the com.- :. &atS9m&i&id (mmi999QBWQQmtmm&9M99!i898999QS 8 Such Bargains Have Positively Never Been Offered in Lincoln. These Wheels are Guaranteed Free From all Imperfections for Ono Year From Dato ot Purchase, Made with Drop Forgings and Tool Steel Bearings 1 hroughout. Harness and Bicycles. Wise and Prcdent Buyers Will Investigate the Good Things we Will Offer next Week in CRNIFOfTO BCNCiES $30.00 Look for Our SSligra, tH Hoc Intlx 143-145 South 10th St. foincoln. Neb H. WITTMAM & CO., ltd t i-i - b Sl)s f.iwS-il'SSliA-i'Siii'i 38m&9999a9&J9m9m99Q99 A .If ..";- ll H Sf -BTI rsa. r . - -- t- r. is over the ground.", and west into Saint George's Chapel tho quoen's private one. Hcr3 are buried, Gharlea I., George I., Henry VI.. and Henry VII Li and Ed IV., Jane Seymour, Prince Leo pold. Then they hare an elegant shrine to the princess that wou'd have been quien it she had lived. SLo died in child b'uth, and they have a figure of her rising from the tomb to Heaven with an angel en each Bide, one of them holding the baby who died also. On the steps leading to it are th9 mourners fallen prostrate and kneeling before it. It is an elegant work of art but it was too vivid to enjoy looking upon. In the chancel all the seut3 were magnificently carved and each member of royalty has hiBOvn, the Queen and Princo of Wales facing the altar. Will explain better when I get home, this is u poor descrip tion. The gate under queen's box was presented by Edward the fourth, and he was buried under it. It is tho finest piece of wrought iron work in the world. We were notable to get in Princo Al bert's Memorial Chapel where ho ia buried. Windsor Castle is immense and if there should ever bo war, lhy would have a bard time getting at the queen as the castle is built up high and lcoks im pregnable. Wo camD homo moro tired th in ever but Btart tomorrow to Deal on one of the seas. Wo both need rest or our nerves will get tho tetter of us. However, we wouldn't have missed this for anylhirg and will feel wide awake as ever after a few day's reBt. Will close now as it is getting near dinner time. Aones Sewell Silver. The following young gentlemen and ladies held a picnic at Cushman Park on tho fifth. Misse3 Vancil, Outcalt, Hargreavcs, Lansing, Randall, Ham mond. Messrs Shedd, Pancost, Norton, Kor3meyer, Barber, Wiggenhorn, and They were chaperoned by Mrs. Vancil. Prof. CharleB E. Bessey has gono to western Nebraska to botanize and to make some educational adire3ses. He will visit the Wild Cat mountains and other interesting places in the country near the state line in Sioux, Scott's Bluff and Banner couctie:. He is ac companied by Fred Clements. Adjutint-General Barry and Maj. E. G. Ftchet, Sixth United Statps cavalry, have returned from Chicago where they secured headquarters at the Great Northern for Governor Holcomb and his Btaff who will participate in the cero monies at the unveiling of an equestrian Btatuoof John A. Logan on July 22. Saveral officers ot the Nebraska national guard will go with the party. Mr. P. W. Plank is spending a month in Colorado. A small picnic party of Lincoln people celebrated the Fourth at Cushman park. The party comprised Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stewart, G. M. Lambertson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.McMurtry. Mrs. La Villo, Miss Macfarland and Miss Ruth Macfarland, Mis3 Lambertson and Mies Marjor'o Lamberteon. Isaac and Arthur Raymond and Mr. Stein. The Cotner ladies' quartet returned from tbo state encampment at Beatrice covered with glory. Their appearance was always greeted with enthusiasm and they have made plans for a concert tour through the state. Hanna Coal for sale by Gregory, Eleventh and O streets. Phone 343. Mr. and Mra. Frank Sheldon of New York are in the city visiting Mrs. Shel don,s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon's arrival is always the occasion of lunches, dinners and friendly gatherings of various kinds. This hot weather they will be of a "small ae 1 early' character but none the less enjoyable fur that reason. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark have (,one to Lake Osakis where the rest c f tho Lin coln people havo preceded them. Mrs. D. A. Risser and daughter Miss Maude, have gone to Milwaukee, where they will visit friends. C. W Warfel has gono to tho moun tains of Colorado where ho will spend his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Wilson and child ren will leave soon for Put In Bay, Ohio. Mr. Wilson has been invited to respond to a toast at the annual banquet which the league of com mercial lawyers give in - Put In Bay on the 24 th. of July. There are thirteen speech makers who have been skimmed from tho associa tion. The invitation is n recognition ot Mr. Wilson's ability, and has been earned by many after dinner eucccbios. Put In Bay is a cojl rc3ort near Detroit, which h s been selected for its low tem perature and goxl hotels. News comes from abroad that Miss Fatnie Newman is engaged to an EnglMi Chemist of ability, good looks and posi tion. Miss Newman has many friends here who are curious to know when and whero to s;nd their congratulations. Mrs. Henry Newman (born Dundy) is reported convalescing from a dangerous illnc-s. iss Gertie Marquette is visit iDg a titled Iiiih family the eldest son of which is . n ardent suitor for Mi8 Marquette's favor. Both these young ladies are favorites in Lincoln sce'ety, the masculine part of which is unable to keep from wondering why tho European product is preferred to the Nebraska grown. Stand up for Neb raska! Dr. R. E. GitTen is giving little articu lation seances in bis office since the ar rival of his new X ray Willyoung Coil machine. Tuesday evening a number of newspaper men gathered in the con sulting room to see what they have read of. To see ones own bones, to more the arm and hand and to see the delicate, beautiful bones of the wrist and the wonderful articulation of the elbow joint respond instantly to the capricious movements is a new sensation that, up to date, only ghosts who have left the tody have enjoyed on looking back. Such an experience is a step if only a ahort one, towards getting outside of the body-prison that Mrs. Besant talked about. In the case of Joe Mason his heart could be seen regularly pumping the blood into tli9 arteries and recieving it again from tho veins. It pumped regularly and slowly cot withstanding the heat and other things. The light itself, which thu3 anticipates the ex periences of the disembodied spirit is invisible except for a pale greenish flut tering in the bulb which contains the unknown, reserved essence. In tho un scientific who know not how to call it long hard names and treat with it on terms of equality it creates the awe the first savage felt, who saw a gun tired for PERFECTION COOKING IIXTORE'SS ively bv Gregorv. Eleventh and O streets. the first time. Dr. Gilfen can locate a pin or a bullet now with nbsoluto cor tainty. The seancea are not conlned to newspaper people. Any of tho gonial doctorV friends can examine thrir bones whenever the doctor is nt leisure, which, to tell truth is not very often. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Raymond had n lawn party the evening ot the fifth with fireworks accompaniment. Those present were: Mr. and Mra. II. H. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. IraholT, Prof, and Mrs. Richards, Miss Whcdon and Mr. Bort Whedon and Mr. Rob. C. Manley. Rev. Arthur Fro6t Newell ot the Vino street Congregational church loft oa Monday for his former home in western Massachusetts, where he will pass the summer vacation visiting with his brother, who has lately returned from a nine j ears' residence in Africa, as a mis sionary. He says he is going to catch some of the big trout bo threw bark aa teo littlo when he was a boy. He ex pects to return about tho 7th of August. Mr. C. H. Gere, MisB Gere, Miss Ellen and Miss Frances left on Tuesday to Join the colony of Lincoln people in camp on tho shores of Lake Osakis, where tho fish are very large and bo plentiful that tho most artificial ot tlios will lure them from their crol groen depths. Mr and Mrs. Brad T. Slaughter, with their daughter. Mrs. Gamble, ot Victor, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. John T.Dorgan.Mrs. D. D. Muir, of Dnvor, anil John Lottridge left for Spirit Lake, Ia Tues day. Mr. and Mis. Charles L. Burr will alEO visit this resoit. Mrs. Sherwin, ot Wichita, Kas., a neiceofMr. E. R. Guthrie, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funkc. P'of. Frank St'ong. formerly princi pal of the Lincoln high school, has just received the degree of doctor of philoso phy at Yale. His thesis was on "Crom well's colonial and foreign policy, with special reference to the West Indies ex peiitiun of 1G31-E5."' Professor Strong received the master's degree at Yale in 1893. Mrs. George J. Woods left Tuesday for Chicago, where the will stop txo or thieodajs. Then she will go to Lake Wawashee, Ind., with Mis;. Rinehart for a few weeks. She will also visit Mrs. Horton at Pomeroy, O., before she returns- She expects to be absent about six weeks. LADIES pots caa be taken out without even showing a seam. Tho only question is what can be done with it? Its out ot style and worn. Maybe it needs a new lining, or should ba stylishly trimmed. That old cojt ynuM make a beautiful cape, and capes are just the thing this season. There's tharo'd fur garment you haven't worn for years, becausa it is all "fagged out.'' Why. that will make a beautiful collarette; just tin thing for fall and spring wear. Then just look at that garment. It is entirely "gone up." the hair ptands the wrong way on it, and it is worn and mattoJ. "Its no earthly use.' Well, it does look bad, but by the process of glazing tho fur i3 brought out and cleaned an J then, when remodeled, it is like new. During July and August This year we will make a sp2cialtyot Alterations and Repairs. Our system of measurement is such we can fie you as well by mail as by personal measurement. We have a large stock of new furs, all our own make, at very low price. Write to us. F.g.VOBLKER, Practical Furrier, Cor.l2th&NSts., Miss Minnie Pnrk'r left Tuesday for Wichita, Kas. Miss Louise Pound in attending tb newly instituted summer term of the Chicago university and pursuing her specialty of English literature. The picnic given by the young gentle men at Meadowbrook on tho fifth was delightful. It will be remembered as tho occasion of tho nnnouncomont ot Miss Grace Oakley'a engagement t Mr. Joseph Walsh, of Port Hurjn. Mich. They were warmly congratulated by their friends who crowded about them to extend the glad hand. Thojo pres ent were: Misses Brook. Lucy Griffith, Oakley, Putnam, May Moore, Mae Burr, Slaughter, Alexander, ot Omaha, Burn ham, Harrison, of Beatrice, Case, of Faribault, and Hooper; Messrs. Mattson Baldwin, Mallalicu, Lottridge, D C. Wing. Hurlbut, Will Smith, of Omahn. Fritz Weaterman, Walsh. C. Y. Smith. Reeso, Halsey, latea, Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Smith chaperoned tho party. In the evening they expressed their patriot ism by fireworks. Visitors to the Crete Chautauqua Monday were Mr. and M rs. I. S. P. Weeks and daughter, Misses Jean Tuttle, Jane Macfarland, Lida Millar, Florence and Marguerite Winger and Clara Hammond Jules Sedgwick of York has been spending the week in the city. Edgar H. Clark left Monday for Bay field, Wisconsin. Jack Hitchman, Karl Kandall, Paul Weeks and Jules Sedgwicb, visited tho Crete Chautauqua this week. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Lambertson and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Kaymond and son Arthur, picnicked at Cushman Monday. A. C. Pancost of Ashland, has been visiting in the city. Supt. Brainard of tho Beatrleaschoo's was in tho city Wednesday. Prof. Leee is wheeling to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Imhoff are in camp at Spirit Lake, Iowa. Ray Welch spent Sunday at theCreto Chautauqua. E. A. Wiggenhorn came up frcm Ash land to speed tlia fourth in this city. CANON PEA GOAL st0ve. For sale byGrego ory, Eleventh and O streets. THAT OLD FUR GARMENT is worth almost as much today as the day you bought it; but you don't know it. As long ad the hiir is on the skin it ia GOOD. Moth eaten or worn Lincoln, Nebraska JtHtak