual club reports show only charitable and intellectual endeavor. Hut an oc cas:onal electon of officers discovers the political intriguante often in the process of being suppressed. And although the professional delegate has little chance among the keen wits in the Nebraska women's club she occasionally succeeds and is "entertained" jtar necessite by an innocent, hospitable, imposed upon, little club women who bears the burdens which a club in a distant town reaps the benefits of, from a representative gifted with a knowledge of affairs. Before the meet ing in October if the officers of the State federation should see fit to rec comend that each club pay the expenses of its representatives, the women of Beatrice would have an opportunity to enjoy the exercises at Beatrice. From four hundred to six hundred women can not be "entertained" by the members o one club without hardship to themselves and they should not be asked to do it. The editor of this paper in a recent comparative estimate of the amount of composition in The Woman's Weekly, and the The Courier, overstated the ex cess in the latter paper. Through the winter months the average amount of composition in The Courier, not count ing advertisements or paid notices or any kind, was above 70,000 ems. TnE Courier of last week contained 68,000 ems. The Woman's Weekly of July 10th. contains 10,500 ems exclusive of advertising or paid notices. The week before. The Weekly contained 29,110 ems The Courier, without going over the files carefully and excluding extra editions of both papers, contains three times as much composition as The Wo man's Weekly. The election of a man to the principal ship of the high school who has not had university training is a fatal and short sighted selection. The boys and girls who are graduated from the high school need to be stimulated to further intel lectual effort. A principal of the high school who3e accomplishments consist only of a skill in mental arithmetrict, grammar, geography, reading, writing and spelling, will in a short time make the Lincoln high school a by-word. A wide scholarship, a culture acquired not in a normal school nor in any technical school nor in any one university should be the possession of the high school principal. Without internal harmony pro gress is impossible. The teachers who know more than the principal will despise him and at the end of the year another change will be necessary. If the school board wete out of politics the blection of such a man as the new principal would be impossible. With all thepredjudicea of ignorance, against the modern labora tory method of teaching literature and history, as well as science the nossibilities for blocking the better trainod efforts of his subordinates are endlees. The Courier predicts that in a year, either a new teaching force at the high school will have to be secured or a new princi pa It is impossible to attain the high standing established by other high schools in the state and out of it, with an annual or biennial change of princi pals. The Lincoln high school, on ac count of its contiguity to the university and other surrounding colleges, should already have established a precedent of exacting scholarship. But mainly through the efforts of the board to Be sure a cheap principal, the high school is still without a reputation. The school has had many good principals, but not one who has stayed long enough to make his administration a time to be quoted or referred to as a time of accomplish ment and growth. I think the fault lies with the personelle of the school board, the members of which areselected.not for their knowledge of educational matters but because it is a certain man's turn for recognition for some effective ward work in the last election. There are some notable exceptions, as in the case of Judge Field, who protested against the Eelection of the new principal. To nominate members of the school board for such reasons injures directly the youth of the place, but that is the regime we live under. In New York there are saloon keepers on the board of educa tion. There is no reason in our way of doing things, why such men should not be on the board here. The same prin ciple underlies nominations but we do not carry it quite so far We will in time, beciuse we are approaching that point much more rapidly than New York city did. The Courier has been allowed to ma e the-e few excerpts from Mrs. H. H. Wilson's thesis on "Tendencies of Mo 'ern Fiction, which she delivered before the Alumni of the state university. The thesis is a clear pre. sentation of the theories of the differ ent schools of Realism, Natural ism, Romanticism, Idealism and Illusionistn, together with a history of the growth of English fiction, from the germ in Beowulf to the flower or Field ing and the fruitage of the nineteenth century. From being the most deepued form of literary expression, the novel has become the beat and most trust